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Has anyone famous influenced your drug use n how so?


Sep 28, 2013
As this is a harm reduction site I thought I'd start a thread to see if anyone famous has influence members' drug use here. Whether that be to use in a less harmfui way or have they glorified drug use for you.

Has this person died / almost died from overdose or untested substance n its convinced you to keep track of dosing / test kits on various substance?

Did they live the "glorious rock style life of addiction" n thus inspire younto follow suit?

Or have their being any famous ambassadors for drugs / anti-drug compagn who have influenced you?

I watched "The Doors" movie when I was under ten.

Hashish was very high on my to do list afterward. As was receiving oral in elevators.

Both turned out to be way more enjoyable IRL than in my imagination%)
When I was addicted to codeine I re-read Scar Tissue as itbwas exciting taking codeine while reading addiction stories. That sounds irrational n I can't really explain why. I've always like Anthony Kiedis anyway, hence me buying the book in the firsr place. But reading his books n other famous books with addictions were part of my addiction.

I liked Alex Grey for a time. Experiencing his artwork while on acid gave me a lot of material to work with. Eventually I saw through it though and realized it was all just hippy bullshit, but I had to be expanded by his works before I could see them for what they were. I guess that just shows that the best teachers are the ones who help you exceed their teachings.
I used to be kinda obsessed with Eminem when I was younger, and if I remember correctly he's done pretty much every drug that I have. I used to drink cough syrup, and I remember reading an article once that mentioned off-handedly that Eminem "resorted to drinking cough syrup once" or something like that, and I was just like "Wow, Eminem drank cough syrup once? He's like me! Yay!" Same with Lil Wayne. Basically when I was younger I just got super excited whenever someone famous who I liked had taken the same drug as me. :p
A bit later when I was trying to stop taking DXM and codeine, I was like, "Well, I want to be like Eminem, and if he can stop taking drugs, then I can too."
Alexander Shulgin, fascinating guy and got me really enthused about not just psychedelics but the chemistry and pharmacology behind them, he was a great explorer and driven by curiousity and possibility of the human mind.

when I was a naive 20 year old I read a bit of terence mckenna and did shrooms but never really bought into the mystical conjecture bullshit from the hippy era.

hiphop culture got me into smoking weed, no artist in particular it was just engrained in the scene.

When you hear about celebrities taking drugs its usually in a pretty tragic context....
Ditto about Shulgin, not really the initial personal use of MDMA, but later coming across his research and the benefits of MDMA! Really intrigued me and made me think more about the benefits when on MDMA. Extremely beneficial on so many levels but as we've seen over recent years that beneficial factor has such a massive variant. When done in clinical trials these things can be monitored and an accurate conclusion given to these studies.
yeah the key thing is designing a protocol around using these things as therapeutics that ensures safety and maximum benefit, but the research just isn't being done. 1 pill of MDMA did more for me in terms of getting over childhood trauma and fear of other people and anxiety etc, than hours of expensive psychoanalysis and years of all sorts of shitty ssri's.
Howard Marks "Mr Nice" - is where I learned of DMT
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yeah the key thing is designing a protocol around using these things as therapeutics that ensures safety and maximum benefit, but the research just isn't being done. 1 pill of MDMA did more for me in terms of getting over childhood trauma and fear of other people and anxiety etc, than hours of expensive psychoanalysis and years of all sorts of shitty ssri's.

Exactly! Not exactly the same for me but it did let me open up. I could, in a comfortable environment, speak freely of things that were painful previously. Take proper suggestions on board and move on a bit. Healing as it were. These feelings were being met and discussed head on but without all the pain and "masking". I read an article that Treacle had posted about Psilocybin being used as a therapy option but studies declined in the 60's with Nixon. Obviously an American study. IMO, these studies need carried on. There is much to say in what had seemed so promising. But oh, if there is a possibility of abuse then it gets shut down. People have no idea of the potential it has because of the public outcry of morality that they already now do hold....

More research needs done IMO.
Noel Gallagher shock his head at me as I tried to order at a pub in Primrose Hill while fucked on ketamine.

I decided I was more of a Blur fan and had another bump
Anthony Bourdain. I'm a chef so that influence along with others reflect my lifestyle because that's apart of the culture.
i think reading burrough's 'junkie' fuelled my interest in drugs a lot
Noel Gallagher shock his head at me as I tried to order at a pub in Primrose Hill while fucked on ketamine.

I decided I was more of a Blur fan and had another bump

He shook his head at you cos he recognised you as that trumped up plonker off Bluelight
No, it's because I was trying to order a pineapple juice with a cocktail umbrella and the walls were exploding behind the barmaid like a kid just dropped her lego set.
Exactly! Not exactly the same for me but it did let me open up. I could, in a comfortable environment, speak freely of things that were painful previously. Take proper suggestions on board and move on a bit. Healing as it were. These feelings were being met and discussed head on but without all the pain and "masking". I read an article that Treacle had posted about Psilocybin being used as a therapy option but studies declined in the 60's with Nixon. Obviously an American study. IMO, these studies need carried on. There is much to say in what had seemed so promising. But oh, if there is a possibility of abuse then it gets shut down. People have no idea of the potential it has because of the public outcry of morality that they already now do hold....

More research needs done IMO.

I think they hate the idea of things like psilocybin because there is less cash in it for them. It's not hard to find mushrooms from what I can gather. It's nothing to do with abuse potential, look at painkiller meds in the U.S, then when they became a problem the started prescribing less and everyone got addicted to heroin, except for the affluent places, where it's still easy to get OxyContin and things, so long as you have the money. When they put out strong opiate tablets composed for instant release I'm sure they were well aware they would be abused. I question whether any of that was an accident. Anything with abuse potential they won't profit from maybe.
Hunter S Thompson
Alexander Shulgin
David Nichols
Nick Sand
Layne Staley
William Burroghs
Terrence McKenna
Alistar Crowley
Ken Keseay
Really there are so many. To many to think of right now in fact...
The Beatles
The Rolling Stones
The Grateful Dead
The Velvet Underground
