• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Got A Tooth Pulled And Am Devastated: Advice?

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Bravoncius Roxford

Feb 1, 2017
Hi. I don't know if this is the right forum, but I think it is. If the moderators want, feel free to move it to another.

Anyways, I am having this problem. Starting in December, I was eating popcorn and when I chewed on a hard kernel that didn't pop, my right upper molar sunk and got this big hole in the middle. In a matter of a few hours, it started to hurt like crazy, as the bacteria started to eat the pulp of my teeth. I went on an emergency consultation with a dentist the next day. So he removed the infected pulp, cleaned and disinfected the tooth and sealed it with a temporary clay. He told me the only solutuions are root canal treatment or pulling out the tooth. Researching the root canal treatment, I found it to be very invasive and aggressive to the body, even more than pulling the tooth. First, they kill all the roots of the tooth with acid, then they use clorhexidine to kill the bacteria, then they use fomaldehyde(carcinogen) embalm the roots and then finally fill it with gutapercha. Finally, they cover the tooth with a resin that contains Aluminum, artificial colors and trace amounts of Mercury and Lead, among other things. And after all this, it can still reinfect as it is impossible to kill 100% of the bacteria and an infected root canal can require extensive surgery and bone graphs to be corrected. I lead a very healthy lifestyle since I quit drugs more than a decade ago, and I didn't want all the garbagre inside my body to save one tooth. So, I extracted the tooth. After I extracted the tooth, the pain decreased a lot. I am now on antibiotics, and completely exhausted. I have felt more pain in the last 4 months than I ever did in my life.

However, now that my tooh is gone, I am already regretting it. I miss it when I chew, and I am finding it even difficult to talk. The way the air moves in your mouth becomes different after you pull a tooth, and you have to change the dynamics to talk like you did before. Not only that, but without the tooth the socket will atrophy, which causes a lot of other problems like premature ageing of the face and further difficulties chewing. I am devastated. Maybe I should have done root canal despite all the many drawbacks.

I was searching for solutions, and the only two available seem completely barbaric to me. One is called a bridge, and it's been around since the 1920's. The other one is dental replacement, which is more recent but seems even more barbaric. They literally drill a hole in the bone of your jaw(literally), then they put a screw inside and then put the pseudo-tooth there. It's less invasive to the body as a whole than the root canal, but is even more invasive than the root canal treatment locally, as it is basically a bone surgery with all the risks involved. But the worst of all is that getting a dental implant requires you to have a CT scan of your entire jawline. That is the equivalent of around 60 regular X-rays and right next to your brain. This is the deal-breaker to me. No way, no how will I expose myself to that amount of radiation, especially that close to my brain. I would only have a CT scan in a life-or-death situation where it is absolutely necessary. A CT scan puts your body through an equivalent of the same radiation of 100 chest X-rays. Think about that. No way, no how will I be having that next to my brain.

I am devastated. There is literally nothing that I can do that is acceptable for my lifestyle. And yes, losing even one tooth is a big deal. I completely changes your chewing, your speaking and leads to atrophy of the mouth which can even compromise breathing. I made the decision that seemed like the least bad at the time, and there is no going back. But I don't want to go missing a tooth, for both functional and cosmetic reasons. At the age of 40, I thinking losing a tooth is symbolic of me entering old age.

Is there something that I can do to at least preserve the socket of my tooth and not experience atrophy? Is there something that I can do at all? I would like to at least preserve the space inside my mouth where the tooth was, so that at least my breathing is not compromised. Can anyone give me any word of advice please? This forum seems to have a lot of knowledgeable people, so please help me. What is happening to me is a nightmare. I never thought I would be missing a tooth at 40 years of age.

I curse medical science. We are in 2020. That is two full decades inside the 3rd Millenium. At this point, we should just inject stem cells in out mouth and grow a brand new tooth from scratch. But this is just science fiction. There is nothing that science can do to make you gro new teeth. The options are replacements with synthetics, which involve extremely invasive and painful procedures that give you a shitty pseudo-tooth that doesn't work as well as a real one anyway.
There's these things called "temp teeth" buy online cheap as chips and BYO tooth.

Inb4 omg meth teeth bullshit, mine are fine, this idiot I know smashed his car into a wall hence the teeth.

Get a crown, but temp tooth will do for now.
My mother is a dentist. I think she would usually recommend a bridge here. In the future, don't chew unpopped popcorn. I could ask her if you want.

Sorry to hear about your tooth. I have a small cavity in my left central incisor which formed about a week ago. Normally this would be an easy fix, but the circumstances make it a problem.

EDIT: also, you're looking for "Life Advice and Visual Arts" methinks
I don't think this is the proper forum, people post in this one to have fun and not be serious. I'll move it to a more appropriate place. :)

I would look into fake teeth.
You are pretty callous, and I disagree completely. I will end it at that as I don't want problems with moderators. If you have nothing to give me in terms of advice, why are you posting here? Couldn't you just have ignored the thread?
I was going to give it to you worse than ghosty did, but you seem delicate, so I won't.

And this is the lounge, expect the worst my friend.
This has been moved, the OP was looking for serious responses. Please don't haze the guy anymore, I don't think he knew where he was posting.
At 13 I fell into a night stand half asleep... sans substances (those were t+3yrs).. and broke off half my front tooth
I got a root canal and it was eventually rebuilt. But going to school in the meantime, as a social awkward teen, with a missing front tooth was fucking devastating for my self esteem.

Fast forward 15 years and a painful abscess began to form above the tooth, right under my nose.
The dentist said they could try another root canal but odds are itd just keep reoccuring. So I got it pulled. Money was tight, as I was back in school at uni, and I either had to buy a fake tooth at like $800 or walk around with a missing front tooth again until I could get a crown put in... I was in the midst of alcoholism so I made the right choice and just drank away the self esteem issues (not at all lol) i

So after a couple months of healing I got a post put in... but then I learned my insurance wouldnt cover a crown stating it was cosmetic. Because biting into things apparently isnt encessary :rolleyes: ... so I got my orthodontist to make me a retainer with a fake tooth on it (as it was cheaper than the dentist's). So I wouldnt look like such a twat. But after time things started to shift and the retainer began to rub, wearing off mad amounts of enamel - causing even more issues.

Its been like 5 years of having the post in but not being able to afford the crown (or rather having other priorities - drinking, drugs and the necessities lol)... and I ditched the fucking retainer like a year ago. So Im back to walking around with a gaping hole in my teeth.
tl;dr I can sympathize. People can be judgey af but Im the hardest on myself... esp considering its my front tooth and Ive always had self esteem issues surrounding my teeth as a kid... Seemed like Id only had my braces off for a few years before this shit but I digress...

To hold the space your dentist is likely able to make a fake tooth called a flipper ... I shoulda likely went that route as opposed to the retainer from my ortho...Or get an implant or a bridge (as you mentioned) but ya know...
People go all weird about dentists.

Just get a twighlight sedation and wake up with a new tooth.

The screw in jobs are fine, better than nothing anyway.
I was going to give it to you worse than ghosty did, but you seem delicate, so I won't.

And this is the lounge, expect the worst my friend.

Btw don't listen to hopeless, lounge is perfect capable of being SRS but chooses not to be coz eggs.

Good luck!
I was going to give it to you worse than ghosty did, but you seem delicate, so I won't.

And this is the lounge, expect the worst my friend.

Don't worry, because I am not delicate. I am used to dealing with the trash of Society like you. The problem is, forums are moderated, so I won't give it to you like you deserve. Offline is another story.
Don't worry, because I am not delicate. I am used to dealing with the trash of Society like you. The problem is, forums are moderated, so I won't give it to you like you deserve. Offline is another story.






you should talk to your dentist, bravoncius roxford. he or she is in a much better position to advise on your options.

if you're worried about cost, talk to your dentist about options there too. many dentists offer payment plans for more costly procedures or may have a deal with a company who will qualify you for a reduced interest rate credit card for the cost.

Don't worry, because I am not delicate. I am used to dealing with the trash of Society like you. The problem is, forums are moderated, so I won't give it to you like you deserve. Offline is another story.

But just so we are clear, you dont talk shit in forums because you don't want to get spanked by the mod? But, the streets are a different story? Lol

Anyway, it sucks you lost a tooth but its not that big of a deal. The options to fix it arent quite as dramatic as you portray them either. This is only an annoying inconvenience, not a life crisis or legitimate risk on your life.

If getting a fake tooth is too "barbaric" and dangerous then dont do it. But you should.
But just so we are clear, you dont talk shit in forums because you don't want to get spanked by the mod? But, the streets are a different story? Lol

More like I don't want to get banned over some rude idiot. Moderators don't care who started. but only if you are abiding by forum rules or not.

Anyway, it sucks you lost a tooth but its not that big of a deal. The options to fix it arent quite as dramatic as you portray them either. This is only an annoying inconvenience, not a life crisis or legitimate risk on your life.

It's never a big deal when it doesn't happen to us. When it does, then it is a big deal. But being objective, it is a big deal. Even one tooth missing will jeopardize your chewing, will age your face and after the bone atrophies it might even compromise your breathing.

If getting a fake tooth is too "barbaric" and dangerous then dont do it. But you should.

The only sticking point is the CT scan for dental implant. I don't have a problem with drilling my jaw. But receiving the equivalent of 60 X-rays next to my brain is a problem. I cannot have a bridge because the tooth I took out of the molar. Maybe I am a genetic mutant and my tooth will just grow back.
you should talk to your dentist, bravoncius roxford. he or she is in a much better position to advise on your options.

if you're worried about cost, talk to your dentist about options there too. many dentists offer payment plans for more costly procedures or may have a deal with a company who will qualify you for a reduced interest rate credit card for the cost.


Thanks. Yeah, I already know what dentists will tell me. I was hoping someone knew something amazing out there that could be an alternative, but alas no one knows.
I must say I am disappointed with the replies here. Not because of a lack of useful information. That is ok and not a problem. People help with what they can. What I object to are the people who posted here just to be condescending and rude, or at least judgmental, about me and the problem I am facing. If you have nothing to offer in advice, or if you have negative opinions about my concern, then why even post here? How about having basic politeness and not posting at all? I am not even asking to show sympathy and post about how sorry you are for me; all I am asking is for basic manners and to keep quiet if you think my concern doesn't matter.

Well, I guess most people are just not very good. You would expect a forum of people that had faced addiction to be a little nicer, but people don't actually change who they are.
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