• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Sobriety challenge; 7 days. Who can do it?

I totally understand using drugs to perform at a high level at work, that had been my whole schtick for since forever really. Nothing wrong with taking 25$ worth of drugs to make a few hundred more bucks. Unless of course the whole process is killing you slowly or making you "soul sick". The money in itself can become a huge addition, and who doesn't need more money? Life is not cheap these days!

And the fixation (smoking) is definitely relatable. I used to drink heavily every day in traffic on the way home from work, partly because traffic in Vancouver can be an hour and a half, and partly because I was unhappy, and partly just because it was a regular daily habit. Like a reflex, put the tools away, lock the job box, dust off the clothes, get beer or gin, spark a joint, sit in traffic. Or the AM and lunchtime joint, and the after work joint, I never even particularly enjoyed the whole hiding my constant weed smoking, or the high, but I did it for some weird reason. A joint, a coffee and pounding as much high calorie food as possible in 30 mins, then back to work. It made me more forgetful, but very task oriented. I would avoid people and just work without stopping until the day was killed, soaked in sweat and dust, never dragging ass, always moving quickly whether I felt good or not.

Going back to the same job for a while in June I feel is going to be different. I've taken a year off and done a lot of side jobs, skimmed a ceiling for a friend (my first and last skim, it's such a bitch to get it looking perfect), worked at a chiropractic office as front desk while doing most of my philology and anatomy. I stayed busy and changed my habits. I suppose only going back to work will tell if I've really changed my ways or not, but I feel like the whole stepping out for a full year has let new priorities solidify. Like the financial commitment to being a student working part time, no more frivolous spending. Not even coffee, I don't buy food out and about anymore, I'll just wait until I get home to eat. No more morphine (that was my FAVORITE worktime treat, made work with my broken body so much easier), no more dope smoking morning noon and night. From a health standpoint and a financial standpoint, this has been a very productive year, and the little changes will accumulate in the form of better financial outcomes, better study habits, more responsibility and overall better health. All this translates to a better life nomatter how long or short the rest of it turns out, or which direction my academics and career take.

But it took a huge step back to get even to this point, where my only real use is sporadic minor doses for keeping productivity and motivation high enough. Ideally, I'd love to have a life where I could just keep it to weekends, or stay completely sober without making it a big deal like some of the members in the thread. It's like my ideal picture of what I'd like to work towards. Payday funtime, with the rest being business, studies and athletics.

Also, less drug use typically affords better progress in training. It's hard to set PR's between even using dexadrine, that medication doesn't make me feel good physically, but cognition and executive functions become markedly easier to organize. It's a trap and I hate it.
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Today is day 1. I'm finishing a batch of Selank I made up for IV injection at 2 mg / day, and I had a coffee this morning.

It felt decent today to start with the 7 day challenge. Coming home from the gym was a little daunting as I usually take some stim during the week to make cleaning, cooking and studying easier. The fucking dishes and food prep were staring me down. This week is going to be a bitch for those menial tasks that a dose of stims helps with. But I'm sure it can be forced. Force that good stuff.
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Whatever seems most appropriate I guess. I'm just visiting this for a week, although the intention is to make sobriety (or even just a reduction in use) a more regularly practiced thing. Seems like a healthy choice.

I've been thinking a lot about my friend who passed away on the 26th of February. We did drugs like it was a full time paid job when we were young. We parted ways when he just kept going so hard on the meth, and I've been through all the heavy use plus steroids and daily self medication since I can remember. His passing was more of a reality check than anything.

I'm not even sure if it's totally sunk in that one of my closest childhood friends is gone. Last night, I was remembering all the crazy shit we used to do, all the laughs we had. He was an amazing theif, we would walk into a store and he would steal like 3 monsters and 5 pep n' ched's while I'd be in there to legitimately buy something without telling me what he was up to. I never saw him take anything once and he would do shit like that all the time. I'd be so mad because I was an ecstacy dealer, and I always had around 70 pills on me, so just for that I could jave gone to jail. Plus being around my theif friend Keven. But he never got caught, not once.

I remember this one time, myself, Kevin and one of our other best friends got together to go to highschool, and we went to a special highschool downtown calgary called discovering choices. We almost never made it to class, but we took LSD instead and went to sell E at TD mall, which is a 5 story tall mall in this above ground network called the plus 15's in Calgary. It was perfect for our shenanagans.

This particular day we got so high on LSD, and Kevin stole 50 packs of these baloons that inflate and get very long, and when you let go they are propelled by the air inside them and make an obnoxious "WHEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeesqweeePP!" Noise as they flew away, changing in pitch from higher, to lowwwwerrrrrr finishing with a little exclimation squelp noise, (which on that much acid made us laugh uncontrollably) slowly twisting in the air in an extremely comical way. We walked around the mall and let them off everywhere once we got away from the dollar store that Kevin had stolen them from. The mall isn't separated by strict levels in the center, and we were letting these baloons off into the large central space that connects the levels, which was extremely satisfying as the noise would reverberate through the whole fucking mall when we let them off flying from level 3, they would fly obnoxiously up to level 5, catching the attention of everyone around that central part, and the foodcourt on level 5. We would be a little bit more Inconspicuous at times too, coming up stealthily behind old people and couples in a "fresh" area that we hadn't infested with our obnoxious balooning and childish laughter, we'd send one solo baloon sailing past these people from behind after being all straight faced for as long as we could shut up, and THEY would start laughing, then WE would start laughing. It was so childish but it is still, and will always be one of my best childhood memories. We left the mall to go sell some drugs at a nearby park just outside of downtown over the bridge leading to Kensington, also we all needed a smoke and as we were backs to the mall across the street, 2 police vans pulled up to TD and cops got out and went into the mall, and my best guess was that they were coming for us 3 musketeers.

I miss Kevin. But he never knew when to call it a day, we went our separate ways at one point when I quit meth around age 26 and we hadn't talked in years. And his passing is a reminder that at this is the age that friends start dropping like flies.

I'm just waiting for bad things to happen to all of my competitive friends who got to 300+ lbs in the strongman scene, what's going to happen to them? I saw all this coming and it's been a really crazy experience watching friends get married, have kids, quit old things they put every waking minute of their being into, or keep along the path and have a short end. Life is already too short, ya know? He'll be missed. I loved that fucking guy. We were best friends once and his passing has left a hole in me.
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I'm definitely seeing the light. I mean I'm remembering the best days we ever had together, some of my best times in my entire life has been with that kid. His sense of humor was incredible, it permeated through every conversation we ever had. I still carry that around with me, but the big take home is, the party doesn't have to be all drugs, all the time. And hefty self medication comes with a price too, even recreational anabolics use comes with a price, eating poorly comes with a price.

Don't get me wrong it's fun to partake and it's a part of living, I totally understand that, it's not like I'm going to become Mother Teresa overnight or anything, but I mean a little bit more mindful participation in that kind of thing is probably for the best for all of us. I mean just take it as a constant reminder we all have friends who drop here and there, there's people on the forums here who die periodically from their lifestyle choices. And while that can be okay because yeah sure some people died doing what they love the most, it doesn't have to be so soon. Space it out and I'll be able to do it for a lot longer, that's for sure.

I have one friend who never really got into the drugs but he was eating very unhealthy and smoking heavily for years and he started getting chest pains and he's about my age, he's 30. Anyways his high blood pressure and chest pain was a rather big sobering experience for him, and it's not even like he was a user he just like to smoke tons of weed and drink tons of sugary drinks and eat poorly. He was almost 300 pounds and he's quit and turn his life around and he's gotten down to about 230 lb and he feels great, blood pressure has leveled out significantly, we talk all the time about training and stuff, connecting on some of the challenges of life, trying to grow with one another instead of parting ways. You know it's really heartwarming experience when a friend decides to take charge of their health and really take care of it so that they can hang around and share in the laugs and good times for a little longer you know? Life is beautiful, variety is good, challenges are good. Death IS an inevitable part of life, but it can be avoided with some strategic lifestyle interventions. Also had a friend die at 18 of lymphoma, and 2 more get murdered before age 23, so I mean like you can argue that the roll of the dice determines a lot of what happens too. But my point is you have control of the things that you have control over. And it doesn't have to be a life of excess constantly. It's good to exercise a little bit of self-control.

I wish I could play pinball with that kid one more time. I hit 64 million on a guardians of the galaxy machine the weekend before last for that punk. It was a lifetime best score actually. Sweet remembrances.
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Thi s is definitely a novel idea. So much so im a bit ahead of you lol. I decided, albeit a bit late, to give up ALL psychoactive substances for Lent (by no means am i religious ... just thought wth I need a change) lol so for 6 weeks I’ll be dry...

Sunday marked 7 days without any substances, junk food or Facebook (something I also use to escape). I’ve also been Intermittent Fastng on a 18:6 schedule, but I digress.
Lately I’ve only been using weed daily and it’s been that way for about 16 years (w maybe a 2 yr hiatus from daily smoking in the middle). And about a month ago I fell back into cigarettes most days avging about 3/day.

Other drugs (psyches/discos) I usually keep to 1/month but sometimes I get a little carried away lol. I only use empathogens (mdma/mde) maybe 2/year. And I quit drinking Christmas 2019.
But still I have difficult days... Saturday was rough as I was craving some sorta escape
That's a good cleanout TOC, it does always get hard when it's the weekend and everyone else is letting loose.

Today is my 4th day, I'll admit that I had used etizolam in a downward taper since sunday being 1.5, 1, 0.5 mg but last night was my 1st night of sleep off the stuff in a long while. I had 2 nights of less than 5 hours of sleep before last night, which was whack, but just illustrates how much I had been becoming dependent on the shit. Today is day 4 off stims and it's been a real struggle to study, yesterday was a complete wash. Could not concentrate worth a fuck, so all I did was go to my favorite gym and train for a few hours and sauna for about an hour. Burned me right out and I slept for 11 hours last night without any etizolam.

So really, today will be my first true sober day, but all day days leading to today were taper days, which doesn't count since its more to avoid total system shock of the abrupt removal of a GABAergic.

I'm feeling like after the full 7 days is over, I might not want to deal with the hassle of this whole chemical rollercoaster of stims in the morning, downers at night, and dry out on days off from studying. Its a bitch to regain cognitive function in the absence of the crutches, main reason I use etizolam is because I already have issues sleeping and my prescription dexadrine (even at 10 mg) lasts so long it fucks with my sleep. Anyway, it's been decent, progress is being made.

I'm glad others are challenging themselves also, nothing bad can really come of exercising some self control. Also, to be clear of metabolites will be an interesting thing in and if itself, I honestly haven't been this clean in a while. Day 7 is going to be interesting for sure.
So really, today will be my first true sober day, but all day days leading to today were taper days, which doesn't count since its more to avoid total system shock of the abrupt removal of a GABAergic.

Don't be so hard on yourself! Just because you weren't technically sober because you were tapering still deserves recognition. IME getting "sober" is a process.

I'm feeling like after the full 7 days is over, I might not want to deal with the hassle of this whole chemical rollercoaster of stims in the morning, downers at night, and dry out on days off from studying. Its a bitch to regain cognitive function in the absence of the crutches, main reason I use etizolam is because I already have issues sleeping and my prescription dexadrine (even at 10 mg) lasts so long it fucks with my sleep. Anyway, it's been decent, progress is being made.

Yeah, why not keep going and see how you feel? Substances will always be there but you might find you don't need a lot of them.
I'm definitely finding I get about 1/3rd of the studying done that I usually do, which is a problem in and of itself for sure. I have about 7 weeks of chem left and a university final, so I'll definitely have to use my prescription at some point.

But the stim free days have otherwise been pretty enjoyable. It's literally just for studying that I find them so useful. I might try going back on bromantane as a standalone on monday because it does help so much and doesn't affect me the same way dex does.

I'm so sensitive to D-amph, even if I take it at 2 AM, I'm wired into the night and I've messed with 3-FPM. It's amazing for a little boost later in the day, but the side effects and morishness of the shit makes it not worth it IME. Scatterbrain is a bitch to deal with on the daily, I have some really intelligent friends who have never had the same issues (engineers, doctors, therapists) and man, wouldn't it be nice to have a brain like that? No drugs needed. But I suppose that's the whole point of this, to try living like a normie and see what the ole meatbag can do solo.

Last night was ny 2nd night of 8.5 hrs of sleep sans etizolam in 2 weeks, so that's rolling along nicely. Feels good.
My blood pressure is lower this morning than day -1 by about 4 mm Hg on systolic and 2 mm Hg on diastolic. Pusle pressure averaged out to 49 mm Hg from 47 (>2), resting HR averaged out to 54.5 bpm from 67 (<12.5).

Left / right readings March 12 at 6:45 averaged out to;

122 / 73 - 54.5 bpm (today)

Day 1 I didn't do any readings.
But day -1 average was March 7 @ 7:00 am;

128 / 75 - 67 bpm (day -1)

Over time those readings make a difference in net cardiac load for sure. A big goal of mine is to get pusle pressure in the 50 mm Hg (or less) range during the higher readings of the day (or just in general would be better). Typically my diastolic drops and systolic increases as the day goes on and as stressors manifest in the day, ending up in the ball park of 130 / 70 ish by mid afternoon (pusle pressure around 60 mm Hg).

That's one thing more people should watch for, it's not necessarily true that lower numbers are better as a blanket statement. Higher pulse pressure, higher systolic and lower diastolic are all indications that arteries aren't compliant. This can come from just stress, stimulant use (both of which cause release of epinephrine and norepinephrine from synapses and adrenals), diet or smoking which can affect fluid retention and arterial compliance as well as oxidative stress blah blah. And even if figures are "not that bad", it's the cumulative effect that will really have an impact over time.

These are all good things to consider, given that quantifiable measurements can help you observe physiological changes in health biomarkers even at home without needing to go in for medical advice. It's kind of common sense, fluid dynamics are pretty straightforward. Whack BP = higher risk. A moniter is a cheap piece of equipment, a wireless Omron is like $50 - $150 and they upload to an app that graphs your readings for you, which is a nice visual representation of what your numbers look like. I might grab one in the next few months, the journal is good but it gets tedious.
I did the full 7 days sans stims. It was more difficult at first, but as the days progressed it became easier. The main detriment is definitely a decrease in productivity, but the main improvement was definitely a modest improvement in pulse pressure, drop in systolic BP, and sleeping fine without etilozam.

It was nice, the GF and I went about our weekend and I substituted beer for carbonated water. Worked out just fine too as I was the DD, and I'm actually surprised at how well I slept for the remainder of the week. Sunday though, being the beginning of the 8th day, we went for beers and pinball. So that's as long as I made it. Also, I feel like I did save some money not drinking for the bulk of the week (at least 20 bucks), and pinball / beers was around the same, 20 bucks. All in all, I spent and consumed less than I would have.

It was a worthwhile exercise, I feel like this week, I'll probably follow the same process. Just thoroughly enjoy that morning coffee, and try to avoid distractions while studying. Might partake in some low dose hallucinogens this week, MALT being one that I haven't visited in a while, is on the "to do" list in leiu of other stims.

I hope others are experiencing similar benefits from some mindfulness practices. Definitely looking forward to hearing how the Iboga microdosing went!


My usage fluctuates, sometimes I will abuse a lot of stuff, and sometimes I will remain relatively sober. As far as this 7 day challenge, I am just starting an iboga microdosing regimen today for a while so I don't know if that counts. I don't plan to consume any other substances, except I may trip with my bandmate on Thursday for his birthday.
Hope it goes well! Nice regimen idea.

Edit: went. Hope it did something beneficial. Will get caught up here.

I did the full 7 days sans stims. It was more difficult at first, but as the days progressed it became easier. The main detriment is definitely a decrease in productivity, but the main improvement was definitely a modest improvement in pulse pressure, drop in systolic BP, and sleeping fine without etilozam.

It was nice, the GF and I went about our weekend and I substituted beer for carbonated water. Worked out just fine too as I was the DD, and I'm actually surprised at how well I slept for the remainder of the week. Sunday though, being the beginning of the 8th day, we went for beers and pinball. So that's as long as I made it. Also, I feel like I did save some money not drinking for the bulk of the week (at least 20 bucks), and pinball / beers was around the same, 20 bucks. All in all, I spent and consumed less than I would have.

It was a worthwhile exercise, I feel like this week, I'll probably follow the same process. Just thoroughly enjoy that morning coffee, and try to avoid distractions while studying. Might partake in some low dose hallucinogens this week, MALT being one that I haven't visited in a while, is on the "to do" list in leiu of other stims.

I hope others are experiencing similar benefits from some mindfulness practices. Definitely looking forward to hearing how the Iboga microdosing went!
Seven days is incredibly short in terms of recovery.

Just curious if you are new to recovery or what has you stuck on this idea of seven days?

For someone like me the first week is terrible.

Also getting clean is like life or death kinda so I sure as shit hope I can not use again lol so in that case I have tons of times I have gone more than seven days without substances in me.
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Oh I'm not in recovery bud, a mod threw this thread here because it was "more appropriate". It was a lounge thread, don't lump me in the category with all you other martians.

The whole point of this was to be more mindful around consumption, take periods of abstinence and genarally improve the relationship with psychoactive substances. By no means is this a full blown "recovery" thread.
Am I a martian if Im in alcohol recovery but still use other substances? Yet still feel the need for some brief periods of sustained abstinence to gain a fresh perspective? Asking for a friend lol
Am I a martian if Im in alcohol recovery but still use other substances? Yet still feel the need for some brief periods of sustained abstinence to gain a fresh perspective? Asking for a friend lol
No, it just means that you did the right thing and quit alcohol. Give your brain some rest and stay few little periods sober every month from any substances.
Am I a martian if Im in alcohol recovery but still use other substances? Yet still feel the need for some brief periods of sustained abstinence to gain a fresh perspective? Asking for a friend lol

Well, to be honest, we're all martians in our own special way. It's just a silly saying I took from my oilfield days. But full recovery is something I definitely support, self exclusion from crutches is a huge life long commitment. If that's what's best for someone, I not only applaud you, but I genuinely admire your willpower.

Chosing which substances you may have had a bad relationship with because of health reasons (mental, spiritual or physical) and excluding them from your life is an intelligent choice.

Also, I do apologize if that last bit about the martians came off as rude. It was my feeble attempt at humor, I know the recovery peeps just have our best interests in mind and that is a compassionate gesture, which is appreciated. But again, this is just about gaining some purchase on your own relationship with these molecules.

I did a little 3-FPM last night studying electron configuration, and I'll probably do a little more today. Then, I'll go for another 7 days of abstinence, because the last 7 days felt pretty darn good except the lack of productivity. But I definitely see the benefits of taking a good little break, I've been able to enjoy it somewhat guilt free, as I don't feel like I NEED to use it every 2nd or 3rd or every day. It's just a luxury, and taking breaks makes it so much more casual. Also, practicing the whole willpower thing, like not drinking around others who are drinking. That took work last Friday / Saturday, and I chose to have a few while playing pinball on Sunday. Pick your battles blah blah. Good stuff.
@Working_Class I knew you were just joking... as was I (as attempted to be apparent by "Asking for a friend")...

I do think its more important to axe troublesome substances than focus on "true sober"... As the semantics regarding that idea are huge... And if I am to be honest I for one am not interested in complete abstinence, though I understand some people cant use anything without it causing issues surrounding their doc.

Being around people who were drinking was troublesome when I first quit drinking (last year) but now it doesnt bother me at all. And during this little sobriety stint being around people using substances isnt troublesome either... in fact I stopped by a friends the other day, knowing theyd just eaten some mushrooms, just to hitch a ride, so to speak lol, and catch a little glow.... but being around and turning down pot is fine.

Studying e- configuration eh? I loved chemistry but my attempted at a minor in org chem failed miserably lol .. what are you studying?
This is day 13 of no opiates... still microdosing ibogaine. Still a bit of withdrawal too, it was actually pretty bad yesterday but today it seems much better, and the days before that I thought I was in the clear. I have taken gabapentin a number of times and some other drugs here and there including a psychedelic, but opiates are the ones I need to stop. I didn't do it for this challenge, I am going to stay off them forever. But thought I'd check in anyway.
@Working_Class I knew you were just joking... as was I (as attempted to be apparent by "Asking for a friend")...

I do think its more important to axe troublesome substances than focus on "true sober"... As the semantics regarding that idea are huge... And if I am to be honest I for one am not interested in complete abstinence, though I understand some people cant use anything without it causing issues surrounding their doc.

Being around people who were drinking was troublesome when I first quit drinking (last year) but now it doesnt bother me at all. And during this little sobriety stint being around people using substances isnt troublesome either... in fact I stopped by a friends the other day, knowing theyd just eaten some mushrooms, just to hitch a ride, so to speak lol, and catch a little glow.... but being around and turning down pot is fine.

Studying e- configuration eh? I loved chemistry but my attempted at a minor in org chem failed miserably lol .. what are you studying?

I'm glad we have a pretty light hearted community here, yall are my peeps and I have all the love for all my bluelighters. Anyway, ya it gets easier as you go for sure. It's fun to observe people who aren't in the sober state and hear all of their chemically enhanced epiphanies, ideas and goings on. It's like watching living cartoons almost, and I do love my cartoons haha. Contact high is a thing for sure.

I'm just finishing studying for my physiology and anatomy pt1 course final at the end of the month. I've nailed the whole course with an average of 91.5 so far, so I'm proud of that having been a dropout drug dealer, who moved on to contracting and took that pretty far. This particular course relating to the election shells and orbitals is just chem 11. It's the last of 7 courses that I've upgraded this last 12 months. It was unnecessary, but going into college to become a physical therapist is just one step in my intended academic path. So I thought I'd go back and do all the highschool I skipped while selling ecstacy and drywalling. It hasn't been cheap, I ran through my life savings, but by the end of this May, I'll be able to say my education is at a point where I could move on to more ambitious academic goals. Physical therapist is a good paying, flexible segway that relates to my own personal interests, so it fits quite well into the schedule. It'll have been 3 1/2 years to the end of that point
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