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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(DOC/2mg oral) - 2nd Time - "Unremarkable, Yet Transformative"


Moderator: PD
Staff member
Jun 30, 2015
Lots of different RC, classical, and oddball psychedelics.

Slept well, finished a hearty breakfast around 8:15. Felt a hint of a hangover headache, and definitely felt fuzzy from the margaritas the night before. Haven't been drinking much lately, so I had no tolerance. Drank a couple cups of half-caff coffee to try to stave off caffeine withdrawal, but still feeling a bit sleepy after breakfast. My friend is joining me. He's a little 'meh' as he said right now, as his vacation winds down and he has been saddened by his friend's terminal illness. We're both contemplating making career changes, which can be daunting.

8:40 20mL of 100ug/mL DOC solution taken orally in a cup of OJ

9:00 Maybe a hint of an alert, a tiny tingle of body energy.

9:20 Have been cuddling with the cat, idly attempting to watch my breath, but kept getting distracted by fully realized and meaningful/narrative hypnagogic imagery. I assumed that I was napping, but upon standing up, I realize that things look brighter and feel slightly different already.

9:40 As the come-up continues steadily apace, I start to develop some mild nausea and accompanying salivation. I encapsulate 6 drops of lemon oil and swallow them.

Nausea persists, abating just as slowly as the come-up proceeds, despite four more drops of lemon oil, mints, and ginger. It's not bad if I don't move too much. I can locate the nausea in my body as it moves through - that heavy meal I had earlier. I eventually convince myself it's hunger, which helps. This allows me to transition into music and the erotic

11:50 While it doesn't increase libido, sex was wonderful. Sensual, intimate, free. Really smooth feeling. Side effects are absent at this point. Neither stimulating nor sedating. I'm at a strong ++ so far. Visuals are pleasant, but subdued, forgettable except for the swathes of pale electric blue I occasionally get. Body feels a little shivery. I might be just a touch hungry, but I'm not going there yet. The headspace is light but can go deep easily in the still, limpid pool 2C-B sort of way. I think I'm turned on again because I've confused it with hunger. This material pulls me into periods with my eyes closed, as it's a decently strong peak.

12:50 I don't think I'll ever take this again, simply because I find the stimulation annoying. It's not the worst, but there is no music enhancement, and at this intensity I feel like I need to relax and go inwards, but there's nothing CEV, music is normal, and I feel restless. Visuals are subdued but mostly the interesting pastel neon blue smear is noteworthy. My hands are quite tremory. I know that I should eat something, but that will have to wait. I'm in a good headspace, largely due to paying Beatsaber and Dance Dance Revolution on easy mode to uplifting tunes.

1:15 Stimulation abates a bit and internalizes so that it's no longer obnoxious and now just has pleasant body feels. Played a bit in VR to help focus, my friend hung out in the hammock for an hour and a half. I experienced ego death while listening to Mozart, which wasn't enhanced. CEVs are insanely intense. Headspace is much more intense than earlier, but with the stimulation abated I'm in a much better place despite tripping much harder. This is quite pleasant.

2:15 Same as before. Ate some sunflower seeds and drank some orange juice.

3:30 Spent some time in the hammock myself. This proved valuable. I re-evaluated my self image viscerally, remodelling and remolding myself. I realized that I'd ben viewing myself as old and worn down when I'm young and vital. I can be optimistic, the negative depressing thought patterns are habitual cognitive grooves, yet new paths can be better worn in. I kept getting pulled back under into the closed eye world. The imagery wasn't very defined, but the colors were extravagant, almost painfully bright at times. Yellow, orange, red, green, hieroglpyhs and patterns, but mostly lines and smears as if they were drawn with a blunt styles in MS Paint. I could easily get pulled into hyper-Geigerian sexual fantasy fractals if I wanted. I could go down the path of pleasure and hedonism from here or the path of light, peace, and happiness. I'm still calling this a strong ++ because it feels so lucid, but I suspect it could be a +++.

5:00 Spent over an hour laying in the hammock watching the clouds and the swallows drift around the sky as I dip in and out of closed eye reveries. The very last of the CEVs died down as I write this. I'm suddenly starving.

7:15 Despite eating copious amounts of sunflower seeds, blueberries, and OJ, I'm still ravenous and am about to cook some dinner. I'm at about a + now and yawning. I still wouldn't want to go out and interact with people, though--I'm still pretty substantially altered, although hardly at all comparatively. Neck and shoulder tension relieved with a second dose of magnesium for us both. Side-effects surprisingly mild for me, considering the intensity of the experience. The experience was strong, but not deep. I would find myself restless until I found an activity, then I would be fine so long as I was settled into it. Body sensations were mostly pleasant cold shivers.

I don't think there's any reason to go higher than this, maybe 2.5mg tops. This was plenty strong and the stimulation during the confusing come-up was a bit much. Mostly, this space reminded me of the limpid part of 2C-B extended and not nearly as clear. It was powerful and a little interesting. It wasn't recreational, per se, but it wasn't unpleasant. It wasn't deep or spiritual, either. The time dilation was certainly strong, and I feel like I've had a week's vacation in a day. If this is what 2C-C is like, but shorter and less stimulating, I'd love it.

8:15 Sober enough to talk to my mom on the phone, so apart from residue I'm calling this down.

10:00 I feel like I took some amphetamine or 3-FPM. I'm alert and sleep is in no way coming. This is probably exacerbated by my second dose of magnesium given its idiosyncratic stimulant effects on me. I'm yawning, so I'll probably take a benzo in lieu of something more destructive like alcohol.

Next day: I fell asleep within seconds of hitting the pillow, even though I felt the stimulation alongside the relatively mild effects of the 1mg etizolam. I woke rested at 7, went back to sleep, then woke easily at 8am. There was no afterglow, but I felt fine.

I was too altered to keep good notes during this experience. Writing put me in an undesirable state, so I was unwilling to keep the kind of notes that I needed to truly capture the experience. The post-peak or plateau part of the experience (no clear boundary) was one marked by a youthful ease. When I was doing something, I could ease into it and enjoy it fully, although my body was often rather squirmy. When I was between activities, I was occasionally restless and confused. The comeup was pretty strongly muntering and confusing for both of is, only noticed when I reached the peak. My friend said that he'd enjoy this again maybe once or twice a year at a dose of about 1mg, as a way of forcing himself to appreciate what he's doing and live in the moment rather than be preoccupied with the days to come. It was the perfect strong experience to prevent him from ruining his second-to-last day of vacation by dreading the coming Monday, so much so that the following day he was still able to live in the moment and not dread it. It did not challenge him in a cognitive way, but was still strong enough to stretch out time and allow him to experience the moment. I'm dubious about low doses, thinking that it may fall in the PEA. In many ways, the experience reminded me of mescaline, strangely. Probably because it was a long, stable PEA experience (although still a lot shorter than mescaline.) It just didn't have a lot of empathy or clarity or spirituality or insight to it--mind you, I've been taking a lot of psychedelics this year, so that should be factored in. It also reminded me pretty strongly of 2C-B, but without 2C-B's unique flair. This time, I feel like DOC showed off more than the previous time, although mostly in the form of nodding off into a land of stunningly colored visuals, with nothing to really bring back. It certainly was impressive...in a way. I just don't know who this would be appealing to or for what purpose...maybe people wanting to get properly muntered at a festival? That doesn't appeal to me. For my friend, I think it also was an archetypal psychedelic, "kind of meh", "just kind of there" (something he seems to have developed an appreciation for by the end. It's too strong for the inexperienced given it's duration, I feel, but unlikely to be appreciated by the experienced potentially, but everyone's different. The lack of pushiness seems like a virtue, but I couldn't take much back from it. I just hope the one central antidepressant lesson sticks, but color me skeptical. Part of me wonders what it would be like vape-titrated, maybe allowing for better management of the stimulation, but I doubt it.

The following week would already have been much better than usual, so I initially thought that the feelings of positivity and joie de vivre could be attributed to that. The next week should have been even more positive, but I could feel the afterglow fading. It appears that there was a strong afterglow for ten days, leaving me not feeling more connected, in touch empathetic, or spiritual. Instead, I just felt more myself, happy, upbeat, and it felt entirely natural and organic, not like residual drug effects. The same was true for my friend for about the same length of time. I almost wonder if this antidepressant effect might be due to anti-inflammatory activity from the DOC - the experience itself was not deep or meaningful or offering particularly enduring insights (I forgot about the one insight I got from it until I wrote this) but the life enhancing qualities of it were pronounced. I wonder if these effects would be present from microdosing, if nanomolar concentrations might not be active (even if not as potent as DOI is said to be.) I doubt it based on the limited empirical evidence I was able to find, but it seems like it could be worth investigating. Still, I doubt I will.

It's been three months or so since the experience, and the re-envisioning of myself as a younger, more vigorous person has stuck, and I've channeled that energy into developing healthier habits (like getting out socially, eating better, focusing on research interests, meditating, and exercising regularly,) as well as eliminating less-healthy ones (like compulsive mobile gaming and Facebook refreshing.) None of this seems too connected to insights from the experience, but I'm not one to complain. While this report isn't exactly glowing, I now look back on the experience more favorably after seeing the positive changes in my life that followed from it.

Tagged by Xorkoth
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You find mescaline to last longer than DOC? A lot longer? Wow, that's intense to me. For me I feel DOC for like 24 hours, it's the longest thing I've regularly taken, substantially longer than mescaline. Besides that though, DOC does remind me of mescaline. Specifically, it reminds of something between LSD and mescaline. I find the come-up stimulation very bad unless I am out doing something like hiking or swimming or something quite physical. Then I find it wonderful and the whole trip is just about perfect. Interestingly I've only ever gotten nauseous from it while sitting around during the come-up. If I'm moving around and doing something it's like all the negatives disappear. I don't find DOC good for being still and going inward. For me it is a very outward-facing drug. When I feel comfortable on it, socialization is wonderful and there is a lot of confidence. It is one of the best drugs for conversation. I find that it enhances music and playing music, and it makes my brain very active. It's great for introspection but not closed-eyes, inward introspection. With DOC I need to be doing something, and in doing something, my mind is free to hit all manner of tangents and conclusions about things.

The plateau stage you describe is really my favorite part of the drug, and it can leave me feeling traces of it for days. Overall, DOC is one of my favorites and I've used it a lot over the last 12 years. But I've come to realize I should never take it and just sit around at home.
I've only had DOC twice at psychedelic dosages (1.5 & 2mg), so I don't have a lot to go off of, but both my friend and I have found mescaline to be far longer. Mescaline rarely meets me off the hook in 12 hours, and 16 takes not unusual. My 1.5mg DOC experience lasted about 8hrs, and the 2mg lasted around 12.

Thanks for the tips on the come-up stimulation and nausea! I didn't have either at 1.5mg, but the experience wasn't as rich either. I think in the future DOC will have to be paired with some vigorous hiking to get to a campground or something similar.

Honestly, it resembled mescaline a little in that it was a PEA space that was long and stable, but it seemed otherwise pretty different. It had a lot more character than it had had at lower dosages, really seeking a different beast than other PEAs I've had before. It was almost as different as LSD is from other tryptamines. Super interesting.

It's most enough to make me curious about DOM, but not quite THAT curious. I really don't like stimulation with my psychedelics
I prefer DOC to DOM by a longshot, it's just better in every way. A little more bodyload though, DOM is more transparent feeling and less stimulating for me. I really love the DOXs... it's hard to find the time for them anymore though, which is a shame because I have DOB and DOI to try, and also a full dose of DOPr, and also a full dose of DOiP.
Oh wow! I can't remember what I've read about DOPr and DOiP - I seem to recall reports that said that they were light and meh, but with so little information that wouldn't mean much anyway. I've heard of only one or two people that appreciated DOB, and I suspect they just didn't have much experience with other psychedelics. It sounds absolutely vile to me, combining the worst of DOx and brominated psychedelics. I can't think of a circumstance where I'd try it. While DOI sounds almost as bad, I actually wish that I'd sourced some back when it was around. I'm really interested in its odd, super-potent anti-inflammatory activity. I would love to research whether or not microdosing it might not be a treatment for depression (and other mental illness,) IBS, Crohn's, MS, fibromyalgia, etc.

I think it's fascinating (and also frustratingly problematic from a clinical standpoint) how different psychedelics affect different people in such idiosyncratic ways. I'm a total lightweight to some psychedelics (4-AcO-EPT) and a pretty big hardhead to others (4-AcO-MET). I get awful side effects from some (LSD) and n
Kaleida tried DOB, I don't think she posted about it but she said it was lighter than DOC for her. I actually have enocuntered a fair number of people who love DOB, Shulgin liked it more than DOC. I have a hard time believing I'll like it as much as DOC but some of the old reports that have been up forever make it sound pretty incredible. I'm not too susceptible to bodyloads anyway.

DOPr is absolutely lovely, I wrote that one report about a low dose I took (2.5mg total). It felt gentler and slower than DOC, but I probably only took the equivalent of 1-1.25mg of DOC since DOPr seems around 50% or less of the potency of DOC. I certainly was not experience the full nature of it, it was a light +, never even reached ++. We have a few reports on full doses from Bluelighters and they made it sound really great. But the 30h duration makes it harder to justify.

I also have a tiny bit of DOET. I was really super excited to try it since it's the amphetamine homologue of 2C-E, but ultimately I was disappointed and many of the reports in literature (like PIHKAL) report it to be largely a dud. It was strange though, the emotional neutrality was similar, but the trip was strange, it seemed like I wasn't tripping because there weren't a lot of thoughts, nothing beyond color enhancement for visuals, and nothing else really except I had that tripping feeling, and I seemed very sensitive to peoples' emotions. It was not really altogether pleasant and I've been hesitant to try a higher dose (my one dose was 3.5mg).

I also have a bunch of DOiP. I tried it once at 5mg, but I added 2mg of 3-MeO-PCP. I felt a light trippy feeling and some excitements and a bit of stimulation but it didn't develop much for 4 hours. Then I smoked a hit of weed and put on music and I ended up having a really nice experience, I felt at times like I was peaking on methylone, that purely excited and semi-empathogenic feeling. I was having a lot of great thought and realizations about my life, focused in a very uplifting and positive way. It seemed to drop off quicker too, leading me to believe it might have a duration of 10-14 hours (for me), which is more like LSD's duration than DOC or the other DOXs I've tried.

Hell, I even have some DOF. :) I started a log of titrating up by doubling the dose, starting at 1mg. There are reports in literature of 40mg doses producing a simple, non-psychedelic stimulation. I never felt anything above placebo and I went up to 4mg. Never got back to it after I found some not promising reports. I mainly just got DOF for the sake of being a shameless collector. I've got DOB, DOC, DOET, DOF, DOI, DOiP, DOM and DOPr. And I've tried DOT once but the rest of it degraded in solution. I would really like to get my hands on DOEF, and DOTFM, and DON sounds nice.

If you haven't read those reports on mine they're on here if you search for my name. I think I tagged them all too.
Oh cool, thanks! I love reading reports on those obscure ones. I hear good things about DON, too - maybe one day! :)