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Opioids Methadone for withdrawal


Jan 23, 2021
Alright everybody. So I did relapse and went back to heroin for about a week since my last post. I now have 20 5 mg methadone and a ton of kratom. I took 10mg of the methadone with grapefruit juice last night and I am feeling no withdrawal symptoms.

What I would l like to know is how many days in a row can I take this without getting addicted to it? I was thinking of doing the methadone for 3 days and then switching to kratom for another 3. Is this a good strategy or am I just setting myself up for another failure? Should I take less since it seems to be working so well at 10mg? Please help. Thank you!

Please note that I was doing H for about a month since the last time I quit and I was doing a lot less than a gram a day. Im also a very skinny male if that helps.
You already are Opioid-dependent, I would wager, so in essence, you already are dependent upon the Methadone. You mention the fact that you are a previously-dependent user of Opioids, is this right? As many of us know, it can be really quick and easy to pick up a habit after previously having had one. I couldn't go for more than 3 days of using without developing a nearly-full-blown withdrawal syndrome. This is referred to as the "Kindling Effect" when in reference to sedative-hypnotic drugs like Alcohol, Benzodiazepines and/or Barbiturates to name a few, but I believe the effects translate pretty well between the classes.

Basically, you should be trying to be abstinent from Opioids in as short of a time as is possible for you. The longer you spend simply exposing your body to these chemicals is tightening the collar. You definitely have some of the right ideas here dude, but the fact that you've had a relatively brief relapse means you could have a relatively brief withdrawal syndrome. I truly believe that at this specific stage, you're making things worse by taking Methadone.

It's ultimately up to you. I'm not really saying one way is right and one is wrong. Perhaps you're ultimately better off on Methadone anyway? I don't know, but I want you to have a realistic picture of what's going on.
Well, you are already opiate dependent, so the question is less how long can you take them without becoming dependent, but how long can you take them until it increases your dependence.

If you take more than you your body needs, if you have a history of opioid dependence, I'd say within a week or so you'll be looking at a greater tolerance than you had to start with.

Honestly in your position, if you've only been using heroin a short time since relapsing and aren't too dependent, if you're looking at getting clean, I'd avoid the methadone entirely. You could use it to taper down, but when you jump off you'll likely be in for a less severe withdrawal, but one that lasts significantly longer than a heroin withdrawal would.
Hmm, thanks for the good replies. This has been such a battle for me. This is my 3rd time trying to get clean. I've taken 15 of the 20 pills I had so far, but Ill just stop now and deal with it. Im feeling good today, I thought the withdrawal was starting to go away, but its probably just the done built up in my system. I suppose Friday ill find out how screwed I am.

If worse comes to worst i'll just go to a state funded detox center near me. One of my stupidest decisions was choosing to do H. Damn this is depressing. Thanks for the input anyways guys. I appreciate the help.
Should I be worried about withdrawing from the methadone that I took at this point? Ive taken fifteen 5mg pills since 1 am Monday which is like 2 and a half days now. Am I totally screwed or should I be fine-ish? I'm pretty concerned now.
Have seen a few punjabi poppy pod addicts wd on methadone they start at a certain dose and drop that for 4 days they say it works. Tried it my self on my first detox but stopped after day one because i took it to much made myself to comfortable.
Have seen a few punjabi poppy pod addicts wd on methadone they start at a certain dose and drop that for 4 days they say it works. Tried it my self on my first detox but stopped after day one because i took it to much made myself to comfortable.

Yea funny enough that's what has me worried. Im a little too comfortable right now. I feel like its going to bite me in the ass later. I know I have days to go for my heroin withdrawal to go away so im going to feel that again eventually. I just dont want it to turn into a methadone withdrawal situation where im like this for a month. Anybody know if I should be worried about that at all?
Yea funny enough that's what has me worried. Im a little too comfortable right now. I feel like its going to bite me in the ass later. I know I have days to go for my heroin withdrawal to go away so im going to feel that again eventually. I just dont want it to turn into a methadone withdrawal situation where im like this for a month. Anybody know if I should be worried about that at all?
The problem is wd are such a horrible experience and knowing that the methadone pills or in my case liquid is there you will just end up taking too much self-control is not a thing we known for especially if in wd. I suggest someone let you know who experienced with methadone don't panic so much there are other meds you can take

I suggest try getting some lyrica it not an opiate and it a fucking wonder drug or some diazepam if you can control the anxiety you won 90 percent of the wd then it just aches and pains you feel lyrica the best. I really cant see you getting addicted to it after just 3 days . I think you will feel at worse a little shit but not to bad because i use heavely for 2 days i feel a wd because i been addicted before
Thanks for the input. Unfortunately I dont think I can find lyrica and dont have money for benzos. I take phenibut everyday for anxiety though, I have been doing so for years. Ive upped my usual dose for this week while I go through this.

I can deal with the anxiety part of it. Its the God forsaken restless leg syndrome I cant deal with. Drives me crazy.
Thanks for the input. Unfortunately I dont think I can find lyrica and dont have money for benzos. I take phenibut everyday for anxiety though, I have been doing so for years. Ive upped my usual dose for this week while I go through this.

I can deal with the anxiety part of it. Its the God forsaken restless leg syndrome I cant deal with. Drives me crazy.Tthat can help with the anxiety I'm lucky I don't get RLS so don't know how to help with that. The only advice i can give is to go shopping get some sports drinks fruit and easy made food and stop the pills over 4 days and then wait and see if you get a wd from the methadone don't fixate on the rattle it could be mild and you breeze through good luck
Fucking message did not come i was saying the phenibult will help with anxiety but i don't get RLS so don't know what can help. My advic3e get your withdrawal things ready sports drinks fruit easy food and taper the pills down over 4 to 5 days then wait and see if you get a rattle don't fixate it could be mild and you breeze through
Yea funny enough that's what has me worried. Im a little too comfortable right now. I feel like its going to bite me in the ass later. I know I have days to go for my heroin withdrawal to go away so im going to feel that again eventually. I just dont want it to turn into a methadone withdrawal situation where im like this for a month. Anybody know if I should be worried about that at all?

Yes, this is a good point. You don't want to be too comfortable. The main takeaway here dude is that you're really existing on a precipice here. You want to pick the most reasonable solution possible. Don't set yourself up for failure with unrealistic goals or expectations of yourself while not making things "too easy", in essence, digging your hole deeper.

I don't think it's likely that you will quit cold turkey from the Opioids. I think it makes most sense to attempt a short taper over the course of maybe 5-7 days at most. Methadone is pretty potent actually, especially considering its comparatively favorable oral/parenteral bioavailability ratio. If 10mg Methadone was giving you that "too good" feeling, then here is what I would recommend:

- If you don't already have one, obtain an oral syringe or something similar from your local pharmacy. They will generally give them out for free.

- Crush a single 20mg Methadone/4 of your 5mg tablets and mix completely with 20ml of water. These oral syringes are typically 5ml or 10ml in capacity, but will be labeled so it shouldn't be too confusing.

- Take your 20ml/20mg solution and put it in a sturdy, water tight container

- Begin your taper at 5mg per day. Whether you divide that dose in two or not is really dependent on your preference. Do whatever you think works better for you.

- Reduce by 1mg every day for 5 days until you reach zero. If you had been dependent longer, I would suggest a slower taper, but I really think time is of the essence and attempting a faster one will ultimately be less bullshit for you.

If you have any questions about the process, timeline, support or anything else, please feel free to hit us up.
That's a great idea. I didn't even think to take them that way. I have a lot of those syringes around so I'll definitely give that a shot(lol).

That should make weaning off so much smoother and I think that's what I need to help keep me sane during this process. Thanks a lot guys! I feel more confident now! Im really looking forward to living opiate free and being a regular ol' stoner again.
Can you get any clonidine? When i go through my yearly withdrawal i fine they help with restless body syndrome in my case.
I wish, I don't have insurance so no doctor. And I doubt any of my connects know what that is. Im on day five now and still going through it. Im trying to stay away from the methadone I still have and the kratom to judge how my body will react.

I was not feeling too great last night so I took like 8 grams and a liquid extract I have. I was seriously considering going into detox today. Im just waiting to see how I feel as the day goes on.
Your really close tot he end. I find by day 5-7 I'm starting to feel a bit better. I have zero experience with Kratom. Make sure you're hydrating but go to detox if your not feeling well
Yea I read it would take 5-7 days for moderate users which I was. Since I've gone this far already Im really trying to avoid going. I'm just hoping and praying that this will all be over soon.
just keep reminding yourself the worst is already over. You won't feel any more sick then you do now and it will start getting better. I find the more i think of the withdrawal the worse it is. A hot shower or bath always helped for a little bit.
Yes definitely. Ive been just trying to focus on what im watching and making future plans to keep me motivated. The hot showers are the best part of my day, I stay in there as long as I can. Its a great distraction and helps the muscles relax.
The problem is wd are such a horrible experience and knowing that the methadone pills or in my case liquid is there you will just end up taking too much self-control is not a thing we known for especially if in wd. I suggest someone let you know who experienced with methadone don't panic so much there are other meds you can take

I suggest try getting some lyrica it not an opiate and it a fucking wonder drug or some diazepam if you can control the anxiety you won 90 percent of the wd then it just aches and pains you feel lyrica the best. I really cant see you getting addicted to it after just 3 days . I think you will feel at worse a little shit but not to bad because i use heavely for 2 days i feel a wd because i been addicted before

Can't agree with that last part. For me the worst part of opioid withdrawal is RLS. Hands down. And diazepam isn't gonna help significantly with that. Other drugs can though.

Can you get any clonidine? When i go through my yearly withdrawal i fine they help with restless body syndrome in my case.

Basically this.
I can handle the other symptoms, but RLS (or as correctly pointed out here for us it's more like restless everything) is just crippling.

Especially when you get tired and wanna sleep. It's just torture.