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Safer Datura Trip


Oct 8, 2018
So I tried a tea made with about 1-1.5g of dried D. Metel leaves a while back. Needless to say, it was a terrifying experience. I'm finally ready to try it again, but I'm wondering if there's any way to make the trip safer/more enjoyable? Did I take too much? Did I take it the wrong way? Thanks in advance for your advice!
I think you'd better conclude first that this is a really very unsafe drug.

The delirious effects also make it very hard to control yourself not to do idiotic things whereas with an actual psychedelic it takes pretty crazy dosages and mindsets to cause this. At least with some experience/training... with deliriants much less of that is possible because you just tend to forget inherently what is real and not more like a memory handicap and not a consciousness challenge)

So I think to make deliriants like these a little safer you could standardize the potency first by making a larger quantity of active material homogeous, meaning evened out ... especially meaning even in potency here. It would involve extraction (which is dangerous) or fine grinding of the dry material. Overdosing can be lethal and if not, your behavior can ruin your life in other ways. With a homogenous product, dosage titration can actually be effective.

Second, I think you need one but probably multiple trip-sitters and a space or situation that can be childproofed and secured basically so that it doesn't really matter how nuts your behavior gets.

I think while these measure tend to be highly impractical they are necessary otherwise you are just taking serious risks.

Why the hell aren't you just going for actual psychedelics?
(Pursuing deliriants seems like either a stupid mistake or a necessity for those so obsessed with answering philosophical questions like about free will and whatever. Just put in the dedication to get psychedelics which can do similar things but actually are almost all much safer and tend to be more enjoyable.)
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Why the hell aren't you just going for actual psychedelics?
(Pursuing deliriants seems like either a stupid mistake or a necessity for those so obsessed with answering philosophical questions like about free will and whatever. Just put in the dedication to get psychedelics which can do similar things but actually are almost all much safer and tend to be more enjoyable.)

Honestly it's more of an experience thing. I've had my fill of psychedelics, to the point where my LSD tolerance was so high, it took 2500 mcg to take any effect at all.

I'm just looking to revisit something that while may not have been pleasurable in the past, may be something different and interesting.

And seriously, dedication? psychedelics are one of the easiest things for me to get. I even had a small-scale Cubensis grow operation at one point. To me dedication is not a factor. I just want to try new (even though I've done it before) things, Datura being one of them. I just want to do it safely this time, and not make, as you said, a stupid mistake.
I think having a good sitter (someone who will actually put in effort making sure you're okay) is the most important thing. That, and like Solipsis said, making a bigger batch so the variation in strength of individual seeds/leaves/etc will be split evenly. Definitely take substantially less than you did last time... you probably already decided to do that. I don't know of any other ways to make it safer... it is inherently a dangerous and toxic plant.
Just curious, have you tried diphenhydramine Crescentry?
Just curious, have you tried diphenhydramine Crescentry?

I have in fact tried diphenhydramine (about 250mg). That wasn't such a big hit for me either. It really just made me clumsy and drowsy, with a slight head buzz. Of all the legal highs I've had, that probably ranks as one of the lowest.
Well, you may have had a light dose based on what Disregardeverythingisay.com lists.


But don't worry, datura will likely be much worse. I shouldn't disclose too much about his story, but I had one close friend blackout and come to standing on the business end of a bridge railing on datura, waking up again naked in front of the police station. In glad he didn't jump and only ended up in the drunk tank. Lady datura has a sick sense of humor.
It just seems much smarter to accept and realize that you can't really do it safely unless you could actually be fully restrained if necessary - usually it's not very easy for people to take all those precautions mentioned to make sure that you don't OD or black out and flip out and do fucked up random things, worse than Ambien apparently. I get that you want new experiences (I was or am addicted to new experiences, experimenting, exploring, novelty etc - in theory psychedelics hit a "button" in the brain for experience of novelty feelings like feeling as if you are doing something for the very first time or bewondered like a child)...
I tried a lot of things too in search of that, and while I did have interesting and worthwhile experiences for a part.. i can also see that I tried stupid things to either challenge myself or make things weird and interesting, and it wasn't all that cracked up to be. Similarly i lost the magic entirely with dissociatives and trust me it is better to accept that fact than to try and make harder dissociatives into something they are not. Drugs have a way of showing you that you can't force certain things like that and that abuse often does not go unpunished.

No offense, but it would in my opinion be foolish to try and make deliriants into something they are not, just because you are looking for something you lost and just want it really badly.
Don't talk yourself into a fixation on them. Disregarding this really seems like asking for trouble to me.

Sorry you are running out of options but try considering other ones. Have you tried Amanita muscaria? I think the safer way to deliriants is to look for pseudo-deliriants although even those like fly agarics can be tricky and it is still best to make a homogenous product before titrating and experimenting.
So you are right, there's really no way to do this safely. However, I haven't developed a "fixation" on deliriants. I just had a bad experience when first trying datura, and after several years, I decided to try it once again, but with a more cautious attitude toward it. It's a semi-new experience for me and possibly one of the only deliriants I will ever try, and I've usually always had a safety-first attitude toward every new drug I try.

I have in fact tried Amanita Muscaria. They actually grow wild in the forest I live by. I've tried them a couple times but all it does is make me nauseous and paranoid.