• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

"Break Open Your Mind" with Ibogaine


Nov 24, 2015
..but careful it might show you some shit you rather not see..whoever considering trying Ibogaine, be prepared..

Here is one of the deepest, most remarkable Ibogaine experience I ever come across: 36 year caucasian male addicted to heroin taking part in clinical trial of Ibogaine has the following dream-like visions during his Ibogaine trip :

1) A mother leaves her baby in a basket at the side of the streets full of people whose faces he did not recognize.
2) A dead body in a bath tub and 'he (vision of 'himself'!) is sitting and sobbing by the bath tub... The patient experienced deeply intense feelings of guilt shame and sadness at these images.The visions of the mother leaving her baby keep replaying over and over andover in loop in his mind for the next six-weeks, long after Ibogaine has left his system.... he did not experience any opiates withdrawals since his Ibogaine treatment..

Now the 'mother image' he saw was actually that of his own mother abandoning him at a church steps when he was a baby. The dead body was that of his best friend who had ODed a few years before. One could understand his feelings concerning the loss of his buddy but the 'Mother Image'?

Remember, we are talking about when he was few days old baby here!. How can a few days old baby record memories of events and attach meaning 'traumas' to them that happened long before the brain has developed any sense of emotions related to right, wrong, good, bad, guilt, shame..etc... How does Ibogaine 'knows' THIS is the cause of this man problems? and for which he is seeking answers with the medicine!

A far as neurosciences is concerned, the hyppocampus (memory storage) has not yet developed any meaningful connections to the amygdala (emotions) that would associate external environmental events to a given emotion. At this stage, the brain is basically 'reptilian' geared mostly for survival. The amygdala regulating basic instincts of fear and survival is pretty much the brain area most in charge. Even the notion of fear is not fully developed (a baby will happily put a mamba snake in his mouth given the chance!). True, the amygdala is deeply involved recording emotional memory but that is later in life.. 2 years and later. It has not develop yet or at least according to current neuroscience thinking iirc, the amygdala takes average 1.5years to fully develop (the left amygdala first and later for the right amydgala to fully develop.

More learned neuroscientists than I, please correct me if I am wrong, I am a chemist.. Does it mean all the brain connections sensory cortex-amygdala-hippocampus are actually completely in place at birth??. I thought those synaptic connections (emotional learning) were created over time, during the course of development from early childhood ca 2 years) on?? ie during the 'emotional learning process' when the brain is associating extermal stimuli to given emotions? Like I said above a baby would happily play with a mamba snake with no fear since the amygdala has not yet associated snake(external stimuli) with internal emotion (fear, danger)?

So I guess the Buddha was right 2500 years ago when he said: ?you are what you think?. What you think now(amygdala/hyppocampus plasticity) is what determine your behavior/mood/emotion..etc tomorrow or 50 years later!(a sharp example is PTSD trauma). Or the way around, what you thought SINCE BIRTH is what is making you do what you do now. Even if people might not be aware of it, something like the workings of the autonomous nervous system (a lot of shit going 'under the hood' which we are not conscious of). imho this case really shows that every single event one experiences from birth (even before?? like the Buddhists believe!or Carl Young with his archetypes theory) is actually stored with specific emotion(s)/feeling attached to it. It never disappears it just goes underground and used continuously to determine'what you are'?, what makes you do, feel and act the way you do.

Now, the question is how does Ibogaine "KNOWS' that? How does it 'know' precisely this particular trauma in this man'slife is the answer to his questions and throw it at him with such insistence from his 'Under the hood of his Mind' to his Consciousness. One would assume the image of the events experienced by a few days old baby would be meaningless to a 36 year adult, if he can recall them at all! But the visions were so powerful and full of personal meaning to this patient, his brain keeps replaying them over and over and over for weeks after his Iboga trip until he seeks psychotherapy before it stopped ? he relapsed to heroin useunfortunately!

Ibogaine did exactly what it was supposed to do: show him the precise events/traumas (thoughts!) that make him what he is as the Buddha would say. The medicine give him EXACTLY the answers to his questions. Even if that happened when he was only few days old... Truly remarkable molecule.. no wonder the pygmees of Central Africa call it ?Break Open The Mind?.. it does that literally. Respect the plant!
sorry for the long post.. hope you didn'tget too bored..
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