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The Big & Dandy ALD-52 Thread

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So I've experimented with both ALD and 1p this last month for strictly microdoses, to test for differences. I've come to a definite conclusion that 1p causes pronounced sort of subtle confusion, like sensitivity to how words are said, and then looping them. sort of annoying. This is during the come up period that lasts for about an hour, that I attribute to my body having a bit of trouble catalyzing the 1p group fully and turning into the lsd. I'm not sure about the pharmakentics exactly, but this happens everytime, and that seems to be the best explanation I can think of. After its fully active though, the lysergic energy is indistinguishable. with ald-52 the onset into lysergic energy seems to be very smooth and a really unnoticeable transition period from sober to just feeling bright, clean, and energetic.
full blotter after two days off, and no longer comparable to beer, this is the real thing,
with a spring to it!
well half tab did feel like a good strong beer (but a magical one), while one blotter is straight up clean bright acid space and flow.
After about 4 goes with 250, 2 at 125 and 1 at 375, I feel bewteen 250-375 is perfect....I'll never go lower than 250 again personally....

I also need to tone down the amount of booze I ingest next time to reall gauge where I feel the best at.....I'm thinking 250 just feels perfect
Hey guys, I think this was discussed here before, but I can't find it in the thread.

I recently received 25 blotters, supposedly dosed at 125ug, but some of them are noticeably "thinner" than the others. I'm not sure if that means that the thinner ones are underdosed, or if the sheet was perforated arbitrarily, in which case none of the blotters has the advertised dosed. Has anyone encountered themselves with thinner blotters? Were they weak ? Were the rest of them stronger than 125 ug ?

I bought this to have "reliably dosed acid", but it the dose is still unknown it kind of defies the purpose, he. Still curious as to how this lysergamide will compare to it's parent molecule, seeing as many people reported a "mellower" trip. But I must admit I'm an skeptic, as 1P felt the same as LSD to me.
my ald-52 blotters are way thinner and not printed as compared to 1p-lsd from the same source.
they could be light, you have to try it,
then there it is - they are what they are,
no guarantees on the actual number of micrograms present,
the market is not regulated. thank goodness.
Haha yeah, that's true. Blotter's dose is usually a mystery. I was just interested in making ug per ug comparison with the other available lysergamides. What confuses me, though, is not that they are thinner than other blotters I've had in the past, but that some of the ones I received are thinner than the others from the same batch. So I think I should assume they are unevenly dosed ?
By thin, do you mean the paper is thinner, or they're rectangular rather than square (ie, one dimension is narrower)? I received 25 hits of ALD-52 from a common source that prints the molecule on them, and most of them were regular size, but the edge ones have about 1/3 extra width. Those blotters are certainly stronger than the regular sized ones. Since it's almost certain they soak their sheets and don't try dropping on each hit, that makes sense.
Oh , yes, I guess narrower is a better suited word
One column of blotters is narrower than the rest.
I guess those ones are underdosed then :/
From Xorkoth's description it sounds like those may not be underdosed but the others overdosed?
I'm not sure of the exact method they used to lay these blotters, but I seriously doubt that your thinner blotters are in fact dosed lower. I wouldn't worry about it :) plus you could always eat em if you're really wanting to find out the truth :p
From Xorkoth's description it sounds like those may not be underdosed but the others overdosed?

Mmhmhm but my situation is the contrary of what Xorkoth described. He said he has 4 columns of squares, and then at the right a 5th column of wider blotters, which he experienced as stronger.

I got four columns of perfect squares, but the first column to the left is made of narrower, rectangle-blotters.

Maybe I should just ignore the perforation and cut the piece of paper I received in 25 same-sized squares, lol.

Cream Gravy? said:
Plus you could always eat em if you're really wanting to find out the truth :p

Hahaha, yeah, I guess I'm eating them this weekend. For THE TRUTH !
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All I know is I had a banner day today on 250ug. Coming off of back to back bad expierences combining eth-lad and ald I decided to not mix and just go with ald...and it was an excellent choice, pure bliss.

Now I have the daunting task to figure out my eth-lad. I'm a firm believer that the original 150 mic hits contain a more positive and beautiful energy then the 2nd batch 100mic hits.

But yeah, great to know ald is so incredibly beautiful on so many levels. I have found a true friend.
Hey guys, I think this was discussed here before, but I can't find it in the thread.

I recently received 25 blotters, supposedly dosed at 125ug, but some of them are noticeably "thinner" than the others. I'm not sure if that means that the thinner ones are underdosed, or if the sheet was perforated arbitrarily, in which case none of the blotters has the advertised dosed. Has anyone encountered themselves with thinner blotters? Were they weak ? Were the rest of them stronger than 125 ug ?

I bought this to have "reliably dosed acid", but it the dose is still unknown it kind of defies the purpose, he. Still curious as to how this lysergamide will compare to it's parent molecule, seeing as many people reported a "mellower" trip. But I must admit I'm an skeptic, as 1P felt the same as LSD to me.
Had a bunch of the fat wide blotters. They are good tabs. If they are stronger than the other ones than its not by much. I brought this up a few pages back.
Sorry to interplupt... currently coming up on a healthy serving of 450ug ALD-52 combo'd with 22mgs 2ce.. I'm in the clouds very gentle this combo is...
Hello. I'm going to share a very horrifying trip I experienced yesterday. Even though it was very intense, I feel as if I learned something from it. I've been crying for the past hours trying to get back into the real world. I will tell my story quite briefly.

Me and my 2 friends had been really excited about this weekend, we had all been on a 2 month break from taking psychs.
1st friend took 100ug, 2nd friend took 200ug, and I took 300ug.

The first 1.5hrs were awesome. As any other ald-52 trip I had, you know what I mean.
We had been outside for pretty much this entire time, and when we came inside, I turned on the tv. Everything was fine, until the audio started echoing, hardcore.
I had a blackout for ~5 minutes, but according to my friends, I stood up, screamed "NO, NO, NO!!" and i remember as if I was reborn. I had no memory of anything. I guess I freaked out my friends, but they were really nice, but I had trouble communicating with the friend who had ingested 200ug.
We could talk about anything, but I'd forgot what we talked about and so did he. This kept going for ~20 mins.

I got the sensation that I needed to get out of my house. One of my favorite youtubers [PsychedSubstance] taught me that you should leave the area if you're having a bad time. I guess i subconsciously remembered that, which helped me out a lot.
When we changed location I slowly started feeling fine.
[The next 8 hours was like any other ald-52 trip, but my memory was really foggy, I snapped out of it at times forgetting who I was and it felt like a dream.]

I guess I have a weak mind cause I've been reading a lot of trip reports on here, and some are way worse.
But this experience was pretty damn scary.
I have to add that the trip lasted for around 18-20 hours. It might have been because I could not sleep, and I could not eat whatsoever. But after getting 3 hours of sleep I'm basically at baseline, my tongue is a bit numb, and I'm still baffled... still seems unreal.
In my experience, the most frightening trips often don't sound very scary when told as a story. Anyone can grasp why a terrifying hallucination might scare you, but it's much harder to empathize with something like losing all of your memories and feeling too far away from reality for those inexperienced with such things. Ironically, on the other hand, I've also found that the darkest hallucinations often are not as frightening as they sound when you're actually seeing them.

No one should consider themselves to be of weak mind for having a difficult experience on 300 ug of LSD or any of its prodrugs. For most without tolerance that is a very powerful experience, and I've seen some pretty strong people lose their shit on less than that. The goal is just to make sure that you don't do anything to harm yourself or others or damage anything during the process, and to afterwards attempt to take something away from it as you've said you think you have.

The brief blackout as it's really hitting that you've described is also pretty consistent with my overly powerful LSD trips. The psychological effects always hit me really hard for the first few hours, and then it smooths out to be very down to earth and euphoric for two or three times as long after that, and if the dose is strong enough then the beginning will involve blackouts and/or some extremely novel states of consciousness similar to what you've described, and the rest will be more focused on reintegrating into myself and the rest of reality. A temporary loss of memory of my life leading up to the experience is also quite common, even when there is no blackout.

It is likely that things will still feel unreal for you for a little while; these kinds of experiences can take some time to work themselves out, regardless of whether they're positive or negative overall, and especially when you're new to them. Trust me though when I say that it will pass, and this trip will become just a distant memory like any other. Time has a way of doing that, no matter how intense any life experience seems in the moment.

In the meantime, though it may seem difficult, I would just try to be grateful that your first experience with such an intense trip ultimately went quite smoothly, in the sense that you didn't hurt yourself or do anything too crazy, and try to appreciate it for what it was. These drugs are not toys and they really need to be respected, as I'm sure you understand now more than ever.
I had a blackout for ~5 minutes, but according to my friends, I stood up, screamed "NO, NO, NO!!" and i remember as if I was reborn. I had no memory of anything. I guess I freaked out my friends, but they were really nice, but I had trouble communicating with the friend who had ingested 200ug.
We could talk about anything, but I'd forgot what we talked about and so did he. This kept going for ~20 mins.

this is what happens when the dose is too high for the person
initially sensation becomes richer, impulses last longer and overlap,
then entire moments or events layer up in a stack of timeless time (what you had "audio echoing hardcore")
then the stack of moments becomes too deep and you blackout or white out and become delerious.

slightly less psychedelic effect is just rich and maybe echoing, in this case you crossed the line to amnesia which fortunately with lysergics is not harmful just scary.
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