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Stimulants Meth vs regular amphetamine (sulphate, speed paste)?


May 11, 2016
If they're dosed the same (oral and mg), and with similar frequency (once a week on average), dangers?

The main danger is going to be maintaining that dose schedule and not increasing and developing tolerance.

If the product is of reasonably purity, it normally takes about 60 mg (of either), to get to desired feeling.

I accidentally one time dosed 200 mg of meth (thinking it was 20 mg) and it was one of the most pleasurable 36 hours of my life.

No problems, nothing to worry about (apart from not being able to walk hardly), and I spent the entire time on the verge of laughter.

I've since used regular amphetamine paste and it's fine, but not really close to the same elevation.
I also find the crash far more difficult because it wears off more quickly.

A part of the reason for my using it is simply to experience that level of happiness for a sustained time period, and when I get that, I don't feel remotely compelled to re-dose, for at least a week.

Also, speed paste (even used washed) makes me dehydrated as can be due to constant bathroom use.
I can't recall meth having this effect.

Is it a slippery slope or can anyone else relate?

I read some anecdotes on the drugs.com prescription reviews and many with diagnosed ADHD sing the praises of meth, where they will say adderral just didn't perform for them.

I don't have ADHD but, goes to show perhaps it does legitimately suit some users?
One thing that scares me about meth is rotting teeth.

Used every day I've seen (mostly in european prostitutes) how bad this can get.

Once a week though, implications may be less detrimental?
If they're dosed the same (oral and mg), and with similar frequency (once a week on average), dangers?

The main danger is going to be maintaining that dose schedule and not increasing and developing tolerance.

If the product is of reasonably purity, it normally takes about 60 mg (of either), to get to desired feeling.

I accidentally one time dosed 200 mg of meth (thinking it was 20 mg) and it was one of the most pleasurable 36 hours of my life.

No problems, nothing to worry about (apart from not being able to walk hardly), and I spent the entire time on the verge of laughter.

I've since used regular amphetamine paste and it's fine, but not really close to the same elevation.
I also find the crash far more difficult because it wears off more quickly.

A part of the reason for my using it is simply to experience that level of happiness for a sustained time period, and when I get that, I don't feel remotely compelled to re-dose, for at least a week.

Also, speed paste (even used washed) makes me dehydrated as can be due to constant bathroom use.
I can't recall meth having this effect.

Is it a slippery slope or can anyone else relate?

I read some anecdotes on the drugs.com prescription reviews and many with diagnosed ADHD sing the praises of meth, where they will say adderral just didn't perform for them.

I don't have ADHD but, goes to show perhaps it does legitimately suit some users?
May be still prescribed in US....like Desoxyn-for treatment of ADHD.The most powerful stim for me and longlasting-meth.Regular amph.like powder never atract me.Years ago ocassionaly-amphetaminil tabl.or amph.sulfat tabl.As to speed ocassional snort of good coke is best choise-short acting,pleasurable and much more smooth.Meth is too powerful.
How do you know the European prostitutes’ dental problems were caused by meth?

Well, when you see a 20 year old with perfect teeth, then 6 months later all her front teeth are rotted out....... considering the fact that she loves to lie about all day and get plowed, by association the deduction has to be the cause was unlikely to have been a high sugar diet.
May be still prescribed in US....like Desoxyn-for treatment of ADHD.The most powerful stim for me and longlasting-meth.Regular amph.like powder never atract me.Years ago ocassionaly-amphetaminil tabl.or amph.sulfat tabl.As to speed ocassional snort of good coke is best choise-short acting,pleasurable and much more smooth.Meth is too powerful.

So....... meth is better.
Slight issue previously was I went into psychosis on meth but, I was also going through a rough emotional patch at that time.

I had used meth previous to that with no psychotic issues.
Well, when you see a 20 year old with perfect teeth, then 6 months later all her front teeth are rotted out....... considering the fact that she loves to lie about all day and get plowed, by association the deduction has to be the cause was unlikely to have been a high sugar diet.
That sounds like a datum rather than data
Is it a slippery slope or can anyone else relate?
you're talking about prostitutes with rotten meth teeth and asking if meth is a slippery slope?

Oh Boy Tea GIF

of course it is

although for the record, meth doesn't damage your teeth, poor dental hygiene does. "meth teeth" come from the lifestyle not the drug
you're talking about prostitutes with rotten meth teeth and asking if meth is a slippery slope?

of course it is

although for the record, meth doesn't damage your teeth, poor dental hygiene does. "meth teeth" come from the lifestyle not the drug

I don't buy into that, sorry.

Meth dries the fuck out of ones mouth and causes blood vessel constriction supplying the teeth (I often get pain around that area whilst on or just after stimulant use).

It essentially "parches" the body (especially the teeth) of nourishment, wrings it dry.

Poor dental hygiene is a contributing factor;

But if there were a clinical comparison, poor dental hygiene versus equivalent poor dental hygiene + meth use, smart money is on the latter being exponentially more deleterious.
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you're talking about prostitutes with rotten meth teeth and asking if meth is a slippery slope?

Oh Boy Tea GIF

of course it is

although for the record, meth doesn't damage your teeth, poor dental hygiene does. "meth teeth" come from the lifestyle not the drug

Also in their case, it's common knowledge hookers aren't the most emotionally stable demographic, thus when it comes to things like impulse control and pleasure indulgence, exhibiting restraint with drug use probably isn't their area of expertise.

i.e. excessive meth use is of course a compromise to ones health.

But, once a week at a dose of about 60 mg.... ? (having used it before I never found either it or regular speed, remotely addictive, i.e. addictive in terms of re-dosing).

But after a couple weeks of being flat and fatigued to fuck, there is the desire to experience what euphoria and well being feels like.
Re dental decay:

It's evident to me whilst using stimulants, that vasoconstriction is the primary cause of dental decay.

They essentially starve the root nerve of the tooth from blood flow, done over a sustained period = cavities etc.


Using a vasodilator whilst on meth, may counter act this.

But what could be effective?

Actually dry mouth is the most detrimental part of meth use and tooth decay, vasoconstriction would probably be a worry once significant decay had already taken hold. Keeping the mouth lubricated and less ideal for bacteria to respire is the best course of action. Meth is inherently bad for routine self care though, time dilation will likely lead to dry mouth eventually. And honestly if you experienced psychosis from dosing infrequently you're playing with fire taking meth.
you're talking about prostitutes with rotten meth teeth and asking if meth is a slippery slope?

Oh Boy Tea GIF

of course it is

although for the record, meth doesn't damage your teeth, poor dental hygiene does. "meth teeth" come from the lifestyle not the drug
Yeah.may be.see a lot of old hardcore tweakers with almost normal teeth.Same said about methadone-that quickly destroy teeth.There is a people on it without any or with almost all teeth in their mouth.so may be genetics plays role also.
One thing that scares me about meth is rotting teeth.
Used every day I've seen (mostly in european prostitutes) how bad this can get.
High quality meth when used intranasally or orally won't hurt your teeth. I suspect that it's the smoking and specially of low quality meth with toxic synth residues. Also the 'meth faces' are propaganda, this is worst case and most users don't get rotten teeth. I know about a woman in her 30s who used meth for most of her adult life and she looks nothing like one would expect.

I find meth to be more euphoric and satisfying than amph which often makes me crave for more but meth lasts for too long, interferes with sleep which will eventually end up in either psychosis or depression (upon ceasing use).
What baffles me about stimulants (or their reputation at least) is apparently students use them to help study?

Whenever I use amph or meth, it feels in my mind like I'm solving the mysteries of the universe and sometimes I write down ideas but after, the nonsensical crap has been nothing more than random mind-wandering.
I find meth to be more euphoric and satisfying than amph which often makes me crave for more but meth lasts for too long, interferes with sleep which will eventually end up in either psychosis or depression (upon ceasing use).

I'm not sure if this is due to poor quality or what but, it is the sad truth.

Regular amphetamines effect wears off far too quickly and although you can get a nice rush for a period, it's all too short lived (time just flies on amphetamines also.... ?) and not satisfying enough.

- Apparently "Biotene" mouthwash and dental accessories are effective at counteracting dry-mouth and bacteria activity associated with dry-mouth.

- That and, I had real crap amphetamine just now, had to use 160 mg to get the desired effect (normally 60 mg is enough; it was like concrete), but using upper and lower mouth guards was certainly effective at preventing the teeth knocking into one another during torquing.

- Chewing gum may also be a good addition in treating lack of salivation.

With those precautions, meth use may be feasible whilst preventing dental damage.
