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Misc Best drug to use after mild emotional trauma?


May 11, 2016
Not SSRI's or anything conventional.

Something euphoric that will allow me to fly out of reality for a while.

I was experiencing some downtime a while back and hit a hefty dose of methamphetamine.
Took me into orbit, but not without some nasty side effects.

I guess I could consider a lower dose.

I've read MDMA dosed once can cause some nice perspective shifts (actually read a KKK member left the organization after realizing "love was the answer" following a single MDMA dose).

Marijuana - not a fan.

Ketamine - also not a fan.

Anything else?

OTC opioids?
MDMA or any serotonergic psychedelic that will allow you to process and reconcile said trauma (rather than cover it).

Perhaps MDMA if you aren't accustomed with psychedelics.


Kind of like ketamine for me, not at all euphoric.
Just this derealization/dissociation.

100 mcg sufficient (weight about 85 kgs).


Kind of like ketamine for me, not at all euphoric.
Just this derealization/dissociation.

100 mcg sufficient (weight about 85 kgs).
I don’t really like LSD personally, had some great nights with it but Iv always preferred shrooms, I know a lot of people like LSD more than shrooms tho
Did you try all 3 different types/isomers of ket (s+/r-/racemic)?
They're like the difference between indica/sativa/hybrid cannabis, some people like some and hate others 🤷‍♂️
MDMA has helped me tremendously during some of my most unbearable periods of depression, but I was also extremely reckless and ended up abusing the crap outta it. Which made things worse by the end of it all… So ya, if used responsibly then MDMA can help greatly.
That being said, nothing compares to the immense healing powers of a good LSD trip, if that’s something you are interested in. Get together with some close friends (or alone if you prefer, just make sure you have a trip sitter), make the room super comfy, dim the lights, put on some music and let the LSD work it’s magic. It’s important to be prepared to face negative emotions head-on without compromise though, with psychedelic healing. But let me tell you, some of my most life changing and favourite trips have also been the most painful ones.
Wish you a swift emotional recovery, stay safe!
Hashish. I've been on stress leave for 2 weeks following a sleep deprivation induced nervous breakdown. The night before last I also fell off my bed and axed myself pretty good, after training legs for the 1st time in over 4 months that day.

Next morning one tiny hit of black BG hash, all my pain was gone and once I consumed some caffeine after I felt buzzed enough to get up, do some housework and play with the dog for a while.

During my time off I have also been smoking weed daily and having 3-6 alcoholic beverages every 2nd or 3rd day to unwind.

I also went through a stressful endeavour on Saturday which involved me giving the open palm to some dick who crashed into my GFs car then narrowly avoiding an assault charge while telling the senior cuntstable to stop talking tough or take his gun belt off.
I dealt with this by ripping half a gram of ketamine, drinking about 16 ciders and smoking 3 joints.

Rule of thumb: don't be me. Or do. I'm fabulous.
Usually the best drug for mild emotional trauma is PTT (Professional Talk Therapy)
Im afraid of taking any psychedelics mainly because I'm an anxious person. Scared of a bad trip. And if I did lsd, I'd definitely have benzos at my side.
Well, I dosed 80 mg meth (which was almost certainly cut with something else cause it caused delirium also), day before yesterday.

Still have some mild residual jaw torquing, but it did it's job.

It does act as a cognitive enhancer, but the focus in this instance went into absolute depravity and there were behaviours which precipitated said "emotional trauma", being exhibited by others - which I simply could not make sense of.

Via meth, about 18 hours of non stop scrutiny and contemplation - I gradually pieced together the logic behind those behaviors and feel I understand their purpose now.


Incredibly fucked up: status, self validation, self empowerment, ego - self deception, oppression of others to heighten ones sense of oneself etc.

When these things go into overdrive, motherfuckers can do some fucked up despicable shit.

It's just not something I personally have a lot of experience with so couldn't relate to it, therefore couldn't understand it when it was being done to me.

But meth (mdma could have worked either) gave me the necessary perspective, allowed me to dive into the depravity deep enough to understand and rationalize that.

.... I still feel kind of dirty.....

In one way, those who live their lives like that, totally consumed with validation, a sense of empowerment - total self deception just to make themselves feel good;

Those poor bastards.

On the other hand, those wrapped up in such a way of thinking tend to be degenerative AF, and will often cut the throats of those around them on a whim, just to protect their own sense of authority (as deluded as it may be).
Well there's ongoing research which seems to indicate psilocybin can be greatly helpful in the management of all kinds of mood disorders, so I'd maybe try some 'shrooms.
Im afraid of taking any psychedelics mainly because I'm an anxious person. Scared of a bad trip. And if I did lsd, I'd definitely have benzos at my side.
That's a self-fulfilling prophecy in every sense of the word
MDMA and 2C-B combined did wonders for me. LSD is a bit heavy for re-integrating and processing trauma (at least for me) - it drags you through it.
MDMA will spoon you and tell you everything will be alright. 2C-B will further open you up and make you more vulnerable, which is tough, but necessary.

Although, I'd say easy on dosages (as always) and try the waters with them separately in case you haven't.

Better than all drugs is having someone you can talk to.
I just want some fucking molly

Wait can I say that?! I could never say that like that anywhere else.