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What Was Your Nightly Fix? v. Needs Moar Meth

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bit less than a gram of EpH
9 nifoxipam 2mg's
6x2mg ethyl loflazeâte
5x1mg loprazolam
4x2mg's diclazepam
ab-fubinaca a couple of rollies

+5x2mg diclazepam
500mg eph
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A crumb of valium

I wish I had brought something to smoke at work, tonight is lame. It feels like I got a lot to do this week. Excited for Friday, and its Sunday... That's my life yuuuup.
A cup of Hot Chocolate.

A stormy night in the inner city is actually beautiful whilst tripping. =D
Had some alprazolam earlier, went out for dinner drank a beer and a couple glasses of wine and now i'm smoking a spliff before bed.
Good night BL! (and good rest of the day for all the people in the other side of the world)
30 mg adderall IR

45 mg adderall later

just took 90 mg... getting the XR/IR combo soon because my doctor doesn't want me on the rx'd 90 mg/day. I take days off to smoke weed and do nothing... I will be able to get 60 mg XR and 90 mg IR with my insurance but I thing she'll give me 60 of each...

Lamictal 200mg with the 1st dose. Finally got that grant paper written and have more essays to finish. I have Klonopin, Ativan and Haldol for the rage fits... and I am far from out of Adderall... I misuse it sometimes but I was put on this crap when I was a kid so they don't refuse to give them to me... if I run out, I wait. That's the deal unless it is in 3 days or whatever. And the XR isn't really on the same wavelength as far as misuse with me goes but I was on 120 mg of dex at age 9 so I am tolerant to this stuff. Going without it isn't bad though, I just act obnoxious and hyper.
I just downed 20mg of ambien. Here's to some goofy fun! Or at least an escape hopefully.
6mg of Suboxne under the tounge, 1800mg Gabapentin,2mg of xanax when I got home from work...also during work random doses of xanax, sooo 8mg of that today total...made work fly by,mission accomplished... Sigh, just need some spice up in this bitch(would prefer regular bud, but drug test...had 30mg of Val last night and two weeks till my docs appointement so, not sure if that will be out...if not first drug test ever failed, kinda sucks if that will happend since I was gonna ask my doctor to put me on a low dose of Klon(1-2mg) or that time realesed xanax,, and I've never failed a drug test before...
That particular bender ended, though I'm not sure where one binge stops and another starts anymore. 8)
30 pack of Budheavies and a 4g's fishscale.. Plus a buncha fresh spikes, time to go goddamn deaf. Got 2 new tattoo's today, fresh as fuck.
Holy hell, mighta over did that first shot.. I think I kilt my heart.
Be careful Ykm420! Will just go ahead and give my whole daily fix... 8mg of Sub at 1pm with 4mg of xanax, 7pm 300mg of Tramadol with 2mg of xanax, 11pmish I had another 8mg of Suboxone, 150mg of Tramadol, 2mg of Xanax..so total today 16mg of my Sub Maintaince dose, 450mg of Tramadol, and 8mg of xanax throughout the day.... was an experiment with the Tramadol, had a friend who had some and have heard many people say that Sub doesn't block Trams, and it seems this is true,the two shiitest opiates around(well bupe isn't that shitty I suppose,just not recreational while on Maintance)...would go ahead and just take the 3 Tramadol I have left, but don't wanna end up having a seizure or something.
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