• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

How to beat dissociative tolerance


Mar 21, 2013
Has been discussed before, I know, but the topics are archived and unfortunately they don't even load at the moment.

So yeah, my tolerance is sky high - I've gone through half a g of MXE (of doubtable purity though) with just getting a mild mellow feeling, but also the same with 2-FDCK, and months ago with O-PCM where I was on the point of taking probably one gram a day without holing ... Had a break of some months in-between but I just can't hold it for much longer. NMDA antagonists are everything I ever wanted from drugs and some more, they are like a miracle cure for my depression, anxiety, social awkwardness and all, while making me not even looking intoxicated when used below certain thresholds ...

Just now that unholy tolerance. A buddy has an even higher tolerance, she shocked me recently by telling me that she's on more than 1g of DXM while looking / acting completely sober..

Two questions. One - Is it just about the price, and using safe substances and ROA, or will whatever mechanisms of tolerance come into play here, be it NMDA receptors upregulating or enzymes becoming super-efficient in munching the molecules, eventually lead to serious health issues? Guess the enzymes won't hurt but much too many of these NMDA thingies might.

Two - anything serious that one can do to curb that tolerance down, besides from just abstinence for a bloody long period of time? NMDA weak partial agonists or anything else from the experimental side of your knowledge is welcome.
The same is true for me, but I have gone through literally several hundred grams of MXE, Ketamine and 2'-oxo-PCE. I have the fear that I have literally burned some parts of my brain, and thus I will never reach my goal of getting a PhD in my field... :(
I feel with you.. more than 250g's of arylcyclohexylamines over the course of the last three years (sometimes 25g in 6 weeks) and I really don't know for sure. On paper it's clear that using 0.5g of K over half a year leaves visible changes on the MRI yet nothing about if it's reversible, to which degress, and whether it's special to K (cause I feel that this one is subjectively more toxic than MXE, maybe even O-PCM) - if we are lucky, the additional properties of MXE are protecting against these changes, but that's just a hope to justify that I just need some NMDA antagonism to function emotionally. I've tried to abstain for maybe 7 months with some small relapses but I gut super depressed.. this makes me fear some times too, yeah.. My cognition appears to be as it always was, though.

What symptoms do you have besides heavy tolerance?