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☮ Social ☮ [PD Social General Talk Thread] Observation Tank for Fractallized Redundancy Modules

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Last day of chemo is tomorrow. :). Should be anyway. Tests in the coming weeks to make sure I'm good to go, but the doctor sounds very sure that I'm good.
Last day of chemo is tomorrow. :). Should be anyway. Tests in the coming weeks to make sure I'm good to go, but the doctor sounds very sure that I'm good.

Awesome dude! Congrats! :)

I'm about to go to band practice, and then heading over to my bass player friend's band house and we're going to take tryptamines and play music again. Likely others will join in and we'll have an audience. Really looking forward to it!
That's awesome pharmakos :) I must say, I've been in awe of how calm and together you've seemed during this.
I can only just handle my life atm. I'll take any advice.
What a day! I finished up a considerable revision to the MXE book, got a bit deeper into chakras and tuning them for optimal psysicopsychospiritual balance, added a few new research articles, a brief blurb about my 3-meo-pce experience etc...so then my friend got something special in the mail...I'm not generally into uppers, but these crystals are pretty, and it's been 5 years since I've even seen it. Suffice it to say I will be doing a lot of writing tonight compiling my new book on the subject of synchronicity...reading some Robert Anton Wilson...and lots of fast music.
3-MeO-PCP is an incredible drug. It made me 'paint' something, something I have never done. I always disliked art classes in school and skipped them. This is getting really interesting.
when I was at university after a night of extremely heavy drinking myself and a friend stole the blue light from the top of a police van. I would have got away with it if I hadn't been waving it about making "woo-woo" noises whilst waiting for a bus. A passing police car slowed down and then reversed back. I think they saw the funny side until I called them "facist pigs" at which point they arrested me. I got thrown in a cell for the night to sober up and received a caution for theft. Facist pigs.

HAHAHA that actually made me lol hard. I once, in a blurred alcohol craze showed my nude butt to a cop's car that was passing by. The next day my friend told me, and I though he was fucking with me because I didn't remember doing it, until an old guy that worked on a gas station that apparently saw the event gave a lecture on how bad that could have ended. Ah, the teen years.

Hey Pharmakos ! That is so awesome news !
Man, I'm really stressed. Big changes in life always stress me out. On Sunday I'm driving 9 hours to the training site for my new job. I get to live there during the 7 weeks of job training, but I need to be hunting for an apartment the whole time. It'll happen, and this is a killer opportunity. But the whole transition, moving 500 miles away and all, definitely has my stress level up.
hi /pd/ social
it's been a while
i recognize relatively few of you


for the next time under the influence,
just as a recommendation

those of you who are Western in heritage ought not neglect Western influence in your experiences and thought, IME/IMO.

myself, I haven't taken a psychedelic in years
so hardly consider myself the one to participate in your community
but this was the soundtrack for trips in the latter part of my usage
(i.e., in what I would consider "growing up",
although what I "grew up" into was rather unfortunate:
i.e., heroin and alcohol, so interpret that as you will ...
I think that those of us who commit to drug-taking as a path for our consciousness and our lives
do so permanently and at our peril,
there's good outcomes and bad,
the latter, I fear, outnumber the former)
but anyhoo,
take a short acting tryptamine
and listen to some Renaissance polyphony
please do
Im going to try this and pretty sure regret it. Its quite beautiful but so melancholic and not melodic enough for me. Plus reminds me of church which depresses me. Maybe I wont on second thought.
Hey SKL, haven't seen you in here for a while. I remember the last time you posted Catholic choral music :)
It's actually quite interesting, I'll try to remember it next time I trip (which is happening less and less often these days).

Good to hear you're finally out of the woods Pharmakos, like others said, you've seemed very resilient and resolved!

My life's not so great these days myself, but really it's just career woes at the moment.
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I just did the biggest goof, and I really ought to know better now.... anyway I was typing a post here and it kept going and going....I selected all and copied many times to keep it in memory but my malfunctioning tablet activated the backspace and I couldn't get back to the writing, and when I went to paste it...it was one sentence that I moved and had forgot about needing it backed up. the writing was unreal, the way words were flying through my vocabularium-imaginarium creating all manners of possible connections, words, tons of hilarious phrases of hyphenated phrases that spontaneously came into existence. Took the most humorous/humourous paths and branched them etc. and the path just kept going and going for 7-10 pages in a new reference peak for lucidity....so.

Now for the million dollar question....there's no way to get it back is there? Maybe is it on the BL server somewhere in a temp file?

I know, I should know better, I have lost dozens of songs, many hours of writing, but this is the first time I started a creative writing that felt super special because I wasn't going to be in that staate of mind for long, and sure enough I feel like a regular fumbling human again, trying to remember as many of the lovel things as I can but the way it all flowed together, that was magic I won't be able to recreate.

At any rate I'm strictly in good docs from here on, for everything
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Hello fellow PD heads :)

in case anybody wondered, I moved to a new flat 10 days ago and hadn't had an internet connection yet, hence my absence. but I want to spend less time online anyway and this is kind of a late new years resolution I guess. so I'll be around less than before in order to get things done, especially regarding university.

I hope everybody is well :)
Hello fellow PD heads :)

in case anybody wondered, I moved to a new flat 10 days ago and hadn't had an internet connection yet, hence my absence. but I want to spend less time online anyway and this is kind of a late new years resolution I guess. so I'll be around less than before in order to get things done, especially regarding university.

I hope everybody is well :)

Stay well, Bagseed. :)
Hello fellow PD heads :)

in case anybody wondered, I moved to a new flat 10 days ago and hadn't had an internet connection yet, hence my absence. but I want to spend less time online anyway and this is kind of a late new years resolution I guess. so I'll be around less than before in order to get things done, especially regarding university.

I hope everybody is well :)

Yes. Focus on university. Plenty of time for messing around when you get your career on path. That way you can spend your Friday afternoons working from home tripping your nuts off on 4-ho-mipt.
That's awesome pharmakos :) I must say, I've been in awe of how calm and together you've seemed during this.
I can only just handle my life atm. I'll take any advice.

I'm pretty intimidated about being done with treatment and having to go back to the "mundane" challenges of day-to-day life... Which really seem more intimidating to me anymore.
Pharmakos would you say your previous life experience helped prepare you to cope with the ordeal you have (now successfully) gone through? I know I've turned some things off somewhere along the line to ....it's not like I wouldn't feel fear or some other of the stages of grieving in death and dying, but I know many of those experiences have made me see life differently in a way that I would come to acceptance stage more quickly, whether it was some horribly disfiguring accident or terminal cancer diagnosis...hope this isn't *too* out-of-left-field, but I would probably laugh it off within a few minutes, shed some tears, and then feel kinda excited because now shit REALLY wouldn't matter. No Fucks Given :)
What do you think it is? DMT ego death, shrooms ego death, dissociatives, LSD, etc...maybe it doesn't matter, just a nice balanced intake of ego death experiences should do it for anyone...but it is still to be determined if my kind of perspective is considered socially 'right'.
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