Closed Request: New banner for Drug Studies


Moderator: PD
Staff member
Jul 8, 2017
So, we've added to the top right corner of banner ads for research surveys. Specifically, we added this


as a link to our DS forum for any researchers (or survey takers) in general. This was a quick and dirty to get us up and going, but if anyone thinks we can do a little better with a font that pops and is more readable when shrunk to our needed 550x50 size....I can swap it out anytime ;) Currently it is last in rotation up there, just wait a bit and you'll see what I mean about the font getting skinny and hard to read.

I'll probably throw an image or two back in this thread as an effort on my part, but I know I suck visually :\ Feel free to modify the words if needed, but retain the idea-intent

This was posted by TLB, but somehow a couple of people were having problems so I have reposted it on his behalf.
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just looking for feedback, kinda threw it together really quick it's a rough draft

sometimes I go crazy with fonts and use too many different ones

anyways, is it too artsy? do you want something more basic/bland/less distracting?

also I wasn't sure if you wanted me to copy the text verbatim

I'm gonna tweak the fonts/text later its bugging be a bit
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BL is considered non-commercial legally right? (just for my future knowledge when making graphics)

Considered 501C not for profit. So, I'm assuming 'non-commercial'? I haven't had the question asked before. But being all volunteer based, I'd say that is the case, we are considered 'non-commercial' legally. Good question.

I guess I'm happy with that if you are ----^

I am, and i have a call with Tronica in a few hours. Coming out of that call, I suspect I'll upload to the server. Thank you for the great (and quick!) work.
@TheLoveBandit I guess I'm basically asking if you want or would allow me to use what would be technically copyrighted material in graphics used on this website, such as in this instance

I'm assuming its ok- since we don't sell anything I imagine it wouldn't be a big deal anyways. Most of it is free use domain anyways. idk... heh

just wanted to be safe
I'm basically asking if you want or would allow me to use what would be technically copyrighted material in graphics used on this website

Closest precedent I can call upon is there has been a few times someone posted copyright material (usually a pic in some dumb thread). We get a letter for a lawyer saying take it down, we do, life goes on no big deal. So yeah, we should be fine.
@Negentropic is no longer on staff but certainly if there's anyone currently on staff who has some skillz making these kinds of banners, please let us know, as we often need to do them up. I use Canva and create half-reasonable ones, but yeah - it's not my speciality!
@Tronica in all actuality I would still make graphics for this website even if I was in a coma. Please do not be afraid to ask. It gives me joy to help. I am obnoxiously altruistic and will always be with the mission.

Honestly if you need graphics I will give you my personal contact info, beyond my participation in this site. I like to do it for fun... in the same way I love to write poems that nobody ever reads. It helps me in it's own way. Helping others helps me and gives the jolly joy of life.
I like the NMI waving teddy bear but I would like to see the TDS banner changed. The person standing there watching the waves come in is peaceful and all but I would really like to see a night landscape with a full moon in the background. Coupled with a snowy owl perched on a tree branch. I just think it would not only be beautiful but truly depict TDS. Just me thinking out loud. The banner is kind of droll and not very colorful.

Or maybe a winter cottage in a snow covered landscape with the lights on in the cottage and smoke coming out of the chimney. Just something really peaceful and comforting to look at. Maybe a wood pile on the side and an old rusty tractor sitting there as well.
@Tronica in all actuality I would still make graphics for this website even if I was in a coma. Please do not be afraid to ask. It gives me joy to help. I am obnoxiously altruistic and will always be with the mission.

Honestly if you need graphics I will give you my personal contact info, beyond my participation in this site. I like to do it for fun... in the same way I love to write poems that nobody ever reads. It helps me in it's own way. Helping others helps me and gives the jolly joy of life.
@Negentropic - I'm sorry! I inferred from the Bluelight Crew title that you were no longer on staff. And therefore couldn't see this thread. Maybe i have that wrong in some way! :)

I appreciate the offer. Will keep in mind!