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Dissociatives The Big & Dandy DXM Thread - Part 2 - Robojesus, forgive us our sins

^that. Plus cut down on sugar and stay away from alcohol for a while. Cough syrup has a ton of sugar in it and its bad for your liver.
Also, im probably going to get called an idiot for this, but i used coricidan cold and cough for all the first plateau doses, because they were a lot cheaper then robitussin (only 2 bucks at family dollar)
So anyway, i took like 4 of them each time, because i wasnt going above the daily max for CPM (which is 24mg, i was only taking 16mg)
Oh thats not too bad. Just try not to actually trip on those triple c's. When I was a kid I used to pop 16-32 of those at a time and im ok but ive heard of people dying from less than that. Its a good idea never to take triple c's to get high.
using regular-sized (read: medicinal, not recreational) doses of DXM after a binge helps me return to normalcy. i'm talking 30mg-60mg daily.

i doubt you've done any permanent damage. i've used 1gram+ daily for a week at a time and haven't noticed much in the way of permanent effects.

were you eating and sleeping less during your small binge? part of your weird feeling could be attributable to lack of sleep and food. sekio gave sound advice above.
When I used to take benadryl in high school (yes, very stupid) I was on a week binge of taking a whole bottle (32) everyday. The high was crazy for $1 and it was kind of psychedelic (would make me see cartoon sketch movies UEV and had conversations with people in my head.) and I hallucinated animals and trails and all sorts of stuff OEV. Point is, after that week I felt like a complete different person. I was really depressed and thought this was how I was gonna be forever. Low and behold, a week later and everything was back into place. So just relax and you'll be good :)
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had conversations with people in my head

we're getting OT, but i wouldn't be so sure it was all in your head lol :)

the few times i tripped on benadryl i would have "conversations in my head" and then my roommate would yell over from the other room "who the HELL are you talking to????!!!!"
we're getting OT, but i wouldn't be so sure it was all in your head lol :)

the few times i tripped on benadryl i would have "conversations in my head" and then my roommate would yell over from the other room "who the HELL are you talking to????!!!!"

Oh of course, I was speaking out loud :)
There was a period of about a month in my life, at my first foster home, in which i met A.R., currently sober from 6 months on the shit, drinking, and looking to relapse. we were really bad for each other and she introduced me to 'moosing', slang for how she said mucinex when people asked what she was fucked up on. at first we started out talking just a little bit but it was so lovely that we just kept taking more and more. we never came down. i'd been too fucked up on duster, which we also did, and got caught shoplifting from target a month later, and when my case worker decided to send me hundreds of miles away to the middle of nowhere without any of my stuff i panicked and took about 2500mg in the transport car. i began to see shapes of all colors and sizes zipping past the car, sometimes bursting into random smaller colored shapes. when i got there i couldn't walk on my own and for some reason remember walking across a wooden board over a trench to enter this half constructed house in the middle of nowhere. there were three younger foster girls there who painted my nails sea green and indulged my weirdness while my foster mom called poison control or something, i remember she was on the phone and said something like that and it upset me into a robot dance. i ended up overdosing and having to be taken to the hospital, i remember being burning hot even though it was nearly 65 degrees in the room, feeling confused but somehow content with the chaos, i remember looking at my thumb very closely and it was HUGE with a fisheye view and i could see every single tiny detail and asked the doctor 'is this thumb REALLY attached to my body' to which he laughed and assured me that indeed it was and i think i replied something like 'nu-uh' and then i remember waking up with a moose-over in a small town hospital bed.
this stuff is NOT to be played with, once you get going, coming down feels like the world has lost all it's color and shine and existing without it seems too daunting of a task. if you like the high, it's very easy to become lost in.
I know that DXM and opiates potentiate each other and most people I've talked to use DXM before dosing codeine, but has anyone tried it the other way around? how long after dosing codeine would I then dose the DXM (pure powder)?

A couple of weekends ago I took some powder to a friends and we all dosed ~800mg for a day-trip. Chilled by the pool with some greens to help kick it off and were all sent to a world of cartoons. For me everything looked like a Time magazine political cartoon and my friends were getting messages from iTunes visualisations. With Smashing Pumpkins in the background after dark the trip took on a stereotypical 'goth' vibe. At one point we cracked out the paints and painted murals just to see what would come out of it. This is what my friends missus ended up with the next day:
I have a question regarding my last DXM experience. I was aiming for a 3rd plateau dose and i'm not actually sure what I got...So i'm just going to describe the effects and see if you guys could help me out.

I took 600mg all at once and waited, I expected to feel a noticeable, strong onset but it really just came on casually and not strongly at all. After maybe 1 - 2 hours I just felt kind of drunk and talkative, I put on a Pink Floyd dvd but found that the music was not overly enjoyable to listen to (guess dxm doesn't enhance music for me :( ) and turned it off.
I didn't really know what to do then, until I got the brilliant idea to just start dancing. This proved to be quite entertaining and my dancing skills were phenomenal (or at least It felt like it, I probably sucked).

Eventually I got sick of this and laid down and closed my eyes, hoping for hallucinations or anything similar. What I got was sort of hallucinating but not very intense, just this black spirally like thing infront of my eyes that twirled and changed shapes, it wasn't overally pronounced though. Accompanying this was the sensation that my body was stretching and shrinking beyond normal lengths, and I seemed to lose feeling in my ears and head (guess that was the dissociative part).

That's about all that happened, I didn't experience any interesting thought patterns (which is the main effect I was aiming for) nor did I see any interesting visuals/hallucinations which was also a bummer.
Oh and I didn't experience any strobing or flanging effects either, all very tame.

So what plateua do you guys think I reached, and what amount of dxm do you think I will need to take to reach a decent third plateau in the future?

My weight is 77kg also.

Oh and also, I have no tolerance, that was the 3rd (and as of the moment last) time I used DXM, the other times were just as unsuccessful, if not more.
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Heres a calculator that is helpful for these scenarios:

Just going on your experience alone you didn't reach 3rd plateau. If you felt distinct dissociation and more than just mild stimulation you were at least to 2. All of this varies, but for me I only stop enjoying music crossing from 2 to 3. The fact that you enjoyed dancing so much leads me to believe that you were between 1 and 2, for me overtly physical activity is not enjoyable at the upper plateaus....
Thanks for your help man. I only felt dissociation when I laid down, closed my eyes and really focused. When I was moving with eyes open I just felt kind of drunk.

I seem to have such a high tolerance to all drugs (that I have tried), it's really quite irritating. It always takes me double or more of what everyone else takes to get me on the same level. Never understood why.

Ah well, how much difference do you think it would make to take the same dose on a completely empty stomach? When I took the last dose my stomach was only relatively empty as I had eaten 2 - 3 hours earlier.
how many hours in were you when you laid down? i find that you need to be laid down/eyes closed/meditative during the comeup itself to get the dissociative 3rd plateau effects. otherwise it ends up just being like a really intense 2nd plateau.
I think I laid down with eyes closed maybe 2hrs in, possibly a bit more. But the come up/onset didn't really seem that strong in the first place
Thanks for your help man. I only felt dissociation when I laid down, closed my eyes and really focused. When I was moving with eyes open I just felt kind of drunk.

I seem to have such a high tolerance to all drugs (that I have tried), it's really quite irritating. It always takes me double or more of what everyone else takes to get me on the same level. Never understood why.

Ah well, how much difference do you think it would make to take the same dose on a completely empty stomach? When I took the last dose my stomach was only relatively empty as I had eaten 2 - 3 hours earlier.

About a week after whenever your last trip was, try doing 50% more than you did before IF your goal is to get to the upper levels. I do it on a completely empty stomach like eat a very light meal the night before you trip then by morning youll be good. I might have missed it but are you doing syrup, gels, or what? Sometimes that makes a difference.
Syrup. So You reckon I should do 900mg next time, that won't overshoot it will it? I don't think i'm ready for 4th plateau yet haha.
And yeah, I was actually thinking I might do it in the morning right when I up as that seems to be the only time my stomach is completely empty.
Syrup. So You reckon I should do 900mg next time, that won't overshoot it will it? I don't think i'm ready for 4th plateau yet haha.
And yeah, I was actually thinking I might do it in the morning right when I up as that seems to be the only time my stomach is completely empty.

Others can chime in here too, but imo I think that would be about right given your weight and tolerance level... a 4oz bottle of robitussin has 354mg of dxm... so 2.5 or 3 4oz bottles... use your best judgement
are you smoking cannabis with your trips by any chance? keep in mind that a lot of DXM reports online are of people combining with weed. 600mg + weed is as intense as 900mg w/o, really.
Alright sweet, I can buy bottles with 600mg in them so i'll just need two

And nah i'm not smoking, would if I could though I just have no sources atm.