  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

Console Animal Crossing: New Horizons


Staff member
Jun 6, 2011
I've never been crazy about themed consoles but I'd love to have this one!


@Cream Gravy? , did you say your wife plays animal crossing? Does she have a code-thingy so we can visit each other's island? I'm not sure how that works exactly
I’ll ask her. What fruit you got there? She doesn’t need apples or pears 😂

I need both of those!
I started off with cherries, and since then I've found peaches, coconut, and bamboo on the mystery island trips.
we can really help each other out, 😅
Lol I said “he’s got cherries and peaches” and her eyes lit up hahah.

I named my character "covid" because I couldn't think of anything else.

ive upgraded my house once so far, tent->house #1->house #2
got the museum and the store
built my first bridge

things are coming together
I named my character "covid" because I couldn't think of anything else.

ive upgraded my house once so far, tent->house #1->house #2
got the museum and the store
built my first bridge

things are coming together
I think she’s at about the same point. She’s working from home right now so I imagine she’ll finish all her work early today so she can play AC all night heh
I tried doing the tarantula island trick last night on Animal Crossing. I only caught two though. I wonder if they fixed it with the last patch :( .
I tried doing the tarantula island trick last night on Animal Crossing. I only caught two though. I wonder if they fixed it with the last patch :( .
My poor wife hates playing animal crossing at night time because her biggest phobia in life is arachnids -_-
My poor wife hates playing animal crossing at night time because her biggest phobia in life is arachnids -_-

she would really hate tarantula hunting then. You gotta sneak up on them but they leap at you if you get too close. You have to swing your net at the exact right moment or you get bit and pass out. Lol.

i caught like 20 though last night. Gonna sell them for 8k a pop
she would really hate tarantula hunting then. You gotta sneak up on them but they leap at you if you get too close. You have to swing your net at the exact right moment or you get bit and pass out. Lol.

i caught like 20 though last night. Gonna sell them for 8k a pop
She still hunts them, but she jumps like my cat does when he sees his own shadow ahahaha. She’s a completionist, she played the 3DS animal crossing for something like four or five years. I think all she was missing was a scorpion or something.
She still hunts them, but she jumps like my cat does when he sees his own shadow ahahaha. She’s a completionist, she played the 3DS animal crossing for something like four or five years. I think all she was missing was a scorpion or something.

I missed out on the 3ds one. I had one for a while but sold it. I played the first one for GameCube so much. I would wake up two hours early before school just so I could play and check on everything.
I missed out on the 3ds one. I had one for a while but sold it. I played the first one for GameCube so much. I would wake up two hours early before school just so I could play and check on everything.
She also had the GC version. She said she misses the asshole animals lol
Built my second bridge last night
paid off 2/3 of my third home loan
opened up new resident services building

woop woop
@Cosmic Charlie watcha playin today? Read your post in PD .

for me, it will be more animal crossing of course

if anyone wants to play let me know and we can exchange codes