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Stanton Peele: How a Famous IQ Study Revealed a Key Truth About Avoiding Addiction


Bluelight Crew
Jan 22, 2011
How a Famous IQ Study Revealed a Key Truth About Avoiding Addiction
Stanton Peele
January 7th, 2019

What makes you live longer? What makes life more satisfying? What enables people to resist addiction?

These three questions have an answer in common--a remarkably good piece of news about which we should continually remind ourselves.

One piece of evidence to support our answer was produced by Lewis Terman, an educational psychologist at Stanford University, who developed the modern IQ test in 1916. Terman believed intelligence was inherited, and he was associated with the eugenics movement.

But our answer has nothing to do with IQ, nor the damaging notion of genetic determinism. Instead, it's about something quite different that Terman discovered despite his prior beliefs.

In 1921, Terman and his colleagues started a study built around IQ. Originally titled The Genetics Studies of Genius, it evolved into the Terman Study of the Gifted (it's also now known as The Longevity Project), and comprises the longest study of individual lives ever conducted.

Read the full story here.
Good read. I see this group gets funding from leap. Website reminds me of the one Peele with others did a few years ago. Anybody remember the name of that one?
Yeah, having a purpose is important indeed...humans need love & connection, and that falls under the "connection" category IMO. Purpose usually involves serving others, making another person's life better...it can be just about accomplishing goals on an individual basis, though, and that's cool too.

The idea of a drug habit withering away when an individual becomes a little older and gets a little bit of love & purpose (aka hope) in their lives is something I've witnessed personally.
edit ^you posted before this.. we posted at the same time so my post did not consider your above one

So its an amazing study and a significant article. I think there a ton to explore here.

Anybody that's interested in really looking at the study and the article want to start somewhere?