Day 9 of 240 oxy per day withdrawl not getting better losin it!!!


Some people say it doesn't help them. I think it works pretty well and would help at this point.
Hey Omen
I just posted to Azure Cloud about the sweats n stuff any suggestions on that? I know I'm really trying to push through but I do fatigue easily. I also can get winded at same time. Do u think that is because of not using my lungs full capacity for so many years? Thx again how r u doing oh hey I saw your thread about your teeth did u get it all figured out? All I can tell u with all my experience with oxy is I would grind my teeth to SHIT at night so bad it was painful to even eat the next morning so I went to the dentist n had a mouth guard made. Still ground my teeth but at least I wasn't damaging them. Take care

Temp control is a difficult one....acetaminophen is the best for regulating it according to my drug worker but even if it's stable you will get hot flushes with cold sweats at the same time and a constant feeling of cold even when you're wrapped up and sweating. It's one of the first signs of wd coming on for me and one of the last to go, not a lot you can do really. Just max dose on the acetaminophen. It will be gone soon though. You came down from a big dose so your wd period will be long even though oxy isn't particularly long lasting, you should be well on the way to being right as rain physically in the next couple of days though.

The fatigue thing just give your body as many calories as possible, again it's one of the last things to go. Very mild fatigue can last for months with lots of people as part of the PAWS process but it's not common. I find a good way of dealing with it is really fight through the fatigue and be as active as you possibly can, that way you sleep better and it gets better quicker. Look in to the sedative anti-histamines for getting a good nights kip, no more than a couple of weeks use though even they're not physically addictive.

Hope you hand aroung so I have someone to whine at when I'm doing my detox (and believe me there will be whining!)=D<3
Script only though no?

Ya I believe so. It's probably one of the easiest scripts to get. I mean I've never gotten anything like benzo's or Adderall. I mean I haven't really tried, but at points I've hinted at needing something like that. However, I've had 2 different sub doctors prescribe me clonidine, and one of them is pretty strict with handing out prescriptions.
Hey Sosick.. How many weeks?=D

This is a great thread<3

So if you are doing ok i would try and just keep working through it for a little while longer.. the addition of clonidine may help, but at this point it may have side effects that are as bad or worse than the the ones you are trying to avoid. It can cause fatigue and really dry mouth.

You may feal a little suzzy now, but that will pass. As far as the lingering symptoms it verys.. but you will likely keep getting a little sliver better each day and you will be able to see and feal the difference from week to week. With in a few months you will be feeling pretty strong and still getting better. There is generally a big shut down of the opiate receptors we have activated through use on an average of seven months. The receptors are retracted back through the cell membranes and this can be pretty significant for most people. for me it happened a week before the fifth month. I had been sleeping kinda like you four or so hours a night, still would have goosebump cold sunburn skin, and many of the other paws symptoms, but they steadily got better, but then one night I went to sleep and slept 10 hours a night for three nights and when I woke up the third morning all my PAWS symptoms were gone, any lingering acute symptoms were gone.. i thought my brain had cleared in the time i had been clean, uhh it went from what felt like a moped to a fine sports car in the mental department.. I truely was astounded by the fog I had been living in for so many years,.. it was a pretty amazing thing. im not but I dont think it happens at the same rate for everyone, but the pain specialist I talked with said that right around month seven is the average. but from what I have seen on bluelight it think its likely less.

During this time your likely going to go through some PAWS.. have you come up with a plan at all, of things you feal may help promote a peaceful and rapid transition through this phase?

Well done Sosick. What you have accomplished already is pretty impressive.. did you take a second and give yourself some love<3 and the credit and recognition you deserve for the amazing job you have done so far, this shits not easy and your doing great!!:D

Why We Don’t Get Better Immediately: Post-acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS)
Post Acute Withdrawal (PAW) Excerpted From “Staying Sober” By: Terence T. Gorski
Post-acute-withdrawal syndrome Wiki

Chemicals and supplements to recover from opiate addiction
Managing depressive thinking

it is a powerful thing to keep our thoughts possitive and here are some threads many of us use to help us do this.
Good things about being off drugs/getting sober
Share something POSITIVE from your day!
Today I Am Thankful For... Ver. 3: Earth, Wind and Fire!
Here is the mindfulness thread.

i also need to put together a new exercise link.. the one I was useing must have sold out her address it was getting enough hits.

I would keep it simple until the you have a chance to heal more. If you want to share any paws ideas you have or are doing and since the paws symptoms can be pretty varied, if you want to share them with us and we might be able to give some strong advise on ideas you could try to use to help.

Little bit better each and every day.. and in a very short amount of time your going to be amazed at how you feal and look. and where you find your life is=D
I always feel a little bad for putting myself through this when I hear a story like yours, I did actually just type a much longer piece on that, but it was a huge de-rail. So I'll just say - the best thing I ever found for this is exercise. You'll feel better mentally and physically and it's scientifically backed up; apparently opiate use decreases natural production of endorphins, so exercising helps boost back to regular levels. Plus the exertion makes sleeping a bit easier.

I'm pretty much back to zero exercise now, stupidly - but during actual WD and also PAWS - going for a 10-15km bike ride each day (that's about a 30min ride, not much) made a freaking huge difference in how I felt. Continuing full time work also helped, in fact - about the worst thing I did was when I did nothing; laying on a couch, watching TV and feeling sorry for yourself is basically the worst possible way to get through this. Exercise and something to do is pretty much paramount to success IMHO.
Hey Sosick.. How many weeks?=D

This is a great thread<3

So if you are doing ok i would try and just keep working through it for a little while longer.. the addition of clonidine may help, but at this point it may have side effects that are as bad or worse than the the ones you are trying to avoid. It can cause fatigue and really dry mouth.

I've never gotten dry mouth from it. Course I've been toking up for more than a decade now, so maybe I'm not as effected by dry mouth anymore. Clonidine can be really helpful for getting sleep, so taking it at night might be beneficial in getting some actual rest and it may help a bit with the sweating at night.
Almost two days and we haven't heard from you. I hope you are okay.

Let us know what is going on, good or bad because I do worry about you.
Hey Azure Cloud
Day 16 !! Feeling the best so far I would say another week n I will b doing good. I hope. We were away over the weekend I found driving in vehicle my back was really sore but I survived. Did lots of walking last couple days. I c my doc this week c what she says about rls and lack of sleep. She did give me clonidine on day 6 but the side effects were bad it lowered my blood pressure too much. I also found it very long lasting. Neversickanymore thanks for all the links and support not sure what I'm going to do yet when PAWS comes (maybe it won't ??) just still taking it one day at a time. I'm hoping with exercise n healthy diet n keeping busy it won't b too bad? I guess time will tell. I can't run as advised from my operating surgeon as my cage will not last as long and could have probs with surrounding disc's bulging. He had never installed such aggressive hardware in a person of my stature only one other time in a football player and my surgeon is in his sixties. I am so lucky I didn't sever my spinal cord. Hey omen of course I will b here for u in your time of need ? I would love to hear whining from someone else. ? thanks everybody for your encouragement and checking in on me. Lots of love ?
Glad to see you're still with us. Honestly for such a crappy situation it sounds like you are doing good and taking everything is stride!

I'm very proud of you!
Thanks Azure Cloud
I can't tell u how much your advise and everyone else has helped me. I have to say when I started this WD I had no idea what to expect and once it started I only wanted to know when it would end!! It was a true hell experience for me and I really clung to all u guys. I'm so happy each day is getting better. There was a time I had to just keep telling myself that. Now I'm just looking forward to a normal life ... Well my normal ;)
Hey everyone this is my first time posting and hope I can get some great advice to help with my nasty withdrawl symptoms. My story briefly is I had a snowmobile accident in 2004 (I should be dead and definitely paralyzed but thank God I'm not !!) I had original back surgery 12 days after accident as the spinal swelling was too bad to do before. They put temp hardware into back that was to be in for one year. They took it out 13 months later.....and my freakin back wasn't healed so as a result my vertabreas at T12 and L1 started collapsing on each other lead to bad curvature of spine within a couple weeks. Had to have another back surgery now I have perm hardware titanium cage and titanium vertabreas. I was in a lot of pain when this all happened obviously so (sorry so long didn't mean to ;) basically now my oxy dose has kept increasing due to tolerance for over ten years I was up to 3 times 80 per day (240 per day) I was so tired of feeling tired all the time I told my husband last Saturday was going to be my last dose.....and that's where at today. I still feel like a complete bag of crap muscle aches, rls really bad along with insomiea I didn't sleep a wink last night and of course fatigue can't even barley get from room to room. Can anyone relate to me and tell me when I might c a light I'm almost ready to call my doctor and get some more and try a different approach cold turkey is very close to a living Hell!!

Hisy Sosick

First of all, welcome to Bluelight. I hope that you find the site to be as friendly and welcoming as I, and many others, find it. The people in recovery support are incredibly supportive and knowledgeable in recovery and drug-information. These sub-forums are friendly, supportive, safe, and as trigger-free as possible.

I am sincerely sorry to hear of your troubles; your accident and your addictions. I was addicted to codeine, and although was weaker, have some understanding of what you are going through and I am always here if you ever need someone to talk to either by PM or on the forums.

Well done on being 9 days oxy free. That's a good achievement (sorry if that comes across as patronising, I just remember how hard it was to come off opiates, especially the psychological side), you are doing great. Please know that it may seem difficult now going through the withdrawals but it does get better. We are always here to listen and please don't hesitate to ask any questions and we'll try to help you.

Thinking of you and all the best,
I know ur pain and i know many other who do to.
Smoke some marijuana it will help with insomnia,and any nausea you may feel....i was really noxious when i kicked my addiction.
It's evening of day 18 still hanging in there, but feeling really worn down last two nights have been pretty much no sleep. Due to really bad rls I kick the bed for hours straight and insomniea. The heavy achy feeling in legs is bearable during day but crazy bad at night. Tried the drug store aides suggested but didn't do anything might have actually made worse not sure. Mariguana was suggested but it's really not my thing. Thx though. Any ideas when my sleep might start improving ? This seems to b a longer process for me than others but I guess everyone's different. Thx evey for your support and urban :)
Sosick, you are hanging in there like a real trooper.

Sorry the rls is still there. I don't know when it will stop. I wouldn't think they'd be there more than a month. I've noticed when in opiate withdrawals though, the more I think about rls, the more it flared up and the easier it was for it to bother me. I don't know if you can ignore it, but if you can keep your mind otherwise occupied somehow, it will help.

I wish I could be more helpful, but unless you are willing to take benzos, you just gotta ride it out.
It's evening of day 18 still hanging in there, but feeling really worn down last two nights have been pretty much no sleep. Due to really bad rls I kick the bed for hours straight and insomniea. The heavy achy feeling in legs is bearable during day but crazy bad at night. Tried the drug store aides suggested but didn't do anything might have actually made worse not sure. Mariguana was suggested but it's really not my thing. Thx though. Any ideas when my sleep might start improving ? This seems to b a longer process for me than others but I guess everyone's different. Thx evey for your support and urban :)

Your doing great.. I came off a huge habit and I think you will likely sleep well with in six or seven months. Since you still are having RLS like this you may consider going on some nerontin for a while. This will likely both allow you to sleep and help loads with the RLS.

Keep at it.. you have done such amazing things.. nothing back there but the dark woods you already navigated. it gets better, just takes a little time.
Yes Neurontin/Gabapentin works great for RLS and insomnia. Should be easy to get a script for it too. Just take a few day break every couple of weeks to be sure to avoid any kind of dependence on it. It takes a lot longer to get addicted to than benzos or anything like that but it's always a good idea to take just a few nights off every once in awhile just to be safe. I think its half-life is around 5-7 hours or something like that and it should be completely out of your system after 36 hours from what I heard, if I am not mistaken. So a 2 or 3 day break every few weeks should theoretically keep you safe from any kind of dependence, and will help with RLS/insomnia a majority of the time - with the exception of those couple of nights here or there. Surely you can handle that if you have gotten this far. And it will just get better and better, so no worries, you're doing great.
Thanks azure cloud n neversickanymore,
I know I didn't really want to start another med but I might have to. The sleep deprivation is insane. I used to b able to fall asleep anywhere. Any ideas when the extreme fatigue might end? I know I will have some fatigue for awhile just asking about the phase I'm in now. Thanks !!
Thanks whiteroom ,
I will suggest that to my doc, actually if I remember correctly I was on gabapentin a couple yrs before I broke my back. Thx I appreciate it !!