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The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine Thread: 9th dose - Tolerance Schmolerance

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Also, I notice a lot of us have become very compulsive with this drug, excessive and unnecessary redosing seems prominent.

We should all lay off this chemical for a few weeks.

I think a few of us that have been posting here, need to stop doing this chemical for at least a week or two, we need to get our heads back in order. I feel as though we are all experiencing the same symptoms, the same negative mental side effects and us being on this forum is the universes way of showing us we need a break from it, and we can all help each other through it.

Stop doing it then. You don't need to wait for everyone else to stop doing it with you. If you really cared about yourself you would stop using, instead of keep posting how desperately everyone needs to take a break with you, but then continuing to post that you are still taking 2 grams in 4 days. Your "harm reduction" warnings to others are a complete waste of time otherwise.

wall of text....

What's up with you as well Help?!?!

I see that your heart is in the right place with trying to warn people of the addictiveness of MXE, but if that wall of waffle isn't an indicator of the manic tendencies of MXE, then I don't know what is. I find your posts almost unreadable.

My advice to you would honestly be to buy a bag of weed. That was my get out clause whenever I was using Ketamine too often, I find that replacing the drug with a more benign one for a few days is enough to get my mind off it since the addiction is pretty much entirely psychological.

Sorry JG, but I have to call this out as being poor advice. This is in no way a proper means of confronting and dealing with problematically addictive behaviour. Swapping your addiction to another drug - howver benign it may seem - will never get rid of the problem that resulted in you deciding to compulsively use in the first place. This is no better than swapping ciggarettes for nicotine inhalers.

No, the only way of dealing with it is to end the addiction completely. And then, in the absence of the drug, you are forced to confront whatever it is which is keeping you addicted.

It amazes me the way people continue to find little ways to justify their addictions to themselves, even when they are bold-facingly stating that they have a bad problem. There's always some excuse to use a little more, bump the dose higher, order another gram just in case, or swap it to weed "until my tolerance goes down".

But even worse is the circle-jerkin attitude of winking smilies and devil-may-care encouragements of further usage from all the closet addicts within the in-community of this thread. It's bad enough that we have these stupid cutesey titles to the MXE threads, such as "I can't sleep, so why not", or "let's start the next bag", or even "tolerance schmolerance". [Why the moderating team - who constantly pontificate up on the importance of harm reduction - think it's appropriate to promote MXE in this carefree and juvenile way is beyond me.]

Bodybuilding and MXE are compatible? I think yes. But we need to keep themselves within the framework and have good will power.

Definitely not. You are likely to overexert yourself due to two compounding factors:

1. A decrease in bodily awareness.

2. An overconfident egomaniacal drive.

Please note, you may not even notice during recovery that you have done damage to yourself, but it can accumulate over time. This is especially important for the joints and the fascial tissues, the ligaments, the tendons, and cartillage.
Mxe today,

Im not very gutsy like yous so i just do 10mg bumps at a time haha
just recalled how weird last night was. the room felt full of people. entities or just a general feeling of being surrounded by people. read a few people have experienced this before

THIS. So glad you said this. Me and my girlfriend were holed out of our minds on this stuff and I definitely realized the next day how the room literally felt like it was full of people. I know exactly what you are talking about. During that experience, I thought I saw someone sitting next to her, or sitting in a chair, or walking past the doorway. Weird thing is, that during the experience, I didn't make anything of it at all, because it felt like they were supposed to be there. It wasn't until the experience was over when I was like hold on a minute here...
How Greeat it is to enjoy the sobriety and no tiredness after friday night's MXE. ;]

Wanted to ask you about your afterglow. How do you feel when you feel you are glowing?

For me it's like feeling very lazy and calm just like the moment when you first wake up in the morning feeling relaxed and rested after good night's sleep.
And this lasts a couple of days.

Another question: is there any psycho-pharmacological explanation for the whole 'afterglow' thing???
ok so ive done 20mg tops now, can i eat on this stuff guys?
I am hungry
haha yeah i've had (damn good) meals on MXE before. No worries but if you took it orally/sublingually it might dull the experience? I dono im drunk just a thought.

I'm planning on ordering another gram or 2 and I wanted to try plugging, but I've never plugged any chemicals before. I've heard insufflating MXE leads to a shorter, more stimulating trip which is what I want to avoid. Any pointers on pluggin this? I'm literally clueless to the process...
snorted it but swallowed the drip.
I am enjoying this lovely bit of euphoria where did that come from? i feel happy and at peace with myself
My girlfriend tells me that I sleep all crazy the night after I do mxe. Apparently I wave my arms around or just hold my hands up in the air. Last night she said it looked like I was trying to fly a spaceship because I was moving my hands and arms around so much, she had to hold my arms down until I stopped so I wouldn't hit her.

I think I just need to stop trying to go for the m-hole and just take mood-enhancing doses of mxe. I usually take around 80 or 90 mg orally when I dose to be able to get to the m-hole, I won't get there otherwise because of tolerance. The thing is the tolerance doesn't seem to affect the stimulating aspects of mxe. So I have to take more and more heroic doses to get the initial fucked up I want, but then I get way more stimulated than I want to be. It seems the stimulation increases as the hours go by, I'll be really overstimulated 10 - 12 hours after I dose. Hopefully if I take a break my tolerance will go down to the point that I can take 30 or 40 mg and just feel nice without getting overstimulated.
In my experience you can't tell good or bad MXE based on color or consistancy.

Give it a taste. If it has a mild bitter / numbing taste then it's probably good. If it tastes really bitter, or salty, it's probably crap.

Ive had different batches from the same vendor vary greatly in both effect and potency but they looked smelled and tasted identical in a side by side comparison...
^ Yep. I've gotten something like this too. I know I've posted this before, but my most vivid entity-contact experience on MXE involved my toilet water communicating with me. :D As I was taking a piss, the bubbling toilet water sounded like it was warmly encouraging me, cheering me on as I pissed.

Also, in M-hole type experiences, I have experienced some very strange and indescribable "visions" that involved entities, spirits, or creatures.

had similar things, remember robo walking home one night n my shoe was squeeking and its sounded like a voice, other times on higher doses its sends me batshit nuts lol different voices coming from objects, its boarderline schizo type stuff

warning for all... made the stupid decision of hoofing up 2 unmeasred lines of MXE from different batches the other night whilst annoyed and drunk. had a bad night so came home, drank more vodka and snorted a load. good job i have tolerance or who knows what would of happened. felt it kicking in strong, huge regret, slapped some msj down me and waited. and thought i was gonna die. could hardly see, type, felt sick, messed up, fucked me up. made that mistake before and made it again. drank alot of water, fell around the room nearly breaking everything and literally crawled into bed, must have looked like a fucking zombie trying to crawl up out of a drain or something. got in bed expecting to never wake up. but here i am... lol. woke up feeling better than expected. last time i did that it messed me up for days

can see a few people in here turning a bit nuts. doing MXE every day is enough to send you manicly off your fucking rocker, as i can see its doing. massive walls of manic babbling shite which nobody is gonna read. infact my once a week useage makes me kinda manic for a few days. in a good way though, productive, confident, on the ball. but still. dodgy stuff none the less. over do this stuff and youll end up a deluded manic fuckpot
Bodybuilding and MXE are compatible? I think yes. But we need to keep themselves within the framework and have good will power.

Weightlifting under the influence is very risky. It would be easy to overexert and injure yourself. Both overexertion and other NMDA antagonists have caused serious rhabdomyolysis- excessive muscle breakdown which causes kidney damage.
Weightlifting under the influence is very risky. It would be easy to overexert and injure yourself. Both overexertion and other NMDA antagonists have caused serious rhabdomyolysis- excessive muscle breakdown which causes kidney damage.


I didn't know that. I am glad i read your post. Thank you

I will try and quit ketamine with the remaining 200 odd mg i have left of mxe.
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my most vivid entity-contact experience on MXE involved my toilet water communicating with me. As I was taking a piss, the bubbling toilet water sounded like it was warmly encouraging me, cheering me on as I pissed.

Thanks for (re)posting that. It may be the funniest thing I've ever heard. You made my day:)
Hey, I am prescribed adderall for adhd. Would it be safe to take methoxetamine while on adderall, or should I not take adderall on the day I plan on doing methoxetamine? thanks!
Mxe can have a strong stimulant effect, especially when snorted... but it appears your taking a relatively small dose for adhd (not taking larger recreational doses i assume) so i dont think there will be any issues...

Ive taken it with blow, mdma, ket, nitrous, opiates, mushrooms, benzos and herb (and probly other stuff im not remembering) and never had any complications or adverse reactions... i dont like amps so ive never personally done that combo but ive seen friends do it and none had issues...

Start small... its easy to go overboard with mxe even by itself (unintentional/compulsive redosing is a problem for many people, especially when just starting out and learning the dosages and your bodys respose and such)

Probly the best advice would be to skip the adderall at least for the first few times till you learn how it affects you and get a feel for mxe and ots effects, then once you know hpw it affects you youll have a better idea of what a good and bad mix would be ;)
Dude edit that last bit OUT or delete your whole response.Ketamine has Zero to do with Methoxetamine Noone cares you scored some Ketamine from some Random at a Wack Bassnectar show. Please stop with this Ketamine comparison........this is Methoxetamine. Not ketamine and not like Ketamine.

MODS I am sick of people using words on here. Certain words on here. I think telling people you have some chemical coming your way is Highly stupid over a internet forum. I also think letting people know you inquired for more is also bad to be posting on these forums. Wake up people

I hope some know where I am coming from. I Hope.

More important things to worry about man...Calm down.
I did it... I don't know why I did it. I just had an urge to lose my mind. 150mg measured out and went up my nose. After I already did 50mg earlier... Im probably in some trouble...
Up the nose... youll be cracked out all nite probly...

I dont like snorting it... much mpre stimulant like than dissociative...

150 under the tongue however will put you deep deep in the hole...
More important things to worry about man...Calm down.
I'm calm just bothered by how people like to just be selfish. If you have been watching or been keeping track of news youd know a lot of shit is getting attention and this chemical is up there. As well as 4meo 3meo .... I don't want these outlawed. Yes theres much more important things to worry about but no one listens on here ever when Anyone says people take a break with this stuff already once a week is not a break...once a month is. When is everyone going to show some maturity with rc chemicals these days.
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