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?? ? THE SOCIAL CLUB v. Come Say Hi! ? ??

Keeping, sorry for your loss man. I never knew of him, but just listened to Awful Things (music video) and loved it. So chill, and dark. Loved it, I'm going to check some more of his stuff sometime soon. I really really liked it and I was just closing my eyes and watching formless geometric patterns transform into entities who would reveal themselves to me just for a moment. I had never really closed my eyes on a higher dose of 2C-C and it was amazing. Really reminded me of DMT, but different somehow that I can't quit put my finger on it. The visuals were less intensive, super chill, and I was just laying there jiving with these spirits. Dude... sorry that happened man he seems really chill and all the tattoos are super cool.

I was going to advise you to watch your doses since you hadn't used in 8 days but I figured you knew what you were doing.
He realized no cat would debase itself to true proletarian existence--although they serve no dogs or masters, they expect you to scoop up their shit.

(Guillotinette, is the answer to your question)

As to all the bourgeoisie!


LOL. Images like this could get you bundled into the back of a van and 'disappeared' in the middle of the night, and that's just the dog. Be careful, the cats have eyes everywhere, and not just in the road!!!

I really miss methoxetamine sometimes. It was the perfect drug to dose on a lazy morning with nice weather and no obligations. You could just watch ants do stuff outside or draw odd doodles for hours in your own little world.

I guess I'll just get really stoned instead. It's pretty similar. But at the same time it isn't lol.

Weather wise we're having a bit of an on/off Indian Summer here in the southeastern USA. One day it's fucking 72 degrees F the next it's 50 degrees F (which we begin to consider cold.)
Keeping, I just listened through Come Over When You're Sober pt.1.

Some of the darkest, most beautiful music I have ever heard. I am on 2C-C looking at gorgeous visuals when I close my eyes and even faces of entities (but everything is dark and chill, like DMT by candlelight or something like that... just so damn chill).

Some of the best music I've ever heard, I'm checking all of his stuff out.

Thanks, hope you enjoyed the smack but you must be sad. I am sad too and I never listened to him before just now.
Man bro that album brought me to tears and it's my first time listening to him... story of my life. Story of my life... come over when you're sober.

Railing an extra large amount of 2c-c to pay respect to him even though I'm already really quite high and slept like 4 hours in the past 48 or more.

Drugs in my nose, good drugs in my cup.
'two weeks with the same old jeans on, i know you wanna die baby this is your theme song'

you should really check out his soundcloud - makes me cry like a lil bitch every time.
smoking a fat rockin his memory too man. RIP Peep
'two weeks with the same old jeans on, i know you wanna die baby this is your theme song'

you should really check out his soundcloud - makes me cry like a lil bitch every time.
smoking a fat rockin his memory too man. RIP Peep

Damn that was a good song, dude, sucks this guy passed.

Those combined depressant overdoses have robbed humanity of a lot of talented young people.

I'll have to look into Lil Peep.
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You better be utilizing all parts of that decapitated cat. Can I just say, this is an instance of De-cat-a-dation. Cduggles and I were just discussing the possibility of quality guitar strings.
The cats were spared--keeping the vermin in check is service enough to mankind; pest control of another sort was always the aim of "antifa":

Plastic French Nobility--may their blood lubricate your libations:

The cats were spared--keeping the vermin in check is service enough to mankind; pest control of another sort was always the aim of "antifa":

Plastic French Nobility--may their blood lubricate your libations:

Did you construct this miniature guillotine? That's pretty damn cool, I love carpentery projects.
Bob Villa is my uncle! the creepy, molest-you-with-duct tape kind, to judge by my carpentry skillz.

I really DID, however, build a mini guillotine as a HS freshmen (what else do English teachers expect when they make teen boys read "A Tale of Two Cities?"). It was more on the popsicle stick-level of craftsmanship, though.

BUT, the coolest part for me is that to put enough weight on the razor blade to decapitate baby carrots, I actually melted down some lead and had it set in a mold I built. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that my grades went to shit right after.
I have been in tears all day today... for hours and hours... it's natural sadness with meaning, I haven't felt sad like this in a long while.

I really need my brother right now and I'll be seeing him later today.
I have been in tears all day today... for hours and hours... it's natural sadness with meaning, I haven't felt sad like this in a long while.

I really need my brother right now and I'll be seeing him later today.

Dude the days right after you get through some major pent up sadness are transcendent though. I hope you see your brother and work through your stuff.

Bob Villa is my uncle! the creepy, molest-you-with-duct tape kind, to judge by my carpentry skillz.

I really DID, however, build a mini guillotine as a HS freshmen (what else do English teachers expect when they make teen boys read "A Tale of Two Cities?"). It was more on the popsicle stick-level of craftsmanship, though.

BUT, the coolest part for me is that to put enough weight on the razor blade to decapitate baby carrots, I actually melted down some lead and had it set in a mold I built. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that my grades went to shit right after.

Fuck I used to melt down lead to make tons of lead Orcs from this metal casting set my dad had to make figurines for dungeons and dragons. I would also melt Styrofoam into landscapes with lighters/torches and spray paint them to look like grass and stuff, usually to arrange the lead fantasy figurines. Dude those Styrofoam fumes were noxious as fuck I don't really know why I enjoyed doing that so much in retrospect.
Thanks for pointing that out. Can't wait to feel happy again, but it isn't exactly a bad day. Just a fiery emotional one.

I just had a good soup with some bread, and a liter of coconut water and smoked a tightly rolled joint. Feeling a little better, did my laundry as well. Going to take a shower and get dressed for tonight.

Should be fine, I need a good long sleep tonight. Thanks again I think me and my brother will have a good time.

edit... I am feeling better and better. I know there are people who care if I'm having a bad dad. 'cid dude I hope you get some fuckin acid into ya.

I'm excited for tonight. I took 40mg diazepam because I really felt like I needed it and I have been skipping too many benzo doses without realizing it. I had a lot of coconut water, goat cheese with cranberry, a delicious soup my mom made, with some fresh bread. Feeling a lot better actually and the valium is chilling me out a bit... I do have a tolerance.

I can sense and see entities and spirits all around me, eyes open or closed, I seem to be attracting a lot of energy today. Positive attracts negative after all. I just saw revolving red roses with lovely green stems when I closed my eyes. I'm tripping way harder than I normally am when I share stuff here.
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I addressed ya an hour or so ago in another thread. I'm real glad you did finally dose some diazepam n get some good nutrition into ya.

I hope as we speak you're out with lil brother n enjoying the evening.

Hey there's nothin wrong with having a good heavy cry from time to time. It's a cleansing, body n soul. It really seems to release a shit - ton of tension. Ya know how you get that tension headache sometimes during / after a large crying jag ? I always get that; but after things settle down and the sobbing subsides, I can feel my neck and shoulders Physically relaxing down into their natural position *** when I didn't even realize they'd been clenched/ hunched up into an UNNATURAL position earlier. It's Such a load off, truly. To just release it all n have a good Honest cry.

It's truly a WONDER -- whether it's God, the Universe, evolution -- however our minds n bodies came to be the well-functioning machines they Are; and we need to realize that every little to large BIT of anything we introduce INTO our systems, is going to have an effect somewhere along the line of our homeostasis.

It's only natural (ha ha) right?
You are being far too kind to me running fox. I don't think homeostasis returns 2 weeks after a 5 years struggle with heroin and oxycodone. I am going to have to patient, but there are already so many improves that have manifested in my life. I feel alive for the first time in many years.

It's only natural to desire so much of this strange research chemical that psychedelifies the mind in such a lovely way while I am getting some more serious clean time under my belt.

My brother just messaged me saying thanks and that it was a good time. We had a great time... I just love that little scorpio. I met some of his friends in the local music scene, I was tripping and it was fun to watch the band and look at all the paintings and art on the walls. It's a really nice little place and very few people were there. My kind of scene, and the music was great. Our drummer buddy was phenomenal.

Oh by the way... check out the thread I created in sex, love, and relationships. It's pretty awesome that I got so many responses so quickly and it changed the way I think about the topic as well. I got so much joy out of that... my first thread.
You talking bout the pro life/ pro choice (or vice versa )?. . . I did read it and the responses it had garnered by yesterday (Wednesday I mean).. .there were something like 18 resp at that time.

I'll continue to look over it from time to time ; not sure if it's one I will add to (*It's a real touchy subject for me and one of the few topics I'm REALLY terrible at staying objective / respecting others ' positions on. )
I'm a mom of 5 and have lost 2 of my kiddos (prior to birth). So yeah it's a touchy one fer the Fox.

What genre of music is it (EXACTLY ) that you n your brother are into and /or play with bands? I understand you are just practicing solo at present? But lil bro is currently in a band ? You're both young so.... just curious what style you're into?

I'm glad you had a good time.

Oh I agree with you, in that homeostasis or even homeo-not-goin-nuts will likely take months to achieve after all your body's been put thru (*I'm not real educated on how damaging benzos can be ) but especially the longs years of oxycodone use.... sheeeeesh. I hope your liver is ok. (Or were you on the type sans acetaminophen? )

I just think it's a great big step that you've finally taken in getting the Hell awaaaaaay from the opiates. And fewer benzos than previously. And good healthy eatin, the fresh air and walks you've been getting .... you're doing remarkably well.

So the 2C substances are classified as a research compound? I've never used ecstasy or MDMA but I guess I've been imagining your 2C-class as akin to those and/ or psychedelics? Or maybe a cross in between? (Hard to imagine they're legal :~)

Indeed the effects you describe from their use send me to thinking it must be much safer than the big H n the pharmaceutical opiates;
Certainly there are dangers somehow -- most likely with Pro-looooooonnnnnged use and / or excessive indulgence. Since it's so new to you AND you're coming away from that long opiate affair, I just hope you'll be careful.

I guess I've heard the old expression regarding acid, as to a person becoming "burned out" on them. But I've never quite known with any familiarity what that Means. In my imagination, ever since my childhood (perhaps my family knew someone when I was very young, to whom my parents pointed as a "druggie" or a "burn out" but I haven't any Clear recognition of such a person) I've just always sort of pictured someone who is Slow to respond, zombie-like..... maybe Mellow to the point of "not all THERE ".

I would just advise caution.
REALLY hoping you get some good rest n relaxation over the weekend.

You've mentioned a bit about a new job you've been commissioned to do, and that you'll be able to work from home on some or all of it? I look forward to hearing any further details about that new adventure if / when you decide to share.

I do not have an official Occupation anymore. In past years, I suppose Housewife is the term someone in my position was labeled as.
What a crappy term. Housewife. As if you married a man and now you stay behind closed doors never to be seen nor heard from again. Ha ha ha .

Unofficially I'm a writer. Yet I haven't written for publication in many (many many many) years. This past summer a spark for an old project lit under my ass .... but it didn't really take off. I made a decent amount of progress and one day SPLATTTTT ! My creativity fell flat n has not sparked back up again since

Ah well.
I live in Hope

I'll go check out some other threads now ; maybe I'll run into you there. Again I'm SO glad you enjoyed the night out with your brother. Hope its a Great birthday for the kiddo.