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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Amphetamine - First Time - First experience with amphetamine


May 11, 2016
I've been prescribed ritalin before and used methamphetamine "recreationally" per se, but really as a cognitive booster.

Trying regular amphetamine for the first time just now, I'm gonna break down my experience to see how it compares to others.

Note that I have often a paradoxical response to some drugs (zopiclone/benzo's make me anxious etc).

2 gram amphetamine paste reduced to 1 gram after being dried and washed.

Started with 10 mg insufflated, then another 10 mg 10 minutes later due to no perceptible affect.

40 minutes after that, another 10 mg as I'm not feeling that dopamine rush, though I am getting little anxiety and jittery.

On methamphetamine, I didn't really feel anything either until I got to 75 mg, then got some nice euphoric dopamine activity.

So far amphetamine, not what I was expecting.

Suppose I feel a little more pleasant but nothing dramatic.

Tagged by Xorkoth
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Hey @JohnBoy2000 I hope you're doing well comrade. As this isn't really a Harm Reduction thread, I'm going to move it over to the Trip Reports sub-forum, but they might delete it for being too short. If you want to tell people about your experience, I would beef it up a little bit.
Come to think of it, despite of some papers citing Amphetamine and meth as being on par potency wise, I think that pure Amphetamine is a good bit more potent. Can anyone relate to that?
So 30 mg was too much.

This definitely has a paradoxical effect me.

When I felt it start to peak I couldn't keep my eyes open.

Fell into a slightly bizarre coma/sleep for about an hour.

There's a vague dopamine pleasure, but mixed with unpleasant anxiety.

And I'm moving in slow motion, exactly as I did with methamphetamine.

My body responds like I'm trying to walk through jello.
I had some relatively pure Amphetamine once, took it on a very warm summer day and also had a paradoxical reaction to it. Felt somewhat dizzy on it, not that nice.
Welcome To Heaven.

"Heaven Is What You Make It, And Hell Is What You Go Through."--Method Man.
When I have 'overdosed' on amphetamine, I get these symptoms. Plus confused and wobbly.
I have fallen asleep on amphetamine. It was not an overdose as it was from 5-15mg Dexedrine tablets. It would happen when I was in early morning classes and bored.
40 mg oral today.
Side effects not too intense.

Lovely relaxed smooth feeling.

Just listening to music, chilled all day.

Curious how often this dose could be used without developing tolerance?

I figure once a week could be okay?
40 mg oral today.
Side effects not too intense.

Lovely relaxed smooth feeling.

Just listening to music, chilled all day.

Curious how often this dose could be used without developing tolerance?

I figure once a week could be okay?
I think you're running very close with once a week. That's assuming you absolutely stick to once a week at that dose, and keep a normal nutrition/sleep schedule. This is a very tough thing to do for most people. Once every two weeks and I doubt you would build a tolerance.
40 mg oral today.
Side effects not too intense.

Lovely relaxed smooth feeling.

Just listening to music, chilled all day.

Curious how often this dose could be used without developing tolerance?

I figure once a week could be okay?
Be careful with amphetamines they fuck your mental health up
Jebus, I feel so much better the day AFTER dosing amphetamine.

It's like it's release some clogged up thoughts or something and I can eventually relax.

Yesterday whilst under it's influence I felt happy, last night I dozed serenely for the half the night, my mind in a calm state of visualization then fell into a tranquil sleep.

Granted now I have to take a few NSAID's and keep my blood-sugar up but, thought wise, emotion wise - just feel more at peace.
Important to mention the risks I reckon, but this certainly isn't a universal truth. A ton of people rely on amphetamine to have any kind of stable mental health. I know I do personally.

Do you mean in relation to ADHD or a neurological condition such as narcolepsy?
It’s actually not that unusual for people who genuinely have ADHD to use scripted amphetamine like Dexamfetamine for years without developing tolerance or experiencing withdrawal if they miss a few days.

Yet those same people can develop major addiction issues when they mess with meth for some reason I don’t really understand.

That was my experience. I had about 5 years of positive life changing benefits in all areas of my life after I was put on dex and never had to increase my dose, missed days no problem, and never felt a desire to take more than what I was prescribed.

Yet, I became a totally compulsive meth fiend the first time I ever tried the stuff and a brain curdling tolerance to it shortly thereafter.
Used occasionally or at high doses?

Can you be more specific?

Again, not methamphetamine, just amph?
High doses and if you stay up for days on it you have a savage comedown and can get stimulant psychosis and if you take it a lot you can get adohenina amphetamine isnt much different than methamphetamine on the brain it's just that meth ROA is usually different and passes the blood brain barrier quicker
Dosing amphetamine is becoming the highlight of my week (at the moment, as I'm dysfunctional AF).

Dose amph, and just spend the day peacefully listening to music, chilling, researching, reading.

I don't feel the least bit compelled to dose it more frequently, cause the crash and couple days after are rough, but for where I'm at right now, it's good.

Gives me something to look forward to, a good feeling.

I even have fairly intense sexual dysfunction currently so anything euphoric is a really sweet feeling.

- Go to the gym once a week, get a half decent pump (this drains me totally).

- Socialize once a week, hit on some chicks etc. (this drains me into overdrive, but so important).

- And dose amphetamine once a week (body forgets feeling drained and just feels good).


I can live with that.
I’ve found the similar results. I use ~ 30 mg amphetamine once a month… I always have a spectacular day. Almost always I use it and have a long conversation with an old friend.

It helps me ‘dump’ all the shit I’ve been carrying around. Kinda like mdma assisted therapy for PTSD I guess. Just not quite as intense of an experience