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Stimulants Methamphetamine

Does anyone know of a good telehealth pain management doctor in ky. I have been on meth for around 6 yrs now and I want to try to get off this shit. I have horrible chronic pain and usually I self medicate due to my drug use but the pain is just unbearable now. If anyone can help me I would greatly appreciate it.
How much dope do you for a plug? Gram?

Plugging has a greater rate of bioavailability which means in theory it is a lot more intense than smoking, snorting, etc. To be safe use slightly less than what you would use for your usual ROA the first time..: and then you can get a better feel for the amount you should use. However DO NOT make the mistake of redosing right away if you feel your high wasn’t big enough. It can sometimes take 20 minutes or so for the full effects of plugging to take effect and you could find yourself over amped if not careful.
I wont lie, I've went the plugging route many times. Other than IV it was always a very intense ride.
Oh that actually reminds me, the other concern i had was tolerance and specifically whether it would ruin other ROAs being that its so much like shooting up (is what i've heard). Smoking as it is does jack shit for me. I'm a nose guy pretty much exclusively.
Oh that actually reminds me, the other concern i had was tolerance and specifically whether it would ruin other ROAs being that its so much like shooting up (is what i've heard). Smoking as it is does jack shit for me. I'm a nose guy pretty much exclusively.
It’s an interesting question as to whether different ROA affect tolerance at a different rate. I’d kind of assume that the more meth you shove in and the faster you shove it in the quicker your tolerance will build. So IV would be first up and then boofing it in terms of increasing tolerance. As far as IV goes, if I have had a week off I can get a good rush from .2 gram but if I keep redosing then 48 hours later I would barely even be feeling a .5 shot such is the speed with which the sessional tolerance kicks in.
Only affected other ROA's for me if I started with that. IV wouldn't hit as hard after either, but in most instances plugging provided enough of a spin that I would go almost 18 hours just gone
if I have had a week off

My breaks come in the form of hours lol. My last "break" was a whole 22 hours i think, and tolerance dropped dramatically. When I caved in and used, I figured it was gonna be standard fare relief and nothing more, but actually ended up with a giant grin on my face. You never can tell sometimes.
I have been using meth over the years and in my opinion it depends on how you activate the meth to return different highs
For example
Shooting meth for me doesn’t give me any rush like snorting a nice fat line
Smoking meth really is weak and I believe wasteful the same goes for hotrails

the hotrails is complicated buthas a devious attraction. Torching a pipe till red hot the snorting the meth with it as it vaporizes then you blow clouds of smoke

by far for me snorting a nice line of maybe .40 grams will lift me immediate and has legs for many hours.
Eating a nice chunk up to a full gram will give me a different more body high that is a complete my different vibe.
Just my 2 worthless cents....

100% with you on the snorting of fat lines vs. Smoking 👌 They've ruined me lol. Smoking doesn't hit the spot like it used to.

Gotta respectfully disagree about hot rails being wasteful, though. For me at least, doing a hot rail and plain old smoking aren't even comparable.
Oh that actually reminds me, the other concern i had was tolerance and specifically whether it would ruin other ROAs being that its so much like shooting up (is what i've heard). Smoking as it is does jack shit for me. I'm a nose guy pretty much exclusively.

Plugging doesn’t come close to that ear ringing rush that you get from an IV shot. But I find it to be a stronger high than smoking or snorting and more importantly I don’t have to redose for 8 hours or more depending on the quality of my product. When smoking or snorting I find myself tempted to do another hit every 2 hours despite knowing it’s too soon and a complete waste.
I started out snorting then having used a needle for pain pills I wanted to check out shooting it. 3 yrs ago (wen I first met the connections) I was NOT impressed. I was doing $30 an $40 bags.. I'm guessing wat I had wasn't that pure. I started smoking about 2yrs ago an at fell in love. I've been smoking almost daily last 2 months and my tolerance has shot way way up. I don't feel nothing from smoking. I got a $50 yesterday an decided to shoot again. I done .4 the first time..got small feeling through body, so I did a .5 this morning again small rush..very small. I kno ppl can get overamped if to big a shot is done but I also wanna have that wet ur pants "rush" too. Wat are some of y'alls doses??
I started out snorting then having used a needle for pain pills I wanted to check out shooting it. 3 yrs ago (wen I first met the connections) I was NOT impressed. I was doing $30 an $40 bags.. I'm guessing wat I had wasn't that pure. I started smoking about 2yrs ago an at fell in love. I've been smoking almost daily last 2 months and my tolerance has shot way way up. I don't feel nothing from smoking. I got a $50 yesterday an decided to shoot again. I done .4 the first time..got small feeling through body, so I did a .5 this morning again small rush..very small. I kno ppl can get overamped if to big a shot is done but I also wanna have that wet ur pants "rush" too. Wat are some of y'alls doses??

You need to take a break and allow your tolerance to reset. At the end of a binge I need something approaching a gram to feel anything exciting but after a month break I can get totally spun for 24 hours off of maybe .2.

After a break I get ‘wet your pants’ from around .3 and way overamped from .5.

Of course it varies a bit on the quality.
Everytime I have done hotrails I get so spun that I essentially "black out" and lose a couple days of memory lol
Hot rails have damaged my nose along with years of cocaine abuse. I literally have a massive hole in my nose because of it
Does anyone know of a good telehealth pain management doctor in ky. I have been on meth for around 6 yrs now and I want to try to get off this shit. I have horrible chronic pain and usually I self medicate due to my drug use but the pain is just unbearable now. If anyone can help me I would greatly appreciate it.
Lots of places in etown/radcliff area ill look for a number
I'm not saying anything terrible has happened here, but I don't think this really constitutes a Harm Reduction thread.

Coming Soon

Heroin? Is anyone else interested in injecting this shit?
Yes. I've seen a dude rail his entire 8ball in under an hour and he just stood there frozen in his phone the rest of the night
haha How Fun is that though? Looking at your phone for 2 hours? Do they know that they are doing that? i wonder!! lol
haha How Fun is that though? Looking at your phone for 2 hours? Do they know that they are doing that? i wonder!! lol
I recall a time I did a .5g shot, and got stuck, staring at my phone for hours with a drool-soaked, unlit cigarette hanging out of my mouth, and massive puddle of drool on the table.