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So How Many Genders are There?


Apr 29, 2018
I've heard a lot of people insist there are more than two, but nobody ever actual has an answer.
Anybody in the know - or who identifies as any of the following - can you help me out?

So, all I can think of is:

1) Trans-Woman (MTF transgender) - but wouldn't you just consider your gender as "female"? Personally I would think of you as just female rather than "trans-female"?
2) Trans-Man (as above)
3) Gender Fluid - but doesn't this mean you identify as both at different times?
4) Gender Nonbinary - but don't you just identify as neither?

Anything I'm missing?
Some cultures (Like Thailand and India) have a 3rd gender (that basically encompasses all trans people), but I tend to go with what I think is scientifically valid; meaning there are two genders.
I've heard a lot of people insist there are more than two, but nobody ever actual has an answer.
Anybody in the know - or who identifies as any of the following - can you help me out?

So, all I can think of is:

1) Trans-Woman (MTF transgender) - but wouldn't you just consider your gender as "female"? Personally I would think of you as just female rather than "trans-female"?
2) Trans-Man (as above)
3) Gender Fluid - but doesn't this mean you identify as both at different times?
4) Gender Nonbinary - but don't you just identify as neither?

Anything I'm missing?
You're from UK, that explains everything.
State has been brainwashing the people for years there now.
Three male female and the people born with both know the word but cant spell it
Two. Just because some people might experience some overlap or might not feel like they're either, self perceptions I consider perfectly valid, doesn't mean there's a true third gender in any meaningful sense of the word.

Although, having said that, when you really get into it I fear this is ultimately a debate on the meaning of words. And as a rule I consider such debates complete wastes of time since there's no ultimate authority on a words meaning.
Two and if anyone tries to say something else, they're delusional, brainwashed or just full blown retarded.

Nothing says "I have a well thought out position" like calling everyone else's brainwashed and delusional. :p

I say this while tending to agree with your position. I just don't consider it so absolute and unquestionable as to make any other position delusional.
Nature is more giving to some and less to others.

Humans sometimes use surgery as a way to be transgendered but plants such as marijuana can change their sex without a doctor and can even seed themselves if necessary. Other lifeforms such as snails are simply born as hermaphrodite as it is their "normal."
It’s easiest to think about it as there being two binary sexes and one gender spectrum. Sex is either/or male or female but gender is a spectrum running from largely socially constructed but biologically rooted feminine traits to largely socially constructed but biologically rooted masculine traits. One way we see this is that what it means to be a man and what it means to be a woman is different in every culture but different in different ways.

That’s how we can talk about the feminisation of Western culture. It does not mean that more feminine/female ‘people with penises’ are being born, just that they are growing up further down the spectrum than their forefathers likely were.

That’s also why discussing gender abstractly is less important than discussing how children and young adults are socialised. No competitive sports and no military service and a climate of intimacy and introspection is going to clump today’s generation way down the collaborative and cooperative feminine end of the spectrum. Which is why China and Russia will fuck us all six ways from Sunday eventually. They are still breeding for aggression and competition.
Re: Binary

There are 10 people in this world who understand binary, those who do and those who don't.
amusing that our culture can cover nearly the whole planet with powered electrical wire synchronized at just a few frequencies but we lack the systems of decisionmaking necessary to settle this question

to me it seems like the statements "there are two genders: male and female" and "some people are neither male nor female" do not actually contradict each other, so it is weird that those are the competing slogans
What I want to know is how long is the whole LGBT thing going to end up being. Isnt' there like 2 or 3 more letters now? Pretty soon it's gonna be LGBTEFGHIJKLMNOP. :LOL:
What I want to know is how long is the whole LGBT thing going to end up being. Isnt' there like 2 or 3 more letters now? Pretty soon it's gonna be LGBTEFGHIJKLMNOP. :LOL:

While I might be something of an outsider looking into to all the letters. It seems to me that combining all this stuff together is a mistake.

I mean the logic makes sense. You combine them together so you have a more powerful voting block.

But that only works so long as there sufficient common interest. I wonder how much common interest there really is between being gay, lesbian, bisexual, intersex, transgender (which itself seems to have piles of subcategories), queer (OK I'll admit I'm not entirely sure what that one is) and whatever else. Androgynous? There's an A sometimes now right? Like queer I again don't really know how this is different.

The first three letters sure. But how much overlap do their interests have with the rest, and with each other?

I dunno, but it kinda seems like either there isn't enough overlap and they shouldn't be combined, or there is enough overlap in which case maybe some of the letters should be combined as well. Apart form being confusing, it just adds fodder for people politically opposed to their interests.

Just some thoughts. I don't really care enough to have a strong opinion.
If your a British university there is apparently over 56 + genders you have to select now on the application forms its really fucking crazy. Their is male or female it comes down your biology and also trans. But anything listing more than like three is just straight up trying to appease attention seeking mentally ill people who think they are fucking a zeta grey unicorn alien