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Hearing Voices


Oct 28, 2013
I recently have been diagnosed "schizophrenic", but the voices and delusions for the most part have gone away, but every time I smoke, it induces the "schizophrenic" tendencies. I think the label schizophrenic is a cheap way to avoid explaining the real underlying causes, it definitely feels like its connected to something deeply spiritual. The voices I hear are usually people from my past, narrating a story and addressing my thoughts.

I was curious if anyone else experiences hearing voices, and if so, what do they say and what is your personal explanation for the phenomena.

I sometimes intentionally induce the schizophrenia to get closer to the voices, its a way to feel close to something, a way to experience something "real" thats totally unreal. Whats "Real" anyways
I only hear voices from smoking weed if I'm really high and they're paranoid constructions from indiscernible background noise ie I hear my neighbors and think their talking about the reak of weed and going to rat.
See when someone is diagnosed with Schizophrenia they may think that its something spiritual or something else other than Schizo. The truth is in order to get better you have to accept the fact that it most definately is a brain miswiring and a brain malfunction. Medical Science has proven that Schizo is a non spiritual malfunction of your brain where you might have more activity or grey matter in a part of your brain. Many people with schizo believe that they dont have schizophrenia and most often people that dont accept it for what it most definately is . It is almost definately (A medical non spiritual miswiring) Of course I as a human being can not deny the possibility that something spiritual exist (it probably does) but in this cause my friend all you have is a natural miswiring in your brain and if you view it as that years from now you will look back and realized that you took a leap of faith and got better. Its been medically and scientifically proven that people who view their schizophrenia as "ghosts,dead relatives communicating, god talking to them, that they dont get much better because they feed their schizo.

Hope it all works out bro.

Yeah throughout my life I have had trouble with the question of what is "real" or "truth". Sorry cant help you on that one buddy, maybe another fellow like me on bluelight will be of help.
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The brain chemical in question is dopamine, excessive dopamine levels/production. Speed/amphetamine psychosis is very similar to schizophrenia and the symptoms you are describing is the same as many experiencing drug induced psychosis from stimulants like speed/meth. Cannabis often exacerbates these symptoms in both, while in a state of amphetamine psychosis and if your diagnosed schizophrenic.

Hell I've heard voices/noises after a few days on the meth although these vanish after you come down and get some sleep and your dopamine levels go back to a semi normal state and if you don't have any co-existing mental health issues. Often I thought I could hear people talking about me/to me etc but wasn't sure who they were or where they were coming from. Excessive THC use would also cause this although it was usually at 3am in the morning after smoking from 9 am the day before which is massive abuse. Also I get depressed after amphetamine use/excessive THC consumption because I fried myself abusing MDMA wayyy back and as a result suffer depressive mental health issues. Caution is advised.
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Have you looked into voice-to-skull technology? They use this to transmit voices into your head, so it appears that you are hearing voices that aren't there. I'll give you an example of the lows they fall to; my friend, whenever he has sex, has a running commentary throughout the whole experience in an attempt to try and put him off. I know that sounds ridiculous, but it just shows the sort of childish behavior these people engage in. You know they are operating in your area wherever you see neighborhood watch signs, because it's a meeting point for all community mobbers (gang stalkers). Look it up and see if you're experiencing something similar.

I've been suffering from it for quite some time. They've done everything to me, from installing speakers outside in the woods, connected to a recorded tape of someone insulting me on a loop, to simply following me around the supermarkets giving me dirty looks. I'm telling you, this is very real and a lot of the cases of 'schizophrenia' are in fact just cases of gangstalking. People need to wake up and smell the coffee.

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letmebangbro;11917097Medical Science has proven that Schizo is a non spiritual malfunction of your brain where you might have more activity or grey matter in a part of your brain.[/QUOTE said:
You can't say things like this. That is completely wrong.
Have you looked into voice-to-skull technology? They use this to transmit voices into your head, so it appears that you are hearing voices that aren't there. I'll give you an example of the lows they fall to; my friend, whenever he has sex, has a running commentary throughout the whole experience in an attempt to try and put him off. I know that sounds ridiculous, but it just shows the sort of childish behavior these people engage in. You know they are operating in your area wherever you see neighborhood watch signs, because it's a meeting point for all community mobbers (gang stalkers). Look it up and see if you're experiencing something similar.

I've been suffering from it for quite some time. They've done everything to me, from installing speakers outside in the woods, connected to a recorded tape of someone insulting me on a loop, to simply following me around the supermarkets giving me dirty looks. I'm telling you, this is very real and a lot of the cases of 'schizophrenia' are in fact just cases of gangstalking. People need to wake up and smell the coffee.

Wow, I feel like I just climbed out from under a rock...why do you think you are victim of this ?
I'm sorry Sweet Jones what I said is completely correct. Medical Science has definitely proven through scanning the brain of schizophrenia patients that basically all Schizo patients have an area in their brain where the brain chemicals are confused that is a non spiritual cause. This area is not linked to depression or anxiety (even though all mental disorders can be related) but its something seen only in Schizophrenic people.Plus study's show that people with Schizophrenia had a non-spiritual thing happens to them to cause this problem. Schizophrenia is linked to physical damage to the brain when younger, hit to the head, verbal abuse family, mother who birthed the kid on drugs like alcohol, and passed down et cetera. Yes it has been proven in psychology field/science that Schizo is not a spiritual condition. Ask any top psychologist if ghosts or relatives are speaking to you, and he will say no it is proven that it is totally not ghosts or dead relatives et cetera. But of course stuff like this might not be accepted by people who believe in spiritual stuff. Since most of the belief of science/psychology is based on the fact that spiritual stuff doesnt exist. Whats proven for scientists isn't accepted as proof by believers in spiritual stuff. For instance take the fact that the universe is 13.8 billion years old and that earth is 4.5 billion years old and many believers in spiritual stuff believe that the earth is 6,000 years old and dont agree. See what I am saying is that yes Schizophrenia has been proven to the field of Science/Psychology that it is not caused by demons or ghosts but it has a natural cause. But...alot of the world is into spiritual stuff/religion and laughs at the idea of proof of that. This is kind of a bad argument to be having since it mostly leads into Does spiritual stuff exist? Does God exist? et cetera which I don't want to debate that. But to just make my point its: Yes Science/Psychology has proven that it is non spiritual cause, but then again some people dont believe in what science proves because they are more "spiritual type of people" and believe in what they sense with their mind (which is totally fine). So if that is you then you dont have to believe that. Im just saying what science believes and what should be the safest method of mindset. Yes it might be fun to try to connect to the voices and see what they are, but i recommend (if you want to) to just go with the physical psychological proof of it and get better faster.

oh and op try not to pay attention the guy talking about the voice box in the woods and people controlling your mind. Remember that anything is possible..but I guaranttee that you will never have that happen to you. So dont worry about it!
Artificial Emotion don't troll schizophrenics by presenting paranoid delusions as fact.
Still wrong, medical science doesn't say anything about the spiritual world whatsoever, spirituality is not within its domain. Unless you can direct me to some study where this specific condition of 'brain chemicals' is proven to have nothing spiritual about it. Can you?
Have you looked into voice-to-skull technology? They use this to transmit voices into your head, so it appears that you are hearing voices that aren't there. I'll give you an example of the lows they fall to; my friend, whenever he has sex, has a running commentary throughout the whole experience in an attempt to try and put him off. I know that sounds ridiculous, but it just shows the sort of childish behavior these people engage in. You know they are operating in your area wherever you see neighborhood watch signs, because it's a meeting point for all community mobbers (gang stalkers). Look it up and see if you're experiencing something similar.

I've been suffering from it for quite some time. They've done everything to me, from installing speakers outside in the woods, connected to a recorded tape of someone insulting me on a loop, to simply following me around the supermarkets giving me dirty looks. I'm telling you, this is very real and a lot of the cases of 'schizophrenia' are in fact just cases of gangstalking. People need to wake up and smell the coffee.

Perfect satire man that was amazing, but really this could fuck someone with schizophrenia up cause they might believe this
Perhaps the part I included about the issues my friend has when he has sex invites people to think it's just a joke, but I can assure you it's not although looking at my post I can appreciate why you would come to that conclusion without knowing more about me. If you look at my posts I've consistently talked about the problems with gang stalking before, it's not something I just conveniently came up with in this thread and I try to make it so that most of my posts are positive contributions to the board and individuals like the OP I like to think. If it was a joke it wouldn't really be that funny and would be rather insensitive anyway. This friend of mine I met over the internet on a support group for people suffering from the same issues with harassment.

About me making fun of schizophrenics, if this is the case I would really be making fun of myself because officially I myself have a diagnosis of schizophrenia. I know this is not iron-clad proof, but to prove as best I can that I'm not simply making this up, here's a pic of my medication. As you can see, the dosage is in line with what's prescribed to people with schizophrenia. I can even post psychiatrists letters (names redacted of course). I've said I have been diagnosed with this condition many many times before on this site for several years, so it's nothing new. It's not the cause of my beliefs about gang stalking, but rather the gang stalking has caused so much stress to me that it has induced feelings of paranoia and anxiety in and of itself.

I know when you read about someone's experience that is so outside the realms of everyday life it's easier to disbelieve it, but you have to realise that this is exactly what they count on. People just dismiss it as being the delusions or fantasies of a mentally unstable person when in fact it's real. It's very real. It's a terrifying thought that this sort of thing is happening but the more people that speak up about it and expose these people the better. I don't blame anyone for assuming it's all some joke, I would probably think the same myself if I were in your position.
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Wow, I feel like I just climbed out from under a rock...why do you think you are victim of this ?

Basically everywhere I go, I see people following me and they do this purely for the purposes of intimidation. They are discrete about it, but to me they make sure to make it plainly obvious what they're doing. So for example, they will walk behind me a few metres and when I turn around to look at them, they will pick up their phone and pretend to talk on it as soon as I make eye contact or they will look in the other direction, just slowly enough for me to just be able to catch them, but it's done in such a subtle way that they can plausibly deny what they're doing if anyone were to challenge them. Another thing is, as I said, I hear voices out when I'm the woods that come from speakers surreptitiously installed in trees (which I admit I've never been able to find). They say childish things like 'oh here stinky comes' or 'careful, the rapist is here'. I know none of the things they say are true and they very well know it's not true, but they still keep at it in an attempt to wear me down as a sort of psychological warfare. When it's been going on for months, or even years, your resolve wears thin and eventually you become demoralised. If you are weak, you might even end up resorting to self harm or suicide.

I can think of other examples of their harassment, such as the bugging of phones, throwing pebbles at my window or tainting my food. Other examples include closing roads just to cause an inconvenience to me, sending me fines in the post for trivial technical infractions of the law such as littering when anyone else would be let off. All sorts of things really, but any single incident in and of itself could easily be explained with some other reasonable alternative explanation so if you try and confide in anyone else they rightly just assume you're mentally ill or are joking around. But if you're seeing it with your own eyes you just know it's not in your head. Trust me, I know how it sounds but I know, hand on heart, that I am being genuine and that what they are doing is very real.
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^ My god, I wish I knew. For the past six months I've desperately been trying to find out why. If anyone can help me in that area I would really appreciate it. There are many theories but at the end of the day that's all they really are and I've not had any evidence to back any of them up at all so I can't really accept any of them until I get this evidence
I only hear voices from smoking weed if I'm really high and they're paranoid constructions from indiscernible background noise ie I hear my neighbors and think their talking about the reak of weed and going to rat.

When it happens does it cause you to become anxious, or is it something you find you can block out by distracting yourself? I'm just curious.
Its not logical for people to wind someone up for 6 months for no reason, its more logical that you are just paranoid schizophrenic sorry man

Or the more logical conclusion is that you are having a great laugh on these forums.
Having paranoid schizophrenic delusions or having a laugh?

In actual fact it is neither of these things, but it's obvious no matter what I say you will just be dismissive. I've seen it with my own two eyes - if you want to deny that that's your prerogative but there are many people in the same situation as me if the PMs I receive whenever I talk about this sort of thing on BL and elsewhere are any indication.

You don't seem to understand, there is no logic to what these people do. Don't try and rationalise their actions, it doesn't make sense and it never will.
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I only hear voices from smoking weed if I'm really high and they're paranoid constructions from indiscernible background noise ie I hear my neighbors and think their talking about the reak of weed and going to rat.

I feel I get a similar reaction. All the audio input my head is receiving, the rustling of the leaves, an automobile in the distance, a dryer running, etc.; suddenly syncs up to some cryptic messages that I enjoy trying to decipher. Usually they're just voices responding to my most recent thoughts. Sometimes their paranoid delusions, but other times I feel like I learn something from them. But, I can do the same thing sober sometimes and also see faces everywhere everyday if I look for them. I don't feel diseased, just willing to explore what others might consider madness. I just call it psychedelia.