💀 The Abyss 💀 (Open 24hrs)

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They'd probably feel pretty vindicated in their assumption if they did know though.
The only time i really feel like a druggy is when i'm walking down the street in the summer with track marks.

Everything else i consider socially acceptable. But for some reason, you move from smoking to IV and you're a demon.

I get it, i get it. But it's not like i'm kicking babies while walking down the sidewalk. I keep to myself. Use in my room. So fuck off?
The only time i really feel like a druggy is when i'm walking down the street in the summer with track marks.

Everything else i consider socially acceptable. But for some reason, you move from smoking to IV and you're a demon.

I get it, i get it. But it's not like i'm kicking babies while walking down the sidewalk. I keep to myself. Use in my room. So fuck off?

Well that's why I wear long sleeves. :p
My track marks aren't too bad, but they're definitely noticeable if you're looking for them.

I do kinda get it. Most people hate needles at the best of time. The idea that you'd willingly use them on yourself several times a day freaks people out.
I can't be fucked to hide them. Part of me wants people to say, "hey, that kid looks put together. But.. he has track marks? Weird." - show them that drugs don't discriminate. Kind of like a "fuck you". Not proud of them, but not ashamed either.

That said, again, it does make me feel like a druggy. But at this point i have a druggy family. I have a place.

You have become more involved in drugs these days than you were when you joined, seems that at from your posts.

You're an adult and seem to have gotten your shit together in that time, I don't know you obviously and probably way off base here yet it's a worry sometimes when people develop this way as it can lead to personal stories along the lines of many friends who ended up in the shrine or are living in state health facilities because they tried their brains on rc drugs.

Ppl gotta find out from their own experiences, I sure fucked up and no one could stop me , learned the hard way, will never use the amounts I did ever again no matter what happens.

I just stick to the 5 drugs that are constantly good quality and the illegal ones I know what they're made from and whats in them, pretty lucky in that regard .

Prob better off in a drug forum talking about this shit, drug culture or PD, that's what they're for meh.

Yawn. I gotta go to work.

Lol, he was way more drugged up when he joined than nowadays my dear
Vyvanse has no ooomph. Pure d-amp is like having cake without the icing.

What does that metaphor mean?
Vyvanse isn't pure d-amp anyway..

Sorry it's late so that might be why I'm missing something.

xhe/she/he's got the right idea there. 10/10 for effort. Gold star!
A good friend of mine in college decided he wanted to take piracetam for a while. He would only buy it in pill form though, he was paying insanely high prices for it. I bought a bulk tub for super cheap, and told him about it, and he was like, uhhh, no, I'll stick with the pills, thanks. They were literally like 10 times the price. I offered to give him some of my bulk crystals for free, he wouldn't take it. Like he couldn't be arsed to use a scoop to measure it. Then a few months later he said to me "man I'm gonna quit trying to take that shit, I like it but it's just too expensive, I wish it was cheaper". I was like... dude, it is cheaper.

brain cells are in short supply. check the shelves in the supermarkets - tumbleweeds
Does it feel the same as regular d-amp?
And if so, and if that's like having cake without the icing, what's that by comparison too?

a pro drug just means that the blood cells cleave off the lysine and release it to do its job. there's no magical difference just because of its delivery method. it's not even really that different in terms of pharmacokinetics, despite all the claims (i mean, smoother release curve, but not by a huge margin). it is, however 90%+ bioavailable, so more bang-per-buck

and by comparison, i mean its enantiomer (l-amp). need a nice % of that to get the icing on the cake.
a pro drug just means that the blood cells cleave off the lysine and release it to do its job. there's no magical difference just because of its delivery method. it's not even really that different in terms of pharmacokinetics, despite all the claims (i mean, smoother release curve, but not by a huge margin). it is, however 90%+ bioavailable, so more bang-per-buck

and by comparison, i mean its enantiomer (l-amp). need a nice % of that to get the icing on the cake.

Sooo, you're comparing it to Adderall?

I'm just curious, I'm not really an amphetamine person. I've used amphetamines many times, but it's nothing I've ever been addicted too or been that obsessed with.
Sooo, you're comparing it to Adderall?

adderall is nicer yup. or meth. vyvanse + ephedrine or propylhex is good too. im sure mdpv would have been even more delicious, but that was before my time :(
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