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Am I abusing MDMA? Not quite sure.


Sep 15, 2013
Hey guys,

I'll try and keep this short - I'm a popular guy with good friends but pretty much none of them like Dance music / the rave scene. It's got to the point where I'll happily go to clubs by myself and party into the early hours of the morning.

I went to Ibiza last August and took 4 doses of MDMA (4 X pills) in 5 nights.

Since then I've taken MDMA 6 further times. When doing it in England, I've been buying it by the gram. Now here in England, a gram is like 600mg. I pretty much get through that 600mg in a night but never get as high as I did in Ibiza from a 120mg pill. (the effects ware off far quicker too)

So...in the past 8 months, I've rolled 10 times. I'm not noticing any MASSIVE sides but I am noticing a huge decrease in sex drive, is this normal? I know 600mg is far too much and I know you should drop 120mg followed by 60mg an hour or so later but it's hard to resist when you have the stuff in your pocket. Have I tested it? Yes, with marque, I know it has MDMA in it.

In those 8 months, I've also done cocaine twice, getting through half a gram in one night.

The worst part is that I feel the need to do it once a month all of a sudden, I feel like I'm missing out so much every time Friday comes around. The biggest buzz for me is that I'm a decent looking guy and love the confidence MDMA gives me to talk to girls. They will pretty much all dance / chat to me if single.

One night, I did something dreadful and picked drugs up off the floor and licked it clean (pretty sure it was MDMA due to the high, the only thing is, the high was SO SO much better than the stuff I'm getting...)

Do I need to take a break guys? Last time I was out, I went by myself and ended up in the emergency room of a very very popular club in London. (Nothing really wrong with me, was just high on MD, Coke and Alcohol)

I'm by no means depressed but I do have a health issue which makes life kinda difficult on a daily basis. MDMA makes me lose all the worry and anxiety associated with this which is adding to the craving of doing it consistently.

Oh, I'm also going back to Ibiza at the end of July.

Thanks guys :/
I wasn't aware that in the UK you guys have a different decimal metric system. ha jk but a gram is a gram it can't be 600 mgs.

anyways back OT, yes 600 mg are way too much if you have pure 100% MDMA (which I doubt), and 10 times in 8 months is a bit much but not in abuse territory IMHO.
if you decrease your rolls to once a month tops and dramatically decrease your dosage you'll be fine :) IMO
I bought a gram and weighed it afterwards, came to like 0.6 of a gram - dealers here won't sell you a gram for a gram.

Last time I was out, I took a 'gram' with me, did all that and then bought another 'gram' :/ - I was pretty drunk so I think the alcohol was affecting my high.

Like I say, the lack of sex drive is a killer. Think I've been doing too much, too often and need to lay off until I go to Ibiza at the very end of July.

But then the thought of missing out on killers raves (just isn't the same on alcohol and then I get jealous of seeing people high :/ )
You need a new dealer if he's selling .6s.

Even more so if it's cut so bad you need to do all of it.
^^ this.
also, there are other drugs other than MDMA that you can enjoy at a rave ;) or you could go sober but that isn't even an option for most people lol
You're referring to coke and LSD?

MDMA just > coke in every way for me. Hallucinogenics just don't appeal to me. Would rather be on alcohol!

Yea, sounds like I need a new dealer. Like I say, I've tested this stuff and it does feel 'good', it just doesn't feel amazing. Compared to the high I was getting from MD in Ibiza, it feels like child's play.
I mean every drug you fancy man. it could be ketamine speed GHB whatever you like to get fucked up on! (of course not every drug is good at a rave but for example street amphetamine might be a good alternative, depends on what you like)
Dude, I'd never do Ket. I've seen what that does to people, fucking scary what they turn in to. GHB? Never even considered. Speed? Might as well just do coke no?
To put in perspective what a 'gram' is. Ignore the snow.
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well I don't know then. you don't have to be in a k-hole to do ket, you can just take a little bump to get the euphotic effects without all the impairment.
the thing is, you should take MDMA no more than once a month and it's really a pity that you miss all those raves because you don't have any other drug to take, but it really depends on you and what you like.
I dont personally think you're overdoing it, just having fun. but i will say you should probobably only allow yourself once a month to do the mdma to limit yourself and then just suffice with alcohol whenever else unfortunatley. because i can totally see how something like mdma getting out of hand due to its awsomeness.. but i will say you inspire me! haha, i give you props on going to clubs and stuff by yourself, i myself dont have too many freinds that are into EDM as much as i am so i've missed out on many good events due to that, but im going to a rave this weekend by myself for the first time, well see how i do >.<

and i totally know what your saying about the decent looking part and confidence with mdma! its probobably the best part, im ripped aswell so i just go shirtless and i legit feel like a god at events making eye contact with every hot girl and can strike up a conversation like its nothing haha. but im afraid im gonna be in my "shell" if i go alone!
If you have to ask that question, there's a good chance you might be abusing it (or nearing abuse). If you're not experiencing diminished effects or severe side effects, you're probably okay for now. It's good to be aware of your patterns of use to keep yourself in check but try not to worry too much.
I'd be more worried that you are willing to accept 600mg as a gram. Buy a £20 set of scales and make him weigh it up in front of you.

Buying street drugs relies on a lot of trust. If your dealer is willing to short change you 40% with no fear of repercussions then I would bet anything his is happy to also cut your gear to shit.
op, can you stop referring to what you are buying as a gram because it's not a gram. the thing abut a gram is - it weighs exactly 1 gram.

are you testing your stuff?

if so, you're talking about dosing 600mg of mdma in one night. that's too much. related reading: Six Simple Rules... To MDMA

if not, you're talking about dosing 600mg of an unknown substance in one night which is just plain stupid. how stupid? as stupid as, say, picking something off the floor of a club and licking it to get high. that kind of rank stupidity.

i'm going to disagree with a couple of the respondents in this thread and say you are absolutely overdoing it and you need to take a serious look at your use patterns and consider taking a break.

Buying street drugs relies on a lot of trust. If your dealer is willing to short change you 40% with no fear of repercussions then I would bet anything his is happy to also cut your gear to shit.

i disagree. the number one thing for buying street drugs is distrust. never trust the dealer about identity, purity but also not on the amount. every "gram" i had bought (no matter what substance) turned out to be somewhere in the range of 700-900mg. even if the dealer weighed it out on his own scale, the weight instantly "dropped" when i got home and used my own, properly calibrated scale.
op, can you stop referring to what you are buying as a gram because it's not a gram. the thing abut a gram is - it weighs exactly 1 gram.

are you testing your stuff?

Already said yes to testing my stuff and every time I've used the term 'gram', i've used it in within '' marks. Kinda clear I'm referring to 600mg when referencing a gram when you read my post.

Thanks for your thoughts.
i disagree. the number one thing for buying street drugs is distrust. never trust the dealer about identity, purity but also not on the amount. every "gram" i had bought (no matter what substance) turned out to be somewhere in the range of 700-900mg. even if the dealer weighed it out on his own scale, the weight instantly "dropped" when i got home and used my own, properly calibrated scale.

Thats why you bring your own. They are as cheap as chips and small enough to fit in your pocket.

The last 8 ball I bought actually weighed heavy.
Already said yes to testing my stuff...
600mg of mdma in one night? that is just silly.

you are absolutely overdoing it and you need to take a serious look at your use patterns and consider taking a break.
