Chapter II: The Abyss is Eternal !

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Yeah, i didn't mean you it was just the volume it was super high.
Good stuff. Looks something like staight outta mid 2000's.
You listen to Lil Wyte?
Yeah I know who he is, I was syncing Jelly Roll on that one. I can do a Lil Wyte one tho
i know yall mfs know i wouldnt lie about this shit:
went to the dope man house to pick up for a couple people and he started th econversation with how i spoke and he wanna slap me. ha. dont know where it came from (prolly pop media) but response was i can ytake a slap but will slap back... you know; like the frog cereal where diggum gives a slap and slaps ya back or some such thing. i say this and he gegs up and starts walkin towards me. I put monies back in pocket and backing towards the door stating i just wwan get back to the wife.
I knew i couldnt tun my back (his Lt went to the back room). SSSSssspooooooooooooo... i stopped moving and stood my ground. Told him go for it... first blow is free. He is/was a big bitch ass gansta/wannabe drug dealer that everyone looks up to. I got no heroes but here on BL.
Nigga backed down and asked what i want. I wanted to take him out ansd snatch the bag but the freakin other asshole was in a back room. Fuck. Be a minute for i can let this process and deal with just more *triggers.
Man these mfs keep tryin me.
I know to and will remove myself from these environments frothwith. It is quite necessary... i wanna reach my mountain. I cant reach it if dead so.... i aint dyin. Thats it.
Adrenaline.... I'm awake and alert.
Gotta contact some old fiends and get info and advice.
Im leaving society to its own destruction. I tried: Fuck 'em.
Fucking excited a fuck about leaving all this shit behind... that taste of actual freedom is tasty... hoping it is sustainable.
Uhhh... ill figure out a way to keep posting here. If I cant then my self-worth would be crushed as a tek god, drug-feind, loser, outcast, raggamuffin, gay-ass nigga dat cant get high and want white bread skull. lol at that bs
OK peace
see ya round the cona
The abyss seems moderately feisty today. We have misogynistic Saudis talking about kidnapping child brides, JJ angry with, well whoever JJ is always arguing with including herself and talk of farting pussies and shitting on people's music tastes. Who wants to fight?

I never have done that. Ask the Wizard he apologized yesterday that he made me mad with his 25 accounts. I never "shit on somebodies music taste", never ever!!! ASK THE WIZARD!
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I have limited interaction tbh. But isn't she also taking ungodly amounts of coke and benzos? I'd probably see if she was psychotic after reducing or eliminating use of those things. Who knows, I'm no doctor.
I am not psychotic. Otherwise my Psych have told me ( see him every 4 weeks because of ADHS -control).

And could anyone please delete my acount? I don't wanna show up in a Muppet Show like that, that ist just about harrassing and verbally slandering people. Besides you changes posts so that it looks as if the poster were the biggest asshole ever seen. I don't want that anymore. I have always been friendly and try to help with my little knowledge. I didn't brake the rules. But YOU ASSHOLES used me for your fun. ABused me. I want to have deleted my account.

But YOU ASSHOLES used me for your fun. ABused me.

Still wrong. Like I told you, mans gotta have standards and those standards involve not sending other peoples messages forward. Its actually pretty funny you think people would do that when Im the opposite of that.

Tldr: got electricity in my new apartment
Something is going on and not sure if there is a fix here.
If ya want you account deleted I am sure it could be arranged.
I must say that there are not 1,00,00 alt accounts of the same person fuckin with you. IMO, You post all over the site and maybe forgot where..? IDK.
We all (well, most) go out on libs to see if they break from the weight of our expectations... they will eventually break and one finds onself with a a bumped head. Just is experience and no judgements as I dont wanna be judged for shit, k?
How do we get this right, by you? Pray-tell....
Don't take this a threat of any kind. Only doing it so if there is any real or imagined issue of your postings I will have access and be able to do some crunchin'.
Now... if it's a bunch of BS ya may get some BS back... just sayin'. I an not confrontational by any means but ya fuckin with my family here and its kinda personal. Hopes are you can be a part but something is keeping you at bay... let's fuckin talk, eh?
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