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Opioids Smoking oxycontin - need some advice please

Carrot man

Jan 28, 2017
Hello all, i have tried smoking oxycontin original formula on foil a good handful of times. It does literally nothing for me, as in nothing no high, no sedation and no euphoria absolutely nout. Don't get me wrong my technique is not exactly perfect but i still get some decent hits, i try holding the hit for a few seconds as well. I'm in the UK I have access to an unlimited supply of longtec 80mg(UK oc) and 80mg Italian sandoz(unmarked ones anyone else get these?)

So yeah if anyone could explain whats going on here much appreciated. I was told smoking them gives you a rush? certainly don't get one from snorting it.

One last question guys, anyone else find oxycontin really bungs your nose if you use for several days in a row?
Sorry for the long post brothers and sisters😊
I never got much out of smoking them, never quite understood why many people preferred it in my later years of using Oxy(2013 - 2016), I'd never even see anyone do it in person before then. The smoke is harsh and just feels plain bad, cannot be good. Looking back the best Oxy high's were oral or plugged by far, but I developed a bit of a snorting fetish(didn't let a bit of burning stop me).... Some of those plugged experiences were absolutely flooring. Probably the most euphoric opioid experiences of my life. Just that feeling of quiet beauty.

If I remember correctly Oxy is nearly 100% bioavailable both oral and plugged. Much lower snorted and even more so smoked. Oral/plugged will also last much longer

Make sure to dose carefully whatever you decide to do :)
I have only moderate experience “smoking” any oxycodone formulation aside from roxis/oxyIR. However o have chased (On aluminum foil) every one I can think of besides any of those capsules that contain powdered oxy but also an NSAID and various fillers that AFAIK came in 5 and 10 mg only. I attribute my lack of experience in smoking/vaping/chasing them to how exceptionally rarely I came across them, whilst living in a thriving market with high variety, availability and prices ranging from low to normal/as to be expected. However I have extensive experience chasing Roxis/OxyIR and the difference between them and all others is remarkable. Tho its inherently wasteful by comparison to any other ROA according to the “numbers” it has its place and yields a subjectively better experience that I can’t match with any other ROA and I’m well versed in all. Once tolerance is high enough it affect how much time it takes to finish your dose where in the beginning a few killer hits was What you got from your pill and that did it for ya in less that the time in would take to smoke the larger dose you may eventually need, not to mention the money. I can proly give you some tips for your specific situation but a lil research/brushing up must be done first.
Hey guys sorry for taking a while to get back to you, i appreciate you all for taking the time to reply. I've decided i will give the oral route another go, although I've always found the oral route with anything rather dull but I haven't done it in a long time. I do love the ritual of snorting but too save money I've been getting more of the Sandoz brand and i find they smell horrible up your nose 😂 although it goes after your first line.
Hey guys sorry for taking a while to get back to you, i appreciate you all for taking the time to reply. I've decided i will give the oral route another go, although I've always found the oral route with anything rather dull but I haven't done it in a long time. I do love the ritual of snorting but too save money I've been getting more of the Sandoz brand and i find they smell horrible up your nose 😂 although it goes after your first line.

I agree, oral is too dull to be recommended. Smoking oxy is for the wealthy; if you don’t have $100’s of dollars it’s not worth it.

Additionally, Roxie’s are really what you really want for amoling oxy. Keep in mind that even though you’re getting the equivalent to OC’s, they are still time release and never really known for being good to smoke.

I’d recommend crushing and eating half wait 15 mins and snort the rest. It should hit up good without being wasteful with your stash.
I mean the cost over here isnt an issue i get a sealed box of 28 80mgs for £140 but yeah they simply are shit for smoking.
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Have you ever tested them? Honestly, after reading your experience, and dealing with oxys for over 10 years, I'd be very cautious because it sounds like potential pressed/fake pills. I know you said they come sealed or whatever, but that honestly means nothing. Its extremely easy and super cheap to package pills in quantity and I can make the exact replica box for ANY pharmaceutical company on my home computer.

Another aspect of this story that screams pressed/fakes is the price. You are paying equivalent $160usd for 28 80mg Oxys which comes to around $5 each for 80mg. Just don't see that being possible in todays world. If you don't have a fairly large habit, you should't be able to take an entire 80mg pill without it basically knocking you straight out, or worse. Point being, just be very careful man. Its extremely easy to fake pills, and fakes are literally EVERYWHERE now. 10 years ago when I was much heavier in the game myself, pills were much cheaper (still not $5) and there wasn't fakes floating around in quantity so that wasn't too much of a concern.
First opiate I ever did was a oxy80 my brother gave me half a pill to snort and in retrospect I was in OD territory. Crazy how I remember it like yesterday
There are extraction teks out there that are simple to follow if you have an amount worth extracting which you do but if they are the new style OPs/OxyNeo then putting your dose in a glass of Coca Cola overnight/12 hrs will render it practically 100% immediate release and as others have said these sick for smoking. I can personally attest to the efficacy of the Coca Cola method.
First off, don't smoke Oxycodone, it is fucking stupid

Second, if you want a rush find a IR formulation and snort or shoot it.

And plugging doesn't give a rush; it actually SLOWS down Oxycodone absorbtion, with a Tmax of 3-4 hours, yet a longer duration of 7-12 hours. So NO RUSH from plugging

All oxy 80's are R now, so they suck - Oral BA% is only around 50%, yet it is better than smoking it. Try grinding the pills into a fine powder first

Seriously, you swallow over 100mg Oxycodone you will get "high"

Stay safe
First off, don't smoke Oxycodone, it is fucking stupid

Second, if you want a rush find a IR formulation and snort or shoot it.

And plugging doesn't give a rush; it actually SLOWS down Oxycodone absorbtion, with a Tmax of 3-4 hours, yet a longer duration of 7-12 hours. So NO RUSH from plugging

All oxy 80's are R now, so they suck - Oral BA% is only around 50%, yet it is better than smoking it. Try grinding the pills into a fine powder first

Seriously, you swallow over 100mg Oxycodone you will get "high"

Stay safe
How do i shoot it
I watched a documentary about Florida pill mills and the guy smoked his oxys on tin foil. He said you have to hold it in for a long time. I think he was just showing off for the interviewer and usually snorted them.
You just add water, wait several minutes, and then draw through a filter

Of course, if you did not get this from a pharmacist, then you should test a line first: Lot of Fent Presses ouy there as to finding a vein would leave that up to you, I really do not like to help people get into IV

Like I said, if you bought it off the street DO NOT shoot it until you are sure it is Oxycodone
It is really hard for us to analyze and critique your method remotely. We would like to, but we dont want to spin you around with a bunch of wild guesses that might leave you more confused than when you started.

There could be some component of these pills that does not lend them to effective vaporization. Again, I'm really not sure and it will be ver difficult for us to figure it out from our phones.

I know it isn't the advice you want, but I think you would be best off and most satisfied by using an alternate route of administration. You're lucky actually, as Oxycodone had one of the most favorable ROA ratios of any of the commonly prescribed Opioids. For instance:

Morphine is about 1/3 the potency orally as it is by injection, as us Diacetylmorphine (Heroin). One of the primary reinforcing characteristics that draw Heroin users to injection over say, insufflation is the financial benefit. When you tell someone they can reduce the cost of their drugs by 1/3 instantly, it can be hard to convince them to keep insufflating.

Oxycodone is generally quoted as being ~80%-90% or so by the oral route. So, people who inject or vaporize Oxycodone are doing so more for the "rush" than for the economic benefit. I

Injection and insufflation as ROA's lead to more complications than simply taking the drug orally. From a Harm Reduction perspective, we have to advise alternate, less dangerous ROA's.

I would consider rectal administration. It is a means by which you can experience a faster onset, more of a "rush" etc. without sacrificing bioavailability and without all of the potential complications associated with both injection and vaporization.

So, case in point, we won't be able to accurately tell you why your vaporization efforts are not working, but we can advise you on easier to execute and more effective and safe ROA's such as rectal administration.

Any questions you may have, we will try to answer.
Have you ever tested them? Honestly, after reading your experience, and dealing with oxys for over 10 years, I'd be very cautious because it sounds like potential pressed/fake pills. I know you said they come sealed or whatever, but that honestly means nothing. Its extremely easy and super cheap to package pills in quantity and I can make the exact replica box for ANY pharmaceutical company on my home computer.

Another aspect of this story that screams pressed/fakes is the price. You are paying equivalent $160usd for 28 80mg Oxys which comes to around $5 each for 80mg. Just don't see that being possible in todays world. If you don't have a fairly large habit, you should't be able to take an entire 80mg pill without it basically knocking you straight out, or worse. Point being, just be very careful man. Its extremely easy to fake pills, and fakes are literally EVERYWHERE now. 10 years ago when I was much heavier in the game myself, pills were much cheaper (still not $5) and there wasn't fakes floating around in quantity so that wasn't too much of a concern.
I’m also in the USA and I was going to say the same thing. I can’t see $5 for oxy even for fake ones. It’s ridiculous with how many people a selling fake pills my friends neighbor thought they bought a Xanax bar and they took one and OD and died they said there was enough fentanyl to kill 5 people in it