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Why do you think so many people are depressed today?

Less and less self reliance and way too much acceptance of "authority" in most areas of life. Another contributing factor is the prevalence of the myth that purpose of life is to be happy without even really knowing what would make one truly happy. Since the word "depressed" is used than it should be added that "pharmacological/therapeutical statism" that is being established in almost every country is very much contributing to this phenomena, as it serves the purpose for the "state" because dependent people are easier to control.

As I see it, the basis of it all is export of personal responsibility to some vague authority and than blaming that vague entity for ones (inter)personal troubles.

Or I am just delusional and could benefit from "olanzapin+tegretol+duloxetine combined with some form of psychotherapy". :unsure:

In what way are people still living like children?

Well, many adults, the majority if you believe the stats, believe in all kinds of imaginary constructs like gods, heaven, hell and Satan.

About 70% of people on that last fantasy character.

Stupid childish thinking that adults are doing.

I don't have much to say on this. I think a lot of it's chemically-induced, chemicals in the air and in the food. This doesn't seem too bad for adults but babies and children are more sensitive. They can develop depression that isn't always genetically-predisposed

In the past, people were depressed because they didn't know why they were dying. Now when people die young without scientific explanation everybody becomes afraid of life
I don't live like a child, even though people tell me I do...I have far more knowledge than those who criticise me in real life have.

Life is funny like that.
Studies have shown that more people, in particular teens/young adults are reporting higher rates of depression. The suicide rate in many places has also climbed in the last 50 years.

My opinion is that the combination of social media combined with disillusion and a longer work life is fueling depression. As kids, we're told we can do anything in life. When people reach adulthood and realize this isn't the case, it's a crushing blow. This isn't made better by social media which shows as people who seem to be better than us in terms of how much money they have, how attractive they are etc...

Also having to work more hours for less money than our parents/grandparents doesn't seem great.
I do believe that media and internet is a huge factor because more and more people are also isolating themselves and like you said it gives them access to view these people who seem better than them at a much higher magnitude compared to when there wasn’t internet. And they constantly idolize and compare themselves to them to the point where it is abusing.

But I also believe that it has to do with negative thoughts and behaviors that are passed down generationally and cause a perpetual cycle of bad feeling states. And people usually don’t deal with their traumas and their suppressed emotions and unconscious behaviors so they pass them on down to their children and then it becomes magnified and not only causes depression but pretty much every mental illness you could think of.

We live in a disempowered society that doesn’t fully understand the cause of depression and negative emotions so it makes sense that it will just perpetuate itself just off of our ignorance. And the fact that it’s getting worse even though antidepressants have existed for years should show people that that is not the answer but yet unfortunately people still cling on to those types of things as the solution and defend them as if they are the only way. Yes it has helped people but like you said, what is the ratio and the statistics.

Personally I think the solution starts from within yourself and your own being. We need to empower ourselves as people and realize the power of our thoughts and our own minds. Once we do that media and outside stimuli will have less effect on us. We can totally cure ourselves of all mental illness by getting in a state where we realize that we are in control of our minds instead of thinking that our minds have control of us and feeling like there is no cure or hope for the future and that we are just stuck. We gotta realize that we are doing this to ourselves by the thoughts we are thinking on a daily basis and the reactions we have towards certain things. A lot of those thoughts and reactions are subconscious when you are in a vulnerable and powerless state so the first step would be to be conscious of those thoughts and realize you are doing it to yourself. Not in a “just get over it” type of way but in a way to where you are encouraging yourself to gain more power and control over your ailment instead of letting it dominate your life.

I feel it also has to do with a lack of authenticity. Our society is basically inauthentic and relies on pretenses and social protocols and manners and being polite to people when we don’t feel like it. we don’t realize how much of our belief systems are composed of something we adopted as children by our parents and friends and family members or whoever you grew up with. And because of this we don’t feel like we are authentically accomplishing what we genuinely want to accomplish in life. All these things that our elders and our peers put on us clouds our vision and our true selves and I feel like that is a huge precursor to depression later in life.

We have to realize that we have the free will to feel the way we want to feel and the free will to react the way we want to react when it comes to things that trigger the depression especially. Once you are able to learn that and apply it to your life the depression will disappear quicker than you think.

We also gotta realize we are in resistance to the depression itself which makes the depression worse than it is. It is obviously understandable that when you feel a negative feeling you automatically want it to go away so you resist it naturally but that is the problem. Once you sink into it and accept that that is just how you feel in this moment then it feels less intense and you are able to deal with it better and figure out better solutions. but interestingly enough we are also in resistance to getting better and healing and being healthy because the feeling of depression is so familiar to us and has been a part of our lives for so long that is hard to imagine living any other way. So that is another important factor that we need to make ourselves aware of to a sufficient extent.

Because we are vaguely aware of these things but we don’t think about them all the time like that to where we actually feel like implementing anything or having it be a part of your everyday awareness to where it actually makes a difference.

And by the way I feel like this whole thing about chemical imbalances is just another way to divert your attention to the physical mechanisms and processes and avoid the emotional problems that are causing those imbalances in the first place. I think getting caught up in that aspect only fuels the belief that you don’t have power over your mind and disempowers you even more and makes it more unlikely that you will be healed. How ironic and unfortunate that the entire community fixates and rests upon this concept.
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I have to know so I can retreat in the Satya Yuga inside my Being

You stalking me on Facebook? I said that 100% the same yesterday!!!! The chances of that are so slim my mind is blown right now.

Sadhguru says "It takes the planet 72 years to pass through one degree of the zodiac and 25,920 years to complete one full circle of 360 degrees. One half of the journey takes 12,960 years and covers the four yugas. Satya Yuga lasts 5184 years. Treta Yuga lasts 3888 years. Dwapara Yuga lasts 2592 years. Kali Yuga lasts 1296 years. These four yugas taken together come to a total of 12,960 years."

The local Baba who kicked me out the temple & refused to deal with me when I said about my interest in doing Tantric Kali & Chamunda worship wasn't sure what cycle we are in but it sure isn't. The Satya Yuga would have been amazing, I see that time as the perfect place & time for Matangi worship in a way, well most parts of her anyway.

I did a thread just on Hindu ideas etc on here, I will tag you on it & feel free to add if you want to.
You interested in anything to do with the Matrikas?
How dare you.

I say that with a smile as it starts the link below, and because intelligent children, --- from the age of reason on, --- will rightly judge their parents lives as unappealing and perhaps pointless, --- and decide not to partake of it, showing that future prospects is their focus and not the cash.

Almost all living today have done better, cash wise, than their parents.

At no other time though have we parents been seen as actively destroying the environment our children need to live in.

That is what intelligent children see. That is what is depressing to all intelligent life.

I agree with your other evaluations.


You’ve gotta be kidding me... In the US at least wages have not kept up with price increases elsewhere and completely fails to keep up with all the added expenses of modern 2020 life.

My parents didn’t need to own a smartphone (yes these are practically needed today) didn’t have outrageous insurance, had much cheaper college expenses (a college student could work a part time job and pay for their whole year of college).

Today’s world nickel and dimes us til we’ve got nothing left. Some idiots may try to say “well wages have stayed the same as housing prices” so fucking what.. That’s one variable of MANY.

Simple enough, we don’t make nearly as much to be able to survive on our own today as our parents did. The rich are draining all the wealth from the bottom up and future isn’t looking bright.

Life, a worthy life, is not measured in dollars.

We live better today than in the past. The world is quite rich and is doing a great job of reducing poverty.


Sure maybe more people have running water, and just enough food to survive...

But when we look at humanity as a whole and what we are capable of today, the majority of us are fighting over peanuts while the few up top enjoy the show.

I’m not going to compare us to the stone ages, when technology and advancement should have everyone living a lot more comfortable than we have it now.

Sure maybe more people have running water, and just enough food to survive...

But when we look at humanity as a whole and what we are capable of today, the majority of us are fighting over peanuts while the few up top enjoy the show.

I’m not going to compare us to the stone ages, when technology and advancement should have everyone living a lot more comfortable than we have it now.


We are just finishing our first 70 years of general world peace, and you think we could do better.

You would look a gift horse in the mouth.

Have you even noted how we have collectively pulled billions over the poverty line in the last 30 years?

If you cannot research to come up with your own number, let me know.

Your own source is best though.

On a personal note, if you are an American, you are being screwed by your government who is giving too much to their oligarch owners.

I offer my sympathy to your dilemma.

The system doesn't give the youth the option to survive, instead you have what you see. If they're clawed already there's no roof over-half.
Cuz life sucks do to a damn virus, and it’s not COVID 19, it’s because we had a damn Angel deceive the first fellowship between God and man. We made and own that what God tested us to not do, w did it anyway.

COVID is however making everyone depressed because everything has shut down. I’ve been a Evangelical for 14 years untilTrump became President. I see clearly and discern his visage.

At least Liberals help feed children and really do care about ppl, I’m not for Biden or Trump, I will accept Gods Sovereignty whoever is picked. But this world wide mess is effing everything up.
Hey @sonicwhite, thanks for your words, you have no idea how much it heartens me to hear a self-professed Evangelical support the sentiments you expressed in your post, I needed that right now, you have no idea. So many people around me are Evangelicals, including my aunt and cousins, and they have bought the whole "God chose an imperfect vessel in Trump but he is chosen by God", it absolutely blows my mind how much they can rationalize away all his bullshit and consider him chosen by God to lead us. I hold a similar view as you about the liberals... I don't like to identify fully as any "group", and I believe the democratic party as a whole is also in the corporations' pockets, like the Repubs. I believe they're both sketchy, but at least on the liberal/Democrat side, they are attempting to give rights and equal consideration to people. In general in the current rhetoric, I find that both sides (lib/conservative) have their faults as a whole. But at least I can respect where the liberals are coming from, even if it doesn't always pan out like it was intended, and even though some people are on some ridiculous moral superiority trip over others... it's about trying to level the playing field and it's about accepting others even though they're different (and to clarify, I mean the individual citizens identifying as liberal... not necessarily the liberal media and other groups of people like the heads of the DNC, some of whom are as badly behaved as anyone in this situation. It's about putting aside the self to strive for giving everyone the same chances that any other American citizen has. The intention is good and selfless, even if there are flaws in the movement. Whereas the conservative viewpoint seems to be based on "well I need to make sure I get mine, fuck those other people". I mean all (most anyway) people anyway simply desire a good life for themselves and their friends and family, but the conservative side is being successfully led into casting blame onto some groups that happen to not be their own, groups who are in very bad need, such as refugees from central America fleeing cartel gang violence. It seems the ideology is selfish at its core. Jesus, it is clear from the Bible, would have welc9omesd such people with open arms, as they are fellow brothers and sisters of humanity, fleeing violence, trying to protect their families. How can the supposedly God-loving religious right justify labeling those people are freeloaders, morally wrong for not getting legally immigrated (you think poor people fleeing violence have 10, 15, 20, 25+ years to sit around to finally get a green card?? It's about compassion and understanding that these people are our brothers and sister, why is the default stance not to feel sympathy and want to help these people?) Ironically, the Liberals are trying to do what Jesus preached, much moreso than the religious conservatives. Since when would Jesus turn away refugees? Since when would do most of the stuff that the Evcangelicals call on him for?

I really respect you, man, I just want to you to know that. From everything I have seen over the years, you truly understand and follow Jesus' teachings. You're a really good guy, man. His teachings are all about love, unconditional love, and peace and accepting even the "lowest" among us. The "god" who will be your friend no matter what. I grew up Christian but moved away from it because I saw the hypocrisy in the Church and I came to believe there is much, much more to this spiritual picture than what I was taught in the Church. I believe in Jesus' teachings, I believe he was an exceptionally wonderful, enlightened, loving individual who understood what our spirituality is. I do not believe Jesus was trying to say he was special, or that he was the son of God any more than any of us are, ire, we are all a sliver of god. More accurately I believe we are all the universe experiencing itself subjectively, that we are all part of God, just like Jesus said he was. Rather than the Catholic guilt trip of that we can never live up to Jesus, I believe we all can if we follow, his example and make ourselves Crist-like. I strongly believe his entire point was that he is no different from anyone else, that we can all live by his example. I believe he was trying to say we are ALL the children of god, as he is, and we all can be like him. That if we make it happen, we can make a heaven on Earth. Now I don't consider myself Christian specifically, but I have love for the man Jesus, and respect all day long for his teachings (the stuff in the New Testament, ie, his own words... the Old testament is a historical backdrop that, IMO, Jesus was teaching against. There are also a few really fascinating scrolls found with the Dead Sea Scrolls,. that the Catholic church didn't include in the NT byut which was quite revealing, such as the gospel of Maryt Magdalene and the Ghostic writings).

Anyway, For calling yourself Evangelical, you really do a great job of remembering that it's all about love, and congrats for thinking for yourself. :) Isn't it so weird and alarming how much the political machine has co-opted Evangelicals and intertwined political party with morality/religion? This is the kind of nonsense that Jesus preached against. The vast majority of Evangelicals are always going to vote Republican no matter what. It's alarming, to be perfectly honest.

Anyway man, I have only ever seen you come from a place of love, and I really respect you for it. :) Much love brother, keep on being you. You seem like you have the right idea, really. :) You really just positive changed my night for the better with your post. ♥
Depression in a way can also be the direct thing which leads people to seek spirituality and working on themselves to become liberated from ever suffering again. Suffering can either build a stronger person or defeat them and alot of people get lost in all the suffering and depression. Western society was not made to cultivate the individual instead it ignored the entire spiritual life suppressed it under the catholic roman empire. Then some coked up crazy dude invents psycho analysis on mainly bullshit and then they zombify the populace with medications that never actually resolve the issue.

Liberation is truly possible but very hard work and most people will never get there in this life. But it sure does help to start sometime soon even if it takes a million lifetimes a end of suffering is worth it.
I try not to get caught up in the political bs. Two facts I keep in mind help
1. We’re ALL God’s kids. Black white red or yellow.
2. The time we live in ( and always have) exists solely to give answer to God’s right to rule mankind. Challenged in the Garden, He’s given us 6,000+ years to try all forms of self government. Nothings worked even for a moment, on a worldwide scale. Someone, somewhere is always suffering. It’s not for man to even direct his step.
I try not to get caught up in the political bs. Two facts I keep in mind help
1. We’re ALL God’s kids. Black white red or yellow.
2. The time we live in ( and always have) exists solely to give answer to God’s right to rule mankind. Challenged in the Garden, He’s given us 6,000+ years to try all forms of self government. Nothings worked even for a moment, on a worldwide scale. Someone, somewhere is always suffering. It’s not for man to even direct his step.

Why not?

Do you not think a genocidal prick like Yahweh needs guidance?

Our rulers are elected, yet you would follow a leader/god, who, in spite of his evil nature, you see as good.

Look again at what you promote, as he is quite close to a Hitler type.
