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Intravenous accident


Jun 25, 2017
All my IV users out there, I need help. I accidentally injected my dose while the water was still boiling hot.
My hand is huge. Does anyone know what I should do, or how long the puffynesss will be there? Also my hand is numb.
What was the drug, meth? Did you miss? I'm not familiar with injecting boiling water.

You may have hit a nerve, for the numbness. My hand went numb for like 15 minutes, then part of my hand was still numb for up to a month, when i shot into my wrist.

In regards to the puffy hand, that may die down, IME. But if it doesn't, seek medical attention.
All my IV users out there, I need help. I accidentally injected my dose while the water was still boiling hot.
My hand is huge. Does anyone know what I should do, or how long the puffynesss will be there? Also my hand is numb.

Where did you inject in your hand? The hand is a bad place to IV as the veins are relatively small and you stand a good chance of blowing them or missing, which can result in the symptoms you describe. I wouldn't worry too much about the temperature of the shot because the act of drawing up into the syringe, finding a vein, registering then injecting will have cooled the solution sufficiently. If your hand is numb you may have hit a nerve. I destroyed my hands by IVing and they were swollen and puffy for a good couple of years after I stopped. I still suffer from numbness and discolouration in cold weather nearly 10 years later. However, I never got medical attention - perhaps you need to get some professional advice...
And my whole concern is about the temperature of the water, so I definitely won?t be ignoring that. Thanks though. I have burnt my vein from the inside out.
I tried doing some searching out if curiosity but didn't pull up much on the matter. Only thing I saw remotely similar was just hypothetical. Apparently, you probably have yourself 2nd degree burns inside out. If that is the case, you need to monitor it closely as you could run the risk for sepsis.

I do hope it wasn't as hot as you're saying though.
FUBAR said:
I wouldn't worry too much about the temperature of the shot because the act of drawing up into the syringe, finding a vein, registering then injecting will have cooled the solution sufficiently.

i think this is true.

did it hurt when you administered the shot?
i'd hazard a guess that you might have blown out a vein, unless it was a miss or pierced vein or something that has become inflamed.

when did this happen?

abscesses can be really serious - like amputation serious.

you really need to get to a doctor or emergency room if the swelling doesn't subside in a day or two - especially if the skin is hot and inflamed.
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The fact you're using hot water suggests to me that you're using No.3 heroin (diamorphine base) possibly with an acid to dissolve the gear. Could the burning you describe be due to an excess of acid? I did this many times and it's a vein killer for sure...
It was painful. Evidently I can prepare a shot and hit the vein in a very short amount of time. Too short. Not long enough for that tiny amount of water to cool down.
No, and I don?t do brown Heroin which requires acid. I do black. It needs to be melted down, with hot water and flame. Very simple.
It was painful. Evidently I can prepare a shot and hit the vein in a very short amount of time. Too short. Not long enough for that tiny amount of water to cool down.

You're not actually answering any of the questions directed to you. Do you want advice or what?
It happened about an hour ago. It?s not an abscess. I didn?t miss. Thanks for the advice, of waiting to see if the swelling goes down and to go in if not.
What are you talking about. I?ve answered every question, and I?m not sitting staring at my phone with all the time right now.
I want advice, obviously.
Here's what i found:

Individuals who have a blown vein may experience bruising and swelling around the vein that can appear discolored (red, purple or black).

Symptoms of a blown vein

  • Discoloration
  • Tenderness
  • Swelling
  • Hematoma

In most cases a blown vein is fairly harmless and can be treated by applying pressure to the area, cleaning the open skin with alcohol pads and/or proper antibacterial chemicals and using cold treatment such as an ice pack to minimize swelling.

However, if there is a large amount of swelling, significant blood leak, abnormal sensitivity, spill out of medication into the surrounding area or skin (which can be potentially toxic) and/or any concern of a possible infection you should seek immediate professional assistance from a physician, practitioner or specialist to ensure that the vein is safe from infection or significant medical complications.
Where did you inject in your hand? The hand is a bad place to IV as the veins are relatively small and you stand a good chance of blowing them or missing, which can result in the symptoms you describe. I wouldn't worry too much about the temperature of the shot because the act of drawing up into the syringe, finding a vein, registering then injecting will have cooled the solution sufficiently. If your hand is numb you may have hit a nerve. I destroyed my hands by IVing and they were swollen and puffy for a good couple of years after I stopped. I still suffer from numbness and discolouration in cold weather nearly 10 years later. However, I never got medical attention - perhaps you need to get some professional advice...

I shot in the top of my hand where there?s a good vein. How do I know if I blew out a vein? My replies are scattered, I?m doing this on my iPhone and the mobile site is difficult.
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I shot in the top of my hand where there?s a good vein. How do I know if I blew out a vein? My replies are scattered, I?m doing this on my iPhone and the mobile site is difficult.

More likely than not, you probably did. Especially it being your hand, very easy to do. It's not a huge deal, just don't attempt to inject at that spot again, you'll only do further damage. A blown be in will most likely look puffy as you described, but it should not be SUPER painful. Likely will bruise. Again, especially being on the hand.
Here's what i found:

Thank you, so much. I feel confident it?s not blown.
It?s not numb anymore. Swelling has maybe gone down a bit, but still larger than my other hand.

I need to prevent infection and/or sepsis in any way. Is there even anything besides the normal keeping it clean?