Positive The Tapering Supportive/Social Thread

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Hey guys. Haven't been here in a bit. This latest episode of depression is really kicking my ass. And with a pain flare up happening, and a taper at the same time.... it makes me want to hide away from the world a lot. My mind ain't so good to me these days.
Cj- Youre a lot stronger than I am. The depakote alone might be causing most of your troubles. Hang in there. I just watched a documentary on Fentanyl in Canada. The patients who got treatment on Suboxone all looked happy, healthy, and rested.
I've been doing great lately! Still recovering. Still broke and jobless, can't complain anymore though I've been really happy lately. I am very nearly out of weed and xans that is the only thing that is making me nervous, nothing more to add really life is just improving but I better get my shit together fast.

Got back in shape, doing well with the hot yoga classes again. For a couple weeks it was taking me several days to recover now I can walk out of them and so long as I get the nutrition in I'm good to go.
Setting myself up for heartbreak lol. Like serious. Irresistible lady and why when I am not looking do they come onto me. Typically during some sort of kick knowing my luck but lately it has been very good haha. Friends say I sound giddy and I guess it's true girl's on my mind way too much.

And yep, definitely got myself looking muscular and strong again. Helps with the chronic pain for sure that's why yoga is my discipline now and nothing else.
Hey guys. Haven't been here in a bit. This latest episode of depression is really kicking my ass. And with a pain flare up happening, and a taper at the same time.... it makes me want to hide away from the world a lot. My mind ain't so good to me these days.

Hey D.J.
I understand. I have been having the same thing. I haven't even been answering the phone to anyone right now.
I hope you feel better soon and the depression and pain flare up end soon. Good job on the taper!
Hang in there. ❤️

Nice to hear that ShroomySatori, CJ, and Squeaky are doing well with your tapers. Nice work guys!

Great to hear that you are feeling happy again Shroomy! That is huge!

Hope Ash and everyone else is doing alright also.
Thinking of you all.
Setting myself up for heartbreak lol. Like serious. Irresistible lady and why when I am not looking do they come onto me. Typically during some sort of kick knowing my luck but lately it has been very good haha. Friends say I sound giddy and I guess it's true girl's on my mind way too much.

And yep, definitely got myself looking muscular and strong again. Helps with the chronic pain for sure that's why yoga is my discipline now and nothing else.

That is wonderful my friend!
Yep, life has been pleasant lately my friend. Apart from this drug and health problem stuff. How are you doing today? Did you go to the doc about that different pain? I am exhausted, but finally slept ok. Definitely not going to be getting too much done today, maybe cleaning but I'm completely exhausted even after that sleep, I think that I need to sleep more now. Approaching a year without those opiates hard to believe it has been that long I'm still very much recovering from that.
Yep, life has been pleasant lately my friend. Apart from this drug and health problem stuff. How are you doing today? Did you go to the doc about that different pain? I am exhausted, but finally slept ok. Definitely not going to be getting too much done today, maybe cleaning but I'm completely exhausted even after that sleep, I think that I need to sleep more now. Approaching a year without those opiates hard to believe it has been that long I'm still very much recovering from that.

That is so good to hear. I'm very happy for you! So nice to have a romance through the holidays.
I am glad to hear you slept well also! You do need more sleep. Your body has been and still is enduring a lot.
Be good to yourself. Don't forget to smile!

Yeah I went to the doctor about the different pain. Doctor said I have developed neuropathy and restless legs syndrome.
They also think things with my chronic pain could be aggravated due to stress. If things are still this bad after the holidays I'm going to get some instant relief medication to go along with the extended relief. I'm giving it one last chance before I up the dose. I don't really want to do that but it has been a long time of suffering this bad. I need a break.

It could be stress because my family is fucking ridiculous man! No wonder I don't ever want to have anything to do with them and just stay to myself. They are so nitpicking and just mind blowing with the things they say. Every time I go around them I come home upset. Them being Mormon and SO religious is SO irritating for me! Plus they seem more retarded than I am with chronic pain.
Wow shroomy, that's awesome you have a little budding romance! It's maybe the best feeling in the world. Just a little advice, try not to put TOO much stock into it right off the bat, because you don't want it to devastate you if it doesn't happen to work out. That said, you should embrace it and enjoy it. :)
Feeling better today after going from 6 to 4. I've found every drop makes me sick about 4 days. The first day after the drop withdrawal is barely noticeable. The second day i feel a little anxiety. Day 3 I get the body aches, anxiety, and insomnia but it's still not that bad. Day 4 is the worst all the symptoms of full blown sickness but still muted to a tolerable level with Ativan. I used 7mg of Ativan dropping from 6 to 4. I could of used less and been ok honestly. Day 3 was the only night I didn't sleep.

Today I woke up feeling totally normal. So I'm dropping to 3mg today. 1mg this morning then 2mg tonight. Then I'm going to 2mg on Thursday.

I'm going to try to keep this momentum up. See how low I can get. Going out of town on for Christmas on the 21st being at 1mg by then is the goal. Then I'm going to quit completely after I get back. Well that's the plan now anyway lol.
That is so good to hear. I'm very happy for you! So nice to have a romance through the holidays.
I am glad to hear you slept well also! You do need more sleep. Your body has been and still is enduring a lot.
Be good to yourself. Don't forget to smile!

Yeah I went to the doctor about the different pain. Doctor said I have developed neuropathy and restless legs syndrome.
They also think things with my chronic pain could be aggravated due to stress. If things are still this bad after the holidays I'm going to get some instant relief medication to go along with the extended relief. I'm giving it one last chance before I up the dose. I don't really want to do that but it has been a long time of suffering this bad. I need a break.

It could be stress because my family is fucking ridiculous man! No wonder I don't ever want to have anything to do with them and just stay to myself. They are so nitpicking and just mind blowing with the things they say. Every time I go around them I come home upset. Them being Mormon and SO religious is SO irritating for me! Plus they seem more retarded than I am with chronic pain.

I think I mentioned before, that I can't understand how you get by at all without IR meds and only extended release. You should have dilaudid, I don't think you are really the type of patient to shoot them up or snort them. I woke up beaming today! I am def smiling a lot more and sound like my past self more as well. And started cleaning I'm cleaning my place up really good I want it spotless but now my back is killing mea and there is so much to do so I am laying down for a rest and cooked a healthy lunch. You know, normal people stuff.

You arn't retarded with chronic pain I don't know what you mean by that. I have def been retarded with the benzos but I don't take etizolam anymore. Good, right? That was a turning point of some sort I believe, just on a normal benzo now and trying to taper but with pre-existing and now so much worse extreme anxiety that's going to be tough. I am up for it I have to quit them get down to a reasonable dose and I'm already stable. I dislike being dependent on them like this but at least I'm using them properly and slowly tapering just with a massive tolerance.

What can happen is that the pain signals are firing so rapidly and they map to the same area of the brain, like the ones next to each other along where the pain is are beside each other in the brain. I think the signals can spread over time and the pain can increase around where it original was. Anyways I think I read this somewhere what made the neuropathy diagnosis if you don't mind me asking? I will have to read what the means.

We both need supportive and positive people in our lives to bring us up from families who try and squander our potential. It just really seems that way. I've never been good enough and was kicked out young and all this shit like it's weird now. But yeah my back is absolutely killing me. I really want this place cleaned up and not looking like a dope den but I just took my back out so it will have to be a little bit at a time and being more self conscious about being organized. I need to get my life together asap it is actually like now or never I am being given a chance to care for once. Actually give a shit about my life and myself for once and thanks for being happy for me saying that, yeah this has been really nice.

my family is insane as well haha like I feel sane compared to them lol
You're sounding good Shroomy.

I think it sounds nice that you are getting some attention from the ladies. ; )

Keep up the great attitude Shroom, and the yoga sounds great!!!

Hope you have a great day!!

Same goes for all of you, I hope everyone is getting by ok.

Much love,
your friend,

Setting myself up for heartbreak lol. Like serious. Irresistible lady and why when I am not looking do they come onto me. Typically during some sort of kick knowing my luck but lately it has been very good haha. Friends say I sound giddy and I guess it's true girl's on my mind way too much.

And yep, definitely got myself looking muscular and strong again. Helps with the chronic pain for sure that's why yoga is my discipline now and nothing else.
Thank Ash, probably sounding good cause I'm feeling pretty good too. Got my kush back too and that is great! That attention has been very nice and such a surprise but I feel bashful hehe.

Getting fit again has been really important for the depression, was lazing around for way too long at first it was so exhausting but I'm getting more active again. My back is really hurting has to get used to it again.

Have a pleasant day as well thanks and yeah some of the happiest times of my life really but I gotta focus on the big picture and like getting my personal shit together fast because I have needed to all year and been putting it off. After almost a year like how am I going to wait t forget and move on from that stuff.

By the way friends, they say not to get involved romantically with anyone for a year after you quit these. It was a bit less than that for me before that happened but close enough and yeah it makes sense. I haven't been able to trust myself but for a while now I've been great and yeah just been really nice lately. I have been able to enjoy life lately. And yeah I wait for them to ask me out since I have very little initiative lol I end up waiting quite a while but ending up with the cuties.
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40 hours till my next refill..... nothing spells happiness like staring at the clock for a month.
Woke up in a very emotional state, worked some things out in my mind and I forget what they were but I feel great now. I didn't sleep well though, had an early awakening. I am going to try to do some reading this morning. I really need to relax before things pick up again. Things have been nice because I've been putting much more effort in but there is still an overwhelming way to go to get to where I want to be. It is going to be a big adjustment. I am still sort of stabilizing on the xanax I haven't really lowered my dose yet I've just taken chips off here and there and feel more stable than before. I was totally developing agoraphobia and some delusional paranoia as well. You can probably get mild post acute withdrawals from a significant taper drop too so watch out because they are much much worse than the acute withdrawal. Seriously. And there is a moment of clarity before it starts you think you're good and then well for me I slowly realized what I had done to my life and with the injury and panic attacks and loss of jobs and girls and all these stupid fucking mistakes it can lead to indescribable stress. I do not want to fuck up this time and I never want to go through that ever again.
40 hours till my next refill..... nothing spells happiness like staring at the clock for a month.

Ah- that was nice to sign in and have the forum be "festive"! I love it guys! Nice work!! Thank you! That made me happy and gave me a smile! The moderators are so cool here! I love this website! You guys ROCK!! Very nice decorations guys!

Oh squeaky, I'm so glad to hear you only have 40 hours to go until your refill! Geez! This has been a long wait for you! I don't know how you have managed. You are tough! Please don't put yourself through this again. Get yourself a plan for your medication and stick to it as closely as possible! I don't want you to go through that hell again. Give the plugging a try here and there when you feel the need to really feel your medication and get more pain relief out of them. It works.
Instead of completely going on a binge as soon as you get your meds (because you have been suffering so long and need some relief!)
Try plugging one of them. You will be where you want to be and won't be using a bunch of your pill supply.

You have gotten the loperamide dosage down too, enough so that you can just step off those now and use your oxy.
Plugging one of your oxy will feel strong and should be enough so that you don't feel any withdrawal from the remaining loperamide.

Hang in there my friend!
I think I mentioned before, that I can't understand how you get by at all without IR meds and only extended release. You should have dilaudid, I don't think you are really the type of patient to shoot them up or snort them. I woke up beaming today! I am def smiling a lot more and sound like my past self more as well. And started cleaning I'm cleaning my place up really good I want it spotless but now my back is killing mea and there is so much to do so I am laying down for a rest and cooked a healthy lunch. You know, normal people stuff.

You arn't retarded with chronic pain I don't know what you mean by that. I have def been retarded with the benzos but I don't take etizolam anymore. Good, right? That was a turning point of some sort I believe, just on a normal benzo now and trying to taper but with pre-existing and now so much worse extreme anxiety that's going to be tough. I am up for it I have to quit them get down to a reasonable dose and I'm already stable. I dislike being dependent on them like this but at least I'm using them properly and slowly tapering just with a massive tolerance.

What can happen is that the pain signals are firing so rapidly and they map to the same area of the brain, like the ones next to each other along where the pain is are beside each other in the brain. I think the signals can spread over time and the pain can increase around where it original was. Anyways I think I read this somewhere what made the neuropathy diagnosis if you don't mind me asking? I will have to read what the means.

We both need supportive and positive people in our lives to bring us up from families who try and squander our potential. It just really seems that way. I've never been good enough and was kicked out young and all this shit like it's weird now. But yeah my back is absolutely killing me. I really want this place cleaned up and not looking like a dope den but I just took my back out so it will have to be a little bit at a time and being more self conscious about being organized. I need to get my life together asap it is actually like now or never I am being given a chance to care for once. Actually give a shit about my life and myself for once and thanks for being happy for me saying that, yeah this has been really nice.

my family is insane as well haha like I feel sane compared to them lol

You sound great ShroomySatori! Don't let things overwhelm you. Just take it as it comes. Enjoy yourself!
I think a girlfriend is just what you need to give you that last little bit of motivation needed to get yourself going again completely.
Take it slow and easy. Things are working out and you are doing things smart.

Definitely good that you are not taking the etziolam anymore! You really do sound so much better. You seem so much more stable now. I am really proud of you! You have made it a year now without opiates my man!! That is huge! I wish I could throw you a party!
That is something to celebrate! You should take your girl out to do something special that you like to celebrate that!

Yeah, I think I'm going to have to get the Instant release medication to go along with my extended release. My chronic pain is controlled so much better when I use a bit of my medication as instant release. I have found a good dosage schedule that is working for me. I can think and move better.

That is the thing I am talking about when I say I am retarded by the chronic pain is that the pain makes it really hard to think or do anything. I feel confused and I can't pay attention to anything for very long. It makes my mind all fogged up. But when I have the right dosage of medication, I can think more clearly, feel more like myself again, My personality comes back, I laugh and smile again, I can read and watch movies again, I can play with my dog and the kids in my family and enjoy myself again. Instead of just being in so much pain that I feel retarded and can't function hardly at all.

I just woke up and need to get some caffeine in me. I will write more later.

I hope Ash, D.J, Unclejocko, sweet leaf7, and everyone else is doing well. Have a good day friends.

Ps: I am very proud of C.J! You are doing an amazing job on your taper C.J!! Well Done!!!
Thanks you two. Good luck with the pain problems squeaky.
Caffeine is essential right painful one and if this one if she was my girlfriend woah I didn't think of that until just now like it's always been there but I'd be really happy about that. I can't believe that is a possibility. That is crazy to think about. I am trying to be cordial about all this cuteness lol how special this has already meant to me you know I've been sad for al long time and probably know that I am pretty happy, a special time. That involves a lot of responsibility, why I think it's a good thing and... ad... lol.

I've had pain flares lately they suck and it sucks I can't have a percocet around like just for those times. Cause I'd start thinking about them when I wasn't in pain. I could use probably 3 or 4 a week but at this point I think I am okay. I need to be working though it's really frustrating.

Yeah that concentration thing you speak of cost me a couple jobs, I cannot focus as well when I am in pain as it can be overwhelming. It's nice to be happy though and be able to enjoy things. I can't say that too often.
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