  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

BL Chess: Freddy VS ?????????


Oct 26, 2011
I think the problem is nobody feels like going through the hassle of editing the photo in MsPaint...lol.

too bad my name isn't jason. we could change the title to something more appropriate.
Haha I remember that movie. I forgot who ultimately won that battle of horror movie icons?

if you guys want to start a S+G Official Chess Tournament, with a winner in a month or so time, I would be down - ya'll just start the thread, it's your baby. I will just do the moderatin' part of it??

we've done it before and it was a huge success
^That sounds like a great idea. The winner should get like Chess Champion of BL on their profile or something lol.

P.S. Like almost all horror movies of that type, it left room for a sequel. It was a piece of shit so you didn't miss much lol

To Be Continued... It is like 5 am over here so make your move and I'll counter tomorrow, catch you later.
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if theres a better format than editing and posting your moves, than id be interested in playing
it would be easier if you just did it via an online game and took screenshots or something
well a lot of us have lives and might not be able to dedicate hours of playing in one sitting. With this format, we can stop if we need a break or have other obligations.