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The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine (MXE) Thread - Chapter 14

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would Tiletamine be any good?! i just don't know

fucking cat tranquilliser i don't know if that would be a good or bad thing


It has very similar effects to MXE. I personally found it to induce paranoia; however a friend of mine simply loved it.
well i've not had the please/displeasure of trying it, hopefully i won't ever have to frankly if its a polar bear tranquilliser, mxe/mxp are enough to send people a little loopy anyway. you have to be careful with that stuff... when you're doing it its really hard to stop yourself redosing and "holing" but the hole is fucking horrifying
^Is the hole in fact horrifying? I dosed 25mg orally last night followed with about 25mg nasally, and I just... I didn't get anywhere near the hole to the best of my knowledge, but shit felt awful combining the two ROA's. Not euphoric in the least. I found myself salivating so much and almost puking, I had to keep a cup with me just to let off my excess spit...

I figure oral ROA's with MXE and I just don't get along, so I'm gonna try and nasally hole tonight (I've never gone past roughly 60mg in any given night) by setting out about 80mg to try and push myself past my usual limits. Can anyone comment on attempting to nasally hole? If I'm fairly used to 50-60mg, is pushing it to 80 very dangerous?
For a year from late 2011 to mid/late 2012 i used to do a small amount of MXE once a week mainly for the afterglow, was very therapeutic, brilliant uplifting stimulating glow that would last for days, maybe a week. then the glows started to get quite manic, anyone else experienced this? Used to feel pretty manic on the glows... and then i stopped getting them all together. no idea why. havent done MXE for ages, might have to try it again soon, still got a bit of uk preban left

you have the nuts. ] my doc that is not around any more. this stuff i loved, it keeps potency for years too i can confirm that :) make sure to oral dose

trust me if you have that, then some batches made in the last 12 months or so, you wil know the difference. i know it is very subjective to set / setting / dose / roa / tolerance / etc but you will, even though they feel similar.

there are different versions of many drugs, ie; ketamine eg: isomers R and S. With R being the popular one, i think.

and i guess with RCs, who knows how many there could be.

[edit], yeah when i first started with mxe i got a VERY great after glow, which turned into feeling a bit tired with no after glow, which then turned into of stoping the feeling of depression but not making me happy or anything. idk i didnt use too much of it though
for me it was horrifying and fascinating... the holes on both mxe and mxp in my opinion are very similar, loss of short term memory, complete detatachemnt from your own body etc... like perhaps i just don't have enough experience with holing - but christ, it was horrifying. i felt as though i had actually died and i was now trapped in an eternal vortex of some kind of purgatory or something - it was like being in a dream, completely out of body experience as i had probably passed out on my couch hence me coming back to my senses after the hole going "WHAT THE FUCk jUST HAPPEned", but repeating that phrase over and over and over and over after the experience. the crash/comedown is not pleasant in the slightest either. its a very hard one to describe frankly. intensely euphoric but intensely horrifying at the same time.

the crash after the hole is really unpleasant... completely robotic and nothing really feels like it makes sense, no "afterglow" i was actually very depressed and wanted whatever the hell had just happened to end but i didn't at the same time - like i didn't want to be in that robotic state i wanted to be out of my body again.... hence why its so damn addictive

i can't truly explain what i saw, what happened, etc on the hole... its beyond words, it was very intense though, psychedelia on a whole new level...
you have the nuts. ] my doc that is not around any more. this stuff i loved, it keeps potency for years too i can confirm that :) make sure to oral dose

trust me if you have that, then some batches made in the last 12 months or so, you wil know the difference. i know it is very subjective to set / setting / dose / roa / tolerance / etc but you will, even though they feel similar.

there are different versions of many drugs, ie; ketamine eg: isomers R and S. With R being the popular one, i think.

and i guess with RCs, who knows how many there could be.

Never oral dosed MXE before, might give it a try. is there a big difference? whats the equivilent to 40mg sniffed as an oral dose? whats the duration on it?

This pre ban is from late 2011 if i recall, forgot i had it until i found it a few weeks ago
start with 20mg oral if 40 sniffed. or 25-30mg. it well get you quite high.

wait atleast 2 hours cause it takes AGES to comeup. like an hour before you start to feel it sometimes. llast i think 3 or 4 hours.. wth LOONG comedown (not really comedown) more after glow feeling. but i enjoy it so much.

if you want a faster on-set, and pretty much the same bio.. you can put it under you tounge.. but i think oral is slightly better.

[edit] also re dosing is very effective. you should dose low then upping it to get where you want.

i would take four 12mg caps with me when i went out. perfect social drug for me. (for the weekend) id mostly use 3, sometimes 4x 12mg caps if we were up tell the morning.

id mostly oral them, sometimes snort one cap... good times indeed.
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Weird, I find oral to be slightly more potent (and qualitatively better) than nasal, but I find it comes up super fast, like in 5-10 minutes I feel something, even with food in my stomach, and at 45 minutes it's peaked.
yeah oral is slightly or a lot (almost double) more potent, depending what dose you aare doing imo. large doses, its prob getting close to same as snorting but i never dosed high.

yeah maybe i did have fast come ups to. i also remeber it taking ages to peak sometimes. with setting can all change it a lot, including how strong it is.

like the dude wwho took mxe evveryday. said he felt twice as high at work setting than at home.
I had never heard that oral is twice as potent. If that's true then I have wasted like a half ounce of my doc:|
I had never heard that oral is twice as potent. If that's true then I have wasted like a half ounce of my doc:|

I've been hearing this for a while, but I've never read any empirical data showing that oral potency is double that of intranasal. Oral has definitely been more potent in my experience, but every ROA gives different effects so I suppose it depends what you're going for.
Wish i had heard about oral years ago when i was doing it regularly. never read anyone mention it
I don't even know anyone who snorts it in person, I always thought everyone knew oral was better.
^I might take first dose orally but I always redose nasally. Well I rarely take it orally, I like to eat before session and last time it took like well over 2 hours to come up after I took it on a quite full stomach (waited like 1-1.5hrs after eating)
I am pretty interested in MXE, though I have never tried it. How's the tolerance for it, does it build quickly? I read through a few pages and didn't find anything about it, and BL's search returned nothing.
I don't even know anyone who snorts it in person, I always thought everyone knew oral was better.

I think some just enjoy the ritual of insufflating powders and/or they assume MXE will be more potent that way since that tends to be the case with most substances. Also, most people I've met who were already into Ketamine before they tried MXE seem to prefer snorting small bumps periodically as opposed to taking larger doses all at once, which seems kind of inefficient to me. Honestly, even being aware of the downsides to intranasal use, I still go between that and oral depending on the circumstances, often using both methods in one session. I don't go for the M-hole that often anymore, but when I do, I much prefer a moderate oral dose plus a few lines as opposed to a large oral dose all at once, or even moderate staggered oral doses.

I don't think I tried any method besides oral for six months or so after I first tried MXE, mostly because my living situation was not conducive to busting out lines whenever I felt like it, so I usually kept my use rather surreptitious. It was a strange and uncomfortable time in my life that I discovered MXE, and I was pretty reckless and naive when I first started using it. I ended up getting way higher than anticipated a number of times, usually when I would compulsively redose before the initial dose had reached its peak, sending me into outrageous levels of dissociation that I can barely describe or even recall very well.

The afterglow during the beginning of my use was incredibly remarkable, though. I had this peculiar delusion that these high dose experiences were not as important as the way I perceived myself and everything in my life during the comedown and following days. To put it another way, I thought I just had to go a little crazy for a while but that when I came back, I would inevitably have improved every single facet of my existence (and everyone else's by proxy). I thought I had experienced something so profound that, for a while, I genuinely did not even consider MXE a drug, but something like a cross between a vitamin, supplement or antidepressant. This is patently false, but humans are capable of convincing themselves of some pretty goddamn ridiculous ideas sometimes.

Anyway, it took me a while to really understand what the M-hole was and that getting there wasn't necessarily the most optimal use of MXE. It's interesting, no doubt about that, but being too fucked up to move, speak, or comprehend what's going on is not that appealing to me anymore. I find the K-hole infinitely more interesting and convenient because of its short duration, and typically reserve myself to small enough doses of MXE that I am still somewhat functional.
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Mixed MXE (30-40mg) with a 2mg lormetazepam the other night by recommendation of my friend who said these two had a peculiar synergy. He reported visual "glitches" (scattered visual field) and odd non-threatening audio hallucinations (buzzing and voices) as well as increased motor impairment. I myself found that this combination sort of surpressed the open eyed visual effects of MXE and didn't affect the closed eye visuals. I did however get odd audio hallucinations, voices in my head repeating single words of thoughts that just went through my head. My friend compared the experience as being similar to zolpidem (which he had prescribed for a while), I only had one experience with zolpidem which resulted in total amnesia and passing out so I can't really compare.

I've not noticed synergy between mxe and alprazolam or etizolam (not mixed it with any other benzos). I'm thinking the difference here might have to do with lormetazepam being a hypnotic benzo with a different affinity for GABAA subunits vs the anxiolytic alprazolam and etizolam...

Anyone else ever notice some synergy between MXE and other benzos?
everytime I take xanax at the end of mxe trip and go to sleep I have very weird abstract dreams and do some weird shit that I don't remember later and only find out after somebody tells me. Nothing crazy but just weird, like texting back really bizzare stuff which doesnt make sense.
There is a new vendor with MXE talking about isonomers, claiming that their MXE is superior to everything else going around. Maybe they found a way to isolate the preferred isomer, in the way that S ketamine is preferred over R ketamine.
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