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"Molly" turning orange with marquise


Feb 6, 2014
Got a gram of molly and obviously its not mdma unfortunatley, im just trying to determine if its amphetamine or meth (which one is cheaper and similar, and most likey sold as mdma?) its tannished color and crystaly.
No one can tell. It's definitely not MDMA, chances are it is meth. I'm not sure how common amphetamine is sold as "molly". Do you know anyone who has tried it yet?

I had something that sounds similar once, I didn't test it, but the "high" was definitely not molly, it struck me as nearly exactly what "speed" would be. Just awake, feeling good but not amazing, mental energy but little physical energy, quite boring IMO.

Flush it, regardless.
no one can tell you what it is, when in doubt, chuck it. or go to your dealer and show him that its not mdma/ tell everyone that that dealer is full of it.
I understand you dont know what it is, i simply just wanna know which tends to be sold most as molly/ecstacy
^ depends where you are.. amphetamine tends to be sold in a white paste like cocaine, meth in crystals.

Get a simon's kit to find out
amphetamine tends to be sold in a white paste

only the shitty kind that spoils extremely quickly and is a pain to handle. i've had a lot of nice powder in the past, but yes, there is a lot more paste in circulation now, probably because it smells more intensely...
No one can tell. It's definitely not MDMA, chances are it is meth. I'm not sure how common amphetamine is sold as "molly". Do you know anyone who has tried it yet?

I had something that sounds similar once, I didn't test it, but the "high" was definitely not molly, it struck me as nearly exactly what "speed" would be. Just awake, feeling good but not amazing, mental energy but little physical energy, quite boring IMO.

Flush it, regardless.

why would you suggest i toss perfectly good speed/meth?
And to add to this, im thinking it may not be meth, because i've done some research and it looks like meth is same price or more as mdma, and i dont think its cut because when i went to go buy it from my dealer it was right off the rock.. but maybe i'm wrong
If you're happy with that, fine. If I was sold it after being told it was MDMA, I wouldn't be too happy with it.
why would you suggest i toss perfectly good speed/meth?

I agree I wouldn't toss it, I'd just use it in a different setting or even just try raving on it. Amphetamines are pretty recreational. Just don't expect that MDMA experience and be sure to research and get the dose right.
you'd be lucky to have it be meth, nobody would have trouble selling good meth as meth and try to disguise it as mdma its probably some shitty RC
you'd be lucky to have it be meth, nobody would have trouble selling good meth as meth and try to disguise it as mdma its probably some shitty RC
But all it did was turn orange with the test and the chart says amphetamine/methamphetamine. How would it possibly be an RC?
But all it did was turn orange with the test and the chart says amphetamine/methamphetamine. How would it possibly be an RC?

Because marquis can have the same reaction with multiple substances.

Things that can test orange: amphetamine/methamphetamine (generally goes orange to brown), 2C-B (generally orange to green), DMT, 25I-NBOMe, mescaline, and ritalin.

Marquis for testing is not enough. You need a full test kit if you're going to trust this stuff and even then, you are still taking a risk. Marquis testing for the purpose of testing MDMA to look for adulterants is generally useful because there aren't many substances that react the way that MDMA does (of course DXM reacts similar to MDMA and MDA and MDE have the same reaction as MDMA) but using marquis to figure out what the hell your adulterant actually is, is foolish at best.
Yeah, I wouldn't take it.. Even IF you have amphetamine, you don`t know what else could be in the mix. Besides, amps are pretty boring anyway
why would you suggest i toss perfectly good speed/meth?

Got a gram of molly and obviously its not mdma unfortunatley

Ya know, I was going to type out an explanation outlining some reasons why a person probably shouldn't just ingest an illegal clandestine chemical from the street when it turns out the illegitimate chemical isn't even the chemical you thought it was in the first place and have no way to tell what it actually is......but I decided against.

Go on, gobble it down, let us know how it goes.