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Benzos how much alcohol is safe to consume with benzos?


Oct 13, 2021
was thinking abt having a glass of wine with Klonopin, ik it's rlly fuckin dangerous but at this point idc. what information would I have to provide to get an accurate estimate
ive done one glass and it was fine. but one glass can lead to another, and if you have that i dont care mind set(i can relate) you might take more zanax , so and so on, that is where the problem can be(for me)too much of everything, and i hear black out and all kinds of horrid stuff. ive yet to push it........im told zero alc.
ive done one glass and it was fine. but one glass can lead to another, and if you have that i dont care mind set(i can relate) you might take more zanax , so and so on, that is where the problem can be(for me)too much of everything, and i hear black out and all kinds of horrid stuff. ive yet to push it........im told zero alc.
good to know ty
Yeah, if you ask about safety, the only answer can be zero Too many people have blacked out from compulsively redosing and forgetting how much already taken. If you ask about mow much can go well, then one(!) can with one pill shouldn't hurt but you've been warned! I blacked out from as little as three beers and one mg of lorazepam. It's not fun waking up in a trashed room, nor in a jail.
im a light drinker to begin with and i would say only go with 1 or 2 beers max - but like Negen and the other guys said, if you don't have that under control, then zero is the way to go
im a light drinker to begin with and i would say only go with 1 or 2 beers max - but like Negen and the other guys said, if you don't have that under control, then zero is the way to go
Even when you can control alcohol in otherwise sober state one needs to see that there's potentiation going to happen, so the disinhibition after two cans will be the level of serious intoxication and its common for benzos to, when a certain threshold of dosage is crossed, feel like one's too little intoxicated when in reality heavily, and taking more and more until black out.
was thinking abt having a glass of wine with Klonopin, ik it's rlly fuckin dangerous but at this point idc. what information would I have to provide to get an accurate estimate
One ,mg with wine isn't anything. I had a tolerance, when i was in my 20's I would drink 12 pack plus, klonopin normally a low dose 1/4th mg to 1/2mg, but i also crushed up 10 mg of hydrocodone and added it to coffee, " HERE IS A KLONOPIN SECRET , If you take 4 mg to 5mg, you feel like your on heroin.
One ,mg with wine isn't anything. I had a tolerance, when i was in my 20's I would drink 12 pack plus, klonopin normally a low dose 1/4th mg to 1/2mg, but i also crushed up 10 mg of hydrocodone and added it to coffee, " HERE IS A KLONOPIN SECRET , If you take 4 mg to 5mg, you feel like your on heroin.
when you took the 4-5 mgs did you have a tolerance?
when you took the 4-5 mgs did you have a tolerance?
For the first few years i only took 1/4th milligram per day, " I had no idea people used klonopin for recreational use, this guy would eat several them sleep for like 12 hrs. eventually his parents put him in a rehab. of courses they down graded him to valium to get him addicted to a safer drug. " To answer your question. out of curiosity i wanted't to know if i was missing some "magic." so i took 3 or 4 mg, and it's turned into a new drug
It's dangerous I've done it so many times few times don't end i n a bloody mess face plants and all, but it can be don't but highly don't recommend it, and when u wake up the next day u gotta play hide and seek with all your important items
One ,mg with wine isn't anything. I had a tolerance, when i was in my 20's I would drink 12 pack plus, klonopin normally a low dose 1/4th mg to 1/2mg, but i also crushed up 10 mg of hydrocodone and added it to coffee, " HERE IS A KLONOPIN SECRET , If you take 4 mg to 5mg, you feel like your on heroin.

seriously? I've taken 4-5mg and even higher doses of Clonazepam and didn't feel anything much, let alone euphoria.

I have blacked out when taking too high a dose of Benzos, which is dangerous, so they're not to be eaten like candy. I think sometimes you take some Benzos and think they're not working so you take some more and before you know it you wake up hours later on the floor. As for taking them with alcohol.... be very cautious
I'm quite surprised by people reporting heroin like euphoria from benzos, as all I got was anxiolytic disinhibition, sedation and black out with higher doses, with alcohol some intense euphoria and vertigo but never with BZDs alone.

I'd take these 4-5mg advice with precaution but guess you guys know your stuff.
I'm quite surprised by people reporting heroin like euphoria from benzos, as all I got was anxiolytic disinhibition, sedation and black out with higher doses, with alcohol some intense euphoria and vertigo but never with BZDs alone.

I'd take these 4-5mg advice with precaution but guess you guys know your stuff.

what amount of alcohol and Benzos gave you euphoria?
what amount of alcohol and Benzos gave you euphoria?
Something like 1-1.5mg of lorazepam and 2-3 beers or glasses of wine. The line to blacking out is thin. Was 15 years ago, not sure whether today I'd still get euphoria as back then alc alone was more euphoric as well when nowadays it's just a sedative why I stopped using it.

Also in the same time I had car accident which I don't remember but they measured 0.67 Promille and codeine (which will have been DXM). Cost my license, thankfully no one injured. Stay safe.
There is no definite answer, it's a risky combo though. If you can control your drinking it's best to take a low dose of benzos beforehand and drink your alcohol very slowly. If you can't control your drinking you should stay away from that combo IMO.

I've gotten drunk many times before and/or after taking benzos without losing control of myself, throwing up or anything like that. But I know my tolerance very well and I'm somewhat of an expert when it comes to drug combinations.
Something like 1-1.5mg of lorazepam and 2-3 beers or glasses of wine. The line to blacking out is thin. Was 15 years ago, not sure whether today I'd still get euphoria as back then alc alone was more euphoric as well when nowadays it's just a sedative why I stopped using it.

Same here - years ago alcohol was the only drug I needed - it was so much much fun in my young days! :p

Now it just makes me want to go to sleep, and I get no euphoria from it. I guess it's just a part of getting old, and/or the context and environment you're in.
I've gotten drunk many times before and/or after taking benzos without losing control of myself, throwing up or anything like that. But I know my tolerance very well and I'm somewhat of an expert when it comes to drug combinations.

What do you think about combining codeine/Dihydrocodeine with Benzos like Valium, Clonazepam or Alprazolam? Any advice on dosages?

I did once combine Pregabalin with Alprazolam and it wasn't good... I blacked out. I haven't tried Pregabalin with alcohol. Or combining Kratom with anything yet
Something like 1-1.5mg of lorazepam and 2-3 beers or glasses of wine. The line to blacking out is thin. Was 15 years ago, not sure whether today I'd still get euphoria as back then alc alone was more euphoric as well when nowadays it's just a sedative why I stopped using it.

Also in the same time I had car accident which I don't remember but they measured 0.67 Promille and codeine (which will have been DXM). Cost my license, thankfully no one injured. Stay safe.
So if 0.21 permille = 0.10% BAC, you would've been at 0.32%... that's 4x the US limit - probably 6x your country's limit? Did you get a lifetime driving ban?