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  • EADD Moderators: axe battler | Pissed_and_messed

we will wish evey the best

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its the circle of life - too much freedom of speech always brings out the wanker crowds who want to control it for the good of the people...

Would that be the 'freedom of speech' that allows others to claim that black people are little more than animals and should be treated as such, that it is good and just to murder people because they are homosexual, that having sex with children is not only acceptable but they are asking for it.....you get the idea.

With specific regard to BlueLight, no claim is ever made that anyone has 'freedom of speech', we all agreed to the BlueLight User Agreement when we created our accounts, have a read, it's pretty clear.

I appreciate some may feel this specific action is unjust, it is clearly a matter of opinion and this was not a decision taken on a whim but to start spouting lazy GCSE politics regarding liberty here is laughable to say the very least. The internet has more platforms to communicate than anyone could even begin to count, many are far more restrictive then BL some less so and a smaller number still totally uncensored.

No one has had their liberty truly restricted by being denied access to post on this site, take a look around the world and you'll soon see the genuine horror of oppression and prejudice ......keep it real
While I publicly stated of my frustration that I had in terms of Eveys drama and disruptive behaviour, I wholeheartedly disagree with this decision.

This news will absolutely crush her, and is horribly counterproductive. BL is a harm reduction site, and here to provide support and guidance. While Evey is bloody annoying, she means no malice and is just lost in life. (Unlike Raas, who intentionally causes arguments, trying to force his opinions and beliefs, while insulting and bullying other members).

I do agree that there needs to be a line drawn in otherwise extensive efforts to help guide someone, while doing what's best for the site, but I don't think this is a good idea, at all.

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lulz ....

we wish Evey the best

fuck me, what a cuntishly loaded and disingenuous statement that is.

To those who made this decision: youre a bunch of utterly worthless motherfuckers
To those who made this decision: youre a bunch of utterly worthless motherfuckers

It was a community decision, many don't agree with it, there were many involved. This community is not a bunch of utterly worthless motherfuckers.
those who made the decision are a bunch of deluded, egotistical worthless motherfuckers


Bunch of fucking egotistical pussies.

Congratulations, you just martyred Evey. She's now up there with JC, Malcom X et al.

You utterly stupid, dense, brain dead, fucks.

If BL is so fucking fragile that one, solitary, needy, fragile woman wields the power to bring it down, then you really gotta question how fucking valid and worthwhile it was in the first place.

LadyAlt or mere surreal poster, she serves as a fucking good example to those who cant see past their fucking nose end.

Long live Evey!

This one example is justification enough as to why the Lounge is fucking valid.

I love you Loungeguise! Keep on exposing the hipocricy.

And you EADDers who keep on fearing needy, females who need help, not exclusion, you are sadistic fucks. Im glad Im me and not you, decision makers.

You set a pisspoor example of 'care in the community'

* spits*
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I'm a deluded, egotistical worthless motherfucker,I'm an egotistical pussey. I'm an utterly stupid, dense, brain dead, fuck. Also a sadistic fuck.

When it's actually said to me, you are right. I am all those things. I'm going through a massive realization now. I hated myself anyway, but it's all true.
Bluelight should not really be the main factor in Evey's attempts to 'pick herself up from rock bottom', if indeed 'rock bottom' is a fair description of where she is. I wouldn't know.

Wouldn't it be great if Evey were to use the time away from Bluelight in order to get the real professional help which she was constantly advised to seek


those who made the decision are a bunch of deluded, egotistical worthless motherfuckers


Bunch of fucking egotistical pussies.

Congratulations, you just martyred Evey. She's now up there with JC, Malcom X et al.

You utterly stupid, dense, brain dead, fucks.

If BL is so fucking fragile that one, solitary, needy, fragile woman wields the power to bring it down, then you really gotta question how fucking valid and worthwhile it was in the first place.

LadyAlt or mere surreal poster, she serves as a fucking good example to those who cant see past their fucking nose end.

Long live Evey!

This one example is justification enough as to why the Lounge is fucking valid.

I love you Loungeguise! Keep on exposing the hipocricy.

And you EADDers who keep on fearing needy, females who need help, not exclusion, you are sadistic fucks. Im glad Im me and not you, decision makers.

You set a pisspoor example of 'care in the community'

* spits*

Does anyone actually know how Evey is? there were rumours flying round, but i dont listen to rumours. I hope shes ok and moving on but it'd be nice to know how shes doing. God bless u Evey, and mmove on im sure u will find something more constructive to spend your time on.
And you EADDers who keep on fearing needy, females who need help, not exclusion, you are sadistic fucks. Im glad Im me and not you, decision makers.

You set a pisspoor example of 'care in the community'

Obviously your opinion is as valid as anyone else's but the juxtaposition would be that :-

a.) BL was clearly not a positive influence on this person's well being, it fed obsessive behaviours and caused them to further disengage with their real life and the real treatment and medical / psychiatric support they so clearly needed.

b.) Because of the unprecedented over head on staff time due to not just the ongoing dramas but the endless (and I truly mean endless) communications with moderators, Smods and Admin which led nowhere but an endless and fruitless circle often involving totally unfounded claims of persecution all of which have to be be reviewed and responded to etc etc .... little resource was left to deal with a myriad of other peoples needs for support and information, what about them ?

It could be argued that the ongoing accommodation of this massive drain on the site's resources ( you really do not know close to the half of it ) was simply massaging staff's feelings of martyrdom and, quite frankly blowing smoke up her arse whilst giving credence to many negative and damaging cycles of thought and behaviour.

Is this a failure of the site in finding a way to accommodate this person without them impacting so heavily on it's intended operation, I think so and have been personally frustrated by my own failings in this. But I think it's all too easy to attack such an action, you may think it is wrong but I see no need to stoop hurling insults, this want a decision made in haste out of anger or malice, it was one made by people who have spent countless hours responding to endless PMs and dealing with countless issues with compassion and patience.

If it makes people feel better to see this in such simplistic terms and vent their angers towards the site staff, so be it, some responsibility certainly has to lie there 'no one is innocent' but IMHO that polarised position is one of inconvenience and fails to recognise the complexity of the the situation and the huge amount of tolerance and patience that has gone before.

With out the staff that are such easy targets for hate, attacks on integrity and just blatant name calling this site would simply not exist, SG would pull the plug and Ali would let the door hit him in the arse as he made his final exit. No one is asking for a fukin medal on this one ( at least I doubt it ) but I think objections could at least be constructive. I've been on the wrong end of such personal attacks and freely admit that there were time when I took them personally despite having only ever tried to do the right thing but we are all living and learning :\
I recall some of the posters crying over her departure were not so long ago publicly calling for her to be banned; telling her she was an unfit mother and that her child should be taken into care.

She's not a bad person, nor as foolish as she made herself out to be at times either, but this site is not about any one person.

That said; this thread is pish, should have just banned her and left it at that. No need for this fuckfest.
as ive heard more than once during my day, its the internet, not democracy

i hereby motion for benign dictatorship. me as benign dictator

those who unquestionably concur, ignore this post completely

~your benign dictator, 2015 onwards
you spelled pussy incorrectly.

Would you like this site to fall apart for shitty inane lols. This site has saved my life multiple times, and my friends, and randoms at raves, festivals, dodgy smack. What 28 people died from one batch of pills in Northern Ireland, 28 young people dying, trying to have fun. I kinda use the site for drug information, and I spread that information to my friends and amazing people don't have to die. So I have respect for the BL community, because essentially were I all just trying to look out for each other, in a unregulated, criminal shit storm, where we are oppressed as human beings. It seems like you love your lols, and your shitty trolling, because you are actually going to the effort to troll on a harm reduction forum, and its really shit. If you want this forum the way you want, post child porn while saying a racist word and lolling. This place needs to be regulated, and looked after, and it is fucking chill here IMO. Keep trolling to the lounge, thats why it's there.
Who gives a fuck whether this site was a good or bad for her, that's irrelevant. You are a pant pisser if you think she should have been banned, you need to dry your underwear out and have a word with yourself.
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Who gives a fuck whether this site was a good or bad for her, that's irrelevant.
i think a lot of people here care what's bad for a lot of people, evey included. it's a harm-reduction website and that's kind of the point :)

people will disagree over what happened. disagreement's to be expected. i think it's sad that people can't disagree civilly and, in some cases, without making this about themselves :\

"the internet is an accelerator and force multiplier of opinion and perception. indignation is its rocket fuel."

I was unaware of the forum's decision on whether this site is bad for someone or not being a prequisite for membership, that must be a new guideline. Personally I choose not to make other people's decisions for them on that sort of thing, I find removing people's freedom of choice because I think I know what's best for them rather distasteful.

No one has made this about anyone but evey, grow up alisdair.
Who gives a fuck whether this site was a good or bad for her, that's irrelevant. You are a pant pisser if you think she should have been banned, you need to dry your underwear out and have a word with yourself.

Are you referring to my post? If you are what are you fucking on about? Ms Mermaid was being a shit troll, I simply expressed my feelings of the importance of the site, and it doesn't need shit trolling. Apart from the lounge. I dont give a fuck about personal drama on a forum. I don't read the threads most of the time, I have no fucking clue what they are about. I don't give a fuck about drama threads its a fuckin forum. Why would I give two fucks if Evey was Banned or not, or whether it was deserved. Same with anyone who gets banned. Did you think my post was referring to if Bluelight is good or bad for Evey? I don't even fuckin know Evey. Simply replying to shit earlier shit trolling. I have no opinion of Evey, but I do care about her as a person. It's really fucking horrible, and I hope she gets better, obviously we all care about another members life.
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