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Misc opiate/opiods and Mushroom combo


Bluelight Crew
Jan 17, 2019
Just a quick Q, if you on subutrex or kratom at a low dose is it safe to consume mushroom or have a mushroom trip. Subutex will be at a lowe dose of 1mg ed in the morning and the kratom will be at a dose at 4-8mg ed.

So the combos will look like;
1mg subutex plus 2-4g mushies or
4-6mg kratom plus 2-4g mushies

A light dose of benzos will also be used (either 5mg diazepam or 3mg bromazepam)

So from those that have tried it, how was it and did the benzos, kratom or subutex kill the mushie trip in any way or will it all still be enjoyable. Im asking this question for 2 different people.

any insight or advice will be appreciated.

I don’t know about the benzos I imagine just like opiates they will kinda water down the experience a bit, fuck it go for the quarter of booms those were always my favorite sillycybin trips, a eighth never did it for me
Just a quick Q, if you on subutrex or kratom at a low dose is it safe to consume mushroom or have a mushroom trip. Subutex will be at a lowe dose of 1mg ed in the morning and the kratom will be at a dose at 4-8mg ed.

So the combos will look like;
1mg subutex plus 2-4g mushies or
4-6mg kratom plus 2-4g mushies

A light dose of benzos will also be used (either 5mg diazepam or 3mg bromazepam)

So from those that have tried it, how was it and did the benzos, kratom or subutex kill the mushie trip in any way or will it all still be enjoyable. Im asking this question for 2 different people.

any insight or advice will be appreciated.

I've done mushrooms and Subutex a few times, never more than 3g of mushrooms though, and around 1mg Subutex as well.
I usually did Subutex about an hour before ingesting the mushrooms.

And I've done Xanax/Valium + Subutex + mushrooms a few times.
I had a tolerance every time I did that combo though, so the benzo dosage didn't exactly get me "high", but iirc I did ~1mg Subtex and around 2-3mg of Xanax or 20mg of Valium,- ish.

What I noticed was that the introspective parts of the trip became quite reduced; I couldn't got as "deep" as I could without benzos/Sub.
The visual components were still as beautiful as always. The come-up was a bit easier with a benzo in me.

Very enjoyable experiences. A much more social experience than just mushrooms. Good for going out to clubs etcetera.

I can't think off that much straight of the bat, it's been a while - but ask away of you wonder about anything specific and I'll do my best to help you out dude!
Impossible to say as the experience will differ for everyone.

I have no experience with subutex or kratom, but I've had mushrooms whilst on methadone maintenance several times and it wasn't particularly pleasant - but that's only because it highlighted what a piece of junkie scum I'd turned into.

Any opioids will subdue the experience somewhat, but if you're not dependant upon them then it can calm any anxiety from the shrooms.
Well the subutex I'm asking for myself personally as I'm on a maintenence dose of 2mg Ed but I have cut down to 1mg Ed taken once in the morning when I wake with 5-10mg diazepam or 3-6mg bromazepam.

So if I was gonna take my daily dose of 1mg subutex and 5mg diazepam at 6am and then only do my mushie dose of 2mg about 6pm at night I should have a good time and if needed I can boost it with another 2mg of mushies.

So with all that said it won't cause any problems or contra indications?

I love my shrooms but haven't done any in a while. So tolerance should be low as well.
There are no contraindications with mushrooms (or LSD). They're probably the safest drugs in the universe. The only potential issues are your state of mind at the time.
There are no contraindications with mushrooms (or LSD). They're probably the safest drugs in the universe. The only potential issues are your state of mind at the time.
Thank you. So setting and mindset is the basicly the deciding factor of the outcome and if so I think I will be fine.

Thanks for the feedback and inspect from all.

Just need a bit of me time and recollection of who I am if that makes any sense. To put it bluntly aka " ek moet myself reg rug" sorry for the Afrikaans quote but it explains it the best and even the English translation isn't or doesn't get the saying across properly, maybe @dalpat077 can fancy it up for u lol 😋🤪 lol

Ps. I'm baked af and had a "dik" chow now.
Good times.😁
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Thank you. So setting and mindset is the basicly the deciding factor of the outcome and if so I think I will be fine.

Thanks for the feedback and inspect from all.

Just need a bit of me time and recollection of who I am if that makes any sense. To put it bluntly aka " ek most myself reg rug" sorry for the Afrikaans quote but it explains it the best and even the English translation isn't or doesn't get the saying across properly, maybe @dalphat077 can fancy it up for u lol 😋🤪 lol

Ps. I'm baked af and had a "dik" chow now.
Good times.😁
The reason I love shrooms and DMT is cause as humans I think we are always fixated on what we want, new car better job bigger house hotter girl ect. And the shrooms help you let go of that and appreciate what you have and not fix on what you want
One of the few good Mushroom trips i had was when i had a good line of Coke after the shrooms had kicked in.

Not what one would expect, but one line changed the whole experience from uncomfortable to lets go in and party.
I use to meditate on 0.3-.5mg shrooms that use to give me an over mind reset or boost for the few days to come and build a pyramid type of goal to get where i wanted to be in said given time. Anyhow that was a while a back like 2 going to 3 years now and i really feel the need to get back in touch with myself, surroundings and environment I'm living in and how I'm going to move forward to better it for everyone involved and myself for my own future for that matter.

Guess I'm saying I need a reboot and this is my choice of doing it.
I’ve been on Suboxone 1mg for a long long time. Zero issues except I sometimes find my trips stronger with less in my system, but nothing to write home about.

I've been tripping for as long as I've been using drugs. I'm a deadhead so I've always loved going to shows and tripping my face off. I've always loved trips, but they're not all fun and games. They involve work, thinking, navigating... you can get lost in bad places. You know the risks of a bad trip but you do it anyway for the value of the experience. Opioids allowed me to have a trip that was essentially free from anxiety.

As far as I know, there is no dangerous interaction here. The Benzodiazepines are the drugs most likely to reduce the power of a trip, but I get that you're using small dosages.
I've been tripping for as long as I've been using drugs. I'm a deadhead so I've always loved going to shows and tripping my face off. I've always loved trips, but they're not all fun and games. They involve work, thinking, navigating... you can get lost in bad places. You know the risks of a bad trip but you do it anyway for the value of the experience. Opioids allowed me to have a trip that was essentially free from anxiety.

As far as I know, there is no dangerous interaction here. The Benzodiazepines are the drugs most likely to reduce the power of a trip, but I get that you're using small dosages.
may the bear live forever in our hearts :)

hell yes the idea is it reduces the body load and eases the chances of a bad trip.

acid I would not bother but shrooms in high dose yep give me something to cut some of the edges off please.

having said that a purist would hate me for saying this as it does impede on the "psychedelic experience".
Didn’t realize so many deadheads here, very cool..my cousin invited me to a phish concert in AC in august, think we’re gonna do some shrooms and a little dmt to top it off, should be fun but I don’t know if Atlantic City is a good idea at this point in being clean