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LSD and ego death


Mar 15, 2015
I posted a recent trip report and one of the commentors said might have had an ego death experience. Can anyone tell me what ego death is?
I have experienced ego death on both LSD and Mescaline. Bottom line is this. NOBODY can tell you what ego death aka break through aka ALL YOUR BODY SENSES SHUT OFF is! There simply aren't enough words to accurately describe it. You can only understand by experiencing it. I can, however tell you some key points that will let you know definitively whether or not you experienced this.

The FIRST time is likely to be terrifying. As your mind begins to let go of the "self", "you" frantically attemp to keep control of "reality". Once you lose control and "reality" gives way to truth, all the fear transforms to peace, contentment and understanding.

During this time, ALL of your senses are disconnected from the mind. You will see clearly, but not through the eyes. You will hear everything, but not from the ears. You will feel all, but not from the flesh, etc.

Also during this phase of your journey, time dilation may be so great that hundreds of years will pass in the period of less than an hour Earth time. In the course of these years you may experience several lives, deaths, reincarnations, etc.

Regardless of all else the SINGLE thing that defines a breakthrough experience like ego death is this. You will have NO concept of "self". You won't know who "you" are or even have a concept of "you". You won't even have the vague concept that "you" may be a human! The experience will be pure experience without the bias of seeing anything from anything's point of view. You will experience without the crutch of an experiencer and discover the lack of separation between everything, the infinite continuity of all into all.

Like I said, great people far more eloquent and articulate than I have failed to describe ego death with mere words, simply because it's not possible, but I hope my brief summary has at least helped a little to illuminate the reality of your experience.
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^ That is by far the best explanation of my own ego death experiences that I have read. Thank you for this.
^ To add to the very well put description by Lightswitch Man I'll say that if reading that doesn't ring alarm bells and say "Holy shit that's EXACTLY what I experienced" then you definitely did not experience ego death. It's not something that can occur and go unnoticed is all I'm saying. ;)
Ill try and recap my experience. I took 500mcg and dabbed all niggt with friends. After 8hrs I couldn't sleep cuz the L so I decided to sit in a chair amd relax. Shortly after my vision blacked and I couldnt hear or feel anything but I was semi-conscious ( I couldn't think but I wasnt asleep). It felt like time flew by and the next thing I recalled was "waking" with my friend walking in the room. Six hours had passed.
After that experience I felt like a new me and had a different perspective on life and my lifestyle. Does this sound like an ego death experience? I know it can be different for everyone Im just seeing if anyone cam confirm it. I feel like it was for me.
Ill try and recap my experience. I took 500mcg and dabbed all niggt with friends. After 8hrs I couldn't sleep cuz the L so I decided to sit in a chair amd relax. Shortly after my vision blacked and I couldnt hear or feel anything but I was semi-conscious ( I couldn't think but I wasnt asleep). It felt like time flew by and the next thing I recalled was "waking" with my friend walking in the room. Six hours had passed.
After that experience I felt like a new me and had a different perspective on life and my lifestyle. Does this sound like an ego death experience? I know it can be different for everyone Im just seeing if anyone cam confirm it. I feel like it was for me.
The key to ego death is the loss of sense of self. Ego death happens when you're that fucked up and tranced out on psychs that you don't know who, what or where you are. It's a type of out-of-body experience and is usually accompanied by very strong synesthesia.
Thx for the input guys. As far as determining if I had ego death, I believe I did. I wish I knew about it more when it happened so I could have used it more positively instead of being lost in my out of body experience. Maybe if it happens again I can understand it more and have a true spiritual experience.
Thx for the input guys. As far as determining if I had ego death, I believe I did. I wish I knew about it more when it happened so I could have used it more positively instead of being lost in my out of body experience. Maybe if it happens again I can understand it more and have a true spiritual experience.
I really wouldn't bother trying to make sense of anything when you're in that state. Ego death is really chaotic.
You are so right. I wish it could be less chaotic so that people could explore themselves more during it
The human brain is not perfect. Once you go above a certain point then you are no longer in possession of your faculties. On high doses of psychedelics your brain is like an overloaded circuit board (see why they call it 'tripping'?)

I think sub-ego death doses are better if you are looking to "explore yourself".
Yes. After hearing everyones input I realize I dont need to habe this happen to me again. Just small dose explorations.
lol, there used to be a huge thread on this topic. But what Lightswitch Man said was generally what was discussed back then, and he is correct. It won't be the same for everyone except for those key points.

I also had a huge discussion about this with my friends years before I got on BL, so that was what we agreed on too.

Fun times. None of us go that far anymore though. It's good to get there maybe once or twice, but after that there's not much to gain from it.
I once reached the point where I didn't know whether to squat or shit - was that an ego death? :)
theres tons of these threads--and what i get out of them is that a lot of people seem to think they have experienced "ego death". i think its a loaded term, but thats just me. its the same thing with the shulgin ++++, everyone posts a ++++ on their trip reports when they just generally trip balls.

so do K-holes or hard DMT trips count? is it only with classic psychedelics? while its a real thing, it starts to sound like a slippery slope.
Hmm, I've encountered a ++++ only three times out of many, many trips. It's quite an elusive state to reach. Yeah, you can trip real hard and not lose your ego. I had a DOPr trip that was on the same level of intensity, but I didn't lose any sense of who I was. It was strange and I didn't trip like that on anything before.

Idk about K-holes or DMT, since I haven't tried them.

I never reached that state on lsd. +++ at the most, but some of those trips affected me more than the ++++ trips. I do think everyone can make it to that state with any of the "hardcore" psychs with a high enough dose, and the right set and setting. But it probably doesn't and shouldn't happen that often though.

It's also kind of scary and intimidating to experience it, especially when it first starts. You shouldn't be able to move or talk much at all, even if you're trying to with all your might. The loss of sense of self can be confusing as hell too, but usually I'm too focused on the effects and the thoughts that seem to naturally flow without effort. All you can do is think in that state anyway.

Anything less than this isn't a ++++ imo. The DOPr trip I had wasn't an ego loss type of trip, but it definitely had the same intensity in visuals and body high, and I could snap out of it for a short time to move or talk. I think I said that too. It was like a ++++ in some ways, but it didn't get to the point where I lost my sense of self, not even a little bit. I still haven't fully integrated that trip. =l I have not experienced anything like that before, not even close.

That shit is crazy strong though. Enough to make me WANT to be sober for awhile, even though that wasn't the plan at the beginning of this year.
The times i experienced ++++ & ego loss; Have been with, first time dosing... i.e. LSD 300 ug, Mushrooms 5-grams dried,
500 mg Sulfate Mescaline, 20 mg 2c-e... And DMT most of the time.... AL-LAD never,

1p-LSD i believe Next weeks 200 ug first time trip will do it... Why because i'm contemplating my set & Setting now
theres tons of these threads--and what i get out of them is that a lot of people seem to think they have experienced "ego death". i think its a loaded term, but thats just me. its the same thing with the shulgin ++++, everyone posts a ++++ on their trip reports when they just generally trip balls.

so do K-holes or hard DMT trips count? is it only with classic psychedelics? while its a real thing, it starts to sound like a slippery slope.
You'll know when you experience ego death. You'll also know what is meant by a ++++ experience if you ever have one.
DMT is a classic psychedelic... it's one of the 'big four'. I don't know where you got the idea it wasn't.
I don't like K but I've had several ++++ experiences on MXE... that stuff's awesome. Even cannabis can give you a ++++ if you have no tolerance to it.
I've had a few on 2C-E. This seems to happen a lot if I take a strong dose of it with some codeine. I've had a few on LSD, a couple on DPT and a few from various combinations of psychedelics.

++++ experiences are quite rare but they happen a lot more often than ego death experiences (for me anyway).