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Using mdma every week


Nov 8, 2015
So someone I know is relatively new to taking MDMA, and since they started taking it they can't enjoy going to events, nights out etc. if they aren't on it. My question is, is it safe for them to use mdma every week at a dose of around 0.15g with no top up? How fast will tolerance rise?

They are also saying that they have no comedown at the moment, and in fact experience elevated mood, motivation and an increase in happiness/quality of life in the week following use. The only negative effects is that they are more tired than usual and are experiencing headaches regularly. Will comedowns begin to get worse as time goes on?

Thanks in advance for any replies :)
yes comedowns will begin to get worse. if they are relatively new to MDMA of course it'll be awesome at first. using all the time will make it lose its magic really fast too. general consensus is to wait at least a month. if you want your MDMA experience to stay magical you shouldn't do it regularly at all.
Eventually the novelty wears off (like with all things, really)
Back in the day we use to take em pretty much every weekend...thats going back 10+ years though and we ended up having to take huge amounts of pills and yeah soon developed crappy comedowns but I use to smoke lots of weed and do lines of speed to counter the comedown or just have sex all morning..
Thanks for the replies so far.

When you say it begins to lose its magic, is that tolerance building, or just the novelty wearing off? Also, what sort of symptoms would they get on worse comedowns?
Thanks for the replies so far.

When you say it begins to lose its magic, is that tolerance building, or just the novelty wearing off? Also, what sort of symptoms would they get on worse comedowns?

It's dangerous to take it weekly, you may end up with a "long term come down" where basically you end up with long lasting depression, brain fog, and other symptoms. Wait at least a month between doses if you want to enjoy the mdma high with minimal risk and without negative lasting side effects. Three months is the gold standard to keep the magic of mdma.
Trust me, this is a terrible idea. This type of abuse will catch up to you and it can potentially take a large toll on your mental health. People have developed semi-permanent episodes of depression, anxiety, and all symptoms that occompany these disorders from far more infrequent use of MDMA.

MDMA is one of those drugs that limits itself from being used so often by the detrimental effects heavy use can have on the body. As time goes on your comedowns will get worse and worse if you're not giving your body the proper amount of time to replenish itself... sometimes leading to chronic mental disorders in unlucky people.

MED is a better target audience for this type of question, there you can find plenty of anecdotes from users who took it too far. This is not to demonize MDMA which is an absolutely beautiful drug, however like most things it needs to be respected.

Personally when I decided I don't particularly like going out unless I'm rolling, I stopped going out more than once every couple of months.

That's the only option if the person INSISTS on rolling when they go out. They cannot continue weekly use. Personally, after 3 fortnights (so go out, take next weekend off, go out the next, take the next off, go out the next) I felt like shit. It wasn't worth it. I'd never even jokingly consider the idea of weekly use.
Dude check out this thread about long term comedowns: http://www.bluelight.org/vb/threads/759049-MDMA-Recovery-(Stories-amp-Support-3)/page30

It's the third version of that thread, meaning the previous two had so many posts they had to create new ones.

MDMA is no fucking joke. If you do it too often or do too much in one sitting or combine it with alcohol and overheating you have the potential to be permanently fucked.

I'm going through it right now. It's hell on earth. Wouldn't wish it on Hitler. Think about suicide every day because my life sucks so much. It's really not worth it, if you want to get fucked up, there are so many other less harmful drug out there. Just about every drug is less harmful.

Be safe
Pretty soon here, your friend is going to run into troubles if he keeps abusing at that rate, once a week is far too often and will cause problems to ANYONE, but causing damage isn't the only problem, pretty soon with dosing like that, the high will not seem to be even close to as good as it is now, and taking more wont help either, this is called losing the "magic" and once you lose it, its very unlikely you will ever get it back (although some have gotten it back by taking a few year break from the drug).. Id strongly advise your friend to find a new party drug and to hold off on using MDMA every 3 months to not cause any problems and help keep the experience magical.
you may end up with a "long term come down" where basically you end up with long lasting depression, brain fog, and other symptoms.

I wasn't going to answer in this thread, but then I saw this and I felt like I should.

Mate, as you have probably guessed already, using MDMA or any drug really every weekend is not going to be great for you. Sure it won't kill you, and I have done the odd consecutive weekend in my time of using, and nothing bad came of it health wise. However, what I will say is that it made the novelty of the drug wear off, and I now no longer use MDMA due to I just find it boring.

However it terms of this "long term comedown" stuff, I would disregard it. From what I can see, these tales come from people who seem to have some kind of high anxiety/paranoia about MDMA fucking them up for days. You will also notice that there are a lot of US users on this board, and their attitude to MDMA and what it does to you is very different to their UK and European cousins. Many people in the UK smash it hard without issue (not saying it's right), where as some in the US are very conservative about their use. Just seems to breed differing opinions.

What I'm saying is, don't believe everything you read on this board. Yes there are some great moderators on here who do their best for HR (BlueBull to name one), but a lot of the posts on here surrounding long term comedowns are from people who appear to have some anxiety complex over MDMA anyway. Therefore they convince themselves they have fucked up their minds. The mind is a powerful thing you know.

This isn't to say MDMA can't do bad things to you though. My last use of it (alongside 4-FA) ended up with me being on a catheter for 24 hours due to being unable to piss. That was with 1g+ though. So just be careful with it mate.

Peace and love buddy :)
The attitude in the UK is very different that the attitude posted on daily in here (mainly from the US), it is not uncommon for people to use MDMA on a weekly basis. They have a shitty comedown but after a few days they are ready to go again, no month long come down, no serious depression, no SS etc

I am certainly not saying that it is safe to do and tolerance can become an issue if you let it.

Yeah, I would say the damage is overstated by a whole lot. It's almost fanatical how this substance attracts a slew of people desperately trying to undermine its use, basically unlike any other in the world.

I still can't see how mdma can be so bad if doctors are on their way to legalizing it for people suffering from ptsd. That means they made a unified judgment call about how it is completely worth it to rid patients of ptsd at the supposed risk of all this damage people love to list. And when I look at them, there's an obvious discrepancy and bias in how they are viewing the substance itself in comparison to qualified doctors who study these areas for a living. I'm not saying mdma is among the safest drugs there is, but it is certainly not as dangerous as some people claim it to be.
If so, with the amount of users of mdma and counting, there should have been an epidemic a long time ago, not to mention an additional several million plus people making health clinics richer. Perhaps they had a bad time or were susceptible to negative side effects, or they just hate the drug and the people taking it while having fun and seeming just fine anyway, but this is just guessing.

Never mind the fact that I haven't felt a minutae of any symptom related to an ltc, depression and the like, and neither have I met anyone who had. In fact, absolutely no one even had a clue until I opened up and was honest about my use, because nobody noticed anything worse or different about me a thousand pills prior. It's no wonder because I myself didn't perceive or feel any different or worse, and none of my abilities ever faltered in my perspective or anyone else's either. So it's definitely strange if this damage is supposed to be unarguable if I haven't seen even one person complain about it irl. This is important to me because the Internet can be completely anonymous, and a hundred posts can be typed up by just one person. But obviously people can't fill in multiple identities when you're right in front of them, eg. one person can't fake being multiple people. And when you consider the possibility that people might actually be talking and replying to themselves, you have to question their mindset. I'm not always positive, and will have a hefty dose of skepticism when I think something doesn't add up, even with the benefit of the doubt.

So indeed, it would be prudent to not believe everything on this board as Silent Roller said. In fact, not even me because people should make up their own minds instead of others doing it for them.

Btw, I love it when I'm the one being honest but then having certain people judge me for the choices that I've made in the past, acting like they're perfect when they're clearly not. Maybe they're not saying it, but their attitude is heavily implying it. I'm not afraid to admit that I'm not, or to talk about the mistakes that I've made so that someone can use it as a reference that might be helpful for them. If this is a critics go-to method to feed their ego, then by all means, be proud of it. I'll simply continue along my way healthy, in good shape physically and mentally, and happy because I'll believe what my doctor says instead of malicious internet posters with an agenda.

The PTSD studies used a maximum of three doses of 100-125mg spread out over months of therapy that were taken in a clinical setting. They don't have to worry about the effects of repeated high doses in a short period of time because that will never happen in the study.
However it terms of this "long term comedown" stuff, I would disregard it. From what I can see, these tales come from people who seem to have some kind of high anxiety/paranoia about MDMA fucking them up for days. You will also notice that there are a lot of US users on this board, and their attitude to MDMA and what it does to you is very different to their UK and European cousins. Many people in the UK smash it hard without issue (not saying it's right), where as some in the US are very conservative about their use. Just seems to breed differing opinions.

What I'm saying is, don't believe everything you read on this board. Yes there are some great moderators on here who do their best for HR (BlueBull to name one), but a lot of the posts on here surrounding long term comedowns are from people who appear to have some anxiety complex over MDMA anyway. Therefore they convince themselves they have fucked up their minds. The mind is a powerful thing you know.

This isn't to say MDMA can't do bad things to you though. My last use of it (alongside 4-FA) ended up with me being on a catheter for 24 hours due to being unable to piss. That was with 1g+ though. So just be careful with it mate.

Peace and love buddy :)

I am from the UK and have a "LTC" and it is not anxiety fuled. It has destroyed my life. Be very careful with MDMA it can kick your head in.
I abused MDMA/MDA/MDE for over a decade in dosages that would make me sound like a troll, and IMO it's one of the most neurotoxic substances available when taken without respect. I've even had a period of 2 years sober and things were cognitively never the same.

I must add that I'm a nationally recognized fitness athlete and always followed a healthy lifestyle despite my love for drugs compounded with my addictive personality. Even the day after a 15-20 pill binge, I would go to the gym and workout, eat vitamins, etc...

Most of us veterans will say that the only factor on your side is time albeit my usage history definitely caused permanent damage. The last time I took MDMA was last NYE and my resolution was to never do it again and I haven't. I've even had people hand me MDMA chunks at clubs and I've given them away...It just lost its appeal once my 20s were ending and became too much of a superficial drug that destroyed my motivation for months at a time.

In conclusion, if you take MDMA once a week ---prepare to suffer for the rest of your life.
I am from the UK and have a "LTC" and it is not anxiety fuled. It has destroyed my life. Be very careful with MDMA it can kick your head in.

Perhaps. For your one story, there are many others that have used long-term without issue and vice-versa. All drugs in a sense will vary from person to person. However I still stand by my statement that this board (ED) reeks of paranoia most of time - it's kind of a standing joke over at EADD.

Back in the 80s when people didn't have BL, people didn't spend time worrying in front of a computer about if they had developed a LTC or SS, they just got on with it. I am a big believer of one persons anxiety or paranoia fueling others. Lots of people on here seem to psyche each-other up with how fucked up and fried they now are.

And before you say it, no I am not blind to the risks of long term MDMA (ab)use. Without question, abuse of MDMA is a terrible idea, and have no doubt that could fuck you temporarily if you smashed it for ages. Having said this, I have a mate who smashes it multiple times a week in high doses (and has been for years). He tells me he is fine, and feels no different. Is doing what he is doing healthy? No of course not, but he doesn't have a LTC or SS. He also isn't on here posting about how fucked up he think he may now be.
In my opinion MDMA weekly is very boring to do. Man, so do not worry your friends will realize it very soon and after 3-4 weekends they will stop by themselvs.

It is wonderfull substance when you take it not periodicaly often. But to be honest guys MDMA is so plain. It is always the same with it. You wear always the same so called "mdma coat" Yes it is nice ,but if you take it just in the same atmosphere weekly, you will feel boring.
And than in morning you will realise that magick is lost and you will not wait 2 or 3 month. I think on the 3 weekends is allready not the same as before ))

From this point every person will ask himself. Hey man why I pay for that?wtf? It not give me the same as before, let make a break. Live is beautifull let eat some 2c-b, lsd, mushrooms. Let walk in another dimensions with mescaline. Let teach something new. There are plenty of new substances which could teach us and are ready to be our allies.

And from that moment you are on psychedelic road. The road of intresting and unbelivable trips which never will ruin your live. Which will teach you with every trip. And probably later you will be not need of any drug or psychedelic at all. It is realy intresting way.

But you also have option 2

(another way) you think:Man I need this first magick feeling. I need to eat more of pills.And you start to eat more and you start to feel worser. I dont know maybe after month as MDMA is not a drug it is not like heroin and cocain it not make you so addicted sooner or later you will stop. And than you will realise than better not to take it so offten.

Anyway if you start little by little to use psychedelics you will understand what mdma real property are. Just start for example on 3 weekend mix it with lsd. Yeeeah candy flip. So do not make any borders. mdma is great, but it is not only available in our times. There are plenty of intresting stuf just not turn your eys from them )