Pain management doc wants to wean me off Oxycodone and set me up with medical marijua


Jan 3, 2019
My pain management doctor that I had for over a decade retired. I am treated for MS/RA snd and soinal stenosis. I have been on 40 mg oxy/day for the last 10-12 years. The oxy doesn't really work very well anymore. I also take baclofen, tizanidine, meloxicam, amitriptyline, xanax, lidocaine patches. New pain doc started about 6 months ago. She hasn't pushed me to change my drugs, but she has talked to me about medical cannibis a few times now. I got a huge run around from two pharmacists at two different places trying to fill my January script for oxy. I went for epidural injections today. I told her I am ready to try the transition. I am scared about tapering off of the oxy after so many years of being on it, but I am thinking that I may be able to get away from so many pills everyday. Does anyone have any experience with this transition? I live in a place where medical marijuana was just made available last year, and I have 2 of the 8 conditions it's approved for here.
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Hi there, you posted this in the Festivus forum, but I think this is actually better suited for The Dark Side, where we have a lot of people experienced with tapering down from opiates and other drugs. I'm editing your post only because in the forum you posted it in, it changes certain words to humorous things that make your post a little hard to understand.
Hi Mammacita!

Do you react favorably to weed? I only ask because I can't tolerate the effects of cannibus. It rivals a bad trip for me.

I'm not being dramatic. It's just, unfortunately, not an option for me. Wish it was.

Tapering isn't easy, but definitely possible! Since you're working together with your Dr, she can write comfort meds to ease things along.

I've read that cannibus can be a tremendous help with detoxing, etc. Good luck Mamma. Keep us posted.
I honestly have no real experience with marajuana, so I really have no idea what to expect.
Hey there. I was stuck on 30mg per day after surgery. Anything less was a wall of pain and panic. I chose a short suboxone taper. My doctor started me too high at 8mg but in 9 days I dropped to 2mg without bad effects. Then I jumped. I have my journal here somewhere.

It was still rough but my primary complaint was pain and insomnia, not all the usual terrors of detox. So that was my out. It ruined my pain threshold for months.

That is my concern for you. I use mmj and it does little for true pain. It's great for the anxiety caused by pain, but the pain remains.

I would NEVER use mj during opiate detox. The anxiety could have been magnified and I would have had no recourse.

You are on a shit ton of meds. My heart aches for you.

If this is your route of choice I would start using high quality CBD oil with slight THC to help reduce inflammation first. It's been indicated in the reduction of neuropathy and spasticity. Then I would look into The Wahl's Protocol for MS and start that diet. That will also reduce inflammation. Dr. Wahls took herself from a wheelchair to a bike on that diet.

And then, when I have kicked oxy to the curb, I would give the other meds the yellow eye and start weaning to see if the cbd and the diet are healing.

I have peripheral neuropathy due to charcot marie tooth disease. I have spinal stenosis and joint damage. I have autoimmune diseases. My right hip never developed correctly so I have arthritis throughout my pelvis. Replaced the hip twice. I have anxiety and insomnia. I am on no medication other that Advil as needed. This was my goal and it was awful but I made it. I am no powerhouse of restraint but my body became used to the pain and it's okay now.

I want to encourage you. There is life on the other side.
I've known individuals who received great benefit from using mmj for MS and/or RA. Look for non-smoked products, especially since you're not used to cannabis products.

Start with a high CBD-low THC liquid (something you'd use a dropper to put under your tongue), maybe a 4:1 ratio. This might be too little THC, so don't be afraid to go to a 1:1 ratio if 4:1 isn't helping your pain. CBD will help with inflammation, which both MS and RA cause, but THC is needed for spasticity and pain. If 1:1 isn't helping enough with pain, add a second liquid medicine that's high THC with little or no THC. This can be your pain bottle. Use the 1:1 regularly, probably 10-15 mg of each at least (THC and CBD) 3-4 times per day. Then add the high THC as needed for pain.

As long as you stay where you're medicating pain you won't get high. You have to get "well" before you can get high. So you'll feel "ok" before you get high, so just don't take a lot to start. Take it slow and figure out what works.

CBD counteracts the psychoactive effects of THC, so keep in mind you can balance the effect if you take a little too much.