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Pedophilia = Sexual Orientation / Short and left handed? You like to buggar children!


Nov 27, 2002

This confirms what I've thought for a long time, that paedophilia is a sexual orientation.

No doubt some dumb arse's will see the 'orientation' part and start sayinging there'll be a 'liberal media campaign to help legalise the pedo' agenda'.

I agree with what the father of April Jones is quoted as saying in the article. They need treatment and I don't mean ripping their sexual organ's off.

I'd of copy and pasted the article but I'm on my phone and can't do it.
as a tall, right-handed kiddie diddler i find this offensive.

interesting article indeed.
Saw the shortened thread title on the main page.. thought this was going to be a psychedelicsoul production. Was disappointed.

I don't buy the hypothesis that it is determined during pregnancy. Seeing changes in the brain structure of adults is many years apart from the brain structure of an infant, and they have no MRI's of infants who later turn out to be pedophiles.. they can only imply through this left-handed theory thing. So it's a hypothesis, but I don't believe it will turn out to be true.
I don't buy the hypothesis that it is determined during pregnancy. Seeing changes in the brain structure of adults is many years apart from the brain structure of an infant, and they have no MRI's of infants who later turn out to be pedophiles.. they can only imply through this left-handed theory thing. So it's a hypothesis, but I don't believe it will turn out to be true.

You make a good point.
I personally don't think sexuality is set from birth.
It has been said before that sexuality is fluid, as in it changes or can change over time, this I believe isn't true. I think it happens but not to everyone.
The idea that sex with children is wrong is a social construct, I don't agree with it myself although I'm pretty open minded. Only reason is, kids aren't emotionally or physically capable of having sexual relations without suffering some kind of trauma and they are usually forced.

So basically it's rape and people who want to rape kids need mental help. I was also surprised that psychedelicsoul wasn't the OP lol.
The idea that sex with children is wrong is a social construct, I don't agree with it myself although I'm pretty open minded.

Is it though? I mean, is it really a social construct.. or is it more inherent than that? Like a hardwired biological or evolutionary response? As far as I know animals don't engage sexually with the young, and the males generally don't attack the young males either.. until they reach maturity and start putting out scents etc.

Also if it wasn't hardwired, and incest wasn't hardwired too, then we'd probably have died off a long time ago from inbreeding surely?

I think any social construct has come about from observing something more inherent to our nature.
well obviously there is a need from evolution for you to go for younger models and to avoid after a certain age in terms of reproductive capability old people.

but there are young men who love to fuck only grannies and this seems the opposite end of the spectrum.

there is clearly an element of nurture to paedophilia as lots of abusers were themselves abused. and in a sense this normalised it for them.

obviously as a gay man i find 18 year olds more attractive than 45 year olds for the most part.

i would call age preference a preference rather than orientation, e.g. like some people have racial preferences that are very closed off.

my early sexual experiences were in the early teen years so when i see teenagers i often think " well i was getting it at that age , god they look nice" , do i act on it? of course not because they are just messy young idiots. i know that in todays society that shit is not on the table and even if it was they would not be mentally on the level for any of the meaningful things i want like a relationship/partner

orientation for a paedophile would be little boys or little girls. from how i see it personally

either way the absence of any genuine consent and reciprocity from a child in sex voids any kind of validation of this behaviour in the same way that raping an adult is also evil.

can a teenager consent to sexual behaviour at 12? well i feel that i certainly did...
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No doubt ............. there'll be a 'liberal media campaign to help legalise the pedo' agenda'.

Well certainly in the late 60s early 70s there was something of movement towards gaining recognition for pedophilia as an acceptable sexual practice.
Totally unacceptable these days and even having your name associated with literature from this period is a risk now.
Even so it should not be forgotten that some societies condoned pedophilia in the past.
Treating pedophiles is not easy, and, if as you suggest it is an orientation, hopes of a lasting cure must be close to zero.
Is it though? I mean, is it really a social construct.. or is it more inherent than that? Like a hardwired biological or evolutionary response? As far as I know animals don't engage sexually with the young, and the males generally don't attack the young males either.. until they reach maturity and start putting out scents etc.

Also if it wasn't hardwired, and incest wasn't hardwired too, then we'd probably have died off a long time ago from inbreeding surely?

I think any social construct has come about from observing something more inherent to our nature.

You have a point. However, what I'm saying is the opposition to sex with children is a matter of morality, which is a social construct.
Pedophilia is not a sexual orientation. It's a disorder if anything, and these people need to be treated as well as monitored.

Is necrophilia an orientation, animal fucking? no. Calling pedophilia an orientation is being an apologist to pedophiles.

"It's not a slippery slope" they said "it's about love" they said

America is Sodom, or maybe gommorha
Well, considering that pre-modern marriages usually involved girls less than 16 years old, and as young as 10 in many cases, I'm not sure how to define pedophilia anymore. There are still child marriages all over the world. It doesn't mean that their husbands actually have sex with them - many don't and wait until sexual maturity is reached - but some do. And if it can go that way for girls, it can go that way for boys. In some ancient societies there was pederasty, where grown men mentored younger boys, and sometimes it included sexual aspects (though not always). It was believed that only men could teach boys how to be men. I'm not saying any of this to justify pedophilia, just that human history is complicated on this subject. We also used to send children to work with the adults, often in harsh conditions like coal mines, and children weren't viewed as helpless and innocent like they are now. They were basically treated as mini-adults, which meant some children worked in the sex industry -- and many still do, in modern terms.

The statistics for child sexual abuse in the U.S. (one of the only countries who keeps accurate tabs on them) are pretty high... at least 25% for girls, and 15-20% for boys. There are adults who are strictly into children, who we could call pedophiles, but sexual interest in children obviously exists on a spectrum... wherein adults can have relationships with adults but when given an opportunity that they won't get caught, there are many more who will take advantage of children. I think once young people reach adolescence and have a sex drive, it changes the game a bit. I know a lot of people who had adult sexual partners when they were teenagers, myself included, and of course it's not kosher to talk about it or admit it, but it's reality. But pre-pubescent children? That's problematic.

"Pedophiles" that we catch and send to prison are just the most extreme examples. I think this issue is complicated, and insidious. The origins don't matter so much as the implications. If a child doesn't have sexual awareness yet then subjecting them to adult sexual situations is just going to be traumatic. Nonetheless, there's a section of humanity who has this appetite, and there are entire underground markets for it. I spoke with the leader of a feminist group in my city a few years back and she said that anywhere the huge events go - like the Olympics, the Superbowl, the World Cup, etc. - the child sex industry flourishes because the sex tourism is off the charts.

If you're wealthy, you can pretty much have any person you want and get away with it. It's pretty sick.
Is it though? I mean, is it really a social construct.. or is it more inherent than that? Like a hardwired biological or evolutionary response? As far as I know animals don't engage sexually with the young, and the males generally don't attack the young males either.. until they reach maturity and start putting out scents etc.

Also if it wasn't hardwired, and incest wasn't hardwired too, then we'd probably have died off a long time ago from inbreeding surely?

I think any social construct has come about from observing something more inherent to our nature.

Just about all (predatory) insects, reptiles, avians, and mammals will attack young, and some non-predatory will also.
Young old and sick are generally the first targeted.

Primates are particualrly agressive towards young from other troupes.
Lions and other large cats will commit infanticide to prime the females of the pride of the newly defeated alpha to re-enter a fertile state.

Many animals however do not engage in sexual activity for the sake of pleasure though. This makes your point and alternatives to it rather moot though, as living under constant threat of danger, instinct makes animals wary of even releiving their bowels let alone coupling, which can be quite the immobilising activity for certain animals (read both the male and the recipient, particularly female). From the female perspective (even more moot as it's generally against the will of the receiving party - be they male or female - pregnancy in the wild is a serious issue and requires vast amounts of energy and effort).

Some animals also do engage in such activities as 'pedophelia' or more correctly, sexual interactions with young or not sexually mature individuals, but if it is not a human construct, and it is an inherrent or evolutionary response, then what does that truly mean ultimately, and for us in this time now?

Edit: solitary animals appear to work on a completely different set of behavior though, driven by calculatory logical and pure survivalist behavior. There's nobody to fall back on so every action you make must be calculated and weighed. Not that they are risk averse, but certain behaviors don't seem to appear very often because they don't have the liberty of 'choice' as such. It's literally your life on the line every step. There's also no social pressure to exert, and the female will often see a male as a threat outside of breeding, and males generally don't like other males outside of communal species, or in general.

Communal animals certainly show a much more diverse and interesting set of behavior because the dynamic is so much more diverse too. There is constant interaction. Pain is not a response but a stimulous, a tool, a weapon. Shock, awe, true affection, hatred, revenge, lust, jealousy... you could argue similar behaviors exist in solitary animals but i see them as more calculatory than underlain by emotion. But that's interpretation. Who really knows what the crocodile is thinking.

As Foreigner pointed out, possibly alluding to the Greeks with mentoring of young (males) including sexual acts - ie Spartans - or taking of young brides/young marriages, if the act its self is not a social human construct then the perception of it truly is. If a behavior is sanctioned by the masses then it becomes norm, and just the very fact that it is accepted lends strength to the act. It makes the group stronger because they agree on something.

Whether you think god smiles on you or doing X makes you stronger; or banding together to direct hatred at an action and strengthen the bond that dictates what is 'right'... the action becomes inconsequential and it's the response that matters in my opinion (for social animals).

As far as i'm concerned everything is fluid and false. We were burning or hanging witches maybe 400 years ago or so in the 'west' and similar practices still go on today. We thought the earth was flat and that we were never destined to achieve flight. Who is to say what is real, what is right? It all comes down to perception. And that perception (in a functioning society) no matter how another may perceive it or how horrific it is, will dictate whether the action its self is desirable, useful.

And to confuse my point further, there are sanctioned acts which are not to the benefit of the group. So what truly is right? Why are these behaviors there? Have we transcended logic, instinct or is our periodic failure just an extension of it? An evolution? Is there an end?
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The penguin's in the Antarctic engage in rape, 'pedophilia' and necrophilia.

There was a study done by the British (Captain Scott's team?) but it was suppressed when they got home cause they feared what the effect would be on people if they knew how much animals like to screw and what is 'natural'.
Nobody has a set sexual preference. There is no such thing as a sexual "orientation". It's all choices.
If it were up to me, every last pedo who is registered would die. I don't care if it's a condition, sexual preference or a sickness...I would slit every last one of their throats. Period.
The penguin's in the Antarctic engage in rape, 'pedophilia' and necrophilia.

There was a study done by the British (Captain Scott's team?) but it was suppressed when they got home cause they feared what the effect would be on people if they knew how much animals like to screw and what is 'natural'.

So now we are comparing ourselves to birds?