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The 'I'm Fucked Megathread', version: not the first and hopefully not the last either


Bluelight Crew
Nov 9, 2013
As we appear to have a relatively active forum at the moment, then I hope there is room for one of these, as we only have one dedicated thread for the purposes of universal discussion and appropriate self expression (with the historically low level of traffic over the past 2 years admittedly making such classic public services as the 'what are you doing right now' thread sadly redundant alongside the main gibberings discussion).

But, considering its precedence , it's wonderful topicality in light of the sites nature and most importantly, the encouraging increase in activity on here which while still relatively minor, is none the less noteworthy enough to attract long term members back.

Those that are familiar with my posts will know that I am unlikely to have anything worthwhile to share at the moment, but at least I am high enough to have confidence that others will use this space when needed. If after using some more drugs my mental state improves / deteriorates to the degree that I can consider myself truly fucked, then I will update as necessary.

Granted, Monday morning is not the most likely time for this to attract the best posts of this nature, but... (insert long winded explanation behind my motivation to resurrect these disussions).
I had 150mg and spliff of chocolate kush. At 1pm. Fuck my life. Feel 'good' though
As we appear to have a relatively active forum at the moment, then I hope there is room for one of these, as we only have one dedicated thread for the purposes of universal discussion and appropriate self expression (with the historically low level of traffic over the past 2 years admittedly making such classic public services as the 'what are you doing right now' thread sadly redundant alongside the main gibberings discussion).

But, considering its precedence , it's wonderful topicality in light of the sites nature and most importantly, the encouraging increase in activity on here which while still relatively minor, is none the less noteworthy enough to attract long term members back.

Those that are familiar with my posts will know that I am unlikely to have anything worthwhile to share at the moment, but at least I am high enough to have confidence that others will use this space when needed. If after using some more drugs my mental state improves / deteriorates to the degree that I can consider myself truly fucked, then I will update as necessary.

Granted, Monday morning is not the most likely time for this to attract the best posts of this nature, but... (insert long winded explanation behind my motivation to resurrect these disussions).

Bloody hell, I've just been reading through those 'fucked up' posts. I'd kind of forgotten how much of an impact 3-fpm had at that time. Going to be getting some more soon, but I seriously doubt it will be anything like it was in those days.
Fucking Branston Pickled. Many ciders, many bongs and lines a plenty of the old 3-mmc. I AM SPASTICUS!! will sleep in a few hours late shift tomo but will be sound :)

Jumbo sausaged

Keep hydrated people!
Fucking Branston Pickled. Many ciders, many bongs and lines a plenty of the old 3-mmc. I AM SPASTICUS!! will sleep in a few hours late shift tomo but will be sound :)

Jumbo sausaged

Keep hydrated people!

Keep the faith bro! I'm just wankered on vodka and Karpackie, would love to throw some stims in the mix ATM...
I kept the faith healed and am back at ground zero matey! Wine, lager and cider tonight, and about .6 of 3mmc. It all adds up to a fucking fuzzball of hwze. That's it misty...suite misty this stuff is very forgiving tho got work tomorrow know I'll be fine. I have one more thing to say and it's very important you all listen and do.

Watch " The Expanse "


Peace out amigos!
Getting pretty nicely relaxed and edging closer and closer towards the 'munted' end of the spectrum, courtesy of those little heminevrin mighty-eggs and the terrific downer punch that chlormethiazole can pack.

Watching american dad, good thing is, once it wears off, chlormethiazole leaves me nicely clear headed. Because I've stuff to do after, other than laying on my arse on the sofa smoking cigars that is.
The weed just keeps getting better in London. Every time my tolerance gets high some other insane strain comes along. Every other 'shotta' has the 'bangin food'.
Had some speed. Wish I wasn't skint, speed requires cider.
I am going to watch this, sounds peng bruv.

Took me ages to write this post.

did you watch mate?? swear to god best sci fi i have ever seen its so well written and the production values immense. Get past the first season and it grows
I enjoyed it, love 3% too. That's on Netflix, Rain is another good shout. As is the reboot of Lost in Space.
did you watch mate?? swear to god best sci fi i have ever seen its so well written and the production values immense. Get past the first season and it grows

So you're saying the first series is shit? And when it gets better, is that because of or in spite of the fact it's American..? ;)
Lol fubby you cynical bastard give it a whirl. If your disappointed well then your a cunt x
Lol fubby you cynical bastard give it a whirl. If your disappointed well then your a cunt x

Heh, I'll give it a try mate - but only because you've recommended it so on your head be it!

BTW, I am a fuckin cunt so no surprises there ;)

(Christ, it's nice to have a bit of mindless banter with a fellow shitcunt again. I've been posting across the whole of Bluelight recently and I swear none of them have got a fuckin sense of humour.. )
mate if the hunt is for shitcunts you just struck gold haha :) fucking wankered mare.... seems this thread is just for me....12 days off now mate fuck me hope i last.. intending to go all out....
I am following this journey with you Wessex.

Is that 12 days in total off, 12 days in or 12 to go?

Going to end up mashed all day and night on phet. At least after a bunch of work I'd really, really not move to have to do courtesy of opioid WD.
Gah, what a fuckabout. Fiddling about in the sodding dark, trying to first fit the hose lock to the outdoor tap, whilst holding my aspirator vac in one hand, and then finding the open end of the hose to actually fit it to the hose barb on the venturi.

Got it done eventually though. Finally pulling the GAA and ketone through the mire of ferrous slop.
Crystal meth for a productive day, crack and how heroin to sooth my insomniac brain. I think ima bail on my script and do my rattle now when i run out of h (gonna smoke it fuck injecting.... snnowball in groin for 1st time ever so need to show some fuckin strength here else i'll be 1 Leg Freg in a few year selling the big issue (The big issue is i got no leg man the fuck?)

Aye lets see how this goes terrified of meth rattles (can cakewalk pretty much any other week opi/h rip) but us yorkshire folk dont back down and if i dont take this path... Fuck it lost so many most recently a girl i loved with for years....... naaaaaah fuck this life

Anyways back on topic.... fooked me need some sleep, after getting me groin i suddenly realised what a shockng state me others veins are in fuckin lol. Stop nw or... i dunno but it wont be fun long term

Right now tho

IT AINT ALL BAD <3 (what an absolute garbage post gis some better drugs n temp ban pls)