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New episodes of Hamilton's Pharmacopia on Viceland


May 23, 2013
surprised there is no discussion thus far of this new (old youtube) TV series.

The first episodes have been great, qualuudes, pcp, then salvia. I urge you to watch it.

This guy is the anthony bouardain of drugs....traveling around the world tasting exotic drugs meeting chemists, shamans, and users. what a nice job that must be.
The show is actually better than I expected. Once I got past his doucheyness and realized behind that is a very smart informed man I have enjoyed the show much more. The recent episode of salvia was very good and I appreciated how he respects the plant.

However episodes like getting high on HIV meds make me cringe. But that's also the nice thing about him. He doesn't shy away from touchy subjects.

The PCP episode was pretty great too. I look forward to future episodes.
He mentioned blue light in the pcp episode....he's probably a member I would imagine
I was thinking the same thing after seeing the Quaalude episode this guy also has a lot of good episodes on the Vice YouTube channel.
It's a GREAT fucking show and I was just thinking of mentioning it.

I've seen the episodes on PCP, Quaaludes and Salvia and LOVE how he seems to be doing shows on more fringe drugs than the same old shows on weed, Ecstasy, Heroin, Coke, Meth, LSD and Shrooms.

Here are some substances I hope he does shows on: Kratom, Phenibut, DMT, Absinthe, Amyl Nitrate (Poppers), any old school barbiturates (reds/seconal, yellows/Nembutal), any of the newer RCs psychs, Ketamine, MXE, Ether, Mescaline/Peyote, etc.
The show is actually better than I expected. Once I got past his doucheyness and realized behind that is a very smart informed man I have enjoyed the show much more. The recent episode of salvia was very good and I appreciated how he respects the plant.

However episodes like getting high on HIV meds make me cringe. But that's also the nice thing about him. He doesn't shy away from touchy subjects.

The PCP episode was pretty great too. I look forward to future episodes.[/QUOTE

Not sure what you thought was "douchey" about him.

I think he seems cool.
He mentioned blue light in the pcp episode....he's probably a member I would imagine

What did he say about bluelight?

I thought the same thing, that he’s probably a bluelighter.

Any guess as to who he might be?

Think he’s a mod?
Hamilton's cool. Knows a fair bit about chemistry and pharmacology. Good writer too, definitely one of the best Vice writers. The Sapo Diaries was one of my favourite articles. He goes into the Amazon and burns psychoactive frog secretions into his skin then goes back to the city and wanders around on Ayahuasca.

He talks about seeing 'de ja vu-faced travellers' and walking through 'places of impossible familiarity'. I can relate to that, walking around unfamiliar cities on psychedelics and everything is new to me but at the same time, there's this strange sense of having been there before..

I wish I knew what that was like.

I haven't done as many psychedelics and really mind expanding drugs as I'd like.

I'm a bit cautious due to being on an SSRI, and for good reason, but I've been able to be fine on Shrooms, LSD, Salvia and other things on SSRIs before.

I also rarely find the perfect location in which I feel totally safe to trip out of my mind.

It's easy to do shit like Kratom, Phenibut, Weed, Prolintane, booze and nitrous wherever, but shit that takes you out of your mind for hours, that's harder for me to commit to unless the set and setting are PERFECT.
Should always be in a good mindset, but I find sometimes it's not such a bad thing to go a bit out of my comfort zone in terms of the 'setting'. Even if it's just a day trip in a city or town a few hours away, I come back feeling a real connection to the place, especially since I'll walk for hours, wandering down every avenue I can. Sometimes it's fun to get a bit lost.

Psychedelics have this way of expanding my sense of time, so I may have only spent a day somewhere, but I feel like I was there for a lot longer. When I'm tripping, I feel like I'm seeing the world through alien eyes anyway (as in, looking at things in a new way, as if seeing them for the first time) I figure I might as well be looking at something new.
No one notices the complete rape of Vice and all it's content after Shane Smith sold it to Warner Brothers for $400 million? The content was replaced over night.
I was thinking the same thing after seeing the Quaalude episode this guy also has a lot of good episodes on the Vice YouTube channel.
Yeah, I saw that episode too. It was certainly interesting, as it's the last place on earth where Quaaludes are available. The problem is, it's not pure methaqualone. They add Benadryl into it, and it can't even be orally ingested, it has to be smoked. I can't even imagine the havoc that wreaks on your body. I'm a bit too young to remember the glory days of pure pharmaceutical methaqualone, they were designated Schedule 1 I think in 1984. Those Quaaludes were manufactured by legit pharama companies, without any additives. I'm 41, but my parents' generation remembers Rorer, Sopor, when the content was pure, without any additives. Those were the days, all right! Sorry to have missed it! ??
Hamilton's cool. Knows a fair bit about chemistry and pharmacology. Good writer too, definitely one of the best Vice writers. The Sapo Diaries was one of my favourite articles. He goes into the Amazon and burns psychoactive frog secretions into his skin then goes back to the city and wanders around on Ayahuasca.
Definitely. I think he's a cool guy.

I thought the same thing, that he’s probably a bluelighter.

Any guess as to who he might be?

Think he’s a mod?
Haha, he definitely used to post here a bit...but like the rest of us, i'm sure he values his anonymity (though possibly for different reasons - his experimentation with drugs is not exactly a well-kept secret) :)

I'm pretty certain he's not a bluelight staff member though, hehe.

Edit -
For fans of Hamilton's (and/or fans of Adam Green - one of my favourite musicians, so finding this was something of a treat!) - this is a pretty damn interesting seminar/discussion about art and drugs (and a bunch of other stuff).
It made me go and watch the film Adam Green wrote on ketamine. What a trip!

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Hamilton's a little bitch and his "Farm a co-pay uh?" can go straight to hell.

I've been heckling this guy trying to get him to talk to me for like 6 months but he won't respond to my insults or requests for new show topics. I was disappointed to see an entire episode dedicated to the drug Salvia. I think he needs to stop fucking around and really dig into the chemicals that we know and love. Not just using them, but studying and discussing their chemistry.

Why not have a show about Opioids? We're in the midst of a so-called crisis, why not educate the masses. We here on Bluelight are generally better-educated on the subject than the public as a whole. Maybe people are afraid that if they actually demonstrate the full range of effects of Opioids, we'll come to the conclusion that they're not harmful to the body, which would be a kick straight to the testicles of the DEA.
Yeah, I saw that episode too. It was certainly interesting, as it's the last place on earth where Quaaludes are available. The problem is, it's not pure methaqualone. They add Benadryl into it, and it can't even be orally ingested, it has to be smoked. I can't even imagine the havoc that wreaks on your body. I'm a bit too young to remember the glory days of pure pharmaceutical methaqualone, they were designated Schedule 1 I think in 1984. Those Quaaludes were manufactured by legit pharama companies, without any additives. I'm 41, but my parents' generation remembers Rorer, Sopor, when the content was pure, without any additives. Those were the days, all right! Sorry to have missed it! ����

Good lord, that shit must be rough on the lungs...not to mention the rest of the body. And, per the episode, falling on the floor with your head as the sole provider of support multiple times within one experience is probably not helping with HR, loll
No question! The way I understand it, back in the day, Quaaludes were meant to be swallowed, and all the pharma companies at least put out a pure version. This Mandrax, though, has to wreak havoc on your lungs. Not to mention it's an impure compound with potentially dangerous adulterants. No way in hell would I touch them.
That Adam green movie, the wrong Ferrari, is ace. It is my go to movie to watch while dissoed, and even has Macaulay caulkin in it.

I like the higher budget of the new hammiltons pharmacopia episodes, it really makes them much nicer to watch. Also, there is a vibe of dry humor that permeates like on the paper episode, he is talking to an artist about communicating with dolphins on paper and the guy says "sand dollars grow holographically, you know what I mean." And Hamilton says as deadpan as ever "no, I don't know what you mean." So dry.
Hamilton's a little bitch and his "Farm a co-pay uh?" can go straight to hell.

I've been heckling this guy trying to get him to talk to me for like 6 months but he won't respond to my insults or requests for new show topics. I was disappointed to see an entire episode dedicated to the drug Salvia. I think he needs to stop fucking around and really dig into the chemicals that we know and love. Not just using them, but studying and discussing their chemistry.

Why not have a show about Opioids? We're in the midst of a so-called crisis, why not educate the masses. We here on Bluelight are generally better-educated on the subject than the public as a whole. Maybe people are afraid that if they actually demonstrate the full range of effects of Opioids, we'll come to the conclusion that they're not harmful to the body, which would be a kick straight to the testicles of the DEA.

They are harmful in that they are reinforcing....which causes tens of thousdands to take t0o much and die each year.

Its that domestic and hard drugs are not really his thing....the show is a lot about anthropology and drugs interfacing in foreign cultures. Its interesting. I wouldn't watch another show about a bunch of heroin addicts killing themselves on fentanyl