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The EADD Poppy Pods & Seeds Thread v1 - Watch Out For the Mould!!!

Now I have something to plant in my garden. When's a good time to plant poppies?

after the last frost of the year, so probably early March. Or April, they will probably grow quicker then, due to there being more sunlight. They like lots of sunlight, so try to plant them in a south facing area. I reccommed a fresh pack of compost, which will be packed full of nutrients, chuck a couple of inches of that on top of your grow patch, dont compress it, the seeds will thrive. 99% of them germinate. They are very easy to grow, the only problem with growing them in the UK is lack of sunlight and too much rain. Watch oiut for snails, they love poppy plants and can decimate your crop if left unchecked. If it stays dry snails are less active, infact they barely move, but when it rains they all go on a devastating rampage.
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thanks mdb, only had one frost this winter, but I'll hold on for a bit :)
NP, glad to be able to share the experience of my friend in growing them. Last years crop was a washout, he used the same soil he'd used the previous year, any proper gardener knows you shouldnt do that, as the previous years crop will have used up all the nutrients in the soil that they required, thats why gardeners rotate their crops. Plus it started pissing down for weeks once the plants reached the stage they should start to develop pods. They didnt. They all died.

In comparison, the year before was far more successfull, the pods only grew to thumbnail size, i think he planted too many in too small an area andshould have thinned them out more. Im not sure though if its better to have a 100 thumbnail size supposed Giganteum pods, or about 20 proper big ones. I guess there is a happy medium, and he should thin them down to about 50 in number, if he decides to grow them again this year. Btw the fresh green pods are FAR stronger than the dried ones. Its a mightly fine sight to see those pods forming and growing. Fucking disappointing when they refused to grow as big as was desired though.

Never the less, its completely worth 99p or £1.99 or hjowever much a big bag of compost is, poppies are extremely low maintainenance apart from thinning them out once they've grown big enough to do so; getting rid of the slowest growers, to give the fastest growing and stronger ones more space, and keeping the snails at bay. I dont normally agree with poisoining any living creature but they attract dozens and dozens of snails and if they are going to eat your poppies otherwise, then the bastardss will have to be poisoned. My mate also tried just picking them up, and lobbing them as far away as he could, so the ended up in someone elses yard 50 metres away or something lol. Ther's no way of knowing if the same ones keep returning though, so extermination is the only reliable way, unfortuantely. I would like him to find a more humane way of killing them, maybe crushing them with big rocks or something. A quick and painless death is better. The poison seems to take a while to kill them.

If it goes too long without rain they will obviously require watering occasionally. Thats unlikely to be too much of a concern given our climate. But if the jet stream gets stuck well to the north of the UK this year, we could have a gorgeous summer, and the watering sprinkler thing will have to be used. My mate loves growing his poppies and taking care of them, he finds it very therapuetic.

You will also discover why they are called poppies. When you harvest them, and bring them in to dry out a bit, they literally go "pop" quite loudly in fact and scatter their seeds. At first i wondered wtf was going on, and what all those strange noises were, then it all became clear and made a lot of sense. =D
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Can anyone provide a source for photos regarding mold? I have some that seem to have bits of discoloration on the stems. As in the stems have a few black spots, though the texture is someone sticky so maybe this is latex? I am wondering if this is safe to ingest or smoke?
what is the rattle like off these things? I'm finding the tea is great for making me feel normal doesn't buzz me but keeps me happy and my mind off gear.
Have only used them a couple times myself (and very nice they are too) but those who have gotten to the physically dependent stage tend to rate it as one of the most brutal opie withdrawals - not only harsh but also extended. Somewhat akin to methadone w/d going by what I've heard.
I never had a true addiction until I made a habit of poppy tea.

Anyone outside of Bluelight that I have told that to looks at me cross-eyed.
I used to get dried pods in 2 kilo bags that were cheap as chips. 30 euro for a bag that gave me +- 150-200 doses (opiate naive).
Rarely bothered with making tea, I'd just throw them into the coffee grinder and swallow the powder with a few swigs of water.

Rattle-wise a week's use would result in two or three weeks of flu symptoms and depression... that drawn-out withdrawal scared me off, so I chose other opioids for regular use. I never went through a serious pod rattle but as Shambles wrote, it has a bad reputation.

The other reason I didn't keep some around is that the last batch of pods turned my stool a sandy yellow color. No stomach cramps or anything, probably was some sort of mold.
well, I suppose they are long lasting so so long as I don't drink it every day it might not be too bad. there is no easy way with this stuff. had a great sleep last night from them and feel much better this morning than I did yday morning.
Poppy Pod Tea

I've tried Poppy Pod Tea a few times now. My method is as follows:

Remove the seeds from the dried pods, then put the pods weighing 40 grams in a blender and blend it until it becomes a powder.

Place into a saucepan of hot (but not boiling) water and simmer on the stove for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally

Sieve into a glass and add some honey to sweeten

I don't down it all at once, but sip over a couple of hours

Sometimes I experience a pleasant effect, similar to kratom, but nothing too major. Also get the unpleasant hangover/grogginess when it wears off but I suppose that's inevitable

Does anybody have tips to improve on that method?
I've tried Poppy Pod Tea a few times now. My method is as follows:

Remove the seeds from the dried pods, then put the pods weighing 40 grams in a blender and blend it until it becomes a powder.

Place into a saucepan of hot (but not boiling) water and simmer on the stove for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally

Sieve into a glass and add some honey to sweeten

I don't down it all at once, but sip over a couple of hours

Sometimes I experience a pleasant effect, similar to kratom, but nothing too major. Also get the unpleasant hangover/grogginess when it wears off but I suppose that's inevitable

Does anybody have tips to improve on that method?

My technique is very similar - 7 - 10 dried pods, seeds removed (saved for next year), crushed with pestle and mortar, but not to a fine powder as that is too difficult to filter. Simmer in pan for 30 minutes or so then strain through a fine cloth. Add some lemon juice and drink as quickly as possible. I find the taste rather pleasant and as it hasn't been ground too fine there is very little plant material in the juice to make you gag. After an hour or so, repeat the process with the residue in the cloth. I find no unpleasant aftereffects using this method (though YMMV) and experience a very nice opiate buzz for 4 - 6 hours which is easily potentiated by a little weed.

N.B. I use homegrown poppies so please dose carefully if you use imported pods.

My poppy patch is currently coming on strong and I look forward to a decent harvest this year.
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Good luck with your harvest. Yeah I get the dried pods - they're easily and legally available, although it does make me wonder whether they might be strains deliberately bred with low alkaloid content? Seems odd that they appear to have escaped the draconian wrath of the PSA. But of course only old grannies who enjoy flower-arranging buy them.....;)

I weigh them rather than count the pods as there's no way of knowing how potent each one is. At the moment I've settled on around 40 grams. I am quite worried about potentially ODing which is why I drink slow to try and assess the effects. I understand it can take quite a while for the effects to come on.

I heard that the smaller the bits that you crush them into, the more alkaloids will be extracted - more surface area. Perhaps a powder is too far, I will try a pestle and mortar next time

I read that alkaloids can be destroyed at high temperatures, so you shouldn't use boiling water - is this true?

Is the lemon juice necessary as an acid to aid extraction?
If the Poppy pod's effects are only on par with Kratom sometimes is there any reason you wanne use them Forever Changes? I there a Kratom drought?
I found the Poppy pod's I collected definitly a poor substitute for Kratom.

The pod's seemed very unpredictable compared to Kratom. I tried it more then once looking for a buzz but what I got was way off from all other opiod drugs I took. Will not repaeat. my method was like F.U.B.A.R. with less simmer time. Impatience but more brews and filterings.

Could be that I slightly overdosed each time but I never got sick but the experiences where lacking in good effects. But this where locally grown Papaver Somniferrum, maybe the location is a key role for the formation of good alkaloid composition.
I like to grow 'em, grow en masse in areas not on the beaten track. Stick the pods and straw in the blender with some acidified water mixed with alcohol, strip the alcohol after a good soak, vacuum-filter the resultant paste to get the goods out, repeat once, and precipitate the phenolics as the calcium phenoxide salts, acylate the resultant mix after removing codeine, after of course cleaning it up from a tarry product to something crystalline and white. Stuff packs a fuck of a punch, but due to the traces of codeine, given tiny bits must be remaining in, it does have a hell of a histamine release IV. Not enough to harm, but enough to make you itch all over like crazy unless one throws in some cyclizine etc.

Don't know how ANYONE could just sip it like a beverage though. The only way I can get it down if I don't isolate the alkaloids and make something IV'able, is to blend up a pan full of pods in water, stick it on the stove top, simmer with a little hydrochloric acid added, add sugar (lots of it too) or honey (likewise), vac filter first (so as not to get all sticky crap in my Buchner funnels to have to wash out after), then once its cool enough not to burn when swallowed, hold my nose, pour it all down in one go, holding my nose all the time, and before releasing the nasal death-grip, washing out my mouth and throat by pouring a huge amount of drink down my neck then washing my gob out with mouthwash.

Pod tea tastes vile, and bloody god, it STINKS something unholy. I wear an old gas mask of mine when making it, with an old ass organics filter in it, a mask that the manufacturers discontinued and there are no filter canisters available anymore. Rubber straps for the head have seen better days, after some of the things in the atmospheres that the mask has protected me from. I'd not trust it for five seconds doing anything that I actually NEED protection from for my health's sake, but it'll do fine for cutting out the vile stench that fills the kitchen when I brew pod tea. And for when I cook steak (the spice blend I use includes peppery boletus, water-pepper (Polygonum hydropiper) if I can find any plants growing, cubeb, szechuan pepper, black and pink pepper, and some real bastard little chili peppers that are less preserved botanical entity as rather high-yield pocket-nuke. dry-frying to toast them before they go into the blender for my steaks, you NEED a gas mask, otherwise the effect is like being trapped in a room full of chloroacetone, or getting a face full of acrolein vapors after pouring some down the sink (before anyone says how awful doing that was, I was under 10 years old when I did that, I didn't know better) and then flushing it down with water....only idiotically, using really hot water, vaporising a lot of it, and sending it belching up from the pipes like satan's own vomit mixed with battery acid. I like my steaks hot. Hot and liberally fly agaric-ed is how a good steak is meant to be. Doused with a hot and spicy version of brown sauce mixed with dark aged soy sauce and teriyaki sauce with habanero tabasco in there, as a marinade, and fried in more of the marinade after my spice blend (theres actually a fair few other bits and pieces in there other than the peppery bolete, water pepper, other spices I named, and the fly agaric) is rubbed into deep slashes in the meat.

So the gas mask is rather essential. You don't want to walk into my kitchen whilst I'm cooking steak. Not without breathing gear.
If the Poppy pod's effects are only on par with Kratom sometimes is there any reason you wanne use them Forever Changes? I there a Kratom drought?
I found the Poppy pod's I collected definitly a poor substitute for Kratom.

The pod's seemed very unpredictable compared to Kratom. I tried it more then once looking for a buzz but what I got was way off from all other opiod drugs I took. Will not repaeat. my method was like F.U.B.A.R. with less simmer time. Impatience but more brews and filterings.

Could be that I slightly overdosed each time but I never got sick but the experiences where lacking in good effects. But this where locally grown Papaver Somniferrum, maybe the location is a key role for the formation of good alkaloid composition.

Kratom banned here now :(

to be honest, I always found kratom to be a little hit and miss. Some people swear by Poppy pod tea, but I can see how it may be hit and miss too, depending on how good the pods you have are. I'm not sure what the optimal simmer/steep time is.

I wonder if simply eating the pods is better than making a tea from them. Would taste unpleasant, but at least you know you're getting all the goodies!
Just do a big ass grow, a real industrial scale one, choosing some grass field in the middle buggering nowhere. Burn the grass down with a non-alkane type solvent, something less toxic, ether or something, leave a long trail, chuck a match and leg it.

Later, go plant your field. Big extraction (a soxhlet is the best way to extract btw, it recycles solvent continually by depositing the alkaloids in your flask, and recirculating the vaporized solvent back through the part of the soxhlet containing the material to be extracted)


For really BIG grows you could weld up a metal soxhlet from a big steel drum, some copper piping and another steel drum to hold the solvent.

Bugger simmering, steeping etc, thats for making a dose of pod tea, not for poppy farming.

yeah it doesn't taste good for sure - I chase it with juice. Is adding citric acid OK rather than hydrochloric?

I don't think I'm ready to start farming yet.... especially as my nearest green patch is Wimbledon common! Might attract some attention :D
Yeah it would be fine. I've just got gallons of HCl around, it was convenient. Obviously one doesn't add enough to make it corrosive to the mouth etc. Citric would be fine, but I reserve my citric acid (funnily enough I just bought some more citric acid today, by total coincidence) for things requiring an nonoxidizing acid with...how to word it...a weak acid with a delicate touch, so to speak. Don't use it very often, but I've got bloody gallons of conc. HCl around the house. I go through loads of hydrochloric. Not specially needed for the pod extraction, but it is, in my own personal situation, the acid available in the largest quantity, drums of it around the place. Want my sulfuric for other things, would need lots of citric given the scale I like to work on, so, if the shoe fits, wear it.

Then turn it into crystals, strip out the codeine and acylate the fuck out of the leftovers once that has been done. Ideally to form the dipropionyl ester of the morphine content. Better than H, H isn't worth it if your doing an extraction and acylation, propionate ester has MASSIVELY longer duration of effect, and its easily as potent again compared to heroin as heroin is to morphine. More euphoric and better rush too. Bit of propionic anhydride, some pyridine and para-DMAP (caution-potentially lethal via skin contact, 4-dimethylaminopyridine is nasty shit) and you get yourself a FAST acylation at low temperatures of high efficiency.

And taste good? pod tea? it stinks like the devil shat in a diaper and stuffed it in a ruptured arab sewer in the height of the summer. And saturated in arab piss. Saudi piss at that. Hell, Allah's own personal piss.

It might contain nice things, but the vehicle is just awful. The opioids are the paradise and the virgins, the pod brew is the car bomb that sends you there=D
Good luck with your harvest. Yeah I get the dried pods - they're easily and legally available, although it does make me wonder whether they might be strains deliberately bred with low alkaloid content? Seems odd that they appear to have escaped the draconian wrath of the PSA. But of course only old grannies who enjoy flower-arranging buy them.....;)

I weigh them rather than count the pods as there's no way of knowing how potent each one is. At the moment I've settled on around 40 grams. I am quite worried about potentially ODing which is why I drink slow to try and assess the effects. I understand it can take quite a while for the effects to come on.

I heard that the smaller the bits that you crush them into, the more alkaloids will be extracted - more surface area. Perhaps a powder is too far, I will try a pestle and mortar next time

I read that alkaloids can be destroyed at high temperatures, so you shouldn't use boiling water - is this true?

Is the lemon juice necessary as an acid to aid extraction?

I believe that with any procedure, consistency is the key. If you do it the same time every time with a known source, then you can minimise the variables - regardless of how efficient the procedure is. I now have a good idea of the potency of the pods I grow which is why I just count the pods. Though tbh, it makes no difference if you weigh them or just chuck a set number in - especially with imported pods as the alkaloid content is so variable. Similarly, although you're probably wise to drink it slowly in order to assess the effects, in reality, due to the length of time it takes to come on, unless you take a couple of hours to finish the brew it's not going to make much difference - and cold poppy tea is pretty minging.

You're correct that finely ground powder leads to more efficient extraction, but like I said, it makes filtration difficult and depending upon what you use as a filter, you run the risk of getting a cloudy cuppa. I use a clean microfibre cloth with a couple of sheets of kitchen roll over the top (all pre-wetted of course), which allows the filtration to be sped up by squeezing the cloth. I get a relatively clear brew in this way.

As for temperature, I believe the goodies can start to break down over 90?C, which is why I simmer rather than boil.

Finally, I've no idea if lemon juice helps the extraction or improves potency, but it certainly makes the brew more palatable. It tastes just like lemon tea to me and is not at all unpleasant. However, the addition of sugar or other sweeteners (e.g. honey) makes it fuckin rank!

Have fun :)

Damned if I couldn't build one from copper pipe and steel chemical drums to be heated by an electrically insulated, effectively, very large capacity heating element made from nichrome or some other resistance wiring, wrapped in fiberglass and wrapped round the base of the drum. And a big fuckoff great condenser again, made out of metal piping.

The trick with poppies, is not to START with the mindset of an artiste, other than in picking good genetics.

But rather, it is to think like an afghan. Do you think the talibani fanni-sniffers spend all day and night pricking pods and then scraping latex the next day and throw out the rest?

Bollocks, they are going to be brewing it up in a setup like that, and not buggering about, just cut the pods and straw, strip the leaves off then throw the entire lot into a blender, blend to pulp and soxhlet the fucking shite out of it.

THEN you can let your inner artiste to come out and play, in refining, crystallizing, acylating and eventually, thinking to yourself, as you put your feet up on the sofa, thinking 'ahh, thats the reward for a year's job well fucking done, give yourself a pat on the back and treat yourself to a shot of propionylated opium extract thats had codeine removed. Or smoke the base, .with a bit of caffeine base mixed in'.

When you are growing them, think industry, taliban and big pharma type setups, when you are processing, think 'craftsman' and when finally, acylating the crystalline product, think 'artiste' :) And reward well earned. Say I still gots to plant my crops this year. I know just the place.

With there being hardly any spring, it still feels early in the year, but still, gotta do it.