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Describe a Bluelighter you have met recently.


Bluelight Crew
Jun 23, 2001
This thread is inspired from a discussion that occurred at the recent Melbourne meet-up at the derby, we all form opinions and ideals in our mind of what a bluelighter looks/talks/acts like from their posts and often the reality is quite the opposite.

So here’s your chance to describe a bluelighter that you’ve met recently (or not so recently – but keep it to someone who’s not an old friend) and tell us what you expected and who your opinions differed.

I’ll start with Raz.

Turning up to the meet-up for me was more drinks with old friends, every where I turned there were people that I’d spent the last week (and last few years if I’m honest) partying with and talking to and I spent the first few hours chatting with them and catching up. I finally got to talk to Raz a few hours in an a few drinks and chemical enhancements later.

He was so totally not what I expected, in some ways from his posts I expected a screaming queen, not to mention that he continually plays down his looks.

He’s a darling, an absolute sweetheart with quiet intelligence and what seems to be a sincere desire to know and understand the people behind the words on the screen. He’s actually kinda cute and his voice is a lot softer than I expected and decidedly lacking the fairy voice a lot of the stereotypical gay males take on. He was a lot quieter than I expected from his posts and like it seems with most bluelighters that I’ve met, he’s a good bloke and not just some “freaky net guy” ;)

So who’ve you met recently that totally blew your pre-formed opinion of them out of the water?
This is perhaps not going to be an absolutely accurate summary, because it was a Tuesday, but he's about the only bluelighter I've met recently, so I'll pick Jakoz.

Because the posts of his I've read have been.. somewhat chauvinistic.. I was actually a bit wary about meeting him. I had this weird notion that I should do my hair and be baking a cake when he arrived, or something.

But he was absolutely nothing like I imagined, although bits and pieces of him were familiar looking from photos I'd seen. But he didn't seem nearly as - okay, I'll say it - mean as he had seemed to me as social mod. He even seemed - omg - human, pleasant even 8o

So, yey.
Much love to Kits, that was one of the nicest compliments I've read for ages...I got all embarassed after reading that :)

Okay, I'll play....

I'll pick 1234. I was really looking forward to meeting this dude because he's really funny, smart blah blah all the usual reasons. I actually had a really developed visual image in my head of what he was gonna look like though, and was really taken aback when I saw him...I don't mean that remotely in a bad way, just that he looked totally different than I expected he would, which I think comes down to name association (ie:you only know the name so you imagine them looking like someone else that you've seen with the same name). He's a tall dude. LOL

Also, he was a lot quieter than I thought he would be....I'm like that though. I'm all shy and reserved until I get to know you and then it's on for young and old...

...He comes across as pretty much the same person as he is online though, which is a good thing. He's a cool dude! :D

ok.. well Whiteboy would be the most recent bluelighter who I have gotten to know (I have met other bluelighters, but it was more a "Hi I'm...")

anyways.. the first time I met him, I though he was a psycho ;) but the last time I met him, and convo's I have had since then have shown me that he is an awesome guy who cares so deeply about people that he meets and makes massive efforts to keep in touch with them.

Keep it up Whiteboy =D
^^what the fuck was the point of that post, honestly?

Well theres a few people that really stand out:
CJE, who left me dumbfounded with a constant stream of knowledge and enthusiasm, unmatched by anyone I've met. He agreed to meet and picked me up off the street with no regards for his personal safety :D The chattage that followed was one of the most enlightening and interesting sessions of speak that Ive had.
Description? laid back, very bloody smart, enthusiastic :)

and Dante
This guy stood out through the hazy drug moment as being the only person I spoke to who asked about involvements outside of bl, reminding me of the reason why I hate being high and speaking to other drug-fucked people: the lack of subtance in conversation.
intense, talented, smart, color co-ordinated: Come down again soon buddy! Melbourne needs more people like you!

P.S (Anyone willing to take bets on how many people this last line offends? :) )

No offense intended :p

Nice friendly energetic mature insightful champion cool dancer bright colours funky awesome



p.s. no more compliments from me to you doofqueen, theres been TOO many!
Hehe, i'm gonna need some time to gather my thoughts on this one ;)
=D ok, i succumb. hardy is a fantastic guy. genuine, honest, with an easy smile, and infectious enthusiasm. in many ways just like his online 'persona', and now i can understand what kitty and all the other girls are on about. this boi is a cutie bar-none. if i was that way inclined, i would be smitten :p. we didn't get a chance to chat too much this time around, but i'm positive there will be many future real life meets between us, and i would like to get to know him better.

of course, there is one other special bl'er i've just met for the first time, but don't get me started on her, or i'll be here forever, and she'll blush.

aaaaanyway, as you were! :)
whiteboy....too many compliments? never =D hehehe i have such a huge head over the lovely stuff you have been saying about me and too me *big hugs*

I thought white boy was going to be some hard arse hommie or somthing...i think it was just the name though that may have given me this impression :p

I found whiteboy to be so full of enthusiasm and smiles and life and so much energy though and a really lovely guy :)

The person that stands out most to me though would be COSMIC MIST

I think we connected on a very big friendship level and have so much in common...we tend to have the same ideals on the world and the same positive out look in life
(not to metinon fluffy material) ;)

She really is a most beautiful soul with a huge heart and i hope we stay friends forever and ever and ever =D

There should be more angels likeher inthis world :)

I could actually go on forever about just about everyone i have met off bl because they are all such amazing people but i dont think bl has the band width so i just picked two (for now) ;)
Howdy Children

Whiteboy is a champ and so deserving of a tribute soon lol. Fast becoming one of my best friends.

I want to talk about Flea . This guy is warm and hospitable. He let us into his house for a scat session when he hadnt even been out the night before. He's the kind of guy who you can just sit next to on the couch while watching people squabbling all around you and just say "what the fuck?" and then just have a smile for a while.

The dude smokes shit cigarettes but always helped me out when I was low. I originally met him at the sober meetup, but i didnt actually speak to him. I think i got to know him one night before plastic but i cant think of it. He's just the kind of dude u need in the group to make the night a little smoother. He's a mellowed out man, who seems intelligent and cool. Just reminds me so much of Ghost from the matrix... tho he doesnt look much like him.

I dunno, maybe I like him because perhaps he is a little like me... then again maybe not. LOL

Flea rocks=D

PS I Really have to go to melbourne to see Raz and 1234.
SteveElektro- He's just as much a meth head as I am. Great to party with always looking for the next substance. Its a shame were both broke all the time. =D
Too many BLers I've met for the first time this past trip, but one for this thread would be babydoc_vic - met her for the first time at dvah's (who's fab too!!!). She has a great smile and is always helpful especially in health aspects, plus she makes a mean risotto too! ;)

No I have not forgotten the rest of the BLers I've met - they, especially one unique person, knows how I think of them :)

*rambling as the result of insufficient sleep not recommended*
bisKi was just like I thought she would be - sweet and generous. And kind - she said my risotto was good, when it was actually a little dry.:)

plazma was a great deal more PLURry than I expected.=D

nickthecheese had an air of Hugh Hefner about him - I guess it was the gown that did it - which was not what I expected.;)
Ok well as Im really not a shy person at times, I think I am a bit of a stand-offsih person when it comes to meeting people off BL, I didnt mean to do it on purpose, and I apologise to any future BL's now If I meet and seem quiet and etc... just keep on talking coz I will snap out of it, I think its just the whole, trying to break the ice that makes me all *shy*

Anway Meet up with Tom-o at Nrg-6, hanged out on and off during the night, he gave some wicked hugs, mmm chatterd a lil bit but didnt really sit down and hav a talk about normal stuff, we were all pretty well fuked as you could probly see in some of the pics he has posted up, urm looks alot older in person and is very mature, but yer I'll hav to meet up wit him again and hang out have a few drinks or wot not in person, just on a chill mode. We hav chatterd on the ph a few times and I think he is nice dude, remind me alot of my melbourne mates and thats a good thing.

Take care
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To The Muffin Thats Strawberry :)

well i had the nicest night on saturday night.despite feeling really ill all saturday and the wekks before cause of my sickenss etc i went over to strawberry lovemuffins and had drinkies with her and her man.

i would just like to say that this girl is so nice and all the threads started by people who love her online and like her etc dont even begin to do her justive.

her and her other half are the two nicest people i have ever met. they are warm and friendly and when i look at the way she treats her friends i can see myself in her...as in the kindness and sharing and openness and attributes that do make a quality person. she is a lovely girl and i am so glad we finally got to meet and become close on some personal non bluelight internet fucked up level.

i find it very hard to click with females...mainly cause i use to have trust issues with em and have been hurt by so many it just was better not to have female friends. i also generally click better and well more with males anyways. but she was open and honest with me and we covered evreything from our families to our past hurts to our relationships to everything involving our sex life etc

i can honestly say that this girl is one in a million and am looking foward to having a very good friendship with her

she is good quality in ways i cant even begin to describe and my theory is that we treated each other with respect and care and openess so thats what we each give and got from each other.

<3 love you hunny =D
Re: Howdy Children

Backo said:
I want to talk about Flea . This guy is warm and hospitable. He let us into his house for a scat session when he hadnt even been out the night before. He's the kind of guy who you can just sit next to on the couch while watching people squabbling all around you and just say "what the fuck?" and then just have a smile for a while.

SkinLab @ hrdfkntrnce's house:
yeah man, im sure u dont remember me but i crashed at ur house once aswell, was very generous and sweet as. cheers!

as for a bluelighter i have met recently, hmmm sleepDeprived! ur funny as but only cuz ur not haha. im glad we keep bumping into each other while out.