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[MEGA]Methods of Smoking

What method of smoking is your favourite?

  • Joint (pure cannabis rolled in a paper)

    Votes: 32 10.1%
  • Spliff (cannabis/tobacco mix rolled in a paper)

    Votes: 34 10.8%
  • Blunt (cannabis rolled in a tobacco wrap)

    Votes: 33 10.4%
  • Bowl (traditional pipe)

    Votes: 52 16.5%
  • Bong (water pipe)

    Votes: 100 31.6%
  • Waterfall/bucket/gravity bong

    Votes: 7 2.2%
  • Vaporiser

    Votes: 47 14.9%
  • Hot-knives

    Votes: 2 0.6%
  • Other (please specify in post)

    Votes: 9 2.8%

  • Total voters
vaporizers are a VERY close second, but theres something about bongs that i love so much. number 3 is joints.
hi all. I have smoked bud, hash and oil in a lot of ways for 20 plus years now. I've been smoking spliffs, with tobacco, out on the balcony, almost exclusively for 3 years now. I would like to break that pattern though. Get back to my bong with water or joints.
i smoke 2gs daily out of a glass sobe waterfall. its just so damn awesome.
instead of having to sit in the bathroom though i use a lemonade pitcher full of water with the sobe and smoke in my room, or wherever.
recycle'n that shit. i change out the water daily.

2nd stoned edit: i have everything though; bong, bubbler, mini bong, spoon, glass blunt, zigzags. and i smoke out of all of them quite regularly.
but sobe i can just puff on so quick and easy
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hi all. I have smoked bud, hash and oil in a lot of ways for 20 plus years now. I've been smoking spliffs, with tobacco, out on the balcony, almost exclusively for 3 years now. I would like to break that pattern though. Get back to my bong with water or joints.

Tobacco is disgusting; just switch to cannabis alone. :)
Best method of smoking - hands down - spots. Also known has hot-knives.
Probably one of the most common smoking methods here in New Zealand and anyone who tries it will probably understand why, only a little bit will get you fucked up for the night. Arguably one of the most conservative ways to smoke and gets you the best bang for your buck.

Most of the stoners here have done or frequently do spots/hot knives.
Definitely worth a try.
Unique/interesting ways of smoking

Hey guys I was wondering if anyone knew of any interesting and/or unique ways of smoking cannabis that may not be too well known.

I was recently bored as shit and ended up watching this weed show on youtube called 'Strain Hunters', in one episode where they go to Trinidad their guide shows them a common way to roll spliffs in Trinidad, apparently people like to smoke weed straight green there but smoke a cigarette straight after, as a result of this it has become common for people to roll a joint onto the end of a cigarette and smoke it all in one go (you can look up a "Trini roll on" on youtube if my explanation is confusing).

Anyway, watching this also made me remember watching this old school UK stoner movie a few years back where people were putting pieces of hash on a paperclip and lighting it until it started to burn, then putting an upside down glass over the hash until the glass was thick with smoke, they then tilt the glass to the side and use a straw to suck smoke out.

Basically it has occured to me that there are some rather unique and interesting ways that people consume cannabis around the world, some of which seem to be very localised and without travelling there or happening to see it in a movie or documentary then most people would never encounter them. Was curious if anyone out there has encountered or knows about any other unique ways of smoking and would like to share them here. Any input is appreciated. :)
How interesting!
I haven't really tested too many unique ways of smoking.. But this could potentially give me some new ideas.
Unique bongs are sweet. Cazy multi-chambered glassware has always been my favourite way of smoking.
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I have tried the paperclip/cup hash method and it didn't work out so well for me. Using a hot knife or other similar object seemed to work better for me. A proper vape or pipe is still the best though.
I have tried the paperclip/cup hash method and it didn't work out so well for me. Using a hot knife or other similar object seemed to work better for me. A proper vape or pipe is still the best though.

It's much more practical to use a plastic bottle that has had it's bottom cut, you unscrew the cork and hold your hand on top of the bottle so nothing escapes while it's filling up with smoke. No need for straws or anything either, I remember doing it in my teenage years and found it convenient back then actually.
It's much more practical to use a plastic bottle that has had it's bottom cut, you unscrew the cork and hold your hand on top of the bottle so nothing escapes while it's filling up with smoke. No need for straws or anything either, I remember doing it in my teenage years and found it convenient back then actually.

I've only seen this kind of thing on Trailer Park Boys. Fuckin' Ricky and Bubbles were filling upside down glasses with insane amounts of smoke and throwing them in the freezer to cool 'em off before they took their hits. Seemed like a great idea, aside from the stale smoke possibility. "Freezer tokes," I think they called them.
Cut the bottom off the end of a two litre bottle and tape a bread bag to it air tight tie a shoelace to the end of the bag and suck it into the bottle put a pipe head/gauze on top of bottle fill it with what you desire as you light it pull the lace and bag down slowly until it is fully pulled out and bag/bottle is filled with smoke remove pipe head and suck it in as fast as you can hold it in trying not to cough then nicely baked you will be.........we used to call it a lung PEACE
my SOLO fits right in a 12 oz cup and with holes cut in the bottom d top for air flow and the glass stem looks just like a straw.
the lung is grand especially for vapor.
Am I the only one who smokes joints anymore?

It seems like these days everyone online has fancy pipes, bongs, vaporizors, and all sorts of new fangled electronic gadgets for smoking, these new titanium nail contraptions with induction heating for 'budder' and so on and so forth.. I feel left out, like I am the only person in the world who enjoys smoking a nice joint. And it goes further than that, there is something to be said for the art of rolling a nice joint - I know some people don't care, but I do. Its a great reward to break up the weed by hand, rolling to perfection a joint that not only pulls perfectly but is as aesthetically pleasing as the bud itself..

Now, maybe its because I can't smoke indoors (landlords would not be pleased to say the least) that I haven't come to embrace the bong. It would be nice to smoke a little nug here or there rather than rolling a spliff and having to out it (or rolling a girly pinner), but I feel so much is taken away from the experience that way, and I've never really liked bongs. Too much smoke at once for me.. I enjoy smoothly drawing in my smoke and exhaling smoothly.. not inhale to my maximum capacity and then exhale like I'm dying for a breath of fresh air.. nah, not for me.

There seems to be the argument that bongs are a cleaner smoke, well, that I can agree to only if the bong and the bowl are perfectly clean and the water is fresh.. most peoples bongs arent, and even with clean water, they have a smell and I can very well taste it.. nevermind the bowl that has cakes of dark resin and so on. Does the thin paper from a zigzag or a nice rizla silver really make that much of a difference? I've never personally noticed it..

Pipes fall into the same category, and their smoke is usually too hot for me, which is strange because by the same logic a joint should be 'hot' as well, but its just not.

As far as vaporizors go, well, those are a whole other ballgame and to me take the joy out of smoking entirely out of the equation.. Id use one as a novelty kind of thing, but I dont smoke endlessly all day which means I cannot justify the cost, and I don't really need the benefit of the 'clean' smoke..

Perhaps its just where and how I grew up. We always smoked blunts or joints.. no one had bongs really.. was never a thing for us. In other areas bongs are the golden standard and rolling is looked down upon.. I can't understand people that cannot roll.. it just seems to integral to the marijuana experience to me.

Anyone else just like rolling a nice joint?
I love joints and blunts even more. But they are very wasteful of weed. And once you run out you'll wish you'd used a bowl.
I don't think a single paper joint rolled for a single person is that wasteful.. as long as you dont let it burn down on its own. I do concede that yes, its continually burning and letting off some smoke, but its not the same amount of smoke as were you hauling on it. The larger the joint gets the more is lost though.. I used to love blunts, and its all my friends and I used to smoke during our teens, but over time we all grew to find them too harsh and a huge waste of weed because you really need more than a gram - a gram and a half to two grams is ideal really, or else there is just far too much blunt, or you end up with a little stubby.. and when its just me and another friend and we've got decent quality weed and don't need an entire .5 to our faces it just makes no sense. As far as being wasteful, at least with a friend its always in rotation and being smoked so not much gets wasted.. either way, I've never really cared about it at all, Im sure I'd preserve some smoking a bong but the loss of experience for me doesnt make up for the potential loss of a small amount of weed. I'm not about to carry a bong with me down the street over to the little grove I blaze in anyway hah ;)
yeah I agree with this guy^^
when I'm paying the standard price for high grade around the country (aka Non legal states) it starts to cost a lot of money to roll a joint although normally I pick up 3.5 grams at a time and roll about 2 small Joints (.5-.7 of herb) or 1 "fatty" which is about 1g-1.5 . so yeah I def still roll and love rolling my joints (FUCK BLUNTS). on the occasion I get drunk and over "roll" my limits I wake up the next day and am usually disappointed in myself because I could've made it last a lot longer and $$ don't come easy!