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The Big & Dandy 5-IT / 5-API Thread

The sun is a piece of shit, I need to sue them for a false article those cunts wrote about me.

The daily mail is also terrible, perhaps even worse. If you read and believe any of the drivel they write you would end up going suicidal.

Also guys, i've been taking about 100mg of 5-it once a week the last 3 weeks, for when i go out...is that a bit much? Seems too good to be true for this kinda stuff to not have some more negative effects, short and/or long term. Would be very grateful if anyone could shed some light on this for me.
There is no information yet that will justify any kind of use, I guess. So until then assume nothing except the potential risks. Best case scenario from where I'm standing is that it is a euphoriant, stimulant and with other goofy sides to it that may not be serious enough to give you a heavy hangover from any experience you get from it... but over time it will still deplete and erode your system, even if the oxidative stress and immediate damage to neurological or cardiovascular system are not there (or damage to internal organs, etc).
Worst case scenario: there is some kind of toxicity that takes much longer to become apparent than the immediate reflection in your mood/energy etc like amphetamine drainage. You and others may use this drug for a while until the people who have used it in the most excess of all start showing strange symptoms that may at some point be associated with the drug that caused it (if we are lucky enough to discover that). Another scenario is that as time progresses people will become more and more careless with it until the first casualties start dropping from inappropriate combinations or dosage.

So regarding both dosage and frequency of use I would say: make sure you are not the one to push such a thing to the limits. Weekly use of any of this type of drug is not particularly smart. What the potential but latent risk means to you compared to acute and noticeable risk, is something for yourself to decide.

And pretty much all of the monoamine related drugs that people feel like are worth taking sooner or later start setting you back and showing the consequences of depletion of these monoamines. Nothing is for free. For some of these drugs it may not feel like it at the initial stage, but later on chronic depression may be one of the things to haunt you. And I feel like the more sneaky it becomes apparant, the longer it may also stick around once you reach a point where it becomes a problem.
Thanks for that Solipsis, as you say theres not much solid info out there as this is new, but all you've said there has got me thinking a lot harder, so that must be a good thing :p I'm a worrier at heart, i always read up a lot on what im taking or doing before i do it, but this grey area of regulating it has me stumped somewhat. Before the benzos and related drugs i was a psychadelics man; peruvian torch and salvia mainly. Being curious though, i gave this a try and was very pleasently surprised.

The thing that draws me so much to 5-it is the euphoria, while having more or less total control of yourself. As i've been suffering from depression for many years now, i've been yearning for something to give me some form of real happiness, and this was the kind of thing i was looking for. I'm on citalopram(20mg) daily atm, which is helping me a lot, but i still feel empty a lot of the time, like some kind of lifeless shell.

Initially i wanted to use this as something to treat myself with every now and then, something to look forward to, but i've found it makes all my nights out sooooo much better, and this is the problem i have right now. Since i have no solid facts about its negative effects i'm almost pushing those potential things away, which i really shouldnt. Bleh.

Again, thanks for your thoughtful response, i'll be looking forward to when more info on this substance arises.
so what would be a good starting dose with this then? how long does the peak last? how is re dosing on this?

if someone could answer those Q's i would be very grateful, cheers! :)
Any info on the solubility of 5-IT? I'm wondering if 100mg will go into 1ml as I'm planning on plugging it if/when I get round to getting some. :)
I was sent 3 free pellets from a well known vendor today and I didn't even ask for them. I suspect they are 5-IT. On the pack it says "Research pellet similar in results to 5-APB/6-APB/MPA lab will have a smoother result". The pills are maroon in colour and look like they have glitter inside them.
so what would be a good starting dose with this then? how long does the peak last? how is re dosing on this?

if someone could answer those Q's i would be very grateful, cheers! :)

After doing some reading on here i decided to go for 100mg, but i haven't really tried more or less since that amount works nice for me. It takes about 2-3 hours to take effect, as for the peak, lasts for maybe 3 hours? It tapers off very gradually, so i've found it hard to determine exactly. The duration of the whole thing can last a looong time, i still dont know for sure just how long it all lasts.

As for sleeping, its hard for me to say since i have trouble sleeping anyway, but i've noticed no real change because of 5-it. I've also noticed no real come down, but since i suffer from depression and take meds for it, that may affect that? I'm not really sure.

Sorry a lot of those answers were vague but i hope it helped somewhat :p
I was sent 3 free pellets from a well known vendor today and I didn't even ask for them. I suspect they are 5-IT. On the pack it says "Research pellet similar in results to 5-APB/6-APB/MPA lab will have a smoother result". The pills are maroon in colour and look like they have glitter inside them.

I wouldn't consume them if it doesn't say what's in it. Send them off for testing, or if you don't want to do that, at the very least do a marquis test and see if you can compare with other people who have 5-IT's results.

I also don't think anyone should be buying drugs from someone who does not label what chemical is in one of their products. That's extremely dangerous and greedy, and I'd avoid at all costs.
cheers for the reply spleenie, have you tried re-dosing? or is not needed? does it just add to the stimulation sort of thing?
so instead of bombing i went for it up the nose, eyeballed what looked like 20-30mgs, it stings and smells disgusting, really nasty backdrop too.

tottaly worth it, reminded me of an old favourite, i had 2 lines before going out to a club, and i was amazingly euphoric and chatty, any type of music just fit perfectly and i loved every minute of everything, felt like a less physically intense but just as emotonal intense as the good ol' pure mcat.,

this stuff lasts longgg, 2 lines lasted me a good 3 hours, when i got back i had another line, i was back to square one, high as kite loving everything, espeshialy music, any music can be played and i would love every second of it.

the comedown is so gradual you barely notice youve comedown, even the residual stimulation inst uncomfortable, i still feel somewhat high a good 6 hours after my last line.

i have some etizolams to try and sleep soon, i can imagine if you had no downers, youd be up for a fair amount of time

so yeah snorting this stuff is the way forward, i know this stuff stinks and looks like brick dust, but it really isnt as bad as you think snorting it

ill report back about the next day/comedown. although i have an mxe trip planned for the day :p
I was sent 3 free pellets from a well known vendor today and I didn't even ask for them. I suspect they are 5-IT. On the pack it says "Research pellet similar in results to 5-APB/6-APB/MPA lab will have a smoother result". The pills are maroon in colour and look like they have glitter inside them.

dude, thats some shitty business plan from a vendor, sending out shit like that wihtout people asking for it. and we wonder why the scene is the way it is.

Since this is a stimulant I assume it might act on dopamine.
Does anyone know if it's a reuptake inhibitor like coke or more of a dopamine releaser/increase levels like dexamphetamine?

Good for talking? I have to make a phonecall.
Does it cause a lot of tachycardia / cardio sides ? I don't use ice because I think it just hits your cardiovascular system way too hard. Stuff like methylone barely raises my heart rate though.
Day after hangover depression?
Is it possible to re-dose on this (in comparison to methylone where redoses don't really bring you back from the dead).

.. does it make you horneh?

dude, thats some shitty business plan from a vendor, sending out shit like that wihtout people asking for it. and we wonder why the scene is the way it is.

miss the days when there wasn't a "scene".. just closed circle of customers who had the know how and vendors who were very very private. +7-8 years ago or so. It was mostly just responsible adult users who knew how to keep it safe.
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Tried this the first time this weekend, initially taking ~120mg dissolved in Lucozade. The come-up that kicked in about 30 mins later seemed promising, there being a good bit of lift and the warm, hollow, light feeling in my chest I've always associated with MDMA. Built over a couple of hours without too much of an increase in intensity to peak, there being some definite stimulation and focus with a nicely chilled out, relaxed feel to it without much in the way of noticeable body load at all, but didn't live up quite to the initial promise. It was perfectly pleasant but nothing to write home about.

After giving it a good four hours to develop, deciding I'd got as much as I was gonna get and it wasn't where I wanted it to be dropped the remainder of the 250mg I started out with along with 250mg 6-APB and this time things were a whole lot more interesting. I get no visuals whatsoever from 6-APB alone, and had had none from the 5-IT over the previous 4 hours but in combination there was a good couple of hours as they came up that were intensely visual, shifting petal-like forms in deep reds and pinks just exploding in front of my eyes with objects apparently vibrating with energy and rippling away. Was really quite beautiful, unlike anything I've seen with LSD or shrooms, and I was disappointed when they faded away to nothing once I was well into the peak. The remainder of the experience was more like that I've come to expect from 6-APB alone at that dose so difficult to say what the 5-IT added from then on, and there were certainly no negative effects to indicate an unwise combination or too high a dose. Wouldn't say 5-IT's worth doing again on its own and would have been thoroughly disappointed with it without the 6-APB but will definitely repeat the combo at least once again. Worth the small cost of it for the added visuals, if only for a couple of hours.
I've tried this for the first time today.

30mg, followed two hours by a further 30mg, then in about 4 1/2 hours another 50mg, all nasally

Some increase in HR, not too much, although I did take 6mg of tizanidine by mouth, and a further 2mg up the arse (its fucking POTENT when plugged, I'm tolerant to it, as I take it daily, but usually, 6-8mg will literally knock me out cold)
Thats made it a lot more comfortable. I usually have a problem with myoclonus (muscle jerking) which is exacerbated by the 5-IT.
Took 10mg nitrazepam a couple of hours in to smooth things out, as well as shot up about 8-9 10ths of a gram of oxycodone, having plugged a decent sized dose, about 60-70mg on waking up.

Some nystagmus, slight bruxism, not too major though. Feeling pretty contented, chilling, blasting out some music, kittie, papa roach, slipknot, rammstein...need heavy music on stimulants. Not that I listen to much else.

Age-25, going on 26
Body weight-very slim, wiry build, weight around 9 stone 9 to 10 stone. Not sure what that is in kg or lb.
Any other factors-I'm classically autistic. Not wired up to be compatible with entactogens as a rule. I am A-social mostly. I feel the entactogenic effects of MDxx and methylone to be fake, hollow and forced. Unnatural, and I hate it. However, I do enjoy AMT, which has helped me a lot in getting to a state where I can do some constructive work and help heal myself of my PTSD (thanks to repeated abuse by the filth and getting jailed). I haven't tried either 5- or 6-APB to compare with 5-IT, although I do have some...sort of. The pigs recently raided me, charged me with possession, then had to drop the charges, as nothing they stole was illegal. So I don't have it right now, but will get it back.

I don't like most stimulants. Only ones I enjoy are very selective DARIs. I don't like either DA releasers, or stimulants with significant (nor)adrenergic releaser/agonist/reuptake inhibitor properties. In fact I fucking hate them.

This seems OK though, at least with the meds I have. I think I'm going to plug another 2-4mg of tizanidine, and another dose of nitrazepam. Wish I could use more painkillers, but I can't afford to, as I am physically dependent, being on a longterm pain script for oxy, as OC and oxy IR. My hip, knee and leg still feel like somebody is sticking a red hot corkscrew into them and ripping it out. I've had all the NSAIDs and paracetamol I can. I think I'll brew some pod tea from some poppy pods pretty soon. Christ, I am SO fed up of all this pain. Shooting about three quarters of a gram of oxy gets me high as a kite, but it is nowhere even slightly near to being enough to stop the pain.

Other drugs-I've taken 20mg of baclofen, to relax the spasm in my lower leg, along with 600mg of pregabalin for the neuropathy. Opiates don't touch the neuropathic pain, caused by nerve damage due to a buggered up, shitty, faled operation I had on my knee. MXE was fantastic for the pain, in all respects, when IV'ed at sub-hole doses. Damn UK government had to go and ban it. Although I've recently come across a source that cares not a shite for the legality, and should be able to get hold of some more MXE. I need to drive my opioid tolerance down, 3/4 g of oxy IV is excessive. 4-MeO-PCP is legal still, as is 3-MeO-PCP (which I haven't tried yet), but MXE seems far cleaner on the body than 4-methoxy-PCP.

Just about to dose 4mg of tizanidine and 10mg of nitrazepam, all rectally, to take the stimulant edge off this compound. It isn't excessive, either in terms of central stimulation or cardiovascular push, but I'm generally more comfortable with my adrenal output suppressed. I think its an autie thing, being overstimulated easily, even without taking any psychoactive substances.

Of note-one vendor has sent out probably quite a few bags of 5-IT with an error on the labeling. The product is a tan-pinkish powder, like brick dust, with a faint, slight indolic scent, very light smell. On the bags-label saying '5-IT' on a blue colored strip at the very top of the label, below this '5-(2-aminopropyl)indole' and below this, the part that is in error.

It shows the drawn structure of the benzofuran analog, 5-APB 5-(2-aminopropyl)-benzofuran.
Below this:
CAS Number 3784-30-3
Purity 98%
Risk Phrases R22
Safety Phrases S2, S3, S7, S8
Application GC/MS analysis
Black strip background, white writing 'warning: research use only'
White background box, black outlines, black bold writing 'SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE IF INGESTED'

I have alerted the vendor via email, and got a quick response, thanking me for pointing out the error, and letting me know that the product is indeed 5-IT, not the benzofuran, and that the labels were printed in error, and telling me that he will immediately start producing new, correct labels. I am going to email the vendor to tell him 'email all previous customers buying 5-IT and alert them to the error in labelling'
Just ordered 500mg of this, looking forward to trying it. If I pass the allergy test of course :p
Oh, and one last, relatively minor detail about the mislabeled bags.

The weight of the bag I purchased was 250mg. I do not know if other weights, such as half grams, grams etc. have also been mislabeled. I am in conversation via email with the RC vendor, who has been made aware of the problem, and am trying to get him to email all purchasers of any and all wrongly labeled bags of 5-IT.

Dose over the day: 30mg insufflated, T:+2 hours another 30mg, a few hours later, 50mg, all intranasally. Several plugged doses of tizanidine (total of 8mg rectally, along with 20mg of nitrazepam up the arse to take the cardiovascular edge off it, no serious or threatening degree of cardio push, but I just do not like such effects.)

Of note, 8mg of tizanidine, if not on a stimulant, rectally, would usually knock me unconscious within a few minutes. Not doing so on the 5-IT. Some bruxism, minor, feeling pretty good, even better after slamming 3/4g of oxycodone IV. Chilling, listening to music, talking to people, reading biochemistry journal articles. Some nystagmus present, eyes wide open, About to plug a further 4mg of tizanidine.
^ I'm doing the same, doesn't look that promising but few rate MPA and I quite like it so we'll see.

Has nobody tried plugging this? Would really like to to know what the solubility's like.
cheers for the reply spleenie, have you tried re-dosing? or is not needed? does it just add to the stimulation sort of thing?
Sorry for the late reply, i haven't found the need to re-dose yet, as the effects last for a long time. I've had nights where i start to feel the effects at 8pm, and they last up until around 3pm, maybe even later, so for me that's just fine :p

I've done this substance a lot lately, and after that post from solipsis im gonna try and tone it down somewhat, since i've done it multiple times in two weeks. If anyone experiments with redosing and combining it with other substances i'd love to hear though :)

I've had this around 4 or 5 times now (100mg each time), and each successful time i'm seeing to have more control, and get what i think is a higher tolerance to it. I'll need at least another month or two to prove this though.