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LSD Info Request: What's going around - 8th Wonder Of the World

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^lucky man! I've only heard good things, havnt been able to get the new batch here in Radelaide. Don't know anyone that has either, I'm hoping it's only a matter of time before they get cosy underneath my tongue. ;)
been watching this thread for a while now but only just joined.. looking forward to contributing..
i havn't come across any new felix's but since the last felix's i'v had some square fractaly patterns that were purple and yellow.. and just last weekend got some green four leaf clovers.. the fractals and clovers were very similar in strength to eachother although the fractals were a bit more visual.. both of them were a bit stronger than the felix's but nowhere near as clean.. i'll start taking some pics for easier id's..
Ate a felix roughly two hours ago. These are very nice tabs, probably some of the stronger stuff I have had on paper.
Definitely stronger than the old cherubs.

Having difficulty using the internet at the moment so yeah good tabs
^ haha sounds good mate, happy tripping! Its hard to use a keyboard when the keys just float and the rest of the letters disappear! lol
Dude, when you cannot understand English and the words purely don't make sense like its a foreign language. THEN your tripping :p haha
Yeah I had a very bizarre trip last night. Very unusually confusing felt very sensory overload, quite a bit of gas but nothing ever uncomfortable.
Unlike most acid trips for me, the felixes just seemed to keep getting stronger, still rising even at like the three hour point. Kept me up for over 9 hours, didn't expect to sleep so late almost freaked I wasn't going to be able to.

Very nice tabs, feeling good today despite having like 4 or 5 hours sleep or whatever, just need some food and a coffee and I'll be fine.
Far stronger than the multicoloured bikes, almost double. Also a little stronger than the Cherubs I'd say.
Very sneaky, just when I thought I knew what was going on. Nope.
Fuck that... they sound dirty man. ^ ..

Gas = body load = dirty

Sunflowers are CLEAN AS FUCK atm man.. the cherubs didn't provide any body load or gas either, so i would rather take a cherub then a new felix just off that.

LSD should not produce "gas" unless there are other things present..
Tried out one of the new sunflowers on the weekend.. was pretty good. Took alot longer then I thought it would to come on from reports here.. like an hour or so maybe.

I think these were around the strength of those red star microdots that were round a lil while back. They were fucking nice ! :-D

woa this poster got his labrat proper er calibrated, fair dinkum. ~65 ug per dose, both, same active starter.
FARK - what.. 65 hahahaha...


..and wisdom is knowing how little one knows haha ;-)
I did mix the dots with a freakin 25mg cap of 2c-b though.. could be why I thought they were the shit.
^bio-assay anecdotal evidence at best mate. I doubt anyone here has some kind of reagent test, scent detection or a GC/MS to analyze their 'acid' with.

Trust in the acid heads, they know when they're not on acid.

;) well said that last bit..now here's a good diy quantitative test - take one crusty festy hippy - ones who use words like 'shamanic,' 'energy' and 'holding space' work best. add 3 drops of liqqy. if hippy goes all koombaya on ya its ~67 ug per drop. if same dosage trees the hippy its about ~111.11 ug per drop. on the other hand, if the hippy melts, its proper, free, tribe only, 250ug+ gear;)
Fuck that... they sound dirty man. ^ ..

Gas = body load = dirty

Sunflowers are CLEAN AS FUCK atm man.. the cherubs didn't provide any body load or gas either, so i would rather take a cherub then a new felix just off that.

LSD should not produce "gas" unless there are other things present..

Yeah I'm very keen to get my hand on these Sunflowers. I'll be on the look out.
On the contrary I heard many reports of dreaded acid guts with the Cherubs, my experiences with them entailed no gas but certainly an odd body load.
Yeah I'm very keen to get my hand on these Sunflowers. I'll be on the look out.
On the contrary I heard many reports of dreaded acid guts with the Cherubs, my experiences with them entailed no gas but certainly an odd body load.

I suffered bad acid guts from the Cherubs, had a generally sick feeling the entire trip. On the last batch of Felixes I had an incredibly clean trip though. You mentioned it wasn't too uncomfortable, would you be willing to take them again or have you been put off?
I guess we can put it down to the lucy degrading over time / bad storage..
The sunflowers are semi family acid, laid at 120ug (estimate) It wont be available in great numbers either. Donno how 65ug was estimated, they are 1.5 times atleast the strength of the garden of earthly delights which were more than 65ug. Probs refering to the old batch of sunflowers which were piss weak.
I don't know if it it is just me but from reading this thread everyday you see obvious conflicting points on all tabs over the last 1-2 years. Rainbow clouds were amamzing then for some average, my first duck sucked, then subsequent ones were awesome. Then cherubs came along and were awesome but the later ones I purchased sometimes had bad gut load. Now sunlowers are out and they are fresh so most people who have sources that knnow what ther are doing have good exeprience but also some bad, as degration can occur quite easily if ur unwise.

Those tabs purchased just few posts back from shrooms with the two heads on them were like he said similar to fresh ducks if u had 2 or more when i first got them 6 months ago, now due to poor storage (source don't give a shit about storage as constantly on the goey) they just give you a gut ache and a not overwhelming feeling of anything really.

So my point is nano said the dots were 65 ug and when I had them they felt equivelent to 2 fresh rainbow clounds - but with the clean liqqy feeling. So through the powere of deduction I reckon when laid right - rainbows, ducks, cherubs (maybe a bit stronger), hendrix, shivas, 3rd eye skulls are all laid about the same at approx 80ug when fresh as fuck.

THough when most people consume tabs they seem weaker than the dots were, cause of degradtion. (except maybe the avatars which are 100% 180ug, no fuckin doubt about it, swear mmy life on it!!! punk!)

The reaosn I use the star dots and hundred thousand dots as the bar line to compare other tabs too is because they don't degrade anywhere near as fast as tabs and if u know of certified tested dots like we do (if we trust nanobrain) then we can we can make a more accurate assumption, even if it still flawed.

From my exerience anyways I have found that unless u get ur shit correctly stored asap (like within the next 12 hours) - especailly tabs, or liquid already placed on lolly,biscuit, cube, then you are suffering degradtion already, and if its hot and damp climate happening then even worse. Plus even then you don't know for sure how they were stored prior to your purchse.

I will never forget the first time I got primo liqqy on vit C tabs (2 drops each or more maybe 3 depending on the gurner dropping. as his state of mind was wobbly).

Went on bluelight and Trippar and Psillosubnaught gave me some vary good storage advice and they lasted me all year.

STORE LSD CORRECTLY. I reckon rainbows, ducks, felix, cherub, shivas were all withion 10-20 ug of each other fresh. Just differet soureces stored them difff.

Nothing beats the Tan - Man's posted about last year in the other thread I think, still waiting for soemoen to recgognise them.
I suffered bad acid guts from the Cherubs, had a generally sick feeling the entire trip. On the last batch of Felixes I had an incredibly clean trip though. You mentioned it wasn't too uncomfortable, would you be willing to take them again or have you been put off?

I have definitely not been put off. Man if I didn't have a tolerance I'd have already eaten another, the felixes were very good tabs! Slower than usual to come on, similar to the Avatars but when you get there, you're there :D
I didn't mention the gas was not that bad at all, just a little bit of farting here and there, however I did eat burritos for dinner and some monster jalepeno smothered subway for lunch which I also forgot to mention :p

Upon further reflection over the day, I'd say these felixes were probably the second or third best tabs I've done, very close to my duck experiences can't really decide if they were better or worse as I did them solo tripping pretty much on my own for the most of the night, totally different setting to the ducks which were big group silly fests, one on Christmas that ended in blowing bubbles near a chicken and taking various photos of it :D Good times...

The visuals seemed to get increasingly vivid and intense, even at the three to four hour mark I found myself thinking "Are these ever going to stop getting more intense? Fark"
I also had a hard time conversing and getting my head together. About an hour and a half in, I could barely make sense of the documentary we were watching confusing what was in my head, and what was actually happening on the screen. This is uncommon for me with a single dose.

Also I've had them stored in foil, in a tax bag, in a separate cotton bag in a cool dark draw. Anyone think they could have degraded?
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Sounds pretty good man.. if there was any it occured before you got it int he draw or perhaps uneven loading? .. I dunno

so many variables lol
The problem with unreliability is the ease of simply downloading the popular/high strength tab prints off the internet. With LSD becoming more popular in Aus since the downfall of MDMA more greedy bastards have been cashing in on misinformation and deception. Fuck those assholes, sweet sweet karma will give them what they deserve in due time :)

One can also not forget the ease of degredation of LSD. Many people are careless when handling and storing LSD - which can and does lead to LSD changing into lesser (or non) psychoactive substances with more side effects. Impurities in the synthesis right down to the ink used on the paper all plays a part. Everyone's body and mind is different and it's no big revelation that LSD changed both of those realms - inparticular your perception of them - in a big way.

Speculation won't get anyone anywhere - only truth, higher thought and transdimensional travel :p
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