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How High Are You? V. Slurping Scopolamine Slushies on Sunday

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That milligram worked wonders I feel so nice now, I'm going to make an amazing dinner and I got a vid game accolade so I was like "totes sweet, worth it 100% bigly".
Much love guys.
Just smoked some meth after not using for a couple of weeks. I feel fantastic, sitting here watching South Park.
You really gotta work at it to become "physically dependent" on benzodiazepines, lol. Alprazolam is very frequently prescribed in the USA, often in month-long courses to patients (I know from personal experience), and the large majority of these patients have minimal difficulty ceasing use (despite the impression you'd get from reading sites like BL)

Was scripted benzos for 1.5 years for sleep temazepam for a little bit then clonazepam and didn't have and trouble going off them at all. I guess the fact that I was only taking them at night helped.

Still feeling this mxe a tiny bit; wish I had some oil to go with it.
You really gotta work at it to become "physically dependent" on benzodiazepines, lol. Alprazolam is very frequently prescribed in the USA, often in month-long courses to patients (I know from personal experience), and the large majority of these patients have minimal difficulty ceasing use (despite the impression you'd get from reading sites like BL)

There was a recent studies that showed that some people experience a very slight withdrawal after a single dose of diazepam.

They might give you a month at a time, but they wouldn't then just cold turkey you.

For most people benzodiazapines are very physically addictive and it is dangerous to claim it is difficult to get dependent on them. Dependence happens even faster than with opiates (a lot faster, in my experience). I've had withdrawal seizures after just three weeks of using 3mg/day alprazolam (although I felt okay, no other signs of withdrawal).
Just Buprenorphine today, boring i know.

But i have to work and I've been on this binge for the last few weeks and it's time to chill. Had a lot of fun but everything must end eventually. Unless you wanna end up on the streets sucking the old glass dick, and I've worked to hard to fall back down.
Just a dab. It's not boring but I'm not feeling well. I'm not feeling that terrible either just a bit achy and still "waking up". Can't coffee because needed later.

Good for you Charlie I'm proud you're doing your thing too keep up the good work man.
0.5mg bupe
30mg DXM

Nothin speshul

Happy Mother's Day to all your mommas. I got my mom some new cookie sheets (said she needed new ones), candy, and 3 liters of red wine. First holiday that I didn't get high and forget about everyone, feels good to be good sometimes.
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40mg Oxycodone IR oral, 20mg nasal
2mg Clonazepam
.25mg Triazolam nasal
.5mg Alprazolam
100mg Caffeine
Vaping high CBD
Haschisch smoking all day
100mg oxazepam
4mg clonazepam
6mg bromazepam
600mg quetiapine
25mg cyamamezine
And ended up with a line of 100 mg morphine sulphate

Not the best day a bit sick..
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What is high anymore? I don't think I've actually been high since mid 2016.... well what i consider high......
What is high anymore? I don't think I've actually been high since mid 2016.... well what i consider high......

Dude same. At this point for me it's just trying to get comfortable.

Waiting to smoke a bowl, my landlord is coming to inspect my place for the impending move. Had a small line of bupe and some green tea, with a hard soda on deck.
I'm ready to move myself..... gotta be patient tho, it'll happen soon enough........ just gotta save.
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100% sober I I refuse to do my last dose unless it really is my last dose in other words I will only have my last 20 tablets after I go out and buy some more tablets
10mgs Buprenorphine
1.5mls of 1,4 BDO
One Cannabis Edible.

Have 4 hours before i head off to work, figure i might as well get a little warm and fuzzy. Sadly i don't feel the Bupe anymore unless in combination like this. That Methadone binge put my opioid tolerance through the ceiling.
What is high anymore? I don't think I've actually been high since mid 2016.... well what i consider high......

For me it's going from feeling like total crap in the morning to having that first dab of the day and then things start to settle and you get one more going and you're all feeling great and groovy. That's what it is for me.

Or when I wait a few days in the valley of death and eventually pop the alprazolam and feel all the weight of the world melt away.

Stuff like that.

So far just 2 dabs as described above lol. I'm feeling a bit better but I'm NOT HIGH ENOUGH FOR THIS SHIT. Always something STUPID. Totally fucking stupid. I can't even. I would describe what I'm doing but it is too specific and unbeWEAVEable.
It is DONE.

Took a milligram of Xanax. Should be working. Feels like I need another and a dab when I get home.
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