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Tough time here. How did you go about dealing with post acute withdrawals?


May 15, 2016
My title says all. I never thought I'd defeat going off of an abundance of opiates but somehow did cold turkey (I would be more then willing to tell what worked for me if asked).

I do have a legit reason for using them but used much more then prescribed (and methadone via a family member).

After day 3? I felt AWESOME! But then I just crashed (but didn't use)......I'm so irritable, I think of the drugs day and night (and even WHEN I CAN sleep which isn't often I dream of them even which I wrote on another thread but was somewhat happy to learn that's "normal").......

Anyway, all my physical symptoms are gone. Now it's just a constant "head game". I wish I could exercise (I hear that works wonders and a year ago I used to run 10 miles 5 days per week but that's no longer possible for me due to a debilitating disorder...RSD).....

So, I'd love to hear what others who are recovering endured and how they dealt with it or are dealing with it at the present time. I just wish this deep, dark depression (that was covered up by pills) would go away:(

Thanks in advance to anyone who kindly responds <3

I also want to state that it was my choice to stop taking the pills (oxycodone, around 100 mgs per day and methadone) solely because it got to the point that I was merely taking them to not be "sick". Peace and love to all <3
Hey Notso, chronic use of opiates ends up elevating pain significantly. To us using them seeking pain relief this does not initially seem correct as when we take them we receive pain relief, but we are getting relief from a greatly elevated pain level that the chronic use has created.

The good news is your pain exspierince should adjust back down in under year and for most in under seven months.

I certanly would not rule out exercise due to your condition as its one of the best pain relievers on the planet though it may not help with the nerve pain your experiencing. From my considerable exspierince with neurological pain it did not make mine worse ever so you may exspierince something similar. In the beginning the best exercise to treat paws is sustained low intensity. Is your condition localized in a way that would allow you to partake in any exercise.. swimming, stationary biking, specific designed weight lifting.

Emotions like like depression effect our thinking, but fortunately this is a two way street and our thoughts effect our emotions. Please consider working towards taking the reins away from the emotions and seizing them with the hands of your thoughts.

Our experience of life is determined buy our perception of life. Our perception of life is determined by our thoughts. We can control our thoughts. So we determine our life exspierince. We have little or no control over what life throws at us, but we have total control how we chose to perceive what comes our way. Keep it real simple for awhile and seek out and acknowledge all the beauty of life that we sometimes find it so easy to spot.

Today I am Thankful 4 Vs. Just when you think it can't get no better, then it does!

Share Something Positive About You Day vs. Good Things Happen Everyday

Why We Don’t Get Better Immediately: Post-acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS)
Post-acute-withdrawal syndrome Wiki

Exercise and Brain Neurotransmission
Neurobiology of Exercise
Aerobic Exercise
Exercise 4 Health, Mental Health, and Addiction vs. The Endorphin Factory
Exercise 4 Health, Mental Health, and Addiction vs. I worked all that out
exercise and sleep

Chemicals and supplements to recover from opiate addiction
Diet & Neurogenesis

it is a powerful thing to keep our thoughts positive and here are some threads many of us use to help us do this.
Good things about being off drugs/getting sober
Share Something Positive from Your Day vs. It's All Around You
Today I Am Thankful For... Ver. 4 Infinite Chances in an Amazing World
Daily Personal Affirmations Log Vs IM THE SHIT & NOT a piece a.. not playing me. NOPE
Managing depressive thinking

Here is the mindfulness thread.
Anhedonia MEGA Thread

Your going to get through this!!
Hey Notso, chronic use of opiates ends up elevating pain significantly. To us using them seeking pain relief this does not initially seem correct as when we take them we receive pain relief, but we are getting relief from a greatly elevated pain level that the chronic use has created.

The good news is your pain exspierince should adjust back down in under year and for most in under seven months.

I certanly would not rule out exercise due to your condition as its one of the best pain relievers on the planet though it may not help with the nerve pain your experiencing. From my considerable exspierince with neurological pain it did not make mine worse ever so you may exspierince something similar. In the beginning the best exercise to treat paws is sustained low intensity. Is your condition localized in a way that would allow you to partake in any exercise.. swimming, stationary biking, specific designed weight lifting.

Emotions like like depression effect our thinking, but fortunately this is a two way street and our thoughts effect our emotions. Please consider working towards taking the reins away from the emotions and seizing them with the hands of your thoughts.

Our experience of life is determined buy our perception of life. Our perception of life is determined by our thoughts. We can control our thoughts. So we determine our life exspierince. We have little or no control over what life throws at us, but we have total control how we chose to perceive what comes our way. Keep it real simple for awhile and seek out and acknowledge all the beauty of life that we sometimes find it so easy to spot.

Today I am Thankful 4 Vs. Just when you think it can't get no better, then it does!

Share Something Positive About You Day vs. Good Things Happen Everyday

Why We Don’t Get Better Immediately: Post-acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS)
Post-acute-withdrawal syndrome Wiki

Exercise and Brain Neurotransmission
Neurobiology of Exercise
Aerobic Exercise
Exercise 4 Health, Mental Health, and Addiction vs. The Endorphin Factory
Exercise 4 Health, Mental Health, and Addiction vs. I worked all that out
exercise and sleep

Chemicals and supplements to recover from opiate addiction
Diet & Neurogenesis

it is a powerful thing to keep our thoughts positive and here are some threads many of us use to help us do this.
Good things about being off drugs/getting sober
Share Something Positive from Your Day vs. It's All Around You
Today I Am Thankful For... Ver. 4 Infinite Chances in an Amazing World
Daily Personal Affirmations Log Vs IM THE SHIT & NOT a piece a.. not playing me. NOPE
Managing depressive thinking

Here is the mindfulness thread.
Anhedonia MEGA Thread

Your going to get through this!!
WOW, I honestly got teary eyed (in a good way) reading your response. To say it was magnificent would be an understatement. All the time you took. Again, wow, and amazing and so very appreciated.

It also makes me happy (because I wasn't going to go in depth) that you obviously know what RSD is. Many people don't. I have begun to take just small walks around a flat track around my hill filled small town yet feel discouraged thinking about last year when I was running on them. Not that it matters but my RSD was caused by a fall in ice. I layed with snow covering me for what felt like forever but then got up, figured I'd go to the doctor the next day yet the next day it didn't feel so bad. 3 months later I developed RSD (CRPS) and my leg became triple the size it was, turned reddish/purple and even my bed sheets caused pain. So, again, I appreciate not only your info and links but also the fact that you immediately knew it was neurological.

That being said, the more research I did the more I came to find that yes, the narcotics are going to dull the pain (and I'd taken small quantities here and there in the past before I became ill just for "fun"...yeah, what "fun" it eventually became....ZERO "fun") but with them being in me I wasn't giving other meds prescribed to me a "chance" to work (Gabapentin, max dose allowable and baclofen plus more but those are known to help the most for my condition

Again, though, I didn't even know if they were helping due to the large amount of narcotics I was taking.

Then, exactly 13 days ago I said "no more". "You're only taking them to stay out of withdrawals and it's become a monthly thing". That night I woke with a pulse rate of almost 200. To say I was afraid? Oh my God. I was PETRIFIED. After 2 hours (and 2 benzos, prescribed to me) I took 5mgs of methadone. I then sat waiting for the inevitable. The heart pounding, throwing up, shaking....and all else but it never came. BUT I was then so scared to sleep and my sleep has been horrible since and when I can sleep? Drug dreams that I hate which makes me fear sleeping even more. I also feel cold alot but that's it.

I'm not HUGE on prayer but I kept crying and begging my deceased parents to please help me (all the while having methadone as a "crutch" right by me for "just in case" but didn't take them)...they're now down the drain by the way:).

I didn't think this was "doable"....I even called rehab centers bUT all were filled up. I didn't want to go to the hospital (yet would've if my pulse remained as it was) and be forever "labeled". I just don't know. I had tried it all before. Doubling up on my benzo, even kratom but nothing worked. This time I doubled up on my blood pressure med (not recommending that), took immodium (worked great for that), dramamine (worked miraculously for nausea for me personally), my benzo 4 times a day instead of 2 and baclofen a small bit more (but this was all just for the 1st 3 days and again I'd not recommend my approach). And most of all? Just getting out of my home. I'd feel like; "I can't do it. I don't look right, feel right...etc". Then I'd just DO it and I'd hold doors open for people, talked to people and you know what? That helped (and I can't stress it enough) more then all else. TALKING. I then became completely defocused.

Someone recently wrote on a thread of mine about the thread being long. Long story behind it. But hey, what works for some won't work for others and vise versa. What helps me the most IS "talking" (obviously:)) and if it's my thread and it makes me feel better then I'll write a "book thread"....haha:).

Again though, what you shared with me is awesome and took you time to do and I REALLY appreciate your kindness. Much love to you <3
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See, this is exactly what I mean. I was able to sit, focus and type that. Yet as soon as I was finished and wasn't focused on doing something or "talking"? Back to thinking about how miserable I am and if I'll be able to make it through the day. I know it's PAWS but I never, ever expected it to feel worse then the acute withdrawal symptoms:(
Lastly, the links to the forums you sent me? Thank you so much. They didn't show on my phone which is almost always what I use. That gets tough too. I LOVE Bluelight and would kindly support anyone but right now it's hard for me to read about people taking oxycodone or methadone (oddly, all else I'm fine with).....I'm absolutely not judgemental but just even seeing the words written makes me fean which makes me know even more that I wasn't just taking them for the pain, nor was I dependent....I had/have a full blown addiction. I've never used heroin but even that sounded good. I also had no soul while taking mass quantities when I could. Now I feel like an emotional wreck. It does make me feel much better though knowing I'm not "alone". This website is THE BEST:)
Hey Thanks Notso,

Given your having using dreams and intense cravings you almost certanly are addicted. I always wondered why they call them using dreams because they should be called trying to use and failing every time as our minds never allow us to actually use.. something always goes wrong and then we wake up feeling all ashamed.

Throw all the guilt and shame out the window of a jet. Its not warranted, does no good and drives use. Just another little trick from our addict brain to drive use.

So people have a few completely different areas to address.

The physical dependency which manifests itself in the acute and post acute withdrawal.

Then many also face addiction.

We are all born with natural drives which make us do things that promote our own and our species survival. Hunger is the drive to eat. Thirst the drive to drink. The sex drive. All of these drives involve the dopamine reward pathway. Through your use of opiates which stimulate this pathway you have added another drive to your system. You now have a drive to use opiates. These drives are very powerful. Completely loving and non violent people will kill each other for water in no time at all if there is a severe shortage.

The unconscious part of your brain is the part that's addicted. The problem is that the unconscious is more powerful than your conscious and it has many tools it uses to make you do its bidding. Craving is one. Emotions are another. As your experiencing its a real bitch to fight it all day long. This is why so many addicts in recovery band together to help each other make it and support each other while they do.

Here are some good threads about addiction.

Addiction Guide

The Brain and Addiction

In the beginning just keep everything simple as possible and focus on keeping your thoughts in the present moment.

You will also like to check out the varied approaches to addiction treatment that people are using.

There are a few stuck threads here in sober living that can give you a good idea of whats out there and available. My take is try everything and give it a good shot and keep all the good stuff from each one. As addicts we tend to have bipolar opposite thinking. Stuff is either good or bad, it either works or is total crap. Of course this is not how life really is so when trying out different approaches to treating our addiction its beneficial to remind ourselves that part of that approach is total luny tune nonsense, but there are some really strong and beneficial ideas as well. Then we get to keep those ideas and mold them into our own personal approach while waving goodby to the stuff we don't need.
hey hang in there you need to find something new that you are passionate about and enjoy doing. do you have any hobbies/ things you like to do?

ill give you an example- when I was in your position, dealing with PAWS, I had my surfing and video games. These two passions of mine helped for awhile, but unfortunately just having hobbies is not enough to save you.

human connection is the opposite of addiction and I had very little of that all the times I went through PAWS, its why I failed.

I really am in no position to be giving people advice on how to stay clean since I cannot, I just wanted to say something... also you need to know that PAWS lasts a long time, up to 2 years. So you need to be ready for this and know that the depression you are experiencing (or will) is a result of your brain trying to get back to normal.

if PAWS gets too tough, don't go through life being miserable just to stay "clean". there is no shame in going on a maintenance drug like suboxone or methadone. I have been on subs for 4 years and still am, lmk if you have any questions and best of luck to you friend
Hey Thanks Notso,

Given your having using dreams and intense cravings you almost certanly are addicted. I always wondered why they call them using dreams because they should be called trying to use and failing every time as our minds never allow us to actually use.. something always goes wrong and then we wake up feeling all ashamed.

Throw all the guilt and shame out the window of a jet. Its not warranted, does no good and drives use. Just another little trick from our addict brain to drive use.

So people have a few completely different areas to address.

The physical dependency which manifests itself in the acute and post acute withdrawal.

Then many also face addiction.

We are all born with natural drives which make us do things that promote our own and our species survival. Hunger is the drive to eat. Thirst the drive to drink. The sex drive. All of these drives involve the dopamine reward pathway. Through your use of opiates which stimulate this pathway you have added another drive to your system. You now have a drive to use opiates. These drives are very powerful. Completely loving and non violent people will kill each other for water in no time at all if there is a severe shortage.

The unconscious part of your brain is the part that's addicted. The problem is that the unconscious is more powerful than your conscious and it has many tools it uses to make you do its bidding. Craving is one. Emotions are another. As your experiencing its a real bitch to fight it all day long. This is why so many addicts in recovery band together to help each other make it and support each other while they do.

Here are some good threads about addiction.

Addiction Guide

The Brain and Addiction

In the beginning just keep everything simple as possible and focus on keeping your thoughts in the present moment.

You will also like to check out the varied approaches to addiction treatment that people are using.

There are a few stuck threads here in sober living that can give you a good idea of whats out there and available. My take is try everything and give it a good shot and keep all the good stuff from each one. As addicts we tend to have bipolar opposite thinking. Stuff is either good or bad, it either works or is total crap. Of course this is not how life really is so when trying out different approaches to treating our addiction its beneficial to remind ourselves that part of that approach is total luny tune nonsense, but there are some really strong and beneficial ideas as well. Then we get to keep those ideas and mold them into our own personal approach while waving goodby to the stuff we don't need.
I can't stress enough how kind you are <3. Again? WOW and thank you <3. See, this is where I need to stay right now. On this forum and viewing the links you kindly sent me. Your words of wisdom are wonderful. Beautiful. And make so much sense. Before I was going on the new member site and trying to help others. But I saw seeking and much was about "how can I get higher safely" and then I'd just fean more. I need to stay away from that right now and work on me 1st. Again, I'm not judging these people but I just can't hear about how "great" someone's feeling at the moment after using.

And again, you're spot on. My dreams? I can't get the pills. I have them (don't, just in the dreams) and they either fall to a place I can't get them or else crumble and vanish in my hands. I even had one where I gave away 3 methadone pills for oxycodone but the person "burnt" me. Another where I sent someone to the hospital to say they had pain issues (and I was there) but a manilla folder was opened and written in black, bold print was; "DO NOT GIVE OPIATES. DRUG SEEKER". Knowing that's "normal" makes me not feel so "crazy".

Also your talk about our "drives". Spot on again. After the 3rd day? I traded in my useage for going on a ridiculous shopping spree that I couldn't afford. Something (anything) to fill that "void". Then after? Used nothing I purchased, didn't bathe, didn't want to leave my home and sat staring into space. Then I joined here (have always looked here though) and this was the greatest thing I've done. Esoecially "meeting" supportive people like you. I'd go to N.A. even but in my area? Most that are there just HAVE TO be there. I WANT to be "clean" for life.

Am I in pain? Again, hell yeah, but I'd rather deal with it then go through withdrawals. I want this BAD.

All and all, I slept for a nice time frame (10am until 5pm) and didn't dream but woke freezing even though it's 98 degrees outside. My A.C is on but just to keep it at 78 yet I still feel an inner chill. I'm suspecting that these minor issues are mostly due to the methadone and not the oxycodone since the methadone is still showing it is in my system.

I'm so sorry I write such long responses but writing truly helps me. I even write poetry even though I'm not the best at it and all I can write is "dark" poems.

To end for now, for the millionth time, you're caring and kindness means so much to me. Plus you sharing all you did. I hope when you go to bed tonight that you do so with pride. Knowing you made another person's day so much better. THANK YOU.
Much love,
Bernadette (notsoprettyinpink....10mg oxys)
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hey hang in there you need to find something new that you are passionate about and enjoy doing. do you have any hobbies/ things you like to do?

ill give you an example- when I was in your position, dealing with PAWS, I had my surfing and video games. These two passions of mine helped for awhile, but unfortunately just having hobbies is not enough to save you.

human connection is the opposite of addiction and I had very little of that all the times I went through PAWS, its why I failed.

I really am in no position to be giving people advice on how to stay clean since I cannot, I just wanted to say something... also you need to know that PAWS lasts a long time, up to 2 years. So you need to be ready for this and know that the depression you are experiencing (or will) is a result of your brain trying to get back to normal.

if PAWS gets too tough, don't go through life being miserable just to stay "clean". there is no shame in going on a maintenance drug like suboxone or methadone. I have been on subs for 4 years and still am, lmk if you have any questions and best of luck to you friend
THANK YOU, also for your post. EXCELLENT input. I also appreciate so very much that you shared a portion of your life with me. As for hobbies? My #1 was hiking and running which I can no longer do:(. So like I said above, I've begun writing. Either poetry or on here. It defocuses me so much. With my pill useage though, I had no hobbies. Unless counting pills is considered one (kidding, of course....yet truly what I did). I stopped talking to all my friends, deactivated my Facebook account (making some probably fear I'm dead since not only do I have the disorder I do but I'm also in an extremely abusive relationship....my next step is getting out of that....plus he's a "user").

Then, like I said above, I went on a manic shopping spree. It temporarily filled the "void" (I've never bought drugs....my "extras" were for free from my sister because she was prescribed a mass quantity of methadone each month plus 180 oxycodone).....it was all just much too easy. But, it did "cost" me because I traded my benzos. Now that I've decided I want this? Who I thought was my "best friend" (her), she rarely replies to my texts or calls. So when I wrote alot on another forum and was condemned a bit FOR writing alot it's because I have no friends anymore or family.

I considered the Suboxone route at one point but get this.....no insurance is accepted anywhere in my area to obtain it and it would have been $600 for the 1st month (plus the cost of the med) and $250 after (plus the cost of the med). I can't do that. So I then decided "just get clean". I have too many other health problems and my body cannot withstand withdrawals every, single month even if just for a day. With a pulse of nearly 200 the last time I used? I'm lucky I'm still alive. I have a heart problem as well....and I'm not very old. I'm glad you chose the Suboxone route though if that's what it took because to me that's still "clean". So congratulations:)!

Again, thank you so very much too for taking the time to read my "book" (haha) and to reply. I hope to remain in touch with both of you. Much love <3
Oh and yes, I feel the PAWS is WORSE then the withdrawals now and also read that it lasts VERY long. Hence why I NEED to talk to those who've been through it. I'm not ready to see or speak to my once friends who supported me so much and then when I do, I don't know what to say. For me personally, I feel honesty is always the best way to go. If they condemn me for it? They were never true friends. For now though, I'm just going to stick with coming on here:)
Bernie, you are doing really well! You are really struggling, but I can't believe how well you are doing. Keep putting one foot after the other, you got this baby!

You're an inspiration to me :) Thank you for being a part of our little niche of the interwebs here!

*And yes, NSA is the MAN ;) trys and follow his advice about being kinder and gentler with yourself. There is no rush, you have to pace yourself, you have your whole life ahead of your - think of think of this like a marathon that you're already in. It is hard, and right now you are running up hill, but you can do this. You have before, and if you just pace yourself you'll cross that finish line for sure!

Keep up the great work, we're all rooting for ya! <3
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NSPIP, you are doing really well! You are really struggling, but I can't believe how well you are doing. Keep putting one foot after the other, you got this baby!

You're an inspiration to me :) Thank you for being a part of our little niche of the interwebs here!

*And yes, NSA is the MAN ;)

Keep up the great work, we're all rooting for ya! <3
THANK you SO MUCH:)!!! I have to say, it's rather funny but throughout the past few years I looked on here often but never joined and I actually remembered your name from nice responses you gave to others:). Yet some days I can't remember if it's a Monday or a Saturday....haha:).

It's a STRUGGLE, YES!!! Again, when day 3 came I was like, "YAY, I GOT THIS:)!!"....then, BAM, almost NO sleep, the dreams when I got an hour in here or there, chilly then overly hot but hey, it sure beats the throwing up, diarrhea, heart pounding and all else. It's just all emotional right now. I also want to state I CAN get the oxycodone from my pain management doctor but I cancelled my appointment (I KNOW I'm "clean" but won't mention the "testing" again).

WOW, though, your sweet message and for YOU to feel I'm an inspiration? A SUPER BIG WOW!!!!
MUCH LOVE and please stay in touch <3
You are amazing Bernie, you really are :)

What you're going through is the pits, I know, it really must suck. God, I really do know...

But what I ALSO know is that this to shall pass. All you have to do is put up with the bullshit, the diarrhea, all that jazz, and if you can only put up with the bs you'll come out the other side okay, and SOOOooooooo much better for it!

Sending you oodles of <3 and kindness Bernie!
You are amazing Bernie, you really are :)

What you're going through is the pits, I know, it really must suck. God, I really do know...

But what I ALSO know is that this to shall pass. All you have to do is put up with the bullshit, the diarrhea, all that jazz, and if you can only put up with the bs you'll come out the other side okay, and SOOOooooooo much better for it!

Sending you oodles of <3 and kindness Bernie!
Thanks again "toothpaste"....not going to call you a "dog"....haha:). You're SO kind and when I got to thinking about I ALSO remember "neversickanymore" and have no idea how I forgot but truly my mind is just in a total fog right now. As for the diarrhea (as a woman I hate even speaking of that... haha:)...it's been gone. It occurred once, I took the loperamide and it was done on day one. Also, I'm not even taking the dramamine anymore. I vomited like the exorcist on day one, took that (hate to say overtook both but won't lie) and that was only on day 1 and 2 (of taking it). Also my xanax but I don't feel it helped because I'm dependent on it and have taken it (correctly) since 2009. Most days less then prescribed. And again my heart/bp pill I took more often then begged my 2 best friends ever who are now "up above" (my mom and dad) for strength. I also wrote something else wrong. When my pulse rose to almost 200, that's when I took the last pill I did (a half of a 10 MG methadone).....then sat waiting for my heart to start pounding again but miraculously through my way of doing things it never occured....just as I said the; "YES!!! I GOT THIS":):):)! I then CRASHED HARDCORE due to depression, feaning, very little sleep and chills. These are the only symptoms I'm enduring now. And the dreams, of course when I'm now being able to sleep a little bit more but just at odd times.

Another thing I'd like to mention on this thread......my pcp can't give me narcotics since I see a pain management doctor but did prescribe me a few months ago a very strong NSAID. Ha. You think I even opened the bottle? Hell no. For what? An "ibuprophen" (not one but just what I considered to be like and laughed about it even). Yet I could never figure out HOW even on days I'd take 150 mgs of oxys and 10 mgs of methadone it didn't rid me of chronic headaches I get. Well, guess what? When I stopped using and at about day 6 or 7 I had a MASSIVE headache. Opened the bottle, took one and well, within 30 minutes my headache was fully gone:).

I'm eating. Extremely healthy foods. Basically vegetarian. Drink tons of water and orange juice. Take a mega multi vitamin plus a vitamin supplement called Liver Aid to rid the body of toxins (all natural) and has the recommended daily doseage of B-12 in it. I read above where it sounded like I'm still having the acute symptoms (what a FUNNY name....A CUTE....a little bit of sarcasm intended:). Obviously they are NOT "cute" at all!)....a few months ago I was in the hospital for A CUTE (acute:)) pancreatitis caused by a blockage in my bile duct. Also, NOT SO "CUTE". THE WORST PAIN I'VE EVER ENDURED!!! Dilaudid every 3 hours intravenously didn't even touch the pain that's how bad it was.

Again THANK YOU neversickanymore, THANK YOU toothpaste, and thank you Mrsnow. You're ALL my personal heroes and FABULOUS, BEAUTIFUL people!!!! All my love <3!!!!!
how you doing now? have you used at all? keep pushing through you got this
Hey, mrsnow, thank you for asking:). I haven't used but I'm miserable as all hell now due to PAWS (I actually wrote a thread about what a tough time I'm having). It's been EXTREMELY bad for me and seems like it's getting worse.

I contemplated making a doctor's appointment to get an antidepressant but the thing is, I get severely bad side effects from all I've ever tried in the past. I'm even considered to be "allergic" to Paxil. The last my doctor prescribed me was Cymbalta and I think I had every side effect possible.

I hate to write a not so good reply back to you but it's just the truth unfortunately:(.

Thanks again for asking.
Much love,
Hey Notso hang in there<3<3<3 Your doing amazing!!!

What are you taking for vitamins and supplements at this point to try and help with this.

Have you identified exercise your able to partake in?

Keep rolling it gets better i promise:)
Hey Notso hang in there<3<3<3 Your doing amazing!!!

What are you taking for vitamins and supplements at this point to try and help with this.

Have you identified exercise your able to partake in?

Keep rolling it gets better i promise:)
Hey neversick:)...I am SO happy to hear from you:)! Currently I am just taking a multi vitamin in the morning and a supplement called Liverrite Liver Aid that's supposed to sustain energy and cleanse impurities. It wasn't purchased on a website that claims; "You'll see!!! Take one pill and you'll feel great!!!! Like a teen again after abusing drugs for years"!!! A total exaggeration but I'm sure you knew that:). Purchased at walmart and the ingredients are all natural.

Do you have any other suggestions? I value your opinions so very much and this PAWS is really taking a huge toll on me. 4 hours of sleep and at least 5 "bad dreams" about using. I also have 2 slight acute withdrawal symptoms that won't seem to go away. Hot/cold flashes and sweating while sleeping. I'm assuming that both are just due to the methadone? I say this because it's been over 2 weeks now.

Anyway, THANKS SO MUCH for "checking in on me":)......and, again, any other advise as for supplements that you may know of (even though I know nothing works for all) would be highly appreciated.

Much love,
Oh, and I do plan to go for a leisurely walk tonight since it's no longer 85 degrees out. I need to do more, much more to fight this. Yesterday I sat staring at the walls all day, secluding myself....and not even answering calls or texts. And I didn't have pleasant thoughts in my head. Today I'm just chilly and tired yet sleep is still hard.
Even though it's going to be on the flat track I once ran 10 miles on in fantastic timing.....I figure even if I walk like a snail, it's still something:)